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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

She was only 16, only 16, but I loved her so.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:51 PM
Hello world, this is the first official blog post as a sixteen year old on planet earth.
Thank you everyone for the lovely wishes that really meant a lot to me.
I really love my family though Dad's not around to join the celebration, I had fun taking photos with Mummy and Sis (:

Kopkhun took kon tee tarm hai wan nee paen wan tee mee kuammai garb cheevid Janice na ka! Torn nee Nid gor aryu 16 laew na :D wan nee mee kuamsuk makmak, kor hai pee ni sorb hai deedee, mai jaeb buai, yu sabai dee, dang sadti wai, laew gor dai kao longlian JC nai fan kong Nid!

My phone doesn't have Thai zzz

I really miss one thing right now..

Friday, June 25, 2010 11:06 PM

Quick post because I need to do math quiz.

Last night, watched Idol World till 4.30am, SNSD and 2pm. Taec, Jae and Khun totally seduced their girls A LOT. Ahhhh

(Okay back from doing math quiz which I failed because I didn't read the questions at all)

Must study Chinese oral AND HAVE TESTS?!?!?! Wtf is wrong with the school. At least postpone all the CA2 tests so we can study for something very important called O Levels. Also, I realised there was only 1 lesson in the holidays for oral? And i still must do holiday homework.. This is so banana..

Day 7 of acting class
I don't have much to say AT ALL.
Basically, I went there at 1.50pm, sat around. Walked up at 2pm, and found Glenn sitting there. Then Jalyn came. And Jalyn taught Glenn how to catwalk (improvement! but still need to loosen up elbows and knees), then she made Glenn sing. Anyway, the rest came and Mr K. We got in and went through our lines. It's all about building up on the climax. Meh..
Danced Abracadabra, Sorry and Gee with Glenn. We dragged Firdhous along. And I caught Glenn singing a song by the band he claims to hate. (I am addicted to Abracadabra like really badly. And I keep doing the spoof version start! Ahhh)
Then I went to talk to Arvin. Who was doing his sexy ANTM pose. Epic XD
Zakrie and I too did a high five, but we did it..DARA STYLE. LOLLL
Jerome scene as designer really omgggg laughed SO HARD. Well Arvin's Goyang part too!!!
Mr K came in with the edited script. Seriously it's so much longer! When it's meant to be SHORTER. Ahh my simple line in one scene changed. Not keen on the memorisng by Monday thing, but it's only 3(? very long) lines.
Left early to go for tuition.

Sat in there till 9 plus pm.
Came home at almost 10pm and had dinner. Wow, my brunch at 12pm lasted me till 10pm!! Didn't feel hungry at all anyway.

Gosh must..do..chem. BUT MUST STUDY CHINESE.
It's too fast. They just uploaded the schedule too?
I'm on Day 1, 2nd person! Oh gosh.

My leg is healing (:
And i'm sooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy.

I'm stalked KBS for Cinderella's Stepsister XD Even though I watched the first episode a while back on a school holiday day, I didn't get the story line at all. But Taec was hot, nonetheless. I was looking and thinking..This dude looks good and he's so familiar! Then yeah, I FOUND OUT IT'S HIMMMMM.

Wooo must go soon.
I wanna go Youtube. BUT I MUST HAVE SELF CONTROL of I'll sleep at 5am..



Thursday, June 24, 2010 10:49 PM
It's Nichkhun's bday today!! He's 22!

Today, I am officially discharged from HPB! YAY! The doc says my bones have matured (because I've not grown for a year T_T) and so I don't have to go back anymore! Also, I AM NOW 45.6KG!!! YAY! I'm reaching my target weight!
After sleeping for 2.5h only last night, I was practically sleeping everywhere. Even standing up on the train. I was like staring at the doctor with semi closing eyes. On the way home, almost missed my train stop! Hahaha
Then yeah I surfed the net, had lunch, did some chem, face mask/peel of mask and went to sleep for 2 hours.
Did more chem.

I've learnt the Abracadabra dance. Well there isn't much steps, only learnt 2 verse anyway after watching Wild Bunny where Taec, Woo Young, Chan Sung, Jo Kwon and Seul Ong learnt to dance it. Gosh the MV seriously damn funny XD
Jo Kwon totally OWNED it and Chan Sung really looked damn sexy.
Wild Bunny no more ep 7 part 4/5 onwards D: sobsob
So, I'm watching Mnet Hot Blood now. POOR GUYS ): But it really shows how much they will do for the stardom and the fame to be out there.
The more I watch them, the more they're getting better looking. Cabi has 3 of the hottest guys on 2pm :D I really like Chan Sung now, he looks good with his piercing :x And Jun Su's rather cute :D And Jae's really hot too but he's no longer with them T_T

Done 2 chem paper MCQ. Argh, watch a bit more and time to continue!!!
Acting tmr!

My left leg muscle is kinda injued. HOW TO DANCE!! Dsa!! I can't do left leg split D: must re-choreo!!
And my leg hurts):Putting my sis awesome cream, it's getting better slowly.


Roller coaster.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 10:00 PM
Dragged my butt out of bed and went to school. Blahblah..
Then it was time for Mr K's lesson, so I walked into the AVT and sat down, then I got a text from Glenn at 10:32 SAYING HE JUST WOKE UP LOLLLL
45 minutes later, he came into class. It was really a waste of time for him to come because the lesson ended 15 minutes later.
Then, debrief with Mr K. Watched some Matrix and he said something which was like OMGLOLOLOL.
After lesson, went home with Yewrong and Ong Lai. Saw Hun Quan on the train!!! Reached home at 7.30pm..then at 10pm to 2am I studied SS. Made myself ginseng tea!

Woke up at 8am with the plan to study, ended up sleeping with my notes till 9am. Apparently, nothing's in my head.
Went to school, saw Angela, Mak Wai Siong and Jia Qin.
Like wtbanana, CANT EVEN DO Q1!! And SEQ...WHAT I STUDIED WASN'T TESTED! Lucky I could remember governance from SA1..
Was supposed to go acting, but Jalyn couldn't make it. JinHu and Chin came to watch us. Firdhous DID A DANCE MOVE FROM GEE!!! :O I told Mr K about it HAHAHA. Ended up watching Blind Side with the class.
Sat in the back row with FIRHDOUS and the team.
I was gossiping with Firdhous about Glenn. SUPER FUNNY hahahahaha then.. Glenn fell off the 360 degrees spinning spoilt chair. Anyway, poor Firdhous watched the movie like twice already and was saying all the lines. Then, Mr K gave us a debrief of the show and we asked him if his dad is like that at home...the answer is no XD The little boy was playing GTA and carries a Captain Jack Sparrow pistol in his bag, LOL.
Anyway, walked home with the usual people, got home, bathed, went to SSC.
Came home, ate, watched ANTM. Gosh the girls are so pretty and thin!!!!!
Watched Glee...on Starworld, then channel 5 now.

Must take photos...

Doctor tomorrow...

Monday, June 21, 2010 11:52 PM
My judgement about his kissing skills are not wrong. After watching an episode of Idol World Season 3.
Nichkhun!!! So hotttt 8D He makes such a cute couple with Woo Young :D Well everyone made cute couples XD 2pm and 2am!!


I'll swear I'll wait, for you, forever.

9:58 PM
-Daisy by The Maine

I really felt like blogging yesterday and today so badly and when I'm here to do so, I'm not in the mood to ):


NJC test was alright but the math was quite bad. I didn't know amath would be tested so yeah...the emath was good though except vectors that I've yet to learn in school, thus I had no clue.
Met Elizabeth, some 6 Achieving dude which name I still don't know but I was talking to him the whole day, and Esmond!
Went for Miss Mok's lesson in the morning. Apparently Holy was at the NJC test too but he was the Phase 1 batch.
Got a headache from the terrible air con. Super cold and like FULL FAN SPEED. Everyone was wearing a jacket if they brought.
But all in all I still think the test was bad.

I just used the Osim uSonic to clean all 15 out of 19 rings :D and my specs.

Bought soya milk after getting home anyway at 6 plus. I was trying to sip on it while walking back to my house but apparently nothing went into my mouth but dripped on my pinafore instead.
My mouth has a hole.

Got home and texted Glenn about my future-husband-to-be.
He just hurt my feelings D: I'm not even a SNSD hater! But he confessed that he prefers Taec.
At least Lene was MUCH NICER TO SAY that Khun's such a cutie.

I had my tendrils cut off to go with my fringe. A bit weird but I'm so sick of them because they're so long. Shall just grow them out again.

I've been having VERY WEIRD DREAMS lately. Quite freaky. Like how this totally hot dude turned into a fat ugly guy instead!
:O tragic

I'm starting to stare at the shop house window now visible opposite my house due to the demolished neighbour house. HAHAHA. I bet the person sleeps really late. At 2am plus the lights are still on!

I shall go do some homework, read and dream about the love of my life.
Tomorrow must intensive mug for SS CA3 D:

Catch us live on 17th July 2010!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010 12:10 AM


This is our awesome promo shot from today :D

(Only lucky souls will receive exclusive tickets from us! p.s. you must be in sec 4E/5N.)


Colourful blinking lights.

Friday, June 18, 2010 10:01 PM
Today, I woke up at 11.30am AGAIN as usual (had much fun talking to (Miss) Andrea last night :D)
Gosh and I put my alarm at 8am
Here was how it went:

At 8am the alarm went off, I woke up and was thinking, 'wth is that noise?' and went back to semi sleep mode. Then, someone came into my room and turned it off after maybe 5 minutes. After that, I remember my mother walking in and said, 'Did you plan to wake up at 8?' I can't really remember my reply, should have gone along the line of 'mmmm' before plonking back into sleep.

Watched How I Met Your Mother again, LOVE THE SHOW NOW!!! Watching everyday :D Since I don't think there's Friends anymore D:

Day 6 of acting class
I walked to school in pain. Terrible muscles! I spotted Jerome in front of me. Anyway, then I saw him in the canteen, so I called him. No reply. Call louder, no reply. Thus, I started flailing my arms at him, have reply. Apparently, he was listening to music.
Then, we went up to MPS and met Jalyn. Jalyn and I started talking about Thailand, temples, provinces and Buddhist youth groups! And she loves my mummy's acient colourful skirts :D
We went through our new lines and acted twice. Mr K was laughing all the way, awesome.
I also talked to Firdhous a lot, I think he's now opening up more to us now which is really nice to know (: Glenn was trying to show him how to do a signature which Arvin kindly corrected him. Haha, the funny part was Firdhous started writing: FIRDHOUS BY GLEENN. LOLOL, then he realised and striked of the extra 'E'. Then, was it Arvin or someone, found this yellow pompom and it became a wig and Glenn started trying to dance to Oh. Gross much.
Mr K then asked us about what we thought and all, and Jalyn said she LOVES WORKING WITH US :D Zakrie also had special mention for great characterisation.
Lastly, we did promo shots taken by Mr K. Everyone was having an ultra bad hair day and I had the honour of messing up Anees's hair cause he said he would look good with messy hair.

Thank you Mr Kamal for driving us to AMK Central where we walked to MRT.
(We 3 were stalking someone, super hilarious XD)

There was some changes to our roles, so must update google docs.
ANDDDDDDDDDD... I no more of the honour of pushing the dudes ): now I AM THE ONE WHO FALLS.

Tuition, now must dance.

Bye, loves.


A field of flowers.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:01 PM
Today's post must be snappy.

Day 5 of acting class
Met Glenn. then Jalyn. We just sat there and talked and Glenn got offered to attend an audition for Nokia commercial! (this is his first step to his future in SM, but it's okay, I on the other hand, have dance audition) After that, Anees and Jerome came. We talked, dance and talked more. Then Arvin, Zakrie, Firdhous and Ralda came and we all went to the MPS.
Today, we just went through the whole script, I think I am making improvements (:
Anyway, then we discussed about the whole new (super wordy) scene. Ahh we have homework. Better remember to send it right after this..
After that, we all started chatting and Glenn, Firdhous, Ralda and I started watching Gee and CABI!! (GLENN HAS IT ON HIS ITOUCH!! and yet he claimed to not like it >:) )
We even did the Qian Shou Guan Ying. Oh and GLENN LOST TO FIRDHOUS IN ARM WRESTING!!!! AND FIRDHOUS IS ONLY 12!!!! Loser Glenn.
Oh and Firdhous showed us this Cyberwellness pamphlet. I tweaked the dialogue in it a little
'Glenn, you flirtatious boy, I saw you dancing with a dozen sexy girls in Hotbabe Club last night!'
Then it became...
'Anees, you sexy boy, I saw you dancing with Glenn in the Hotbabe Club last night!'

Jalyn told us all to dream, it's okay with whatever dreams we have (like how Glenn wants to join SM and Anees wants to be the MOE). She's such an encouraging and supportive person! She's so awesome..really.

How I wish my parents were just as supportive as her):

Alright, got to dance. I can't freaking walk properly from dying thigh muscles.

I 100% cannot finish homework. Dead meat...


Seaweed grows in the sea!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11:20 PM
Gee keeps playing in my head. OMG.

Just a quick post.
Today is terrible. Lethargic draggy sleepy day. Dancing today made not much of a progress ): BUT..I learnt some new moves from watching videos and I'm trying to re-choreo the dance. Ahh left like 20 seconds to fill up.
Hope next Monday will go amazingly well with both JCs..especially the slot in the morning...

2 of my nails are now bare, bleah. Need to remove them by Monday anyway.

Okay shall continue choreo-ing then I WILL SLEEP.

Smile for the world to see.

Monday, June 14, 2010 6:40 PM
Not a very eventful day.

Got told off for watching Wild Bunny till 1am last night, fell asleep, woke up, did some work, had lunch and watched How I Met Your Mother (my new favourite show), went to school, came home, watched iCarly, Big Time Rush, Desperate Housewives and How I Met Your Mother. Then, I'm here.

Day 4 of acting class
We had the class in MPS again today!
We started off with Jaylyn going through our costumes, roles and lines with us. How to pull off a fake accent? T_T (need to consult Arvin) Going 哥哥 at Glenn, and 2 scenes later, DARLINGGGGGGGGG, feels very very VERY much like incest. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
After that, Jaylyn worked with the 3 last scenes that haven't been done. Arvin brought his Tamil songs, and everyone was like listening to it while Glenn and I were dancing Gee. Omg Zakrie was dancing and singing I Don't Care. And Jerome likes Yuri! I, am in love with Taec and Khun ;D
Ooo we played Glenn's CD of Korean songs too.
Then, Mr K and Firdhous came! And Glenn left to visit the doctor. Arvin got to change into his full body leotard suit. It was one of the gay-est thing of the day.
We did a full run of the whole thing again. Jerome and Zakrie pulled off their gay scenes too, which is :S
We discussed about the end scene after that, did some typing on Mr K's lappy. IT IS A FAKE RED MAC! Firdhous told us. And all along we thought Mr K's mac was an AWESOME RED ONE. It was just a cover. I feel cheated for liking the colour of his Mac so much.
Poor Jerome, I feel bad ): Hahah he was like, 'You need to go on a diet' and Mr K was like, 'No Janice, you don't.'
Anyway, parents came and I left.
The only 2 straight men who were acting today would be Anees and Firdhous.

Alright that's all.
Being IC today, have to type a report to Mr K.
And GUYS, please remember to update Google Docs!

Byeeeeeeee. I'm hungry ):

I should pick up a fourth language after I MASTER THE ART of reading and writing thai (I'm still at Kindergarten level of K2, very depressing fact).

ANDDD I want more handphone keychains :D (wait, I have a whole bunch somewhere.) I saw Taec's phone on Wild Bunny. My gosh, worse than girl's one, full of handphone keychains. BUTT it's still cute :D


Black butterflies.

Sunday, June 13, 2010 10:40 PM
I really felt like blogging yesterday but didn't, so here I am.

I did my nails! Butterflies on the left, flowers on the right! (Stickers btw) :D
I went to search for more stickers, found some fab ones but it's 3 for $5 and some ain't that nice. I want black and nude nail polish! :D

Was at Northpoint and I bought new slippers with my sister! Can you believe it? Ipanema, 20% off, and BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! Awesome right!!!!! (anyway it's time I throw my 4 year old slippers away.)
We also bought Daddy a Daddy's day prezzie! :D
Then, I went into Harvey Norman and saw Genie by SNSD playing on 5 LCD screens in a row. Seriously, it's kinda catchy xp

I also CLEANED MY ROOM. For 2 days. My room looks like it's in a better condition now! Yay!

Anyway, after tuition, I bought Women's Weekly and Seventeen. Spent the night watching Disney Channel and reading Women's Weekly. Saw some funny brand names and shop names, BUT I will not reveal any online.

-P£aNuTz- says:
JANICE says:

And I have to see and hear Glenn type and sing out the lyrics of all the SNSD songs, do his gay dance and show everyone SNSD on his itouch every acting class.
Brace yourselves, my team members.
NEWS FLASH: Glenn's getting 1/8 so far for the Ace Learning quiz, LOLOL. Jerome's suan-ing him, apparently.

I want new clothes, I NEED SHOPPING. Seriously ):
Was wearing my sister's (ahmah) formal heels. I felt quite tall for once :D (besides the time when P'Yok and I were in Central and went round trying 6 inches heels last December in Bangkok :D)

On Wo Cai this morning, there was a dating game! This dude did a lap dance. Gross.
Ah Ya's leaving though ): ): it will never be the same without her!!

Today, talked to Lene again :D
But I really do miss my darling ): We gave each other feel-good-about-yourself therapy! Was fun and we talked about lasik and laser.

I feel very very very slack. Ugh ):
Howwwwwwww so much work to do and my lazy butt refuses to move!

NEWS FLASH: Glenn gets 1/9.


Okay, I shall move on to spamming MSN convo :D

Then do some work

ACTING TMR!! :D My partner in crime won't be there, don't tell me I need to solo the parts! D:


Friday, June 11, 2010 10:38 PM
I'm actually watching all the k-pop stuff all thanks to GLENN!!!
I think Yoona's the prettiest in SNSD! And and.. Taecyeon and Nichkhun are super cute :D Omg in the Cabi Song, their bods are like :O sexaye.
And I can't believe it was Taecyeon in Cinderella's Stepsister!! I was watching it with my sis the other day and it was like the first episode and Taecyeon came blahblah and got infaturated by the girl.
Tried watching Super Junior but they look too..girlish.

Anyway about the day:

On the way to school, I was reading TV Pool. Nothing much interesting in this issue :/

Day 3 of acting class
We met at the hall first and I walked in on Glenn playing 'I Don't Care'. Anees was so funny, he and Jerome were trying to jump onto the table from the stage, so dangerous. Anyway, then Regina and Jaylyn came and Jaylyn prep-ed us a bit.
Regina, Jaylyn and Glenn went on to talk about SNSD and Glenn had to show off a bit of his (ugly) dance moves from Gee. Then, Arvin, Zakrie, Jerome and Anees were in their own world listening to Tamil songs, calling themselves the 'North Koreans'.
Next, Mr K and his son came! And we went to MPS and Glenn was trying to tell Firdaus about SNSD and thank goodness he doesn't agree with a single thing Glenn says.
We did the tippy toes and squatting exercise first, then we played catching in normal and slow motion. Hahaha Arvin came after me and Glenn was like saying it looks super cheekopek XD We also did tableau, there was F1 and YOG.
We started with Anees's scene. And we were the mad fans, super funny. Must act all daze and crazy and in love with him.
Next was Arvin's comedy scene. HAHAHA I love it :D (I watched Glenn dance at the side and Jerome was shaking his head HAHA).
Next GLENN AND I TAKE THE STAGE (WOOOOOO). As a coolie and samsui woman. Not a very impressive start, BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE WE TRANSFORMED INTO MODELS and CATWALKED! It was funny to see Mr K do the catwalk (which was amazing) and taught all the guys! Haha Mr K said my catwalk was awesome but Glenn's sucked. HAHA
Then we went on to our parent scene and Firdaus became our son!! The smart spontaneous baby.
Yeah that was all, and we did a bit of tree scene.
Lastly, Mr K treated us to lunch at Banquet. THANK YOU MR KAMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the second meal he treated us too. I feel quite bad ):

That's all for the acting.
Met up with dad and went home. Fell asleep for 2 hours, did some math, dinner.
I also did my nails. Looks soo awesome.

Yes and NJC called me back!

I was watching the SNSD's Gee Funny version. Omg, I'm gonna get nightmare. The beard dude is bloody scary.
And I think the dance moves are cool. And I also like the Cabi Song :D

I watched modelling tutorials. Supposed to make the scene look real.
They were saying Glenn needs to learn from Miss Andrea's bro (Parker) hahahaha.
Oh must practise my high pitch voice.
I need to get high before every acting class now. Oh gosh, if not I won't be so open. And being the only girl on the team isn't very helpful either ):

<3 BYE!

P.S. there's something wrong with my eye since last night. Hurts BADLY. Then I woke up and poked it. Gosh, and now it's hurting again )':


That's alright I must confess.

Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:56 PM
I just did some spring cleaning.. nothing looks very different though..

I'll need to get a 52mm UV filter now.

Today I was told I look like CL who was said to be male.
And Glenn says that Arvin can be used as a verb, like instead of I'm eating, you can say I'm Arvin-ing. It doesn't make much sense i must say, because apparently when I said 'I'm hungry.' Arvin just nice came online.

I woke up at 10 today. 5 hours of sleep and i felt so awake! So i just tossed around in bed till 12 and woke up for lunch.

Ate so much today though ):

Also, today I got a coach wallet (which I gave my sis, kept the box and wrapping :D), 2 files, 3 pairs of earrings, headbands, 3 new handphone covers, this very cute vest.

Feel so terribly slackish.

Acting tomorrow.. ugh

It all amounts to nothing in the end.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 11:19 PM
Today I slept till 10.30am! Aweeeesome.
Did some work then rushed off to school in 30 mintues.

Day 2 of acting class
We all first met outside GO. Got our scripts. Gave Mr Toufu his new reincarnated child.
We ended up going to music room. We learnt about trust again, finding common rhythm, using up space and balancing (symmetry walking thingy). We also learnt about stage presence and grids.
We started on the scripts, tree scene. Apparently, the guys will be a tableau of skyscrapers and buildings and I run around them going, 'EXPRESSWAYS!' After that, everyone runs and pose again. Then I go try to pull on Zakrie, then Anees, then push Jerome on the floor, PUSH GLENN DOWN (like totally push him head first, hehe :D), then Anees and finally Zakrie. And I GET THE SPOTLIGHT woooo :D All the guys are just rowing and squirming on the floor. HAHAHA

A BIG THANK YOU TO MR NATHAN AND MR FADZLY for helping us get a room to work in (: (the terrible office lady was soooo inflexible, grrrr.)

Rushed home, ate dinner in 8 minutes-ish, rushed out to tuition.
Tuition ended 30 minutes late so I ended up going home at 10pm ):
Watched Glee :D :D :D and ate fooood plus MILK TEA~ Thus, I am high now.

I'm mad at Glenn. He called me ___ (unspeakable word), like someone ):
I am very upset ):

I have no mood to do homework ): ):

I love my family and relatives so much <3
Miss so many people now. I want to go to Thailand so badly ):

Shall try to write a poem.


Guava-juice drunk.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 8:31 PM
Today was AWESOME (besides the fact my muscles are dying and I can barely sit down without feeling horrible pain).
I woke up 15 minutes late. I spent the night playing iphone apps games to get sleepy.
Met up with 4/5. Aleithia, Timothy Wai Kit and I went for breakfast at some place called the Salad Stop. Terrible service!!!
At the course. Mega boring. What we did:
1. Play itouch app games (fun games of the day: BLOWFISH and Hangman). Timothy and Wai Kit were playing 2 players Hangman. Haha Timothy was loosing BADLY, so funny. They started playing names of people. I became Jehneessze or something, Aleithia became Uhleethdia.
2. Aleithia and Timothy discussed my legs. I told him he had hairy legs, he asked me if I shave them and was trying to look for strands. I told them I plucked some leg hair out (for the fun of it) while I was plucking my eyebrows XD Timothy needs wax. (then it went on to someone's flawless muscular body, only Aleithia knows what this means!!)
3. Tried to play Uno, got some terrible stone faced teacher staring at us.
4. The guys fell asleep and Aleithia was listening to music. I ACTUALLY LISTENED TO THE SPEAKER. And watched Wai Kit take out his jacket to hug, then decide to wear it, then hugged his bag instead (all these were done with eyes closed) and Timothy was smiling to himself in his sleep.
5. Lunch with 4/5 at Raffles City. Walked around. Talked about River Island with Atiqah. Arvin was insistent I eat fruits (because that was all I ate during the past 2 lunches with the SS team).

Saw many CFPS people there! But didn't say hi to anyone..except one.

Came home, painted nails, bloop didn't want to go STUDY (fat ass).
Went opposite to buy something for Mr Guava-sugar-drunk Toufu and got cut because of that thing. I can't help being short and can't reach the shelf ):
And I went out without my specs but with the nerd specs I bought yesterday. It's a wonder I actually went mishap-free.

Damn, must study. No mood ):

My sis bugging me to DSA another school and is using Hun Quan to help her >:(

Retail therapy can never be any better.

Monday, June 7, 2010 8:20 PM
I'm happy. Finally can 'put down that stone in my heart' :D
Audition was great. Yeah (:
I think I danced off the music a bit and I made it look like there was nothing wrong. Hmm, and the dance they taught was nice. But they taught soooo quickly and the dance was so fast. Pretty hard to get ):

Went to school in the morning to get fans, THANK YOU MDM HEE!
Went home, practise.
Took cab to NJC with sister. HUN QUAN WAS SO LATE. But he watched me from outside.
After everything, we three went to Far East and drank milk tea and WENT SHOPPING :D
Sis went to cut hair, so Hun Quan and I went to shop for guy clothes. See I was so nice, I went to all the guy shops and picked shirts out. We found him a $29.90 purple, white stripe shirt! Was nice (Y) And he hyperventilated over doraemon, my sis over hello kitty and me over stitch! First time I see a guy who will run to something doraemon and go 'OMG DORAEMON!!'
We bought nerd specs too! And walked around with it. I bought a yellow t-shirt which was mega cute okay :D
I helped him pick out card colours for his gf too!
My sis was the only person who didn't buy anything ):

Right, that's all today!
Shall go rest and sleep early for once!

Tomorrow's my 'big day'

Sunday, June 6, 2010 9:33 PM
I hope everything goes smoothly during the audition!

A big thank you to:
- Jocelyn darling, my awesomest sister ever. She helped me with the dance choreo (even though she doesn't know how to dance), forced and made me dance non-stop (especially the epic 4 hours yesterday night till 1.30am), watched and commented, cut the music and going with me tomorrow.
- Aunty Jingle for watching and helping me sew new straps for my new dance shoes.
- Abdu for being the first life saver, providing me with pen and a whole piece of foolscap paper to write down a phone number (note to return a new piece of foolscap).
- Glenn for being the second life saver and changing English course timing with me (note to buy Sammy).
- Aleithia for offering help <3
- Chui Shan for giving me music (though I found out I had it already XD).
- Kai Xian for giving me phone numbers for teachers-in-charge.
- Mdm Hee who finally agreed to open MPS for me.
- Jun Xi for linking me to the web on making the track to fit CD format and finding out info for me.
- My parents, grandma and uncle for their moral support even though they're physically not here.
- Hun Quan who offered to go audition with me tmr after meeting his teacher.
- And everyone who wished me good luck (Miss Andrea, Mr Kamal, Shirlene Ryan, Victoria, Xinlin and Yun Chuan).
- LASTLY, the person from NJC who never gave up calling me.

I feel grateful. Yes I do.
I also can't believe I did the dance in just 2 days.

Muscles aching like mad and bruises but I MUST GO ON...
Even though I perspired like a gallon worth of perspiration and got deprived of food last night by my sister.

Tomorrowwwww~ this is gonna be my first ever audition.
Ahh the NERVES!!

Friday, June 4, 2010 10:11 PM

Ken Theeradeth :D
My mum loves him..and so do I :D
That's the movie I was crying over.

Anyway, I miss my mummy so much ): I should call her soon <3


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:32 PM
Gosh, I'm like a busy woman!
In the past 30 mins, I got a missed call from Mr K. Then a text from Jun Xi and another from Mr K telling me to call him back. So, I called him back and my sister was also calling me, asking me about earsticks. After I hung up, I called my sister back. Then, I get a text from Liang Lao Shi. Hence, I came online to email her.


Right right.. I thought Paper 2 yesterday was sooo much better than Paper 1??
Anyhoo, it's over..
Gotta accept it and MOVE ON.


Reading this book called Bet Me and ending it! LOVE IT.
WATCHED A MOVIE JUST NOW. It's a thai movie, hmm don't know the english title. It was sooooo..sweet! Ken Theeradeth! Definitely on my list of top favourite Thai actors for years.
It was about this girl, a typical office girl. Her friends were all getting married and she's the only one left, so she got all sad and drunk. While driving home, she was so depressed (and drunk) she started crying and singing to the song and met with a mini accident, crashing into a roadside store. The car side mirror thingy, fell off and landed on the guy's table and he came to see if she was alright. Hahah and she was like shocked to see such a handsome face. Blahblah, and she drove back and kept looking back at him and the car crashed again. Hilarious. Blahblahblah, one day she met him at the train station at the station she was alighting. So she totally stalked him on the train, and they kinda talked and she accidentally spoilt his sunglasses, so she went to get him another pair and wrote her phone number on it hoping he'll call. She stayed up all night but he never did! Blahblah, and she accidentally spoilt his laptop, and it couldn't be fixed, so she went to his workplace and waited for him all morning till it was bright and asked the security guard to write a 'sorry' note which was a song, hahaha. On the way home together, the laptop bag spoilt and he threw it away, but after he left she dug the rubbish bin for it and hugged it like her life depended on it XD Hmm, then she was supposed to go for match making and go to China with her family but she told her parents at the last minute her passport was missing so she could stay behind and go out with the guy. Ooo it was super sweet (: And she broke his camera, then found out he was going to Germany 2 days later. TRAGIC MUCH.
So he was like going to leave already, and left her a box of things. When she opened i t (my mum was like going on and on how sweet it was and I WAS CRYING LIKE A BANANA). He kept everything about her! And he wrote a note on every single one of them T_T
The ending was sooo sweet too, but I got myself together and didn't cry, phew.

Today we met Jalyn, our drama instructor, acting teacher, producer, director.. erm yeah somewhere along that line.
She's awesome :D and the class was fun fun fun. As in, it was really interesting (: So apparently, I have a focusing problem. Must work on being clear about what I want to look at.
Anyway, she told us we should blog about our classes, what we learn. So I'm going to do that(:

Day 1 of acting class
We met Jalyn and two others, I'm sorry but I forgot their names (oops ><). She's really bubbly and fun, I must admit.
First off, she asked us what we thought about humanities and what object can be used to describe it. Then, she asked us about our stage performance experiences. After which, we did a clapping exercise thingy, it was supposed to be about our trust for each other. We then went on to do this little...skit..thing? Something that describes ourselves and at the end of it, we had to say our name. It was rather interesting. We did tableau too. Hahaha, there was Hawker Centre, Flag Day and Sentosa (Glenn and Anees, the couple, got grouped together and bickered the entire time).
Lastly, we all had to put up a mini performance, actions to show 3 words. Jalyn helped us pick out our problems and told us what we had to work on.
Well and it all ended.
I really liked it, personally. It was waaaaay interesting because this is the first time I'm actually practising for a live stage (acting) performance. And yes, it will be SOOOO different from dancing? Because while dancing, I don't need to speak. Which is much better.
So this is what we're going to be in for till July!! Brace yourselves, guys! (well yes, all 5 of you!)



once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )