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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Happy V Day!

Friday, May 28, 2010 9:14 PM
V as in Vesak (:

For the past 2 days went to school on my own. Oh my gosh, the weather is SOOO warm like madness banana, walking to school is a pain.
I went to school with bloop who was too late on day 2 to go along, i.e. 20 minutes late. Mega bloop.

Sports Carnival was so boring it was actually sad! Last Sports Carnival and this is what we get ):
Merly and Lyo were there. Did they think we were primary school kids who went high over them??

I spent a lot of money on hair stuff. Ahh

Chinese preparation is cruel too T_T
Never in my life I studied so much Chinese like this.

Yesterday, had lunch with Shiuan Wen, Hui Yee, Ong Lai, Shing Yi and Damian.
Highlight of the lunch was:
Ong Lai picked up with weird looking noodle bit from his bowl and was like, 'What's this?'
Then Shing Yi took it from him and threw it into Damian's bowl.
And Damian took it out and washed it in Shing Yi's bowl and dumped a whole lot of noodle on it. Like mega ew.
Shing Yi dug it out and soaked it into the soy sauce that was full of prawn shells and tried to throw it back into Damian's bowl, who luckily reacted in time.
After that, Damian went on to talk about ____'s pants splitting and Ong Lai tried to look and even told Damian, 'Change place.' Like, why are you so interested and looking at the wrong place??
Erm and Damian took his straw and drank prawn noodle soup with it.
Slowest eater of the day: Shingz.

After getting home, I went with Auntie Jingle to buy CUCUMBER (35 cents, 120g) and walked around and bought some hair stuff from Daiso.
Then went home to make my cucumber face pack.
I've got to say it's AWESOME. Next thing I'm gonna try is carrot.. maybe next week.

I really want to go to Thailand T_T
And I hope I have time to go shopping with my BFF, Miss Andrea.
And go out with Lene.
The training schedule for the acting classes are so intensive! Erm and I might end up being Glenn's wife again?....


Just want to share a video Mr K showed us in History yesterday.
He's the most inspiring teacher I've ever met. Especially his lessons on philosophy, success and life.

There's this really valuable meaning, that is the way we plan our future.

Luck = Opportunity - Preparation


Cucumber Face Pack

What you need: 1 cucumber (just the normal big ones that can be found in supermarkets), knife and blender.

1. Buy a cucumber (duh)
2. Cut it into cubes
3. Blend it till you get this creamy, mushy green thing. Make sure that there's no hard bits left.
4. Pour it into a container and keep it in a fridge till you want to use it.

What does it do: Treats zits and sunburns, make skin smooth and soft, moisturise

You can also drain it for the pulp. It won't stay on the face if it's too wet. The juice can be used as moisturiser.
Just wash off with water once it's dry.

And I really love it(: I'm a fan of DIY veg/fruits remedies (:


Under a mushroom cloud.

Monday, May 24, 2010 5:52 PM
1. Miss Mok got mad at us D': MUST WORK HARD OKAY. MSG 1.3! (that would be like 4 grades up from 5.5)
2. Planning to study very very hard from now till forever.
3. Undead and Unworthy is really funny and enjoyable (a distraction when I'm bored of Chinese).
4. I NEED TO READ INFERNAL DEVICES, CLOCKWORK ANGEL!!! OMGOMG PREQUEL TO MORTAL INSTRUMENTS. AND I NEED TO READ CITY OF FALLEN ANGELS!!! Why oh why will they be published so long later. I would like a shirt that says I <3 Jace too :D Ooo and I was looking at the Runes online. Rather awesome but not really like what I imagined.
5. I'm hungry like mad.
6. I failed SS but got A1 for History (how tragic). And the funny thing is, I wrote 3 topic statements and got 3 marks for one essay! LOL! So what Mr K says is true.
7. Today was SOOO warm, but looks like it's gonna rain now! Yipee!
8. I'm kinda sleepy.
9. Mr K dragged the lesson 20 minutes into recess which explains my hunger right now.
10. Chinese extra lessons are a COMPLETE waste of time.

Bananafication and Peachifying

Sunday, May 23, 2010 9:38 PM
New terms I learnt today.

I have a crush on Jerry Yan. (Sorry Glenn). The episode of 就想赖着你 yesterday night was sooooo sweet :)
I don't care if he's like 17 years older! (erm okay he's kinda old)

Woke up at 8, did some chinese, settled with a pink tank top, floral skirt and white wooven jacket (:
Pradha's wedding today was SO awesome! First of all the ceremony was so interesting, they actually throw rice! Cool eh.
The food was just AMAZING. Anddddd got to bond with neighbours :D real great.
Then, Suda's getting married next year. And the adults went on and went about how it'll be our turn next to get married and all the weddings to attend lololol.

Got home and studied more chinese. Spent quality time with my darling Lene on the phone, EVEN THOUGH we were talking about History.

Gotta study chinese soon ):

I learnt that 咯了 is a direct translation of lol! Hahah
Ohoh and on 我猜我猜我猜猜猜, OBS stands for 欧巴桑. Hahaha quite lame XD

Glenn reminds me to say that he looks awesome with pink cheeks but he believes that he looks very awesome already besides his hair. (Personally I disagree with everything except the hair part)
And Anees says he's changing his name to Kyle but call him Thomas. (Remember that time when he said he wants to be a bad boy and go out bad girls on Facebook right after English Paper 1? LOL)

Shall start on my DIY guide to a better complexion journal (I shall not be responsible if anything goes wrong if anyone tries what I write in my compilation of my own tips).

Care for your face
1. Wash not more than twice a day.
2. Do not use very warm water, more to the cold side.
3. Use anti-form facewash which is mild.

Care for your lips
Apply lip balm everyday before sleeping and in the morning!


A shade of yellow

Friday, May 21, 2010 8:04 PM
Once again, after this long absence I am BACK!

First of all, I would like to congratulate the SS Video Challenge team for our victory of making it into the finals in July. We actually made it to top 6 out of 120!!! :O
Thank you Mr Kamal, for making it all possible, introducing this competition to us all, guiding us and sacrificing all the time to help us with the filming and video editing.
Miss Andrea Lam, my BFF (: who helped us and took time off to do research since February, buying us chocolate, cookies and juice when we have to stay back for discussion. I will never forget the 2 giant earthquakes (:
I really got to spend a lot of time with Darrick and Amanda which was awesome.
I also got to meet my egoistic husband, Glenn Sim, who has a 'secret' relationship with Anees, the rock star. Zakrie who always says, 'I'm very conservative' and salutes me for no reason. Arvin who makes the most perfect foreign worker and never fails to say, 'Save us, save us, save us...'
And of course, we had much entertainment watching Jerome bully poor Miss Lam.

I don't think I'll stay for the finals ): Looking from my terrible results, doesn't seem like I can sacrifice all the time practising and learning drama with the professional director D:
And... THANK YOU MISS ANDREA, for Tuesday <3
It was the most awesome hour at Swensen's. 2 giant earthquakes, 16 scoops of ice cream and cancer-causing fries!
We had lots of fun choosing the ice cream flavours while waiting to be seated XD Anyway, when 9 of us were seated. We saw Parker Lam! (who decided to join us by being on the Cleo magazine front cover on the magazine stand next to out table.) Miss Andrea and I then progressed to discuss about the top 50 bachelors and Arvin regretted sitting in between us. Hahahahaha.
We even swapped earthquakes (as in the bowl of 8 scoops of ice cream) halfway. AHH IT WAS AWESOME.
I'm going to miss Miss Andrea when she goes off to USA D':

Anyway, sports carnival preliminary rounds was hilarious in the sense we lost in every game. BUT IT'S OKAY! We were totally having fun and were very bonded, yeah? Especially with our awesome class cheer that involves Ris Low's version of Shing Yi's name i.e. Shingz, our Health Champ.

Chinese O levels is making me nervy like madness.

And my results sucks really badly. AHHHH

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DARLING (this is the 3rd time I'm wishing her happy birthday <3)
Ah I miss her so much ):
Can't wait till we meet

I'm actually listening to 2NE1. This must be Glenn's fault for telling me about Dara all the time and obsessing over Miss Angel Chew.

I am attending a wedding on Sunday, THE EXCITEMENT :D :D

And I am addicted to Beauty and Fashion magazines :D :D
I'm gonna do some blogging on that for memory sake.

That's all for now because I can't believe I'm googling and discussing 2NE1 with none other than Sim Wei Ren.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )