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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n


Friday, April 23, 2010 8:17 PM
I am back after a month.

Here's a summary of what happened in the past month. Well, what I can remember...

Band Concert.
It was a blast :D sat with class, Jun Xi and Hui Yee.
We did a lot of screaming and chanting. Mmmm :D Took lotsa picts, my favourites were Tian Ning's wedding photos!
We were walking to MRT station and the road was really empty, so we jay walked. However, the guys were like all lagging behind and didn't dare to cross the road. Then, just when they were done crossing the road, the green man appeared! Hahaahaha.
We also saw Mr Ng and his girlfriend.

We have stepped down from CCA):
After lots of rehearsals and staying back late and listening to teachers' feedback and practising. Speech Day was a success! <3 Also, Ruiting, Victoria and I went up to do our bimbo act before the dance. Hahahahaaha
A BIG THANK YOU TO JUNIORS for making us the hairbands!!!!! <3 I really love it :D AND MY NAME IS IN MACARONI :D
We also gave Liang Lao Shi a birthday surprise (:
I'm gonna miss dance): AND EVERYONE

SS Video Challenge
Last Thursday, we went to the costume shop in Kallang to rent costumes and went to Mr K's house for 6 hours to act and film.
We left his house at 10pm. Arvin, Zakrie, Darrick and I took the taxi back together. The taxi driver eventually got pissed off that he wasn't making money in the 1 hour travel time. Oops.
Anyway the filming was great. I did 2 scenes. One with Darrick as the model of the fashion designer. Haha Darrick was so cute before the filming. He was like, 'Hi I'm Darrick, model turn fashion desinger.' I also had to act with Glenn as a couple trying to name our child. Probably NG-ed ten million times because I kept laughing. Oops.
Mr K's son helped with the robot scene. He's SOOOO good at doing the robot dance!

Anyway, in 2 days, more than 10 people told me they saw the video and liked it.
Mr K showed the 3 classes the bloopers yesterday too. Was pretty hilarious (:

Falling sick
Yes I fell sick. Had flu for 3 days, coughing coughing coughing and losing my voice.
Was so tired I went home during lunch time.

Healthy and Fit
I keep a food log now and I have a calorie dictionary. I was also doing weights and crunches, before I fell ill.
I think I'm alright now. Wanted to run today but it rained.. 2.4 was supposedly today, until we found out SOME SCHOOL booked the stadium already. Wing Sang asked why it was always them. And I agree.
For 5 stations, I got 3 As and 2Bs. AN IMPROVEMENT. 38 sit-ups, 17 inclined pull-ups (erm i didnt know how fast i did it? just reached 17 and stopped), 176 for standing broad jump (the furthest I've jumped so I just did it once and didn't retry), 52 for sit-and-reach (erm i think i can go further) and 11.66 for shuttle run (i cant run fast, seriously).
Also, Mr Fadz was forcing us all to join sports carnival. He was forcing me to join soccer!! Had no choice but go with group skipping. On the bright side, I can now go into the rope, on the bad side I cant do individual skipping.

We had Mr K lesson till 7.30pm one day. Totally hardcore SS O Level paper debrief.
I got scolded by Miss M twice on Wednesday for turning away from her for 2 seconds just to listen to Yun Chuan's question. I really suck at Chemistry ): But I'll work harder. Need to get out of my C zone! Also, we had her lesson 5 times this week.
We concluded that Mr L doesn't like us.
Today, the English department did and HILARIOUS skit :D :D MRS WALLACE WAS SOOOO CUTE :D :D :D Mr Cummings too and Mr Smith! Total ownage.
There is also a stalker cheekopek lurking around on the 4th level. Beware girls.
Got caught by someone for short pinafore. If mine is unacceptable, more than half the girls in school have to buy new pinafores. Hello??

I bought a new pencil case and lip balm and many other things. Like a miffy thermos flask!

During Chinese, talked to Darrick, Shing Yi and Ong Lai. Shing Yi was complaining that he's so tan.
Then helped Lorena with costumes.
Recess. FREE FOOD because it's international frienship day. Whee :D Was food hunting with Yu Jun and Adelynn.
Lunch with the usual people :D yay
Yew Rong and I disturbed Shing Yi during Lunch break before Miss Mok's lesson. We went, Shing Yi's taking out a pencil. Shing Yi's writing something. Shing Yi's turning the page. Shing Yi's scratching his head. Shing Yi said shut up. Shing Yi said f-. Shing Yi's bobbing around. Shing Yi's smiling.

Hahaha It was hilarious XD
Then, Justin was calling on his phone and I picked it up.
Me: Hello!
Justin: Shing Yi?
Me: HI!!
Justin: Shing Yi?
Me: No
Justin: Who are you
Me: Janice!
Justin: Where's Shing Yi
Me: Shing Yi's unavailable right now

I don't eat a lot lately ): coz no time, and when I do, i start getting indigestiong! And now, I think chicken is gross. Really. Gonna stop eating it.

Larry Over Slacked says:
again again!


Ok I shall go back playing game. Bye.

Fluff balls = sneezing ducklings

Monday, April 5, 2010 12:01 AM
Hi, it's been a while, but all I want to say is..
I'm a heartbreaker.
But somethings are beyond my control.

It's Monday, it's a school day, and I'm supposed to be in bed, but why I am still here doing Geog 7.2?!?!

Promise to blog soon, great things have been happening, many things i feel like saying.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )