Historians make great dates.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
12:15 PM
Says Mr Kamal.
Well, I don't really know what to blog about but I miss blogging.
I'm getting quite bored of my book. This whole sad love story thing is too depressing to read on for too long.
Update, the taiwan guy has added us on Facebook. In addition, he also commented and liked the picture we have with him which we flooded with comments about how he looked and his blog..and his msn. Alright.
Last night, went to my mum's friend's house again. I really love the place.
THOUGH I STEPPED ON A SNAIL. Wtf, very saddening okay. I didn't mean to kill. Oh no, bad karma.
So there's all these very cute plants and she let us have two of this plant caled the Dancing Tree. It responds to sound and the leaves move (I tried humming a Christmas carol to it just now, yes it moves).
Talked to P'Mae. Yay she's so awesome and pretty, plus looks really young. Anyway, was reciting the digestive system to her, quite freaky because she's a surgeon. Reciting Bio to a doctor, hmm.
Anyway, so yeah I learnt a few more things to the stomach which isn't in the textbook.
Told her about my future plans, and yay! After O Levels I might get to do attachment at the hospital, as an observer.
Halfway while eating, Aleithia called me to tell me something about she texting wrong stuff about someone to Facebook by accident. Hilarious.
I bought a ring. Again.
Well, I got to go study. Bye!
Let's dance like there's no tomorrow as the stars shine down upon us all
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
8:46 PM
I really miss Chingay. It feels like everything's happening too quickly. Made me feel really sad on Saturday night so I had to read myself to sleep, and really, reading a book like the Notebook doesn't really help.
In just 2 months, Speech Day would be here and that's the last dance we're gonna dance this year.
It feels like something's missing now ): I'm really gonna miss dancing. I really really am.. It makes me sad these days..
And then it would be D-Day.. the start of O's.
I just want this week to be over, yeah? Can't wait for tests to be over..
Saturday, February 20, 2010
11:56 PM
Oh darlings, it's over ):
Yay dancers :D
Well the Bhutanese dancers were cool. The guys had this really cool dance moves and costumes. Two of them had this very actor-ish look to their feautres, hehe.There was a mega pretty girl, she looked like a model.
Wednesdaywas alright.
My costume is green. Hmm I like it. I like how the costume looks like a cross between japanese and thai.
RED BULL.. they were giving out. But I don't like it.
Anyway, Thursday. Full dress
THICK AND HEAVY COSTUME. Super warm. But alright. I've gotten used to it now though. We all got high taking pictures XD
I didn't quite like dinner they provided :/
Lots of reporters and camermans.
Kinda gross though, to have 4 foreign workers taking pictures and videoing me the entire 3 minutes in one sector..
Preview!! AHH. Saw Major Chong somewhere in the crowd.
I LOVE THE MAKE UP! Looks very model-ish on everyone. Helped to do the glitter :D
Media coverage! So yeah, swarming with cameras everywhere. I have no idea how i smile for 18 minutes. I must have strong cheek muscles.
There was an Indian man in front of me at one sector bobbing his head and clapping very enthusiastically. Eeks.
We had to dance in heels. VERY VERY BAD.
There were pretty cool super high Malay guys who were like trying to imitate our moves for the Indonesian dance.
Also, I noticed the mega cute Taiwanese guy.
So I woke up for tuition, rushed to school.
Did make up, opposite for lunch, pandan cakes, Macs for dinner. Helped with the ribbons and hair glitter. Really fun. But ended up with not enough time for costume and had to put it on at the holding area.
I tried playing the thingy the Taiwanese had to perform. Wow I could do it at my first try, even the passing. I must be very pro :D hehe ok joking.
AHH THE MEGA CUTE GUY. We went to take picture with him <3
Jessin, Grace, Chui Shan and I walked around. To the really cooling place by the river, then to the PAYM holding area and all. Walking around haha
Also, Aleithia, Chui Shan and I went to take pictures with many other people. Like some showgirls, egyptians, japaneses, thais, some performers, the giant orang utan, Marilyn Monroe's mega cool ancient car, and some of the 花车
Probably ended up on many random cameras..
Saw the motivators!
And I got to say bye to the cute guy who responded. I might be in love... Sigh.... Okay Janice, cut the crap.. Oh and said bye to the hot one too. Who responded. I think Aleithia's still obsessing over him.
Screamed like mad. The cute Bhutanese guy was really cute when he tried screaming like a girl. Haha. Oh and Aleithia, Dai Qian and I started dancing to a bit of Boom Boom Pow. We saw the City Alive bus! Ahh DJs were like jamming on the open top of the second deck.
Talked to the Thai dancers a little. And some Japanese girl.
Back to school! Aleithia and I have came up with a conclusion that our school lack hot guys so we end up obsessing over foreign dudes and younger boys. It's quite sad.
Then came home.
Very bad foot pain (might be swollen), pain ankle, right toe is blistered (wrapped in many plasters).. Ugh
Now, the thing growing in my lower eyelid is acting up again. I have to visit the doctor soon.
I can't wait for the free Chingay tee :D
I still have glitter all over me too!!
I feel like shooting tmr.. and study for tests.
Okay I guess i need sleep, super tired..
It's weird to look at myself make-up free and with specs on.. after 2 days of looking at myself in contacts and make up. It also looks weird to look at people without fake lashes on haha..
I think I might lose my voice tmr.
FUN FUN FUN! One of the most amazing days that is worth remembering, 101%.
But this is still my stand.
It's a good thing Vivian and Dai Qian agrees with me on tastes of males hahahaha.
My mummy's unwell):
I need sleep..
I'm still pretty high hehe.
Gosh I want to sleep but I might not be able to.
I think I'm in loveeeeeeeeeeeeee
Okay, I'm talking gibberish.
And I knew, things would never be the same again
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
8:13 PM
I watched:
What Happened in Vegas
Love Guru (didn't really make much sense)
Shanghai Knights
Ate at Grandma's house.
Then, went to attend a praying session at a
chinese buddist temple.
Ahhh AHHH !!
I made something! Fun.
Went to eat at aunt's house.
Played with my niece and nephew. Janelle's mega cute,
haha she took my hello kitty ring to wear and was walking around in my slippers. She kept hanging on to her neighbour's front gate. She looked sad when I left ):
Gosh the food was GOOD. Eeks :D My cousin-in-law cooks super super nice food!
Completed statistics homework there..
Came home and read the Notebook.
I'm so in love with the book! Gosh but the story is so sad ): I would have cried at the part Allie chose to leave Noah to be with Lon because she felt it wasn't right to be with him. But I think my eyes were too dry.
It was so sad!
Like they fell in love 17 years ago, during one summer, and they lived every single day thinking and dreaming about each other. Their first love, the love that lasted forever, but they couldn't be together
coz her parents thought he was too poor for her and hid all the letters he ever wrote for her for every single day for years after they parted. She finally went to find him, and they were together for only 2 days when she chose to leave him. Ugh.. But alright I knew they got back together judging from the Notebook's famous cover page, the one of two of them kissing in the rain.
One part was really romantic, when he rowed the canoe up to the lake with her, to let her see all the swans and geese that migrate there. I just watched the movie trailer just now,
Mcadams is in it! But she wasn't how I imagined Allie to be,
coz she's supposed to be
blonde with green eyes. But Noah fits! Well the unshaven version at least..
I must watch the movie. I must must must!!!!
About 70 more pages of the book to read! I shall slowly read then..
I love how the book started when he's an old man reading this old woman a story from a notebook, hoping she'll regain her memory and remember their love.
I'm a sucker for such sad romance.
Anyway, we found another dead mouse under the tree in the garden. So there's two so far. And I sat observing a live mouse on the grass, pretty cute (:
I hope no more mice die.. I think there's a nest and they're all getting some disease ): we buried the dead ones in the soil,
And I can't wait for tomorrow's costume fitting :D
Some random line I said yesterday,
When I smile, the sun rises.
Happy Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
11:45 PM
I hope all of you had a great great day indeed.
Wore my new dress today. Ahhh :D love it.
Today I watched:
13 Going On 30
PS I Love You (which I ended up crying at the end, gosh too touching, yet so sweet.)
Shanghai Noon
Quantam of Solace
Friends (super funny!!!! Phoebe got married! And the guy's not Joey, kinda sad..)
Everyday I live with the TV, hahaha.
It doesn't feel like Chinese New Year at all today. I don't know why.
I guess everyday's just so long and uneventful.
I kinda feel like reading a book :/ I'm a sucker for romance. I feel like reading Silver Angel XD Or maybe not..
Percy Jackson and the Olympians look fun! Greek Gods!
Feel so Neil Gaiman to me! :D Reminds me of American Gods/ Anansi Boys..
Okay, i guess it's time I take on the Notebook, the number one most tragic-romance movie of all time.
I heard that my sis cried.. Must be very very sad if not she wouldn't be moved. Nuh uh.
Well it's almost midnight.
I don't know what to say..
I feel like eating jelly.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
10:12 PM
I really dislike some people so greatly.Thinking like they're so widely liked by many people, well hello? You're not.People who think cussing and drinking are not okay. Getting drunk in a room with 1o other guys just means you're a plain slut.And you think so many guys really want to be around you? I think not. They just talk to you because you keep sticking around them like you're so greatly liked, so popular.Really, you have no mind of your own, always following what others say and do.Oh and you know what's the meaning of a class gathering? That means that you talk to everyone and not just the boys. I'm really disappointed that your puny brain doesn't really having this figured out.You're such a bitch. Know that, and know that well.
Oggling at the box.
9:22 PM
I've been watching lots of tv today!
Cyborg She, which was really sad at the end ):
Sisterhood of Travelling Pants 2
Notting Hill
27 Dresses
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is on. Should I watch? Reminds me a lot of I Love You, Beth Cooper.
I found my pictures on more webs today. It's pretty damn annoying.
Jenya was telling me about it just a few days back when she saw her pictures on a blog. And I REALLY HATE IT when people reblog all over Tumblr and stuff. Like HELLO? It's not your picture. Just shows how desperate you are that you need to steal other people's.
Did a tiny bit of homework which isn't very comforting.
The roses still look pretty good.
Might be meeting Aleithia on Tuesday.
Can't wait for tomorrow!! CAN WEAR NEW DRESS! OMGOMGOMG
haha yay!
My mum's envious of me, my dad's interrogating me, my sis asked me for a few stalks. lololol
Ok reunion dinner was just alright.. Nothing much.
TV or Homework?
Maybe I'll check TV out for a jiffy.
Goodnight guys, Happy Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day!
Fun, joy and endless laughter.
Friday, February 12, 2010
9:42 PM

A highlight of what I received today.
A bouquet of 12 roses.
A card.
A poem.
Some thingy I don't know what it is.
A little bottle of perfume.
A teddy bear which real cute hair.
A sweet.
An orange candy.
A box of almond chocolate.
A bag of Kisses.
I think that's it!
Anyway, performance was like awesome. Had much fun with the make up.
Got really high during finale, couldn't help it hahaha. They said the performance was nice :D
I want to do homework.
My eyes are tired.. Was practically sleeping in 4 hours worth of tuition.
I'm Googling someone Shiuan Wen told me about.
Ahhhh, not bad not bad
Oh and I heard horrible news from Anees today. They said the number of members in the group is six, not eight.
It's not very complex math to count.
Who's your banana boy?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
8:20 PM
Well I've not liked a banana boy before. Nor a pear boy.
I don't sound like I make much sense, it's a
Shiuan Wen and Hui En thing I guess
hahahahaAlrights, so today..
I received a Mars bar from
erherm, which was totally random because I didn't really expect him to actually buy me a chocolate bar
Then I received a poem from
And finally
Polky from
Yun Chuan got jealous that no one wants to give him anything.
Awwww :D
I'm pretty freaked by the person who sits on my left, 2 tables away, during Chinese. He keeps giving Darrick and me the
cheekopek eye... scary..
Practically screwed up chemistry spa, I spilled the acid all over my paper ):
Physics are alright.
Summary was manageable.
Xie was okay.
Met up with Miss Andrea with the SS team. She's nice.
I love her nails! Totally went with her top so well, forest green! :D She's cool.
Dance was okay, a lot of slacking going on while waiting for our cue.
Ahhhh Chinese New Year
performance in 2 days,
Chingay in 9 days! Anticipation!!
Lol we saw
Shiuan Wen's banana boy ;)
I got so high i kinda ran into Hui En..
byebye to my ankle. Can't play PE tomorrow
xp But I want to run ):
sob sob ughhh...
Also my fan cut me ): Now I have a sexy leopard-prints plaster.
Ohoh and we all made our mega cute mini skirt from the costume. can tuck the tips into the waistband and it becomes this tutu-like mini,
My costume feels big..
Study for Physics soon!!!
Here's the poem, oh and I love love love love love it! Loads.
Not written by me ;)
Smile for me,because I want you to.I hope you do,I hope it stays true,Smile as wide as the ocean blue.Your smile brings sunshine to the rainy garden,The birds, chirping; they fly freely towards heaven.So smile, girl, smile from your heart,'till the stars faded do your lips part.So smile,not for me,not for you.But for the colours of the day that you bring through.Ahhhhhhhh:D
the grass suffer
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
7:03 PM
There's an evil mosquito in my room feeding on my blood D:
Today was like alrights.
Horrible chem results which isn't very worth being happy about...
I cut queue during recess ;p i feel pretty bad about it but the queue wasn't moving and freaking slow so I asked Jerome to help me xp
Mr Kamal said a memorable line, 'When elephants make love, the grass suffer.'
4 tests tomorrow!!! MADNESS.
Hope all goes well.
What I was doing during lunch break.. which I cam up with in like 5 to 10 minutes so it's not anything great. Sounds like a great tongue twister :D
I think I like you,I think I love you,I think I really really do.You smitten me with sweet priceless words,Nothing can explain how I feel,Deep down inwards.You put a smile on my face,Sleepless nights thinking about you,Hours were spent in an endless daze.Perhaps one day you'll finally know that I love you,I hope that you truly do,And love me the same way as I love you too.I think I might very much be in love with you,because you can never be replaced.There's only one you.
There's lots in life to think about.
Monday, February 8, 2010
9:03 PM
And sometimes we just don't understand things.
But what can we do right? Live with it everyday, no matter how bad it gets. It's still the people we love and care about us.
No one's life is perfect.
It's a strong exterior we put up, it really really is..
Anyway on to life today.
History test was just crazy. And the rest of the day was alright.
Dance was pretty fun like always, but today we had to do the Indonesian dance and it wasn't very suitable for the venue we were practising at..
Oh right, tons of tests to study for and work to do...
And I have lots to think about in my messed up mind.
Alright then, see you.
Everyday's a new day
Sunday, February 7, 2010
8:33 PM
And I go on a new date with my blue pen and worksheets.
I'm missing them already.
Fragile dreams and hopes
Saturday, February 6, 2010
11:42 AM
Ah Flickr Tab is like mega cool?
A whole photostream on facebook! Sweet.
Anyway I've hit 20k last Sunday actually (: (:
I'm in the homework mood now! I really really really am.
And I feel like eating fish porridge..ok random.
I'm pretty happy today because I donated money and my AIRCON IS REPAIRED!!! YES!!!
No more shivering in the middle of the night and waking up to find where my blanket has gone because it's 21 freaking degrees with full fan speed.
I have more jelly!
I'm a happy girl.
Those words touched me, oh they really did.
A strong front.
Friday, February 5, 2010
6:32 PM
Happy Birthday to Nanthini!
The past few days has been a complete blurness of homework and tests. It's mad. It really is..
It's a mad mad world we all live in.
I'm unhappy.
I think he's just plain biased.. If you like
them so much then let it be. Lucky i didn't give you any bananas. You don't deserve them, hmph.
I'm ranting everything to John now.
And I was giving out free bananas today because there was too many at home. Haha they liked it!
Dance was pretty alright today.
Aleithia's abs are like ahhhhhh
I almost fell down in the freaking crowded bus that stank of food so badly because people were eating. Can you imagine? No ventilation, sandwiched in a bus and had to smell disgusting food. Yucks.
I tried explaining why I don't like bananas to Yun Chuan, he doesn't seem to get it because he likes bananas. We some sort of came up with this conversation because I was listening to Physics halfway and smelled banana and realised he was eating the banana and like ate the whole thing in 2 bites. Hahaha
Bananas have this weird smell and taste funny :/ One bite is all enough to make me puke. The last time I ate a banana has to be ACES day in Sec 2 when they made us all eat yucky bananas.
And did I mention about our new word called, Guck?
Study group thingy during Chinese was pretty interesting :D
SS test today was a killer. Bio yesterday was difficult..
And well there were many other tests.
I've decided to grow my fringe long (:
And my hair too.. though i really want to cut it one fine day..
I'm still unhappy...
And upset.
Depressing lives we all live.
I think I like you, I think I love you, delish purple wiggly jello.