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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

How to be Saddam Hussein

Sunday, January 31, 2010 9:33 PM
Is just soooo fun to make!!!!!!!!
Yeah the team came over today and we made it!

It's so funny and all.

Alright. I haven't been doing homework.

Cloudy with a chance of math homework

Saturday, January 30, 2010 1:34 PM
Yesterday night, i was having the entire creepy stack of SS notes arranged and talking to Larry. Really I have no idea how it led from flowers to powerpuff girls to raining homework to muscular eyebrows goldfish to muscular cheeks pikachu to big nose to Moey.

Anyway, I'm eating jelly.
And didn't go out with my sis after all. Oh well.
i don't feel like doing homework ): all look so not fun.
I've read through history notes for next Friday's tests. It feels weird to read Bio on the bus..it's very very wrong indeed.

Okay, jelly is really delish.
I shall go make more right after this.

I think I got really tan after standing 1 hour under the sun talking to my neighbour after tuition this morning.
Yeah, I didn't go for the CIP hehe.

Man, I miss Lene loads. We're always fighting to say something and we still manage to understand each other after all (:

There's many entertaining things to read online...you just never know!

I feel like writing something...

RIP J.D. Salinger

Friday, January 29, 2010 9:55 PM
I just finished reading Catcher in the Rye. And it's just amazing. J.D. Salinger will be missed by many.
My favourite line from the book was the last 2 lines, 'Don't tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.'
I really like is like in the book, Holden's always having these unique takes on the things around him, all the phonies and stuff. And when he's around Phoebe, it's just damn touching. The whole sibling love thing.
I just love the book! It's so different from the normal teen books we would read nowaways. Really.

Anyway, PE yesterday was cool. We played floorball and did standing broad jump and pull ups.
Pretty alright.
But when Mr Singh said, 'You all must try BJ.' We laughed like madness hahahahahaahah

Tests are like shitty banans, I don't even want to talk about them.
Lots of homework too ):

Hehe Jerome bought me an ice lolly today :D

The girls and I plus Darrick has this wicked idea. I wonder when it can be done :D

Tau Pok was telling me all the mean things he and Darrick do. Tsk tsk tsk. Evil boys.
Lol, then Ong Lai and Yew Rong started talking Pokemon jokes. Funny like adjkfjajfhfdjafhjafd

Anderson Humanities is pretty cool as a matter of fact.

HOMEWORK. eh. ahhhhhh
So much to do, so little time. Horrendous.

It's a bizzare world we live in.

Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:48 PM
I keep having these really odd nightmares it's not even funny.
I might be very mentally disturbed just that I didn't realise it.
This is bad..it is.

I keep falling asleep when I'm supposed to be studying.
I've not gotten anything done! And it's almost 5.

This is mega depressing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:22 PM
I have something to say.
I drew something that looks like a Simpson's nose.
I'm terribly random, as a matter of fact.
Don't even bother reading this.

I've been thinking a lot lately, my brain is partially fried.

10:50 PM
Ah next week is going to be like a mad train ride..somehow..

Lene let me read this:

Mia Landingham, who weighs 136kg, sat on her much smaller boyfriend, Mikal Middleston-Bey, after they got into an argument in August last year, reported police in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr Middleston-Bey only weighed 54.4kg, said the police.


So, yesterday's Chingay was pretty fun.
The light was downright awesome!!!!!!!!!
And the IR is like wowwwwwwww. I was asking Aleithia why there's a ship on a building. And we realised it was the IR. Hahahaha. Super pretty, the lights and all!
Everyone's mean to me. Hmph ):

Darrick's party today.
I heard they had fun.
I'm looking for a prezzie for him.

I hand write some of my diary now. It feels weird blogging some stuff online. Hmm..

Competition, project, performances, tests and dilemma going on right now..

My mum and sis keep watching Full House now. Ahhh Rain is sooooo cute when he does that Three Bears song. Wow I can still sing it when I watched it in primary school? Ahhh. I can even remember the theme song and the scenes as it was the first Korean serial I ever watched.

Ah we're finding people to join our group for the competition Mr Kamal told us about.

Tests tests!
Study study study
Think Think Think

I've lots to figure out right now.

I'm injured ):

Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:18 PM
During PE, we ran 2km around Cheng San market to school. Pretty interesting.
I didn't stop at all!
We came back and Mr Singh rewarded us by playing games. And while at it, I felt my right ankle bones slip against each other and hurt like bananas Must be old injury again ): ahhh
Shing Yi said I look like I was drunk coz my face was mega red, oh well.
I asked Miss Ho about the Health Conference thing too, well our task looks pretty damn fun and interesting!! haha

During Geog, Mr Fadz turned all the fans off as the fans were left turned on during Chem lab lesson.
Ah was freaking warm!!! Gosh, lucky there's a mild cooling breeze coming in through the window.. though it didn't help much.
Mr Fadz asked, 'Does anyone know where the company Siemens originate from?'
We all burst out laughing. And 2 seconds later, Mr Fadz said, 'And don't be like Jun Xi and say testicles.'

Miss Mok totally lost track of the lesson's time today! So we ended up going home at 5.45, when she thought it was 5. Haha.

Bio lesson was just plain sick...
And Mr Lim said his part was to tellus about pre-marital sex and promiscuous activities being a no no.
I'm still lol-ing at 'curry puff'... hahahaha and the dungeon, moat, fortress, wariors and princess

Slacky English. It was like free period.

Free Period for Math.
Yun Chuan was like cracking his brain over this math question and after solving part of it, he was violently tearing it off the foolscap pad, he tore it into two. Lolololol hilarious!!

Oh and Physics on Wednesday was so funny.
Mr Ng was saying something about digging bores in the wall or ground or something, and 'bores' sounds like 'balls'. So everyone burst out laughing.
Then Mr Ng drew a thermometer on the board, and everyone starting laughing again.
And Mr Ng was like, 'Can you all don't keep thinking about all these or not?' And let out this sound of frustration, hahahaha.

Yew Rong and Angela didn't come to school today so I spent the time with the Amanda.
Went home with Hui Yee and Ong Lai.

Ah I bet tmr will be fun at the F1 Pit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh we have to do this Indonesian Dance for Chingay too.
Sexy! Hahahahaahaha

I have a corny line from corny teen books:
My heart did a triple back flip, twice.

I have to sleep

Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:52 PM
But I just don't feel like it.
I've been so slacky lately ):

I'm so proud of myself :D


Friday, January 15, 2010 11:05 PM
I have high hopes for my portriats <3 and like there's this whole mentorship thing and we get out pictures exhibited in a GALLERY!
The prize is like, even the 2nd and 3rd winners' prize money can buy me my 50mm f/1.8 lens, remote and maybe even a wide angeled lens! Wicked..

Anyway, Jerome's being mean. You don't have to recap my entire titration blurness...

Today was fun with the whole CCA openhouse thing <3

I hardly have time for anything.
I want to read Catcher in the Rye and read my very outdated thai mag with Pae Arrak on the cover :D

Oh in 1 hour i only wrote a few lines worth of words..not effective!!
Major not effective.

Gosh, I want to bring my baby out to take some pictures.
I have a whole lot of ideas.. But i doubt anyone will have time to model for me during this hectic period. With O's and everything..

I have to go running.
Evil muscle aches from yesterday's PE. Especially left calve D:
And my knees are bruised from dance today.

I want to celebrate my 16th birthday with my dearest class 2/4. But my birthday is all the way in term 3. Hahahahaha.
I want to go to Darrick's party but I can't ):

Performance tmr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just dropping by

Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:43 PM
PE today was like slaguhter. But I'm proud of myself to be able to run 5 rounds around the school field non-stop. Toturous 45 push ups. Crunches were okay. And all these running and jumping thing.

Lyrics from lockdown performed. It's a one man show kinda thing by Byronn Bain. His poetry is dang amazing and the way he performs it in a hip hop/rap style is even awesome-r.
Anyway Joey Chang, the cellist, is mega cute, hahaha. And he was doing handstands when they were done performing. He reminds me of characters I've seen on tv before.
The guitarist was cool too. His RED guitars owns!
Anyway, YewRong and I went to take pictures with all 4 of them and we realised Mr Fadz had left for lesson so we ran all the way back hahahahahaha. But it was so fun!!!!!!
Awesome awesome awesome!
But really, it was very inspiring and all.

Had to borrow PE shirt from Jun Xi today because i totally forgot and I don't want to pay the horrific fine of 4 bucks.

I feel the school is very unreasonable about the canteen. There's not enough seats to cater to the student population. Thus, they shouldn't have any rights to scold us for eating outside the canteen because by the time we wait for seats, recess is over. There's already so many people eating while standing up..
It's like what do you want us to do? Starve us?

Great things are going on right now.
But I'm still pretty very stressed up...

I want to take my baby out for some fun but i have no time to bring my camera out at all ):

I want to change my IC's race. They should have announced it last year when I was having my IC done.. My parents just asked me if I wanted to change my race, hehe like duh~~

It's late, I must sleep.

Busy days ahead.

It's a stressful life

Monday, January 11, 2010 10:48 PM
it sure is...

oh and i cleaned my room yesterday, felt so good!
organised all my books, files and table. yay me!

Mr Lim and his analogy of how the female plant reproductive organs look like a thin woman with a big butt, like how mother-in-laws observe the butt-size of future daughter-in-laws.
He didn't seem to believe that I've done all his homework and flipped through my workbook a few times and went, 'Very good!' at Yun Chuan and me. Lolololol

Happy Birthday Angela!
We were eating food, cake and singing her the birthday song at the seats right outside the canteen (aka the place where we were strictly told not to consume food at)

Wake up the lights

Saturday, January 9, 2010 11:22 PM
I feel bad for being bad.
I'm going to the market with my mum tomorrow <3

Tuitions and studying. Felt so sleepy but I couldn't nap, must get work done.

Catcher in the Rye is an amazing amazing book!!!

Anyway, talking to Jun Xi.
It feels like talking to Lene in a way.

Marking Geog now!

I want to go to the temple..


Friday, January 8, 2010 10:22 PM
Together is so sad!!! WHY.
But Elvin Ng, mmmmm.

JANICE says:
alvin's lips look red in his dp
Junxi says:
JANICE says:
look closely
Junxi says:

Alvin says:
its natural colour

Hahahahaha hilarious.


SS Test part of CA1 starts next week! Oh gosh!!!
Today I allow myself to slack a little and I feel very bad.

I have so much to do oh gosh..

Today, 9 of us managed to fit around a table in the coffee shop!
History lessons in AVT :/

Miss Mok says, B3 is a fail, A2 is not good enough, we can only score A1
Mr Kamal says, start with the end in mind. The end is the A1. Nothing besides A1 is expected. B4 is a fail, C5 is like the end full stop.

Yeah and on the first day of school it was already a workshop on how to set goals for O levels and manage out schedule well.

Janice, you'll work hard.
Oh yes, it's time to mug. 9 more months is so little time it's scary.
3 SPA II is in end Feb and start March.
Chinese in June.

And I'm glad to say my chinese reading is better though I can't read some words. But I can read faster! :D

Okay, work now.

Busy life starts

Thursday, January 7, 2010 8:31 PM
Everyday, everywhere I go, the 2 syllabus of 'A1' rings in my mind. I'm probably becoming very compulsive obsessive.

Anyway it's only 4th day into school week 1 and there's so much to do it's pretty mad! I didnt even have time yesterday to check my Flickr recent activities.
Didn't plan to use comp today but I guess i just have to post something short.

My muscles are aching from today's PE. 5 rounds aroun DnT block and canteen, up and down stairs. It's so tiring. Came back, 3 sets of 15 push ups and leg lifting abs training. Mr Singh was like, 'Girls! You're not going down all the way, all just bend your elbows a little bit only!' But really, go down all the way, can't come back up ;p

After recess totally forgot it was Miss Mok's lesson next! Ran all the way (till the stairs where obviously no strength to run up 4 flights of stairs) to class.

Mr Lim said that besides for reproduction, sex is a pleasure for the human race, so we all should do it once we have the license to do so.
Oh gosh.

The course today was fun :D Hehe came back with lots of choc, gave some to Darrick. Angela gave me all of hers.

CCA screening was pretty interesting. Have to dance Baishou for CCA Openhouse. Xue Zhong Mei will be for CNY celebrations.
Chingay is on EXAM WEEK. I don't dare tell my parents..they'll get all mad.
But it's okay.. STUDY NOW.

I have not slept for more than 10 seconds in any lessons (excluding EFL). I've achieved something great :D

Oh no, I've spent 10 mins on the comp.

My To-Do list has like 10 plus stuff to be done by Monday.
Chinese and Math by tomorrow. BACK TO WORK.

This is getting really stressful. Look at the workload! And it's just 3rd days of lessons!!!!!!!!

How was school?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 5:07 PM
I won't sleep, yes I will not. But it's so boring D:

Anyway Ms Mok's lesson was fun :D She's really interesting in a sense.
Mr Wong kept having this smile on his face today, like saying 'I know something that you don't' Hahaha.
English, at least I can understand Mrs Walus's Auzzie drawl. See, watching lots of Auzzie/NZ shows paid off. I found the rebanding unfair to many people, but after all it's always up to ourselves.
EFL was a talk, it got really boring in the middle..

Homework today. Ugh.
School ends so late! ): Recess is so late, we all must starve will 11 for food but when we go down, there's not enought seats.

CCA screening tomorrow and dance after that. A long day ahead..
I get to leave class an hour early. Hmm.

Nothing much. Study now.

First day back.

Monday, January 4, 2010 11:10 PM
How those it feel? The school looks like a mental asylum and smells like paint. Cool, eh?

So I had an early night but I couldn't sleep.
I did Chemistry! And this morning in shcool I did Biology.

Lessons start tomorrow, awwwwww.

Briefings today ain't that interesting. Only the teachers introduction part was fun! Tan tee weeeee :D :D He was sooo cute!
Mr Yong was really really cute too hahaha. All lost.

Practically fell asleep during Mr Ang's discpline talk.
Well I was awake enough to know that we can't wear low belt and socks must be 1 inch above the shoe. Wonder who would do that?

Mr Fadz is our new form teacher! I bet it'll be fun :D :D

The course was pretty fun! Hahaha 'I ate ice cream today and went to the toilet. I loved it. I peed there with my smile."
Then there was this comments thing and the activities were cool :D Like setting priorities right and some aiming a ball at the chair blindfolded thing.

Went home with the usual 10 of us.

The peach and apricot cake was nice :D :D yay

I was thinking about making a portfolio last night.

Okay I wanna read a little before bed! :D

School starts tomorrow

Sunday, January 3, 2010 9:05 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Bottoms up!
This is the start of Seconday 4 and my resolutions start in 2 hours.

There's no apples at home for my apple diet D:
Maybe oranges then.

I just cleared my room and I'm almost done with chemistry. I don't know what to do with Bio.

Sore feet from walking in Marina and Raffles D:
I bought a red long sleeved top :D

Good luck for tomorrow everyone!

Happy New Year, one and all

Friday, January 1, 2010 11:57 PM
So I'm posting really late but anyway..

Here's my new year resolutions:

1. Study hard, like seriously
2. Sleep early, latest 11.30pm
3. Try not to sleep in class at all
4. Read less, like 30 minutes daily
5. My camera can wait for me till after O levels
6. But even though that, i'll work hard on making a nice portfolio
7. Do my best at dance till we step down
8. Use less computer
9. Watch less tv
10. Be a better person
11. Spend less money
12. Eat healthier

Okay, maybe that's all...
it's 12am now.

Anyway, so here's my resolution that will take place on Sunday night, starting with sleeping at 11.30pm.

Done some chem today, with the help of jun xi, and finished Marked, kinda fun :D Though I find it a bit draggy at parts. I want action D:

Nothing much going on, a lot of shopping though.
Bought a tank top, a long sleeved top, a vintage floral dress, a pair of robot earrings and such..

I made a stop motion too that actually hit explore!!
I need new pictures as a matter of fact.

New teachers, new year.
Even though some teachers aren't to my preference, oh well looks like for some subjects it's up to me to study.

And yes I'll study and study hard.
O levels.. I must do well, I must. And with that, there's sacrifices to make.

Starting with computers, books, cameras and tv, goodbye.
Need to cut down on those.

Maybe 1h computer, 30 mins to 1h read, camera for weekend, tv every lunch and dinner time (or when I'm taking a break from studying).
Yeah, that would work.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )