Moving is true.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
6:05 PM
I'm in this internet cafe :D
Bought 3 dresses just now, wearing one now.
My mummy was like, NO MORE BUYING STUFF. meh ):
I have 24 minutes to kill before meeting my parents in Starbucks.
What to do?
I had this really awesome dream last night, but the ending wasn't so nice..
I realise I keep saying the word awesome..
The madness continues...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
11:46 AM
Not that excited but I can't imagine sleeping on a different bed tonight D:
Yesterday, over the grass jelly and bean curd, Dad told me he's very keen to send me to ACJCI to experience a new and different environment from my sister. Cool :D
And I think a nutritionist will be an awesome job!
Hmm, no one has even started packing yet and we're supposed to check in at 4pm.
Goodness..well, anyway, i have a closet of clothes there already so there's nothing much to bring.
I might be able to use the net there too!
Might drop a post later, or might not.
Soooo... Goodbye all, the netizens reading this. See you all on 6th December.
Can't wait to get back for Lene's house and lunch with Jun Xi (because he's treating! 8D), and continue receiving advice from John on the world of Pokemon.
I have two weeks to heal the bump on my head from hitting my forehead against the wall too many times in the middle of the night.
And to get fairer after becoming very tan in the garden during the picnic 2 days back.
Goodbye, world.
12:28 AM
It's a four lettered word,not anything vulgar,or along the line of love or hate.It starts with an m, and ends with an s.Not moss,not mass,not mess,but miss.I miss you dearly,I miss you greatly,with every last atom of my living body.I feel hurt and ignored,your plain disinterest.It's always just like that.It repeats itself over again.With new people, the old ones fade.I want to tell you,I don't know how to,even though they all urge me to.Silence is all that is around me.Not that you cared anyway.Not a single second, or a word.I'm damn well convinced, every single dreadful day.So goodbye to you and your perfect life,the world, the universe, and the fading stars in between.Thank goodness I'm going away.
Daddy (:
Friday, November 20, 2009
10:07 PM
Just went out with family to opposite.
I linked arms with my dad. How awesome is that?
Asked him for a christmas present because I didn't get one from him last year. Then he asked what I would give him because what he wants would be to expensive for me to afford, so I told him, 'I've give you love and care.'
I need to practice my sweet tongue a little more.
Went to eat grass jelly and bean curd with him after that.
Seriously... ate so much dinner too!!
And we were in Espirit and Cotton On picking out clothes for him and he went, 'Wow this is so cool!' Totaly acting hip XD
Thailand tomorrow! Can't wait!
But my sister isn't going D':
We're going to watch Pride and Prejudice again while I pack my bag.
See you all tomorrow <3
Breakfast with daddy tomorrow before tuition.
8:27 PM
Originally uploaded by jamwithsandWoke up at 8.45am. Had to go out with my sister, accompany an injured her to the doctor.
After dropping her off, I went to sit in Cineleisure's foodcourt and ate my sandwich. Got tempted, so bought fish porridge.
After that, went back to wait for my sister in the clinic. Mum came. We three went off to Cineleisure again. Bought Tiramisu and Mango donuts and shared with sister. Sat with Mummy and her friends.
Went to wait for Amol. Sat on this bench with him. My sister kept pushing me into the advert boards. Amol called us, 'Childish.'
We saw Edwin. He nodded at Amol and totally did not recognise me. Hmph.
Waited for Mum for too long, so we went to second floor and had lots of laughs in accessory store and new urban male.
Finally got home.
Initially, wanted to go to Sembawang Shopping Centre to study together but it was raining so they decided to stay at home.
Ate cookies and a curry puff.
Amol looked shock to find me eating non-stop and even more stunned when I told him I've been eating since 10am. Can't help it.
Right, that's all.
I'm too lazy to pack for Thailand. Shall just do it tomorrow.
Today wasn't all that great.
Low cut, see through, make the man go woohoo.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
10:55 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsandHAHA okay sorry.
Random line.
My sister has officially announced me dangerously deranged while I was in her room, lying on her bed and hugging her pillow.
Still clueless when I attacked her with the pillow while trying to perform a ninja stunt.
Sister coming in a while to play pokemon with me.
A picture from today.
Hello awesomely awesomes.
2:09 PM
I'm not so used to my new blog skin.
I changed it because the old one totally screwed up and I'm very sad. I love that skin so so so much!! ):
Anyway, I've got it changed.
I hope to find something nice soon.
YesterdayHealth Conference.
I reached there 15 minutes. Republic Poly is SO pretty!
The roads in the school are all so nicely kept, and the dorms (?) look like condos! Looks like this mini-village. And the school has all these shops and carts, look so much like a mall. The halls remind me of how it looks like when we just walk into expo hallway from the MRT. THE LIBRARY LOOKS LIKE A NATIONAL LIBRARY!!!
Went to some labs and it's so nice! It's such a dream school!
The only fun thing about the day was the speech by Mr Martin Tan from Halogen Foundation and the Project Managing and Leadsership course at the end of the whole thing.
We had to sit at the tabe right in front, Glenn kept going, 'Never make eye contact with anyone.' When they ask for volunteers. Lesson learnt. Because the emcee asked me to reply to a questions, which I refused.
The project we had to do was so fun! We had to help people in Papau New Guinea suffering from influenza. Our team went with Jesslynn's idea and made an ambulence using newspaper and rubber bands (that went around Glenn's shoulders like he's carrying a bag). All 6 of us raced in it. The plan was for Glenn to run real quick and have Jia Qin and Siew Khoon to push us, middle people (Aleithia, Jesslynn and I). AND WE MADE IT! (thought the car tore halfway, hehe)
Glenn and Aleithia also won the school 2 lucky draws, 10 pedometers each. The greatest thing was that they were both called one after the other. GREAT LUCK. Because we put our lucky draw slips all in at the same time.
The food was awesome. The organiser keep asking us to eat more because there were leftovers.
At 8 plus, Mr Leong treated us to breakfast.
At 10, we had a break.
At 12, we had lunch.
At 3, we had tea.
Now, with this being a Health Conference, feeding us overly is not a good thing because the food was DELISH.
Went to Causeway with Aleithia and bought earsticks and a ring for a dollar each.
Webcammed Lene and talked to my Grandmother on the phone.
Tried filing some worksheets but gave up halfway.
Talked to Lene, Jun Xi and John. Made me feel better then my courage was all faded away! AH
TodayWoke up at 8.30am to bathe and get ready. Met Lene outside my estate at 8.56am.
We then went to Giant to buy some ham, cheese and natadecoco.
Got home and we made our ham and cheese sandwiches.
Then, we placed the mat Lene brought on the grass in the garden and started dining on it. I videoed Lene.
Came back in because it was too warm.
Watched Tarzan on Disney Channel and played Pokemon. I WANT THE FREAKING KADABRA.
When my camera battery was fully charged, went to take pictures.
We met a bee and also, my feet were getting bitten by ants, so we left for the field.
It started raining shortly after but the sky in our pictures were plain awesome. I shall have some nice ones uploaded on Flickr too!!!
We got back and ate some Korean Claypot Instant Noodles with vegetable in it.
Lene had to go because she was meeting up with Lok and Mae. I so want to go ): But it's alright...
And that was when I started hunting more a new blogskin and about 1.5 hours after, I ended up with this.
Tomorrow is Friday. I shall drop by the library before going to Thailand on Saturday.
I can feel my bed there calling my name.
12:47 AM
After a grand total of 4 days and 48 minutes, i blew it.
These days are cold.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
10:06 PM
The Supermarket.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand
today was spent flooding my flickr and tuition.
watched ice age 3 and pride and prejudice for the 20th time i think. (the record is still 3 times in 2 months. can almost memorise what happens and what they say. everytime i watch it, i discover something new. we were laughing at mr collin's pathetic flower when he proposed to elizabeth. mr darcy was much more romantic. darcy 1 collins 0.)
also, watched pirates of the carribean, curse of the black pearl, a few days back. also another movie i've watched too many times, after pride and prejudice.
tuition. lok, junli and hun quan were all there.
went to buy bread with hun quan hehe.
math now.
Monday, November 16, 2009
9:33 PM
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand
my flickr is alive with the sound of pants.
more to be uploaded. maybe one per day. greatness.
Today was totally awesome.
9:02 PM
Shooting was so fun and great. The weather loved us so much. It only started pouring when we were done.
We saw the real train!!!! So fun. Oh gosh.
Lunch was fun too :D
(No not that I ate them, but watched them instead)
I am officially a Pokemon geek.
I've been playing it non-stop with the greatest advice from John with his mole guy and Jun Xi the bro.
Home feels so empty.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
11:11 PM
I met this total semi-retarded pervy cheekopek on the bus.
He must be very deranged. Looks like he came out of the asylum.
I think he was trying to look into my shirt for 15 minutes until i gave him this super pissed look and was (almost) swatting him away with my hands. He looked shock and got down the bus. I think he took the bus across the road home.
Wtf stalker.
I feel so disturbed right not I don't think I can sleep.
I feel so upset today. Not like you (the world) care anyway.
I sit and I wait for god-knows-how-fucking-long and yeah, this is what i get.
good day,
to me.
tears, oh no, tears.
and i'm ending up with bad vision.
12:12 PM
I have a spending problem.
Friday, November 13, 2009
8:50 PM
Despite the fact that I'm not exactly broke, I find myself spending a lot of money on rings.
I just bought 3 this week. I think I have more than 10 rings now. That's not very good.
Also, I've got a reading problem. Apparently, I have this gigantic stack of books under my table. I had to stash some in some of my bags so my mother won't accuse me of reading too much and not studying. (Which i wasn't doing for the past week although I told myself I would finish them before I leave for Thailand)
Yesterday, Mr
Ng bought us apple pie and nuggets. Awesome.
Lene after that for Macs. I thought I might have gained weight.
Got home for dinner and ate even more, and got even more full.
I decided to weigh myself at about 11pm so that I can live in ease. The machine says 46kg. I think the machine might be spoilt. But my
BMI is still sadly under the healthy range. I'm looking at a chart for women's height and weight online. It says I'm underweight.
This world has gone mad.
I really want to play Sims 3 ):
My new FAVOURITE book is Spud by John van
de Ruit.
Gosh, I LOVE the book!! I'm reading book 2 right now.
It's so funny! (I hope no one saw me laughing like a loon on the bus.)
Basically, it's about this boy in South Africa called John 'Spud' Milton who comes from this totally mad/deranged family. He won a scholarship to the most elite boys' boarding school ins SA and found himself in this group called the Crazy Eight, consisting of all his
roommates, and they always break the school rules. (this part comes off the second Spud book because this was really funny) Rambo, who said this in the book 'Our housemaster's nickname is
Sparerib, and he's married to Eve, who's the school counselor. I can have sex with Eve
whenever I want.' (and this part is true). Simon is the finest cricketer this school has ever seen. Fatty, the greediest schoolboy the school has known. He weighs 300 pounds, can fart for half a minute, and also has supernatural powers.
Boggo, the greatest pornographer since Hugh Hefner. If your mum posed naked with a horse, believe me,
Boggo's got the proof. Mad Dog, a savage, brainless killer. Whatever you do, never look him in the
eyes. Spud, actor, singer and his girlfriend is a supermodel. Rain Man, last year, he ran away from school, stole a hundred and fifty underpants and ripped the hair out of his head. He's the craziest of the Crazy Eight, so stay away from him at all times, particularly after dark. (Vern grinned like a
psychopath and ripped out a small clump of hair.)
The eighth person, Gecko, is not in here because something happened to him in book one, I'm not being a spoiler!! He's like this really sickly boy who vomits everywhere and has a filthy rich uncle and is Spud's relationship consultant. (Apparently Spud had 3 girls after him and needed a lot of help three-timing them)
Talked to Darrick about it. He loves the book too!
Really hope Singapore has it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I googled South Africa yesterday. Such a pretty country.
But probably it's really unsafe and all.
I should prolly do homework now.
Sean's like still asleep. It's 13 minutes pass the time he says he wants to wake up.
I'm prepared to see him wake up at 10 tomorrow morning.
I miss Lene already.
It's so sad): I can only meet her a few times in such a long time.
Met Angela for lunch today.
We shared fishball noodles and chicken rice! Hahaha.
Lent her Remember Me? and asked her to help me hand in Physics SPA file.
Shall do homework and ask mum about Monday.
I lied today. I don't wish to do it again.
It changed my life.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
9:38 PM
My life had changed, since that one moment, that one day.Back then, my family lived together in this house in the west of South Brooke. There was four of us, my father, my mother, Jesse and I. Jesse was six years younger than me, I took care of him everyday and taught him all the different things he wanted to know. Being a big brother made me feel important, I was his role model.Jesse was a timid child. He was afraid of many things; he was scared of dogs, storms, the dark and everything else a little child would normally be afraid of. I would comfort him and assured him that everything was alright. He would look at me with his big hazel-coloured eyes and I would know right then, he trusted me.My parents quarreled very often, it all began some time after Jesse was born. I never knew why they kept disagreeing on almost everything, but maybe it was just because unhappy marriages was meant to be this way. The couple get too absorbed with their own personal life, they just drifted apart. Perhaps that was just how it was.I was just seven then, but I could pretty much tell they were angry at each other. The walls in the house were thin too, I could hear everything they said, but half the time, I did not know who it was all about. On some nights, my mother would check on me to see if I was asleep but I could tell that she had been crying."Mummy, why are you crying?" I would ask in a soft, small voice, but she would just shake her head and tell me to go to sleep. It hurt me and saddened me, my mother was the person I looked up to all my life. She was always there for me, taught me all the things I wanted to know, read me bedtime stories and scolded me whenever I was wrong, unlike my father who never did any of his fatherly duties. He was not much of a speaker and whenever he tried, he was always at a loss for words.Jesse and I were sitting on the cold marble floor playing with toy cars. A storm was pouring violently outside and I knew Jesse was afraid. Playing with his toy cars made Jesse feel happier, it made me feel happy too. The room was filled with Jesse's happy giggling and endless curious questions, it was pure bliss to know that I could bring him such joy. But no, that had to change, I was too careless, it had caught me off guard. My parents had forgotten to close the door of their room and they had started shouting at one another. I immediately moved over to Jesse's side and asked him if he wanted to go sit at the front porch and watch the rain. I did not want my little brother to get hurt. He was too young to understand, not yet; he was too young.However, I was too late. Jesse's eyes were transfixed on the two people standing in the room down the hallway."Let's go outside, Jesse. Do you want to see and hear the rain? We can play in the rain!" I tried my best to coax him, but he ignored me. His eyes were starting to well up with tears and I cursed myself inwardly for allowing this to happen."Kevin, why are they shouting?" His innocent little voice was breaking, his lips were quivering, but he did not cry. He was trying to be strong. "Why Kevin? W..why?" I did not know what to say right then, I did not know what to do. Jesse could not know the truth. All I could do was comfort him."I don't know, Jesse," I confessed softly and moved over to hold him in my arms tightly as I felt his tears wet against my shirt. "You know what, Jesse? You were very brave today." I felt his little head lift up from my chest, his tear-filled eyes staring up at me."Really, big brother?" Jesse was no longer crying as hard, a wide kiddy, toothy grin was slowly appearing on his face as he wiped his tears off his face with the back of his hands. He tried not to look back down the hallway."Yes you were. You were very brave, very very brave." I whispered. The look Jesse gave me was priceless. His watery, big eyes told me one thing and one thing only. Right then, I was his hero. I was a hero. The first incident that changed my life.A few weeks later, it was the moment of truth, the divorce. My parents allowed me to choose whose custody I want to be under. Jesse and my mother or my father. I looked up at the sadness deep in my father's eyes and I decided to live with him. I lost my mother, the second decision which changed my life. My mother was taking Jesse, they were going to migrate to another town, somewhere far away.On the day that my mother and Jesse were leaving, I tried my best to look strong in front of my little brother. Jesse still had no idea what was going on. He thought we were just going on a car ride to see planes at the airport, while my heart stung with every single word he said. I loved my little brother, more than anything in the world. I did not know how to say goodbye and part with him. There was no way I could do that.Jesse only finally realised everything when I did not follow them to the plane. He struggled and screamed, determined to get out of my mother's strong grip, wanting me to go along with him. I did not say anything, I was speechless. The sight of my brother leaving was too much for me to bear. I did not know what to do because I knew that if I went to comfort him right then, I could never part with him again. The best thing to do was to turn on my heels and walk away. This was my goodbye to Jesse, though not a good one to others, but it was the best I could do. Suddenly, the sound of crying and screaming stopped. I closed my eyes and I knew, definitely, I was no one's hero anymore. I had just lost someone I loved. The third thing that turned my life around.This was how I said goodbye to the person I loved most in the entire world, the person who meant the world to me. My most beloved little brother.I still do not know if the decision I made was the right one, but perhaps saying goodbye was the best thing to do. I cursed and swore at the way things went and fate, but maybe it was all been planned, and it was time I had to let go of Jesse.It was the last best thing I could ever do for him, and him only.Years ago, my life was amazing. It was ideal, but now everything is a complete mess. My life took a tremendous turn. I am no longer the person I used to be because nothing could ever be the same again. I could never get back all I had lost. Especially that one person.Totally inspired by Hero-type by Barry Lyga.
12:31 AM
i should be asleep.
but i'm in the valley of sweetness.
It's a four-lettered word
12:17 AM
and it's not anything vulgar or along the line of love or hate.
these days feel too draggy, because you're not in them.
so, screw bio tomorrow.
i have a list of books i want to reread! (:
Days of fun and fun, only.
Monday, November 9, 2009
10:22 AM
On Thursday, I painted my nails blue. The new nail polish I bought with Lene. Totally awesome!
My mum didn't scold me like she always does when I paint my nails!
Dance was awesome! Much fun with a high me. Went to get my sis from NJ then went to Mandarin Hotel to meet my dad and we went for dinner in Taka. Went back to the hotel and saw a Lamborghini parked right in front of the entrance. AHH!!
On Friday, went to eat Macs with Yew Rong and Ong Lai in NYP. Brought fries home for my maid. I felt sick after that, that's why I don't like eating macs ):
went for tuition. My tuition teacher happens to like my nail colours! And he asked me who taught me to be such an organized person since young and I was like, 'oh, myself.'
No that wouldn't be true, I think it's my dad. He's got this thing for things to be organized and my parents make me plan for all my tuitions myself ever since primary school. All we have to do is tell them when we're going and when to pay the fees. So I have to be responsible for keeping track all the number of lessons i've went and stuff like that, not really easy.
That night, painted my toe nails blue 8D
And tried on some outfits for Saturday. Settled on black tank top, black puffy skirt with this really pretty waistband.
Morning, was just tuition. Went to the market with my dad before that for breakfast. Yumm
Rushed home to bathe and change. My maid helped me braid my hair, as usual. I like braiding my hair now, but yeah the hair braiding fashion in Thailand's already over. Singapore doesn't seem to have it yet.
Met Aleithia at Yishun MRT and we went off to Somerset!!
Went into Orchard Central. Not exactly nice at all for Orchard standard. There was this lingerie shop with 50% off and Aleithia was like, 'Want leopard prints?' HAHA
Since, I've not eaten lunch, we went into Mos burger and I got the vegetarian stuff... I'm off beef, it's so sad. But it's okay, I've not eaten it for a year and I'm surviving perfectly well.
We got this really awesome seat, really cute.
Then, while eating, Alethia went, 'Look at the guy in the table in front of us, hot right?' And she was all..squealing. So I looked up and was had to agree with her. We texted Rebecca to quickly come to Mos and there was something about Rebecca's skirt being too short mentioned somewhere..but anyway back to Mos dude, who was eating fries in this really unusual way, I must say. But he looked up at us, that's a plus for Aleithia's squealing.
She even took a picture of him, claiming to be 'texting'.
We saw Guozhang and some girl joing him later. He looked at us and like stared for a moment, probably thought we looked really familiar, duh! Guozhang, my sister's ex-classmate! Yeah, so we planned to ask my sister who Mos dude was, like she can go, 'Guozhang, saw you yesterday.' And blahblahblah.
Reb finally came and she was like, 'ohmygod!'
Saw a group of girl school girls, totally disgustingly taking photos of themselves. No offence but you don't do such faces in public and go screaming and hope no one notices you.
Aleithia was imitating them, that's the funny part. Reb and I refused to join her.
When we left, Reb was like, 'But I only glanced at him 3 times!'
He looked up when we left, and I smartly walked by the table and saw that he has a left ear piercing. Diamond stud.
We came down with a conclusion that guys with pierced ears are sexy, which is totally true. Like Utt.
Walked to Heren. I saw these group of people and these two guys were looking at us and whispering and I thought, 'They're definitely going to ask us something.'
And sure, they did.
Here's where The Guy in the Red Shirt comes in.
So apparently, they asked us to join this Puma competition where we must wear Puma stuff and draw on this whiteboard, something about Puma, which we have to pose with. And that was when we noticed 'Taylor Lautner'. Ahhhhhh!!
I wore this really nice jacket and drew on the board, stick man holding a Puma sign, called Cute Guy, and there was a heart in between us. Some lady said to Mr Red Shirt, 'Isn't that you?' Er, so not.
Reb's was, 'Puma makes me look slim.' And Aleithia drew a sexy figure.
Aleithia's was, 'My heart is overflowth with Puma.' And Taylor wanted a picture of her and Mr Red Shirt was like, 'No! Go find your own girls.' Hahahaha
Then we had to take a photo with our numbers and we left.
So, Aleithia took Taylor, and Reb took Mos, and I'm left with Red Shirt.
In Heren, bought a ring, well 2 in fact, I gave the other to Aleithia. As a present and our couple ring 8D We hugged.
Reb saw a wallet she liked, so we might be going back for it again on our second date together.
Went out of Heren and saw the Puma people again.
Went to Cineleisure. Bought 2 pairs of earrings. And Reb and I shared Frolick! Omg so nice!! ahhhhhhhh
Went out of Cineleisure and we were approached by...Garnier. 16 skin tones search thing, you know the commercial on TV?
Basically, we had to say why we want better skin and pose for a photo and people have to vote for us on Facebook. Aleithia and I were whispering, 'But I like being tan!'
Anyway, gave us free starter kits and we had to spin this wheel. I got facial mask, Reb had some cream, and Aleithia had the most stuff because she spinned her skin tone number.
While signing up, saw Taylor!! Hahaha and he was like smiling at us.
Went to Wistma. People were giving out free drinks, isotonic drinks isn't really my favourite.
I tried a dress. Aleithia tried this really pretty dress!!! Looks really pure.
Went to Ion and they bought food. Went to try clothes. And walked around looking at stuff.
Then at 5:55pm, I left, since had to go home for dinner while Reb and Aleithia went to meet Jasmine and Jia Yi for picnic at Clarke Quay.
Got home and video called!
Dinner was amazing. Mum made korean food.
Yesterday, got dragged out. Total mood spoiler, because I was so sleepy too and I planned to do Bio homework and all.
Was ranting to Sean for like 2 hours XP my bad.
Read Remember Me? It's fun and quite funny but I'm getting annoyed by the girl, she's so stubborn.
Dinner was so niceee :D Barbequed PRAWNS! Used to eat that every week, hehe.
Last night, started on someone's Christmas present making.
Anyway, Sean's off to camp.
Can't wait to meet Lene this Thursday!!! 8D 8D She wants to eat Macs and I want ice cream and APPLE PIE 8D lalalala
Okay, that's all.
I have things to make and homework to continue doing.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
8:32 PM
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand
physics spa wasn't all that bad (:
I'm so nervy
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
8:20 PM
And there's a story behind it.
I told Angela, 'I'm so nervous about tomorrow!'
Angela said, ' How am I supposed to respond to that?'
'Say that you're nervous too.'
'I'm nervous too.'
'So not convincing, Angela.'
HAHAH okay...
Today was nice (:
Walked to MRT with YewRong and OngLai. We were talking about cartoons we used to watch and ended up talking about Bubuchahca, went home to google it and now i'm addicted to the theme song...AHHH
OngLai said he has nightmares about Teletubbies.. That's a first.
They're all like talking about Macs Monopoly..I feel so...alien.
Yesterday, went to lib and ate iceeeee cream 8D
Lessons these days are okay, just keep having math and physics T_T
I shall treat today like a school night.
Natalie and I are hilarious...
She said, 'Who needs boys anyway?'
And I'm like, 'YEAH, FLOWER POWER!!!'
I posted on Facebook, 'Flower Power, as in Powerpuff Girls.'
And Tony went, 'Mojojojo.'
And Antionette and Lindsey Tran's halloween costumes are like grannies!!! EPIC!
And it's Baohien's birthday today.
Tmr shall go home early and think about something for next Thurs for a special someone ;D
Sat, going Orchard with Aleithia, Rebecca and Yu Jun. Aleithia has birthday money to spend! Ahhh
It's time I use my new dark blue nail polish...and I ALREADY HAVE AN OUTFIT IN MIND 8D
On Sunday, Daddy bought me a new phone <3
E63, blackkkk
I was like, 'Pa, let's so to Sembawang Shopping Centre, I want a new phone.'
'Okay, let's so see.'
'Nooo, BUY!'
Hahahahaha lalala...
I love boots
Sunday, November 1, 2009
6:56 PM
and I wore them yesterday ;D
the traffic was so bad yesterday...little india and kampung glam were like filled with cars ):
bought a black baby-g and a black
nokia e63.
i didn't take the e71 because it was really a lot more expensive :/
anyway, so yesterday,
vel and i went to that dress shop again. the dress like is still there 8D my mummy say i can get it after we've looked in that's
january, when they're back.
the shop owner made me try a few dresses, and one was particularly
it's bare at the waist area. a denim dress, quite cool though (:
bought a necklace. so pretty (: couldn't decide so had to call my beloved sister for consultation.
and she was like. '
erm so you called me just to ask this?'
hey...i need opinions.
i'm too
it rained so heavily yesterday): had to call daddy to fetch me. like can barely see the trees outside!
the road was like FLOODED. only 1 lane was not so flooded. really, like the bus stop was full of water. That's why the traffic was like HORRENDOUS.
ate at some restaurant near my house. i like :D but my mummy doesn't like it):
i'm talking about food and feeling really hungry.
yesterday, my sister and i watched The Covenant on
AXN..the second time
i'm watching it. I LOVE the part when they go, 'Harry Potter can kiss my ass!'
Then watched 桃花小妹. The story is so cute 8D
And watched
Privileged. REALLY FUNNY. I was joking with my sister..that's why it's VERY funny. Or it would just be funny.
After which, watched Wizards of Waverly Place. I still prefer Hannah Montanna and Zack and Cody. XD
Watched a little of Friends this arvy.
Really lame jokes but it's still funny..and addictive.
I LOVE the part today when Janice was with Chandler and Chandler was trying to be committed to a relationship, so he told Janice to some sort of move in with him and Joey, and Janice went, 'I think I need to buy a vowel.'
And Chandler gave her the 'o_o??' look, and Janice continued, 'Because OHmygod!'
Friends is funny...ah this is like the second or third time i'm watching that episode. hehehe. starworld just keeps repeating it.
I love Joey 8D because he's like a male bimbo and Chandler is so much better looking compared to 17 Again, because he was younger in Friends. Ross is like really childish. Phoebe is just really bimbotic too so it's really funny, too bad she didn't end up with Joey in Season 10 ): Monica is probably the only sane one out of the 6 friends. Rachel Jen Anniston. Hahahaha.
Waiting for daddy to get home so that can have dinner with him.
SPA SO SOON. omgomg.
I'm too much in this holiday mood ):
Currently talking to Shannon..hahahaomg.
JANICE says:
my camera is so's crying right now
HELLO ME says:
mine too
its not crying
or not
it would be
so yeah
500d can cry?
JANICE says:
it's a funtion
HELLO ME says:
JANICE says:
then water just start spilling out
HELLO ME says:
i needa get the 7d then
it can run away from home
JANICE says:
HELLO ME says:
and i heard the 1d mark five can camwhore itself!
JANICE says:
next time there might even be one with self-destruct
HELLO ME says:
holy shit
ok no more of our childishness. BYEEE