i'm such a bad flickr contact></div>
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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

lag lag lag

Friday, October 30, 2009 9:12 PM

i'm such a bad flickr contact
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

slacked the entire day. how great ;)

12:23 AM
She watched him through the crowd at the masquerade, the figure standing at the doorway. A simple black mask covered his shadowed perfect, sleek face; revealing only his dark, ardent eyes; his long limbs and well built body covered in a well-fitted black tailored suit; his black hair combed back to reveal his porcelain white complexion.

His posture spoke of arrogance and pride, and his eyes charmed whoever stared into them.
The crowd parted and stared in silence as he entered the ballroom, all around him young girls were giggling flirtatiously, hoping he would look their way, hoping he would reserve a dance for them.

Despite the mask which he masqueraded in, supposedly keeping his identity clandestine, there was no mistake who he was. That angular face, narrow eyes, sharp nose, thin lips and perfect set of straight gleaming teeth.
They could only belong to one person, and one man only.

Aidan Darcy, heir of Amberly. His father, a viscount.
Perfection was his middle name. Seduction was his little game.
He was handsome; no, not just handsome, he was outrageously attractive.

Her eyes trailed him as his long legs strode across the tessellated tiled floor. She froze as he looked up, as if time has just stopped. His dark eyes had shifted to look directly into hers; and she swore it was a smile she saw in those bewitching eyes.

Her cheeks burned as she turned away shyly; those intense sharp eyes staring right into her very soul made her feel like jelly But she knew she couldn't fall for his charm, his spell. No way could she, for she had known and heard of all the broken hearts he had caused. She could not be a part of it.

Yet, when she looked in his direction again, his eyes were still fixed on her, he was walking straight at her. She could feel all eyes on her, silent whispers of gossip all around her. Quickly, she looked down again. No way could he be walking towards her, she told herself silently, why would he? She was not the prettiest girl that night, she was sure.

But she was wrong, in no time, he had closed the distance between them.

'May I have the honour of having you as my partner of the first set of the starting dance, my lady?' He asked, as he bowed. His eyes never leaving hers. His bewitching smile seemed permanent on that angular face of his.

She prayed that her mask was hiding her flaming cheeks now as she curtsied in return. 'Yes you may, sir' She was not going to use his name of any sort, he has no need to know how much she had secretly admired him all these years. So much that she even knew him with a mask on.

He offered him her arm and she accepted it, she knew it was not right, but temptation got the better of her. She felt jealous stares from the girls all around her as he led her to the middle of the ballroom.

'Do you dance well?' he teased, placing one hand on her waist, and the other in her hand. She could feel the well-built muscles hard beneath her hand on his shoulder, the coolness of his hand. His soothing, deep, attractive voice was all she could hear, drowning the sound of the now-insignificant music playing in the background. His eyes were still fixed on hers, she thought she could faint right then, it was too overwhelming for her to take.
She was dancing with Aidan Darcy! The man she had fancied ever since she had seen him!

She felt like there was only two of them in the room, and couldn't help but feel disappointment when the dance had ended.

'So you do dance well,' He said, that teasing smile still playing on his lips.
'I was taught well, I believe,' She replied.
'Yes indeed.'

He walked the few steps between them towards her, so close she could feel his breath against her ear as he leaned closer to her.

'Do you fancy a stroll in the garden after the third set, sweetheart?' His breath was warm. He turned to look at her, a charming, yet so mesmerising eyes looking deep into hers.

Temptation made her nod agreement. And he continued to lean closer to her, and she could smell his cologne.

'By the way, darling, you look splendid tonight.'

oh, the joy

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 8:57 PM
On Monday, got back results, pretty disappointing.
We played Uno, Cheat, Poker, Pepsi Coala, Murderer and Heart Attack.
Murderer was the most fun one!!! We all held hands and played the hand squeezing one. When I was 'murdered', i put and Yun Chuan's hand together and was like, 'We are here gathered under the sight of God to witness the joinging of this man (Abdu) and this woman (Yun Chuan).' And when either Abdu or Yun Chuan gets 'murdered', they quit holding hands and become divorced. Hahahaha.

Got home and made a mask.

Tuesday was like okay. They say 'pilot survey', happily went in and ended up having a math test too.
Nothing much :/

Today, we tried to bug Wen Jie to go sing Barbie Girl with us but he refused, though it was obvious he wanted to!!!
Don't forget the lyrics was quite okay.
Yew Rong stepped on my big red specs and they broke): oh well. My mummy says that we can go look for them again this time in Thailand. Hope they have it still! Anyway it's like freaking cheap.
After dance, was in class sharing jokes with Angela, Yew Rong and Ong Lai. Funny!!!

The funniest today has to be: Yo Momma so scary, Voldermort doesn't dare say her name. (Saw it on Lindsey Tran's Facebook status last weeeeeeek!! LOL)
The lame version is: Yo Momma so scary, Harry Potter runs away from her.

We stopped laughing but start laughing at how someone else laughs and oh no...cheeks and stomach hurt so badly. Hahahaha
They left but I was still so high. Blah

Dance was nice. Learning a new dance. Fun fun :D

I left my water bottle in MPS): ahh must find someone to open the room for me tomorrow):
No wonder it felt weird when I went home.

I'm too tired and sleepy

We have came down with a conclusion

Sunday, October 25, 2009 11:39 AM

'We' meaning Yu Jun and I, have decided that When F4 was famous, they all looked so ew-ish, but they're in their 30s now and have cut their hair and stuff...and BAM. Jerry Yan's so good looking now.. oh yes he is, especially his profile, and he don't have the pretty boy look. You'll deffo like him after watching 篮球火 which is airing on Channel U like..next week at 11.30pm..but I watched it already last year. Well, almost completed it but got really sick of some parts of the show so I stopped watching.

Yesterday, 桃花小妹 was quite nice! Reminds me of those P6 days when we were all watching 终极一班, with 飞轮海. That's like the first Taiwan drama I actually watched and started listening to chinese songs. Then like my chinese became so much better (:

Spent money yestrday on Starbucks and kiddy clips from the kids section of the shop...really reminds me of those days when i was in kindergarten! nostalgia

On Thursday and Friday of school, it was like freaking boring? Practically slept through the entire Friday. Like in math, spent 30 minutes being drowsy and slept for the next hour, the only thing I heard was, 'The centre of the circle is 3,4' or something like that. Sat next to Shing Yi during Chinese, so that I could talk and play Sudoku with Yew Rong, Rebecca, Adelynn and Yu Jun. During Bio, we all sat with Tau Pok. And we heard some lorry honking, and he went, 'I just sounded the hunters horn.' and he was giving me the typical Tau-Pok wise look, the head shaking thing when I do something childish, ptffff.

On Monday, out with Lene! Spent so much money but it was fun!!! We saw like many nice stuff and weird things. We couldnt find dresses): Oh there was like this guy in Bugis street with ultra small FBTs and his thick fat legs totally looks bad...okay.. We saw some clothes and Lene went' Do you see what I se?' And i go, 'Errr the pink one?' 'NO! The one next to it.' We fail was Bananas in Pyjamas...

Plaza Sing is nice. Me like! The ribbon shop and Spotlight!!!! Me love to sew now! To prepare for my housewife career. LOL!

I'm eating too much lately.Spending too much too.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:11 PM
this is a poem about love
not one which you write to those you love
but one written dedicated to this wonderful emotion of pure love

it is a four-lettered word
that starts with ‘l’ and joins you with i

the magnetic pull that attracts your hand to mine
the frisson of surprise whenever your hand touches mine
the incessant feeling when your ardent eyes look into mine
the sweet, lovely dreams of your life as a part of mine

the fireworks that explode in the background when your lips touches mine

under the dark night sky
lit up by millions of twinkling stars
your hand found mine

there was once an emotion called love
only love

and this is the poem about love, the wonderful emotion

A blast!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 11:35 PM
Yesterday was awesomely awesome!!!!!
Shall update tomorrow or something since it's a bit late now.
Shirlene darling and I walked so much I could walk no longer when I got home and still had to go to the supermarket with my mummy, pracitcally stood at a corner and waited.

WHEN HOLS START, LENE WE MUST GO OUT AGAIN...and nails shall be BLUE! I'm gonna make a ribbon to go with the dark blue retro ring and the nails :D
Had to remove the purple just now because school tomorrow... )': I love purple nails!

Read Glitter Baby after attempting doing 3 sewing thingos.
Really I have stiff neck, I made this holder thing, a fluttery flower and a flower with some wire stalk. I've moved on to textiles...hehehehe

Glitter Baby is so fun but I really hate Fluer's mum, total slut! And her dad and stepdad too are jerks. Okay..but it's just a book.
About 100 pages left! Bet can finish by tonight...
Lene lent me the book :D :D She share the likes for the same authors *does wiggly eyebrow thing*

Nights, lovelies

Sunday, October 18, 2009 3:48 PM
Watching the new Chakirt show, Jum Leuy Kamathep.
But I stopped at episode 2 or I'll keep watching all day and night and can't stop):
i need slef control and I'm going gaga over Chakirt again XD XD XD

i shall start sewing or something.

I love my family

Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:52 PM
I do, a lot too.

Today was a great day, I enjoyed myself a lot.
It's been so long since we've been out, all 4 of us, and I really do like it a lot.

Woke up to Deepavali goodies from next door neighbour :D
And watched a little Monsters vs Aliens before I went to get dress.

We went to see furniture..in somewhere...kranji or something, like no idea at all.
my dad refused to buy me the director-sized study desk XD very pretty price too, in fact. 4 pretty digits.

Hmm then we went to eat at the Subway at Bukit Timah there, outside the Dairy Farm. Ah so cool :D I love that place. So angmo-y.

Went to sit in Longhouse for a moment and saw this celebrity, don't know her name xp
She has like amazing skin and great hair!

Went to Standford House next to have my specs readjusted and change the nosepad. Tried some specs, had this really cool black one that went PERFECT with what I was wearing.
Pretty cheap too..$186 :D But okay, I'll just wait for new ones to come or when I check my eye sight.

Then it was Peninsula Plaza. I LOVE LOVE LOVE ASICS TIGER.
Must go look at the branch in Wheelock!!!

My mama bought me a mag, she was like, 'just pick what you want.'
So obviously, i chose the one with PAE ARRAK ON IT. *squeals for a nanosecond*
There's a picture of Mario Maurer in it too, mmmmm. And Chakirt has a new drama, so wanna watch but must control myself.
Bought chocolate vitasoy, I love the bottles too!
Next time, must go there for food. The padthai is really nice. Saw this guy eating noodles and was all, AHHHH.

Had an early dinner at 5.30?
Got home, fell asleep.
Woke at 6 plus, bad mood because it was so noisy everywhere.
Watched some MTV awards.
Watched Pitch Fever, fun show :D
And started on my quest to sew a flower, some craft section from my mum's magazine.
I practiced on paper first with my maid.
And then my maid taught me how to sew the flower so some of what you see below was done by her, 2 petals of THE WHITE PART ONLY. I did the rest :D And she helped me burn the green edges.
I'm so proud of myself. I should do more tomorrow, can put in my hair :D

Was talking to Natalie about some people online stealing pictures online.
Damn, I HATE those people. no life brainless people. At least we know we can take pictures and they can't so all they can do is steal and upload it on their blogs.

I hope Daddy brings us to Novena's chinese vegetarian restaurant tomorrow.
And we go to Dairy Farm :D

Oh look at the time, so late.
I wished for the next few days to be a great day.

Book, magazine or show?
Hmmm...book it shall be

I love myself :D greatest achievement today

I've spent the entire day camping on my bed

Friday, October 16, 2009 3:52 PM
i need to do something more productive than this... ugh
boring days...

and i've been watching Sex and the City.
really funny and fun.
like every episode is about a new topic she's writing about in her newspaper column, sex and the city, and the interviews are it's really funny.

i bet they're having fun watching scary movies at yewrong's house.

Good morning Sunshines

9:30 AM
isn't the morning nice?
erm, okay besides the fact that it was going to rain and i only slept for 5 hours.

just done reading 'A Summer to Remember'

Shall go on watching movies!!
Continue with Ghost of my Girlfriend's past since I watched i halfway yesterday...after watching Confessions of a Shopaholic.
And prolly Legend of the Seeker :D

Shall upload some pictures..on flickr...okay maybe one

12:53 AM

webcaming with the two S's


A conversion with Anees can never be more entertaining

Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:28 AM
Anees says:
hey janjan!
JANICE says:
hey rahman

Anees says:
i was so bored yesterday...
JANICE says:
yes me too
Anees says:
then i started guessing your sis name....
JANICE says:
i see
Anees says:
i think im close..
let me see...
JANICE says:
Anees says:
oh no...
one more,,,
JANICE says:
did you know janice came from the name jane
Anees says:
JANICE says:
omg that's my neighbour's dog's name
Anees says:
oh damn it....
your sis name starts with 'j' right?
JANICE says:
Anees says:
JANICE says:
Anees says:
does it end with an 'e'
JANICE says:
Anees says:
so my first part was correct...
i knew it...
JANICE says:
Anees says:
JANICE says:
dude, my uncle's name is james
can't you differentiate male and female names?
Anees says:
it was guess...
JANICE says:
Anees says:
dont tell me...
im going to get...
JANICE says:
yesyes go on guessing
Anees says:
im out of j names already...
JANICE says:
you're the joker
Anees says:
JANICE says:
Anees says:
i found her name?
JANICE says:
Anees says:
JANICE says:
and romeo
Anees says:
JANICE says:
wow now you can't even tell that 'e' isn't a 'j'
Anees says:
no thats your name written the opp way.
JANICE says:
i know
Anees says:
JANICE says:
give up :D
Anees says:
wait googling now...
JANICE says:
i give you a second hint
7 letters
Anees says:
JANICE says:
it's in 3 months time
Anees says:
JANICE says:
Anees says:
JANICE says:
no jacelyn...change a letter
Anees says:
JANICE says:
Anees says:
JANICE says:
no a vowel
Anees says:
JANICE says:
how smart
Anees says:
oh my god so proud of myself...
JANICE says:
after i helped you a lot
Anees says:
first thing to achieve during the exam break....
i tried doing something before but failed...
JANICE says:
Anees says:
i wrote a letter to ghandi...
then i realised he died already...

The last time Anees went, 'I was so bored I started thinking about something,' he named me Jan Ice and Ja Nice.
Oh well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:18 PM
don't remind me of things
unhappy things


8:37 PM
Went shooting with Aleithia this morning, till almost 9 (: it was fun.
besides the ant bites and holes in the ground...and sweating profusely.
Then, she came over and we looked through the pictures and watched Sex and the City a little before it got all screwed on the dvd player and WMP.

The movie was so funny!
Here's a quote: 'I colour everyday, all day long. Till all my crayons are used up.'

Then watched Boys Over Flowers XD
There was a Kim Bum and Minho overreacting moment.
Wow, Aleithia wants to go see Minho, I bet Ion will be packed!

Went out to SCC after that and looked around for materials prices.
She left and I sat there eating and went to Yishun Library for a while.
Then went to meet welfare. and ran out of cash. so now i owe Vivian a buck XD
We were camping at Anderson's Ice Cream, their only...customers.

Okay, so the guy's name is Aidan (at first I thought i was a girl, and the sypnosis was all Colonel Lord Aidan Bedwyn, and I was going 'errrrr...huh?' ), which is really flowery.
But IT WAS SO SWEET. mucho mucho :D

Slightly Married bu Mary Balog

Here's a quote (but it's sad) :
'...and held out his free hand for hers.
"Come," he said.
For several moments he thought she was going to say no. She stood staring at his hand and then, at last, slowly raised her own to set in his.
"One last night?" she said.
"One last dream." '

and there's this really sweet part:

'Before her mind could quite register to the shock, he had braced his booted feet against the seat opposite and settled her against him in such a way her head nestled comfortably on one of his shoulders...
"It will get better, love" he murmurred against her ear.
"Will it? But it was a measure of her weariness that she did not need to hear his answer. At that moment, she trusted him utterly...
"I promise it will," he said. '

But that still does not prove how gentlemanly he was. But okay it's like historical so whatever.

I can't wait to find more books about the Bedwyn siblings :D

AND LENE YOU PROMISED ME!!! On our date, we shall FIND them XD

hmm nothing much else.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 6:12 PM
Screw History man.

Okay, I'm so pissed I can't blog right now.

Friday, October 9, 2009 8:12 PM
she whispered goodbye
and went away
swearing to never again look him in the eye
for that was the only way

to leave silently
in the dead of the cold winter night
to leave secretly

she prayed for the stars to not tell on her
for the trees in the woods to not whisper a word
and for the moon in the dark night sky to forgive her

she had fallen in love with him
but she wished he would never know
he didn't have to know
he will never know

the best way was to leave
run away
from him
and the reality of every single thing

Exam relaxation

Monday, October 5, 2009 8:03 PM
I'm sorry, but my mother has taught me well to never talk to ugly strangers.

School was all drowsy, all thanks to the sleeping pill because of those itchy red swollenish thingos everywhere.
I think I was pretty quiet today.
Took the train with Xian Long, Willy, Jin Hu and Zi Gui.
Saw Eugene!! (Mind flashes back to p1 and those days in p4 when I sat next to him)

Everything in a nice nutshell.

I have to study. Oh gawsh.

Miss Yep called. Haha :D
Apparently, my number on the relay system is all wrong and some woman complained because she kept receiving unknown text messages. Hehe.

That's all, for now.

bread is tasty(;

Sunday, October 4, 2009 12:10 AM
I'm Sean...on Janice's blog...yeah.

Its weird to post after someone just posted..
Janice has been falling sleeping alot lately,
I suspect she's turning partially piggy :/
But then she would be the smartest pig and all..
Maybe I'll get her a mudbath for x'mas :D

Yesterday(ortoday), I forgot,
Janice found EBAY! :D
Too bad the shipping costs for cameras cost more than the cameras :P
Expensive hobby, blah.
At least has something she enjoy doing..mehh.

Okay so yesterday was also her core geog paper,
shes studied like a machine for it :/
Probably even more than the scholars in my class,
sigh --.
She'll probably not sleep if she studies Bio.. --
Wonder whether she even sleeps..hmmm.

Downloading Fifa 10...Taking forever):
Oh hey look its 12:34.
Make a wish :D

Saturday cuteness

Saturday, October 3, 2009 11:49 PM
Hello lovelies,
how was your Saturday?
I spent money.

I bought,
1. 2 Popular 120 pages exercise books
2. 1 Shocktrooper Star Wars Lego Key Chain !!!!!!!!!! DAMN CUTE OMG
3. Hairband from Helen, it's black with white stitches

I spent about $15.50. Ehhh

Okay, so this morning, was watching some model reality show with my mummy and sis.
Quite fun! But they're like so young! 16 to 18 ish?
But I think their shoots were cool and the whole catwalk thingo.

Started trying my mum's shoes.
I WANT CLARKS GLADIATOR SCANDALS. Super nice. My grandma wanted to buy for me, but I saw it was 1000 over baht and was all, forget it. Sigh.

Then, did a bit of work, but fell asleep.

After tuition, ran off early with Vel by 20 mins! HAHAHA
omg, it's so fun to be with Vel on Saturdays.
She saw my hair today and went, 'The lego tag says age 3 and up, Janice, you're not even 3 yet.'

Speaking of my hair, I tied a mini pao! Sabi style :D
Yeah I got the idea from her, it's mega cute, mucho mucho!

My sister lent me her Mango Jeans shirt and hairband today too!

Kate Spade's new line sucks.

in a sense
i think i wrote some wrong shit but Willy agreed with me on one questions which was against Jerome's. At least a genius thinks like me. Hahahahaahhaah

I talk to Yun Chuan about Barn Buddy.
I know.
But it's fun.

'NYC says:
you didn't steal mine?
JANICE says:
NYC says:
i'm surprised
JANICE says:
i'm nice
my comp lagging
NYC says:
so because of that you didn't?
JANICE says:
i'm nice
NYC says:
trying to be funny'


Haha English Paper was nice. I wrote sad story, inspired by Hero Type by Barry Lyga.
I like :D
I wrote damn fast. Like 6 sides with alternate lines. Plus 3 sides without leaving line for letter, and I still had 15 mins.

I had time left for Geog too. Like whoa.
Since I thought time was running out and I rushed XD

Had fun with the usual people over lunch.
Yew Rong's voice is like so good to sing Fergy's part in Boom Boom Pow! Hahaha.
Darrick was funny too!!! He wanted to give Mr Wong math homework in the coffee shop, and Mr Wong gave the shocked look. And Darrick was like, It's okay it's okay, and Mr Ang was laughing, well all the senior teachers were laughing. XD

Tuition was fun too. Spent the whole time talking to LOK and suaning Jun Li (I'm getting back at him for p6 days when he always tease me about E.....) Too bad Yon Jun didn't come. If not it's like three 6 caring, 1 achieving and 1 observant. Hahahahahaha ex-schoolmates reunion!

I hope my mama allows.
And Davis's party in November.

Watched Privillege or whatever name it's called.
Fun show :D

I was like squealing and hitting the sofa with the cushion.
My sister was laughing too hard.
Hey, I was getting hyped up.
He's so cute. And he's being romantic.

Fine, I know i'm childish.


Thursday, October 1, 2009 9:13 PM
good luck tomorrow, my dear friends.
it's doomsday.
eff that.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )