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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:30 PM
when i look up at the stars that are shinning all so bright,
i would hear your voice recite,
a soft gentle whisper, under the incandescent moonlight,
'the stars are shinning for us tonight.'

an incessant feeling.

in my dreams i would see you smile,
my mind would drift away for a while.
your eyes full of simple emotions,
looked into mine and the time goes in slow motion.

the stars are twinkling for again tonight.

shimmering for us only,
shinning down on us solely.

for only two of us are worth,
and full of endless beauty.

Sunday, September 27, 2009 11:08 AM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

'we know what we are, but not what we may be.' - hamlet, william shakespeare

I can't think straight now when my mind is going 'I WANT THE 50MM F/1.8!' 'WIRELESS REMOTE!' 'FILTERS!' 'PHOTOSHOOT!' 'TRAIN TRACK' 'FLOWERS' 'FOREST' 'GREEN' 'TREE' 'MODELS!'

I need to study today.
a lot too.

Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:50 PM
I'm talking to Natalie, hearts

JANICE says:
luke smithers
JANICE says:
did you see his facebook dp?
naaattie. says:
jfskjfldsjlfjkldsf hotttiieeeeee
arrr luke smithers is like damn hot
naaattie. says:
O-O thats insane
JANICE says:
i saw the pict
and was like ohgawd
and he's so talented too
that's so illegal
naaattie. says:
i would have killed him but hes too hot to be killed lmao
JANICE says:
yes, it would have to be a romeo and juliet

Then we mentioned.. Alex Simms, Zach Singh, Oliver Taylor, Gregory Chester, Mike-Bailey Gates.
It's so fun talking to her :D

Aleithia said, 'Saw Luke Smithers hot hot hot!'
And we started talking about how there's no one like that in Singapore during English.

Performance in 2 days,

11:54 AM

I woke up at 6.40am, and took those near 7am.
Oh my neighbours were around, and so were their maids.

Anyway, I'm getting sick, I think I got it from Yew Rong :(

Exams in 6 more days, oh my gawd.

Oh yes, my model list is growing. My ideas are too... I want a pretty portfolio and such.
So, Aleithia's gonna be train tracks and places near our houses, I think I'm going to buy flowers for this shoot.
I'm spotting locations lately.

There was someone who asked me to send one of my pictures for her college project on some exhibition but I don't know. It's all in US and such.

Anyway, a list of funny stuff lately.

Anees said, 'I can sing and dance very well, you know.'

Yun Chuan sleeping in class on Thursday. At first he was like straight up, and I watched his head drooped a little and I thought he would wake up but it didn't. Then it drooped..and drooped... Amanda and I were laughing a whole lot.

Yesterday, they Ong Lai took Anees's water bottle and gave it to Deepak, and I was like, 'THROW IT OUTSIDE THE WINDOW.' And Deepak put it outside and close all the windows. Hahahaha, you can imagine Anees shaking his head and went, 'Janice, I thought you were on my side!'

Had an hour recess. In class, Dean was there with Justin and Shing Yee. We all laughed too much. Justin was recaping on the trip to China last year when they all saw porn.

That time I was bathing,' said Justin.
'With who?' Went Dean.
'I shared room with Shing Yee.'
'Wow! You bathed with Shing Yee? I know, then you put on the Touch My Body song and wear the bathrobe and start touching his butt.'


'Because we all playing cards at night like 10 girls 10 guys, then the cards drop on the flow so I wanted to go look.' Said Justin.
'Yeah, and I told you not to look under the bed right?' Shing yee said that.
'I put my hand under the bed and got a used condom below the bed. Brown colour one and was like sticky sticky.'
'I told you not to look under the bed already, right?'
'I think they put shit inside and play.'

LOL. Damn funny. Imagine the conversation the way Justin and Shing Yee say things.

Dean started demonstrating some pinching thing that Mr Eu told 3/5 about. And Dean wanted to demonstrate on Shing Yee. So funny, because Dean was like going, 'What to do when someone twist your nipples.'
Hahahahahaha. Then Shing Yee had his arms locked across his chest, hahahahaha.

In Chinese yesterday, Lu Lao Shi was giving all these examples of phrases and I told Zhou Yang, 'Why do all of them sound like you?'
Hahahaahaha, lol he was acting like a 3 year old in class.

I like going for recess with Yew Rong, Rebecca, Yu Jun and Adelynn :D
But if I'm going to eat so much everyday, I'll grow really..fat.

Mr Singh called me lazy in PE yesterday because I was reading Geog and refused to kick the ball to him.
Hey): And Mr Singh was telling everyone who was sitting there too about Changi Hospital and all.

Wen Jie saw Mr Fadz and went, 'FATZ THE FAD!' and a moment later, 'Nonono, I mean FADZ THE FAT!'

Okay, that's all I think. Worth of funny things.


I look at Anees studying. He looks like he can go for exam tomorrow and secure an A1.
And I look at myself.
Oh man...

Exams quickly come and quickly go.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:51 PM
I think I just went to heaven when I saw his facebook display picture.
he's too hot to be real, he looks like a 15 year old chace crawford with better hair and greener eyes and a damn sexier smile.

he got his braces off :)


Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:42 PM
I just had both my toes bandaged up because during dance, we had to dance without shoes and I have horrid blisters. And I mean the entire chunk of skin coming off kind.
and blue blacks hurt a lot. since my toes were in bad pain, used knee to support... so yeah

barely ate anything since recess today because it was so hectic!
they kept us till so late during efl, then rushed for history and dance right after that!

wen jie was imitaing darrick, and I helped remind him about his female role in his drama club. the blue qipao, orange hankie, wig braids and this very bimbo shocked look. plus his womanly voice :D
so yeah, refer to aleithia's blog for his gay pout.

chinese oral.. I mumbled my way through the passage, and talked nonsense for conversation, oh well.
after that, talked to lorena, zhou yang, edwin and chee ian...
to the guys about movies.

during assembly, MOE wanted this picture of our school celebrating our achievements this semester, the teachers with medals. Mr Kamal, Mdm Wong and Miss Leow with their medals. Mr Chan went, '1, 2 , 3!' And we all started clapping and acting/looking very very VERY happy, and yeah, they were snapping pictures away.
Funny :D

I heard bad bad stuff today.

things to do :
1. study
2. teachers' presents budget
3. dance party after marking days

sorry if there's any typo, I'm on itouch(:

Catch me if you can.

Monday, September 21, 2009 4:35 PM
Yeah, just watched that movie on Channel 5.

And I think Leonardo DiCaprio is perfect for the role of Frank William Abagnale Jr.

Anyway, Frank Abagnale is probably a one-of-a-kind geniuses.
How many people can trick their way into check fraud and being a pilot at the age of 16? He's like really confident in what he does so no one doubts him in anything.

Frank William Abagnale, Jr. (born April 27, 1948) is an American security consultant best known for his history as a former confidence trickster, check forger, skilled impostor and escape artist. He became notorious in the 1960s for successfully passing US$2.5 million worth of meticulously forged checks across 26 countries over the course of five years, starting when he was only 16 years old. In the process, he claimed to have assumed no less than eight separate identities, successfully impersonated an airline pilot, a doctor, a prison inspector, and a lawyer, and escaped from police custody twice (once from a taxiing airliner and once from a US Federal penitentiary), all before he was old enough to legally drink.

Credits to Wikipedia.
He studied 2 weeks for a law exam and took it 3 times in Louisiana before he passed it, then he forged a Harvard certificate.
He even started printing his own checks. It's like..sick! The FBIs took so long to even track him down because he was traveling around the globe.
And all the names he used came from comic books.
Greatest of all he's still 61 years old.
Such a honour if can meet him, seriously.
Anyway, I spent yesterday doing some work.
Then wrote my story which I left uncontinued from last year. So fun :D And I spent the other time reading about..elves. I sound so..nerd saying that. Elves... I even read an argument about 'what elves eat' . Okay..I'm not mentally right.
Anyway, today, went to tuition. Thought i was going to be late!
Met Hun Quan. Walked around Northpoint buying food and the library with him before going back.
And I have a scratch on my leg. A long one. Made by my pencil >:(

Saturday, September 19, 2009 1:56 PM
Hello y'all

okay, so I'm like blogging from the itouch :)

it's so cold today! well as in cool. it's been so so so warm lately! (wai siong and I fighting over the floor fan and I sit 2 rows behind him)

I'm almost done with vocab! yes!

and I realise I get really sleepy everyday :(
I haven't got an idea why. oh well

okay, that's al, got to go back to MUG!

you have never existed in my mind

Friday, September 18, 2009 8:54 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

A few days.
Here it goes.
Just the fun bits.

Anees said, 'Kuan Ting, you're a disgrace with a big 'D' '
And I went, 'Annes, you're irritating with a big 'I' '

During PE, Anees threw the ball in my face. Like really, any retard would know I can't catch a ball. Wait, scratch that. I won't catch a ball.
So yeah, it banged into the side of my face and my spectacles feel all weird now.
I only accepted his apology because I was getting annoyed by the ten million 'Janice, I'm sorry'.

During CI, Justin turned around.
'You have not answered me yet, your sister hot or not?'
And I gave him all the why-do-you-want-to-know-and-you're-putting-me-in-a-terrible-situation look.
'Okay, okay. Who is the prettiest person in class?'
'Erm.. Nanthini?'
'Okay, compared to Nanthini, upon 10, with 10 being the prettiest. How pretty is your sister.' And after 3 seconds. 'Wait cannot, choose a second prettiest.'
I was like lagging, then, 'Erm..there's no second.'
'Quickly la, if not I'll say compared to you.'
'You very what leh, why are you so interested!'
'Okay fine fine, compared to Miss Singapore.'
'Miss Singapore not very pretty exactly, so I can give a 8/10.'
'Wait cannot la, must be someone that looks like her. Do you look like her?'
'Er no?'
Then it went on for like a million years and I finally said, 'She kinda looks like Olivia? You just go flip the year book luh.'

And I was like, 'So, Justin, you have sibling?'
'Yeah, sister.'
'Hot or not?'

Then Justin went to Yun Chuan, 'You have sister right? Hot or not.'
And Yun Chuan was like, 'Eh, my sister P2 only la.'
So I went, 'Yeah and you have a brother.'
Justin said, 'You have brother? Clever or not? His forehead like you?'
'No no. Forehead not like me. Err he's clever but dumb.'
I said, 'Nooo, must say, I think he's clever. But I'm cleverer.'
We were like, 'Yun Chuan, you steal all your brother's brains ar.'

Then Justin went, 'Janice, are you more hardworking than me?
I was like, 'Yes because you use your photographic memory and I use my brains.'
'Nono, not photographic memory. I learn by..touching! Yes yes, then go like, Eh Mr Wong, come here, I want to touch you.' (It has something to do with Xiu Ming's love is touching theory.)

After school, Amanda, Yew Rong and I went to meet Miss Yep to talk to her about Chem stuff and we started chatting. So fun to talk to Miss Yep :D

Lu Qin didn't come today. Got me all nervy over Chinese Oral.

And, during CI everyone was like mega-not-listening-to-Mrs-Yeo and she got all mad at us because we won't listen to her talk about stress.
Like hello? You don't go, 'It's just O Levels' to 3/1, and say, 'You all will definitely do well and get into JC.'
We speak the under-ten-points language.

A certain someone said that he wants to have chemistry with a chemistry teacher.


Just keep swimming swimming swimming...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:24 PM
What do you do, you just keep swimming.

Oh yeah, probably sang that 10 million times in class today to keep myself from falling asleep.
I think I drove Yun Chuan to the cranky side.

That's from a while back, hehe.
My sister did my hair, ribbon!

Anyway, back to blog.


I thought I could not walk anymore. Especially at the 快板, I thought I was going to fall flat on the ground. It's so tiring! Like running 2.4, just that this one lasts 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
So tomorrow, this has to repeat. Plus, having rehearsals.

Yesterday, Justin turned around and went, 'Janice, you have older sister right?'
'How old?'
'Hot or not?'
And I gave him the 'dude, wtf' look. Hahahaha.

Nothing much yesterday, told Yun Chuan about 命中注定我爱你, lol he actually watched a little of it, but he says he's saving it for after exams.
Yeah Shiuan Wen watches a bit too :D And so does Chui Shan. We were laughing about it over dance. Chui Shan says Min Ho and SS501 is coming to Singapore! Ohmygosh! She even has these BOF ez-link card stickers thingy and KIM BUM IS SO CUTE!!!!

Spent English sleeping since no teacher.
And slept a lot more.

Back to...

Aletihia told me about this hot Cat high guy she met on the bus while she was sleeping unglamly in front of him on 169 this morning. Hahahahaha!

Slept during Chinese while they were all having oral.
And before Mr Ng came in. And Chemistry. Miss Yep even tried asking me a question, too bad I knew the answer :D

I even pre-read Bio last night so that if I sleep in class and Miss Ng (who I was not sure would turn out to be like Miss Lina or not, who disliked Anees, Amanda, Yun Chuan and I - I think she has a thing against our entire row), and is going to make us answer a whole lot of questions.

So sleepy today.
Because last night, after dance, my muscles were killing me, so I fell asleep at 8 after the korean show, and woke at 10 for 命中注定我爱你. So I ended up sleeping at 1.30am because I was too awake.

I loveee the theme song XD 九十九次我爱他.







不专心的念头 哎咿哎咿





Okay, it's just there for memories sake.

History was okay today. Wrote so much?

Went home with Shiuan Wen then went for tuition.

I don't get why they put the Hari Raya concert soooo LATE!
Seriously. 4 days before SA2 is a bit too eff-ing much!...Like we don't need to study? Hello?

Alethia, you better watch out.

[c=#06C80C]Junxi(bah)[/c] says:
i think aleithia's still a right?
JANICE says:
i dont go round asking people for their boob size
[c=#06C80C]Junxi(bah)[/c] says:
JANICE says:
i dont go staring at it
[c=#06C80C]Junxi(bah)[/c] says:
guess lah
make a wild guess
not wild
measured estimate
JANICE says:
try bringing a measuring tape to school
[c=#06C80C]Junxi(bah)[/c] says:
i doubt it will help
bring different cups
you no fun de!
JANICE says:
hey, I'm no pervert

Goodbye and nights (:
Oh yeah, getting happy. Might go to Thailand during marking days!!! 8D


Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:40 PM
:D :D
My parents came back from Thailand.

My mummy bought me...

1. A mega pretty ring
2. A blu-ish green-ish t-shirt with washed out front and tree silhouette
3. A Tigger pen keychain :D
4. MAGAZINE (I was like, Why didn't you buy that Crush magazine? Utt's on the cover ): )
5. A silver necklace in this super fab gold pouch
6. A stack of pens :D

Oh and they came back with 3 boxes of..seaweed.

I'm so going back to Thailand during marking days break :D

3:43 PM
Just done watching Vampire Dairies episode 1.
Quite a disappointment because it wasn't a lot like the book): THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A CHARACTER FOR MEREDITH and she's like one of the main characters):
Stefan doesn't have a yellow porsche and Damon doesn't have a black ferrari, haha.
Stefan doesn't even live in a boardinghouse. Like suddenly have relatives? Oh please, he's 500 years old.
Elena isn't even famous and isn't a blonde. Suddenly have a drug-taking brother out of no where, it should be 4 year old sister who has a white kitten (who plays a very significant row in the later part of the story because the kitten happens to be the bad vampire in disguise).
Vickie isn't supposed to be Matt's sister. Wth!
Bonnie is supposed to be small with red curly hair.
Stefan doesn't even look..Italian enough. And he's supposed to go around in a dark brown Italian cut leather jacket.

Seriously, sometimes shows should invest more to make it more real.
I mean this book was DEFINITELY what made Stephanie Meyer to write Twilight because it was written 14 years before Twilight and has the almost exact plot like Twilight.
Like Stefan, like Edward, doesn't feed on humans, but animals. They fall for human girls and try to stay away from the girl but fail to. Blah blah blah blah.
But I like Vampire Diaries because it's like 2 brothers, Stefan and Damon, falling for the same girl and she loves both of them too because when the 2 brothers are put together, they make this perfect guy as each has qualities the other hasn't. And the whole brotherly love thing was damn touching at the end of Book 4 when Stefan was dying and Damon forgot all about how much they hated each other and did everything to protect his little brother even know he was no match for the enemy.
And the book has a lot of mystery too, like solving a crime cases? And all the bad people which they come across all have links to every part of the book, every single little detail..ever since the series started and there's a lot of twists that we don't expect.
I'm not really a Twilight fan, so yeah. Edward always look so flawless and the whole series is really draggy and not enough action? Supposed to the Supernatural Romance!
I remembered getting very fed up with Breaking Dawn and skipped a lot..I didn't even read the Jacob parts in New Moon.

I can't wait to get my hands on Vampire Diaries, The Return: Nightfall :D :D :D
Secret Circle was really nice too!!! But I really hope there's a book 4, but obviously there isn't because it's been 18 years since book 3 was published. This sereis is also very Twilight-ish just that it's withces and covens.

1:43 PM

Yay I typed something in chinese. Really love that line, somehow.

Okay, so I was like watching 命中注定我爱你 till like..the time of the previous post. I was getting all happy like, 'Finally!, it's the last episode!' Oh, then I realised no, there's still episode 22.
Woke myself up at 9 but got back to sleep till 11am when my sister called to ask if I wanted Burger King (which I didn't, and was all, 'You wake me up just to ask me this?!') and my maid asked me to call my grandma.
So anyway, my parents will be back in like 2 hours.

命中注定我爱你 is really funny :D Haha, laughed too much last night. 阮经天 is co cute though :D Haha.

Oh yeah, I'm typing in chinese because I must start practising. I need to do well by O Levels! Yes. 1 more year, and.. then A Levels.
Quite fun to type in chinese. I should try thai too, but need to add on the thai keyboard, too lazy to do that ;p

拜拜, 等一下再见!


4:53 AM
Goodnight, love

Friday, September 11, 2009 10:20 AM
Hmm, I slept at 3.30am and woke up an hour ago.
Had a dream, that's why I'm blogging. About Nick and Joe, as in Jonas.

That's dumb. Seriously.
At least Nick didn't have that poof-ed curly hair of his. Hahaha/

Anyway, managed to do some Geog last night while waiting for the stupid video the load and failed.

Shall continue with work.

I'm in love

12:36 AM

With Vera Wang gowns.
But considering their prices, I must like marry a gazillionaire to be able to buy a Vera Wang wedding gown for my wedding day.
Yeah I'm supposed to do Geog now.
But I ended up googling Vera Wang.
okay, bye.

Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:32 PM
It's so quiet.
I shall just blog.

Right, so I keep watching Ming Zhong Zu Ding Wo Ai Ni.
And that 7pm korean show.

Had subway with sister at 6.
And half a pack of instant noodle at 8.30.
Then cranberries at 10.

Yeah, and I ate like half a tube of pinballs to keep me awake but was in vain.


Talking to John.
It's been long.

Shall do some work.

I feel like talking to someone on the phone.

Didn't go running today because our arms were hurting too much.

A mix.

12:18 AM
Dance today. My shoulders hurt so bad from yesterday but got like so tired today and didn't give a damn because of the pain and did all those shoulder rotations. Seriously, it's so fast plus on the 3rd fast one where we need to wan yao, can totally feel the bone in the socket go three-sixty.
Plus that jumpy thingy on the floor? My calves are cramming.

Tomorrow, I expect shoulder, calves, thigh, back and stomach to hurt. Don't know if going running with Aleithia.

Baishou is sooo tiring but okay, i like the dance :D
Halfway throughout and already panting, especially before the man ban starts, the floor bouncing thing whatever it's called.
Haha the end is the best, baishou. Just fling your arms to the rhythm like whatever, too tired, and it's actually the right gan jue.

Oh yeah, yesterday, Alethia told me that her friend tattooed his gang tattoo on his dick. (I remember Lene telling me about Puff the Magic Dragon)
And she wants to get a belly button piercing.
And she says he's hot, and that I should've gotten his number.

Went to Little India, G2 refils are like 95 cents in Mustafa!
Then the temple. Then the Toyota showroom. And some place.
5 hours in total.
Time watser.

Today's my parents' 20th anniversary :D
ate out...not exactly. Because the restaurant is in my estate.

After the korean show, walked to SCC with my maid and bought some white fungus thingy and strawberry red tea. I downed the bubble tea in like 5 to 10 minutes.

Tomorrow, it'll be freedom! Till Sunday.

Life's such a wonder sometimes.
It's so mixed up.
I've so much bottled up in me but I have no one to tell them to.
I really want to write them all here, but I can't.
I always tell myself to control my temper, but screw that.
Half my holidays was destroyed and i feel hatred.
But I can't blame others, because the list will be tremendously long.
Don't judge people by their exterior, because it's all a fucking lie.
Even people around you.
I don't even want to be related to some people in my life.
But I can't change that.
I know it's been like so long, but I'm not someone who forgives and forget.
I don't like people who are arrogant, obnoxious, ungrateful, rude and don't know how to appreciate friends.
I've seen it all before and I pity those whom you're using them on again, it's old and outdated.
But it's alright, due to your lack of social abilities.
It's pitiful.
You're nothing like what you want to be.

life's a fucking bitch.
fuck you.

how i wish.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 12:07 AM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

dance today.
effing blisters from yesterday's flats. can't dance properly because it hurt. so must wear socks inside my dance shoes and like totally so slippery!

i did some work today.

dance tomorrow again.

my parents' anniversay tomorrow too. 20 years!~

shirlene's mum is going for a job interview tomorrow :D i'm so happy for them, yeah :D

oh yeah..that's all from my day

i feel like..i'm growing fat.
and i keep playing some shitty 3 year old game...

that's all



Tuesday, September 8, 2009 12:26 AM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

is very chidlish.
i don't think that it's a very recent realisation.

i just talked about absolute nothing to him...since 9 plus.

Monday, September 7, 2009 9:46 PM
hey sexy ladies.

okay so today I brought my grandpa to orchard and like walked in wrong directions.

anyway ION is like I LOVE THAT PLACE.
who's up for some shopping ~
totally waiting for Mango to go on sale. THIS SEASON IS GODLIKE.
okay..wait i'm still in love with that dress from previous season...but whatev, the new line is here :D total rockstyle!

i realise i'm no where near studying.

i feel so bad about that?
been like reading It Girl, Adored. Sigh.
Dance tomorrow.

I'm off.
So tried, lethargic.
and my feet hurt.

12:18 AM
i want to know who you really are,
letting my imagination
paint a picture of who I think you are.

a portrait of you and i,
our life where you were a part of mine,
together under the starry night sky.

i wonder if you remember me,
that girl sitting under the apple tree.

i remembered every single little detail about you,
but do you?

i speak of you.
when i sit alone, before i sleep, after i wake.
i think of you.

i doubt i'll see you again,
but the memory of you will always remain,
in my mind where i know,
i will never lose you as my imaginary beau.

your jet black hair,
your dark dangerous black eyes,
your high cheekbones,
you perfectly shaped lips.

i tell myself, life's unfair.

to let us meet,
and tear us apart,
leaving a new chapter of our lives incomplete.

now all i have is a memory,
of that stranger
who came with the zephyr.

a stranger in my life,
that i want to know.

to see him again,
to hear him speak,
to feel the warmth of his hands,
to smell the scent of his cologne,
to taste those sweet lips.

a stranger that i love.

Sunday, September 6, 2009 11:55 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

but i realise something very wrong.

this is sabi and shannon playing tab tab revenge. shannon won.

so last night, was like watching BOF with sister till 2am plus, and she was all, you must wake up at 8 when i do. and was trying to talk to me when i was like totally knocked out.
I woke up at 7 plus and she was still asleep.

i actually fell asleep in the washing area behind my house, hehe.

so tomorrow i'm bring my granddad out to meet my mum.

practically didn't do anything today at all.

big eyes, sharp nose, skater photographer, shaggy jet black hair, black eyes, regular tan, band singer, he was at baybeats, white ear piece, white shirt with black tree silhouettes, light blue denim jeans ...

okay shut up, brain.


Saturday, September 5, 2009 11:46 PM
i'm in this daze.
i can't believe it.


Ponyo is a cute movie. Just that i don't get it...chicken legs? er...
I fell asleep halfway throughout the movie.
Miss Sham was like, 'There's something to learn about this movie. Boys please learn to be a gentleman like that little boy. Girls please learn that only such gentlemen exist in movies.'


So yeah, I woke up at 7, showered and got ready.
Reached ACSI at 8.20 ish. Walked around without don't know where to go because don't know if they're all there.

Saw Shannon trying to find his name on the lists. Then he called Sabi who was already there.
Bryan came while the both of them were looking for food outside..in the air-con canteen.

Anyway, they're all SO FUN people!
Sabi was talking about some dream about zombies, which was so funny. Shannon was playing Sabi's iTouch and was acting like a 3 year old.

The theme was shittyass. Mascabre? I mean really. They just passed the dictionary around and people opened to random pages and they picked a weird word.

We took a cab to Sabi's house and we sneaked the guys into her room. I followed Sabi to take pictures of her grandmother. Her house is really pretty, mega modern look :D And her cats are SOOOO cute.
After which. We realised her grandma was just going to sit in the living room and Sabi somehow started talking about heads outside the window and the guys ran out, just like right passed her grandma's back. Like wow.

We went into the stairs area which was mega dark to take pictures.

Took cab to Diary Farm area. SO PRETTY THERE.
Bryan took pictures of the 3 of us, a collab. We were all in masks.
Then we took fire photos, because Shannon somehow has a lighter in his bag
Sabi modelled for us 3. Then I modelled for Sabi and Bryan.

Took cab back to ACSI. Shannon was complaining about..subway and taking childish videos on my camera.

In ASCI, Bryan lent us his lens. The f/1.8 is like omfg? I want!!! 150 bucks.
It's like really damn nice.
Sabi and I tried his lenses, except for Shannon who was like sleeping so he didn't know we were using him as a model.
But then he woke up and started taking videos with my camera again. Serioualy, aperature 1.8 and HD video is like, MOVIE QUALITY. I mean , I'll totally upload it on facebook? But the file size is so big. Like 2 hours for one vid. Ugh.

Sabi started telling me about once when they had a sleepover in her house, like 10 of them. And they were all drinking abd playing truth or dare. And the dares were like ohmy. Guy kiss guy, give a blowjob to the coke bottle, guy lick another guy's eye (which they said was mega sloppy), ice down pants, this girl moaning over the phone to some horny guy.
Now that's what truth or dare really is.

Sabi said, 'Once we had like camp in school and my friends brought drinks. We were all drinking while other classes were talking away. And suddenly, oh shit teacher come, then we hid all the drinks and toppled onto the floor laughing. And you know what, it was a study camp.'

We all somehow started comparing..finger sizes. Haha.

I took cool photos with Sabi's mask. Gives a damn cool tint/frame kinda thing. Love it :D

We didn't win though. The 4th and 5th prizes were like .... er?
Shannon's friend's Matt and his team won 3rd prize which were printers.

It's so cold in ACSI. My hand were NUMB. Sabi's legs were numb too. Shannon was already ice. Bryan didn't seem cold though but he's ill!

Rushed to tuition and was falling asleep.
HE WAS THERE TODAY. Whatever his name is. I just know he pays the fees every month but pons every lesson, yeah. Haha, but he's so... ah. He's like from HC. Or is it Cat High? No idea.

I'm so tired. Toodles.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009 8:59 PM
Seriously. It's so freaky to feel both your feet touching the gound flat... I thought I couldn't walk after that. Haha Liang Lao Shi was like, 'Giving birth is much more painful than this.'

That summarised what happened during dance, besides feeling so tired and panting a lot.
And we did a little bit of physical training. Side crunches. During the leg lifting thing, Liang Lao Shi was helping me push my leg down at tremendously fast speed, 'You did 3 only. Continue!' oh well, it's my road to getting stomach muscles.

I think that if I continue eating at this rate, I'll grow..fat.

Nothing much happened today.

Miss Sham was so cute as always :D
'Better keep quiet and do your work if not no Ponyo for you tomorrow!' (imagine this being said the Miss Shamilah way with her big eyes, hahahaha)

Shiuan Wen was high on chocolates during History. Haha TAYLOR LAUTNER ON THE NEXT TEEN VOGUE. OH.AM.GEEEEE.

And I'm so in the BOF trance right now. Oh well. Kim Bum! :D Squeals~

Oh yeah, in the morning before assembly, we were talking to Justin as usual.
So funny.
This was how it went.

'That time right, SJAB went to China. I think that time I was bathing. Then Shing Yi went, 'Justin, Justin! Got porn leh!' And the bell of their hotel room rang and Shing Yi went to open the door then the people shouted, '____ channel have porn!' Then everyone was like watching it and Mr Yong walked in and saw, and requested the hotel staff to shut down the channel in all of our rooms. But then got too many rooms, then they lazy to go to every room because damn late already, so they say next morning will do. Then we all watch until sian already because they kept repeating it.'


Nothing much went on today.
I'm living with so much temptation to watch BOF. Ugh.

I told myself,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 10:55 PM
I feel like blogging.
So here I am.

Vampire Diaries is so fun.
And I kept watching BOF. Seriously. I should just wait for the TV to show it. But, man, it's so tempting!
Had my room cleaned up. And cleaning here means filing and putting all my books into the cupboard.

I'm back hand writing my diary. There's more things I can put in there. Because my sister happens to read my blog. Seriously.

So I've been slacking. I don't know if it's good or bad.

I'm so bored I don't feel like blogging anymore.

Look out for Aleithia's blog, my friends.

3 years ago.

12:12 PM

Jana Bana
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

3 years ago, on this very day, I was down with a fever, a bad sore throat, cough, flu and lost my voice.
And I woke up, sitting on my bed, listening to Muttons and reading my book. That was when he called.

Last night, I read my P6 diary again.
Feels nice. Haha 12 year old me and every single page was just, JL JL JL JL JL JL.
It feels almost like it was just yesterday when everything occured.

So I went to take pictures today. But it started raining dawg biscuits and sex kitties 2 minutes later. Pttfff. It's like there's a hurricane here. But it's nice and cooling :D
This was the best picture I got.

Man, I'm hungry.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )