i'm such a bad flickr contact></div>
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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Monday, August 31, 2009 9:28 PM
Haha (:

Today, the only thing I liked was the drama performance.
Darrick, Yu Jun and Chee Ian were so funny :D

Played speed Scissors Paper Stone with Anees. And the game of chopsticks wouldn't end.

Slack day today.

I totally was late for tuition because I woke up at 3.05 and was supposed to be there at 3.

Watched BOF as usual.
And talked to Shannon. He's damn funny about his injured arm (which kinda is very disgusting). Can't wait to meet him, Bryan and Sabi!!!!!!!!
Talked to Natalie too. We had a.. who's the hottest Mr Flickr? LUKE SMITHERS!!!
Talked to Esmond too. He was asking why I didn't go back to CF. Hehe.

Tmr we might not be meeting):
That's all. Mummy wants to lappy.

Peace y'all

When you think again.

Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:28 PM
I think my results suck like shitty ass. But oh man, Geography was like.. whoa man. I was a bit...dumbstrucked when Mr Fadz went, 'Janice is one of the two who got the second highest score.'

Okay, and I just saw a small lizard eating a giant fly.
Er okay, you didn't need to know that. Moving on.

On Friday, I bought 3 boxes of eclairs. That's 6 bucks to charity. Then I donated 1 buck to the Yellow Ribbon thing for ex-convicts. Yesterday morning, I emptied my wallet in another can. Really... how did I donate $7.80 in less than 24 hours.

I can't wait to meet my babies on Tuesday (:
I really WANT to go shopping man. Cotton On shorts for like 5 bucks! But my mummy no let me buy): She say too short.

I'm hunting for a new phone now.

Today, I walked into Sembawang Shopping Centre a total of 3 times and each time in a different outfit. There's something gravely wrong with me.

Meeting Bryan, Shannon and Sabi! Oh my giddy gosh! To actually meet Sabi? Dream come true. She's like the best local teen photographer I've seen on Flickr.
So yeah, we 4 are going to shoot together at the SYPC at ACSI.

I'm watching Snakes on a Plane while blogging. I think I'm going to get a heart attack even before this show ends man. Oh my, the snake suddenlt popped out and my heart totally skipped a beat. Eeks.
Oh yeah and why do the snakes have sharp pointy teeth?

Been watching Boys Over Flowers starting episodes.

VAMPIRE DIARIES is going to be a new serial on the CW. OMG! 10 Sept! And defo has lots of vampirish action!
But the guy acting as Stefan is not hot at all. Damon is so much hotter. It's such an insult to the book descriptions and my mind.
In the book the starting. Imagine like a group of people huddled outside school entrance and they hear the humming of car engine. And a yellow Porsche boxer stops in front of them and the door opens. A guy comes down, all with sun glasses, Italian cut brown leather jacket, jeans, high cheekbones, brown hair. With the sun shinning down from behind him like a flare. That mega sleek look. Hot! Those foxy look. But the guy acting as his has such a squarish jaw.
But on the other hand, Damon, Stefan's brother, looks exactly like Damon just that he's taller, and have darker hair and eyes since he's evil.
And Elena isn't even blonde. What the hell? And she has a brother on the show too.

Uncle Jack came again today to ask if they could park their Alfa Romeo in our carpark since the carparks outside were full.
His older daughter came too. She's really pretty!

I found this really cool photographer on Flickr.
Okay so I added him as a contact way ago but it's difficult to keep track about the people we add.
He's so good! He's 15 from San Antinio, Texas. His work is like so Baohien + Mike-Bailey Gates + Olivia Bee ish.

I really have to take pictures. I'm itching with urge to but..I don't have nice sets, nice lights, nice locations, people to take.
And gosh, my home is lacking so many things. So i can't like hand stuff up blah blah blah and can't make my dreamcatcher.
I'm so inspired though.

But Luke Smither and many other great photographers like Mike-Bailey Gates said, you got to practise to be the best.


Saturday, August 22, 2009 1:50 PM
In 2 days I read 2 books

The Seret Circle: The Initiation and Captive Part I
Masquerade: A Blue Blood's novel

I must go find the other books in the series.

I shall start on Envy now. It's time I upadte myself on what's going on in The Luxe.

Peace :D

It's over

Friday, August 21, 2009 8:40 PM
and it's been so long.

And what's over? EXAMS!
We sing to the world with joy in our voices.

Bio sucks like shitty ass, Chem and Amath was okay.
I actually scored 'wow' for Chinese because it wasn't expected! I might actually score a B for chinese!
Bio SPA wasn't difficult.
AND ENGLISH GRAMMAR EASY LIKE WHAT BANANA. Even ban 3 can get full marks.

During Chinese today, sat in between Darrick and Edwin.
Imagine this scene in Darrick's voice and hand gestures.

'I feel so happy,' I said.
'Yes you should! Because you're sitting in between two very handsome guys!' Darrick said enthusiastically. Upon seeing my reaction, he continues, 'I'm praising you, you know.'
'More of praising yourself.' Hahahaahaha.

During Bio and CI spent the entire time talking to Yun Chuan and Justin.

I was saying, ' You know Mr Lim say right, something about cutting the person into half while doing pumping. That picture kinda has a butt shape.' On some diagram on nerves.
Then Justin said, 'You know why I learn Bio? Because of the sex chapter. They should rearrage our syllabus so we can quickly learn chapter 17 then the rest of the year can slack. But they should just use simple simple words, we don't need scientific terms' Justin who said it in the very Justin way.
And I said, 'You know, can just go library and borrow a romance book and don't need to waste so much time reading the textbook.'

Then he got so random.

'Would you marry a rich guy?'
'Depends, because if rich and stupid I don't want. Must be clever, because if stupid, will spend all the money. If clever, will work and earn the money,' I replied. 'My mother told me who was told by my great grandmother.'
'Wah, you this kind of thing plan until so nicely?'
'Of course! I plan out until very nicely.'
'You see, I this kind of person, must impromptu! Look at Bio test!' Fill in the gap on how he wanted to listen to MP3 during the test. ' But what if the person damn ugly?'
'Then we'll see how, but what if the girl you like also damn ugly?'
'Then must impromptu. Impromptu, baby!'

Then it was CI. We have a new co-form called Mrs Yeoh. And Yun Chuan was like, NOOO I don't want yoyoyo I want yeppy. Hahaahahaha.
So apparently there's this heart-to-heart thing going on with the school. They want to know students better blah blah. So now every CI, 3-4 students have to go to talk to Miss Yep about ... stuff going on with their lives? How...weird.

Okay, so we 3 started talking about funny commercials.

'What are you going to say when it's your turn?' Asked Justin.
'Don't know, so weird to talk about all these things with teachers,' and we all agreed.
'Later go say, Miss Yep, I have some relationship problems. I like this girl a lot. Everyday I cannot stop thinking of her, everynight I cannot sleep. I want to stop but I cannot! Can share some of your experiences with me?' Hahaha. 'Noo better still. Miss Yep, I'm very sad. Yesterday, I just broke up with my Maple girlfriend. I don't want to live anymore!' Justine points to scratches on arm and leg (which he actually got from playing captain's ball during PE, or so he said). 'But I didn't die.'

We don't really like Mrs Yeoh much. I remember when Miss Yep first came into class, she was so hyper and nice!!! Totally different from Mrs Yeoh.

And we had to vote for the most caring teacher. (My vote has to be kept a secret! Shhhhh)

Went to the library and borrowed a book called The Secret Circle.
It's like Twilight but this series was written before Twilight. About witches.
And it's sad because these 2 people are so meant for each other, like fate brought them together and they have some bond blah blah, but can't be together because he's dating her most trusted friend.
I'm already at the end and I really need book 2!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, my swimming coach just dropped by with his family!
Uncle Jack :D Been sooooo long since I saw him. Still looks the same with the shades. I used to play a lot with his younger daughter while our older siblings were doing those intensive swimming training for competitions.
HIS SON IS SO (squeals)
Okay, I mean, he looks the same like what I remembered, I think, didn't really know him well. Currently in NS and helps his dad teach swimming. From RJC's swimming team?
All I know that he swims very very very well. I watched him in races before.
His shoulders are DAMN BROAD. Not like really drop dead good looking, but definiely has the bod.
He was like saying, he don't like girls who swim. Too muscular, not nice.

Uncle Jack's still friendly as ever. 6 years it's been. And he still drives that super mega cool red sports car. It's like, the only car that looks like that in the area. He lives in the same estate Jaryl lives I think. Which is like just down the road from mine, 5 minutes?
He ask us to go swim again during his son's lessons on Sundays. But it's been too long! I lost my free style skills, used to be fast and had like the correct hand and leg movements. Lost it all now. Like when you breathe, head is titled diagonally to the side and arms arched and legs must be really fast and not splash water everywhere. Oh well.

Okay why am I blogging so much. I WANT TO READ.
And watch my show on Youtube.
And do math homework.

John has H1N1!

I REALLY HOPE MY MUM LETS ME GO FOR THE SYPC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Running against time and the world

Monday, August 17, 2009 10:21 PM
Not much time to go in debt so it's a touch and go.

because it was vair vair interesting.

Miss Yep told us she've seen some of our blogs.
I hope I don't blog any wrong things(:

Today studied Geog all the way before geog test.

During English. Aleithia was not her usual self. She was kinda very unusually bizzarely high, on something I do not know.
Anyhoo, Miss Sham made her sit a row in front because she was communicating too much to Wen Jie. Miss Sham said, 'Alethia, you're such a naughty girl.'
And you see, Wen Jie went,

'I have came up with a new religion called, WenJieism. From now on, you will all treat me as your sacred god. These are my messengers,' Wen Jie said as he pointed to Aleithia, Abdu and I. 'To join premium membership, the fees is a 2 piece chicken meal. The deluxe costs a family feast. So which would you like to join?'
'Why 2 piece chicken meal?' I asked.
'Because I feel like eating it now.'

Then Wen Jie came up with team songs.

'For Aleithia, your theme song will be, Retarded (music), retarded (music), RETARDED (in mega high pitch), retarded (music), retarded (music)...' And on it went.
'Girlfriend, your theme song will ne, Stupid (music), stupid (music), STUPID GIRLFRIEND (in mega high pitch), stupid (music), stupid (music)...' And on it went.
'Then what is your theme song? Asked Aleithia.
'My theme is, yo yo yo yo...'And more yo-ing went on with the hip hop beat he created.

It was such a laugh!!!

Dance was tres fun-bulastic too!
I'm starting to realise I know very well what Aleithia eats everyday, I have a daily report from the girl herself. Today, she ate 3 brownies. And I'm sure cookies were part of the meal.
Did ti tui and da tiao and we all high-ing over ZhiHou outside L2 in the corridor while waiting for our turn.
HE IS SO CUTE. Cutenosity overload.
I even did a cheerleading act for him.

Went home with Aleithia, Shiuan Wen as usual, but today we were joined by ZOEY my famous husband and Dai Qian.
We were talking about Miss V_____ (insert the name here).
During recess, it was PSG Food Fair and was sitting with the usual people, and someone said, 'Imagine if she gets pregnant and her boobs get too heavy and squash her kid.'
Oh Amy Ang is pregnant? Wow and here I thought she looks pregnant enough already. How would you think she would look 6 months later?

And I will continue to associate Aleithia's legs with Mr __.
They really do ressemble similarities when both parties are in FBT shorts, like how we saw him in it again last Friday.

Watched Armageddon. I remember it was the first movie I saw Ben Affleck it.
Last week is was JAMES FRANCO (SQUEALS) of Flyboys and now BEN AFFLECK.
He's got this very sexy jaw.
And he's so compatible with Liv Tyler! When they kiss, they look so meant to be. Their nose have the same nosey look, if you get what I mean.
The movie is sad though): So touching towards the end.

I just asked Lene out to watch the Proposal since we both have got free tix :D
The trailer is entertaining.
I'm totally in for a romance flick lately. Though I really want to watch GI Joe, but I'm giving it a pass.

Must study now.
Chem and Bio on the same day.



Saturday, August 15, 2009 11:55 PM


sorry I'm obsessing here but I LOVE IT.
ZhiHou is so cute. Ahhh even my sister likes him.

Oh yeah I'm kinda high right now.

My sister and I were talking again as usual..or not and we started laughing so much about BOF
and now, I'm high and I was almost choking on toothpaste.
My sis started trying to hit me with her piano weights, oh yeah and I kinda like..screamed. I think the rest of the people sleeping got woken up.

Today's my ahmah's birthday!!
She's 83.
Mother of 5, grandmother of 9, great grandmother of 5.
I think what I love best about her is her cooking. Especially chilli crab! :D

I was talking to Victoria yesterday. It was nice(:
The dance party was alright. I couldn't eat except one slice of vegetarian pizza because I was vegetarian yesterday.


It's on.
Going to watch BOF with my sister after friday.
And Aleithia found KILLER!! CAN'T WAIT TO READ

I still have Thai shows to catch up on. Hehe.

But now I'm talking to Dan.
And have to continue with Geog.

1:43 PM
I've got many picture ideas now.
Really really inspired. But the problem is that there's no time to make any sets.

Planning to buy lights with the money from my photography fund. (yes must have savings to buy photography things, this hobby is too expensive). When I say lights, I'm meaning BIG touchlights.
And I want to rearrange furnitures in my room but that looks like it's not going to happen. I have been persuading my parents ever since primary school.

oh wait.
another idea just struck me.
time to pen it down.

and study for Geog :D

Friday, August 14, 2009 9:16 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I think I'm going mad.

I'm a bit on the cranky side today,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:11 PM
my greatest apology to Amanda.

nothing much today before I got a little mad.
Talked to Yun Chuan a lot to keep myself from sleeping.

Anees is not very well either.
He said, 'Janice, I know why you're not hot. Because your name is Jan Ice.'
And Deepak and I gave him a new name called, 'Anees Seena Kapool Khan Pathil' the Wrestler. We used North Indian surnames from Hindi movies. Hahahaha.
Deepak has a cool name when spelt backwards. Kapeed.

Chinese test actually not bad. I think I can pass it.

History, Anees said, 'Janice, if you're nice, your name will be Ja Nice.'
Seriously, he's gone a bit cranky.

Anyway, I enjoyed ENJOYED Mr Kamal's lesson today!
So funny, he went, 'Hitler is a racist. Let's recap our pledge, it says Regardless of race, religion, language, height, skin colour and fattiness or whatever.'
And he also said, 'Hitler said this, Germans all around the world belong to Germany. This made many people terrified. You see, it's like saying, all Indians around the world now belong to India. Then all the Indians go back to India and that's it, no more prata and thosai to eat.' (okay that's not a racist statement in anyway because Mr Kamal is Indian himself.)

Went down for lunch to accompany Yew Rong.
Drank Lychee + Mango, and I got a bit high. They were all spinning coins then Rebecca started poking us to see if we get ticklish but it so happens she was the only one affected and we had this laughing problem. Oh and I went mad.

During Chem, I just singing the pledge.... Regardless of height, skin colour or fattiness...
And Anees was getting crazier by the second. Amanda was going mad. What a great way to welcome her back today :D
It was very simple on how Anees went mad. 2 weeks ago when Yun Chuan didn't come to school, Anees sat at his seat and Deepak and I kept joking with him and he went out of his mind and invented, 'Mr Paper'. Then, during the past week, when he sat in Amanda's seat, we all drove him mad. Miss Yep recommended he go see a psychologist. Hahhahaha.

History was off! Because we did our work :D

Went home with Yew Rong, Angela and Ong Lai.
Laughed like mad all the way to MRT station. We were talking about funny commercials on condoms and all the wrong things.
Then took the train with Angela because Ong Lai went to send Yew Rong home.

I spent 1 hour doing 1a of mole Worksheet 10. I feel so sad.
But whatever. Need to start studying for History. Maybe at 9pm. Shall do math now. There's nothing much for History too because it's just SBQ.

I dread tests.

Monday, August 10, 2009 9:42 PM
Nothing much.

Last night watched NDP on my own. Definitely better than last year's.
Singapore Idol was quite interesting. Well, only the auditions are fun though.

Watched 300 for the 3rd time? Gerard Butler is actually pretty good looking but it was quite hard to tell from his apparel as the king. His Irish accent was damn sexy in PS I Love You and Nim's Island. His eyes are damn nice too. Black pupils with grey ring around them.
Then watched a little bit of Brothers Grim. Watched it like 4 or 5 times already, so I only watched till almost 1am.

This morning, went to Sembawang Park. Wanted to go to reservoir actually, but it was like going to rain so no point going off so far.
Yes took pictures in the rain with an umbrella over my head. Didn't get many photos): BUT the shipyard is nice in the rain and darkness.

Came home and watched Raising Helen. I actually woke up early enough to catch the entire movie but because I went out I missed an hour.
Anyway, then started watching I Love You, Beth Cooper but was loading so slow so I decided to watch Kal Ho Naa Ho!!
Very funny :D watched half way though, it's so long. I read the sypnosis and the ending is very sad): so now I'm kinda like dreading watching it.

Cleaned my room and did trig while listening to Ryan Seacrest. I used to listen to him every weekend on Power 98, because that's the more recent ones. The ones on 98.7 were like recorded months ago!

Had happy sleep time.

Woke up and watched a little bit of Igor with my sis. I don't get the movie.
Hence at 7pm just started watching the Korean show on Channel U while doing trig.

After which, started watching Flyboys while doing Physics. But like progressed really slowly because the show is too exciting.
James Franco!! He's so charming. Reminds me of Jonathan Rhys Meyers 's hugo boss perfume commericals. Stangle somehow.
THE SCENE WHERE BAINE AND LUCIANNE PARTED WAS DAMN TOUCHING. No tears but it was damn sad. Well at first she told him under a tree in the rain that he coudln't like her because he was going to war and stuff but he said he wasn't afraid. But then later that night in the basement he admitted he was afraid and he liked her blah blah blah and kissy kiss kiss, which was sweeeeeeeeeet. And stuff happened and she said she and her relatives were going to England and told him to meet her in Paris when the war ended. And they had to part. So sad! He told her he had too much left to say to her and she said there wasn't anymore time and she sould remember him forever in her mind and heart. The way they looked into each other's eyes and kiss, pressing their foreheads against each other's and he just stood in the busy crowd, watching her carriage leave. And at the end of the show, they never met again! Ah.
True story. One thing about watching war movies is that you see how noble the soldiers are and it's moving.
The scene where Baine chopped off the guy's hand was freaky though. Like ew. Just took the axe, said sorry to his friend, and CHOP.

Anyway. I realised i'm so slacky these days.

Natalie says she might be coming to Singapore this October! So cool. Might meet up with her and Bryan :D

soon :D

Weekend = slack day

Sunday, August 9, 2009 5:30 PM
Boys over flowers was DAMN NICE yesterday. I really hopes she ends up with Zhi Hou. He's so much more nicer and hotter than Jun Biao.
Today I was watching Yu Le Bai Fen Bai Boys Over Flowers special. It's not easy reading old chinese subtitle but I managed :D

Watched that this is my home or whatever it's called movie. Quite interesting.

Did a lot of Trigo yesterday too. While watching tv :D hehe

I managed to like totally almost not use my phone yesterday. And today too.

Met Yon Jun, Cheng Han and Hun Quan at tuition this morning and walked to the terminal with YJ. Really fun to talk to him like in primary school days, since p1 :D

Wo Cai was quite fun too.

Anyway, started reading Mr Impossible today. Remember Lene? The book you picked out. The one with the hot guy on the cover who's from EGYPT.
Only romance stories that occur in Britain, eastern Europe near India side and places near Egypt are fun. Some how.

Watching thai show now :D
The guy sang her a love song in the middle of her wedding to another guy. So sweet.

My mum found Ruk Haeng Siam!!! YES YES YES. Aka the Love of Siam.
Maybe I'm going to watch it with her tomorrow. My mummy's bringing me to the reservoir to take pictures tomorrow morning.

Oh yeah I took pictures today.
a lot of experimenting was going on.

I'm wearing RED now. It's called patriotic.

blog more soon.

Spelling fun.

Friday, August 7, 2009 11:39 PM

Got to school in red and white with jeans :D

Helped out a little with class store.
Ong Lai was going, 'BALLS FOR SALE! BUY MY BALLS!'
And Abdul kept going, 'OTAH OTAH OTAH OTAH OTAH'
And both of them were standing on the benches.

Muruku was so hard to sell. Went round with Nanthini.
Anees was so funny. We went to the amphitheatre with the karaoke there and Anees held the sign board and walked sideways passed the front, waving the board, 'commercial break' while there were people singing behind.

Put the Murukus back and went with Angela to walk around.
Car Boot Sales was NICE. The shirts damn cheap, but didn't buy. I bought a pair of pearl and diamond earrings for my sister at a buck. Amazing!! And they person wanted to sell me more at 50 cents

Then went to watch them DUNKING THE TEACHERS
Trixie Goh was screaming even before the ball was thrown XD
Nathan was fun too. He said must pay 100 bucks for Mr Ang Chip Seng.
Mrs Ashari super pro. Mr Fadz went many times.

Haunted House next. The queue was so long. Miss Ranjini and another teacher came and she gave us lots of food. So we were like having a picnic while waiting for our turn.
Inside it was SUPER FUNNY.
So when we walked in, they sprayed water at us, presuming it's 'blood' (OKAY i didn't know it was meant to be blood until Angela told me 30 minutes after we left). There were people grabbing our legs and walking around trying to scare us. The teachers were scared! And juniors were erm..screaming. I on the other hand, was laughing like mad. This presumingly-zombie came up to me and went, HI, and I went hi too. Oh and got some retard hit my stomach. Pain hor.
At the end, there were people sprawling on the ground and I told Angela, 'What if we step on their heads?'
Oh they were grabbing our legs and wouldn't let go. Then the person went for my shoes, well he almost pulled my entire shoe off my feet. I was almost going to go ,'Eh, my shoes are very expensive okay.'

Gladiator thingy ZHOU YANG VS DAMIAN
HAHA Zhou Yang pulled on Damian's shirt until only 2 buttons were left on his NCC uniform.
And the guy kept going, 'I repeat, this is not a wrestling match.'
Apparently, they ditched the stick thingy on the air mattress and went to tackle each other instead.

Trixie Goh and Mr Poh sang some love song duet. Not bad not bad.
Lu Qin can actually sing very nice!
Tim sang too.

Spent so much cash today but it's all for charity so I don't regret it.

Talked to Jun Xi just now on the phone. I think a lot of my brain cells died.
Reminds me of how funny he is.
He was looking at some topless guy walking along the corridor and was commenting on his nipples.

That's all.
Today I'm going to slack and play.
Tomorrow MUST chiong Trigo and Physics revision.

Because I have no idea how to even do one question.

Red hands, like literally

Thursday, August 6, 2009 9:16 PM
because last lesson was Physics SPA trail then rushed to AVT for SS test. Write like bananas until entire hand red and aching but still had like half the conclusion.

Physics SPA sucks man. Luckily I got all the insntructions right :D BUT i found out my gradient was wrong and I changed the working and was about to change the answer when Mr Ng pulled my paper away. >:(
SS was easy. Write so much, can't read my chicken scribble I think :D 2 sides filled. Eeks.
English essay not bad. Ah.

Today Mr Ang led the national anthem. He really sings not bad.
Lol yesterday during assembly he said, 'If you come to school too hot to handle, we'll send you home.'
And today we went, 'If you come to school in see-through clothes, then we're through with you.'

Next 2 weeks are like...study boot camp.
2 Chinese, History, Physics, Bio paper and SPA and Geog. Ohmigiddygawsh.

Having a very hard time trying to do Trigo now):
And still have History past year paper. Another math assignment on identities, CHEMISTRY MOLE WORKSHEET that is thick like whatthehell.

At least tomorrow is half day(: Happy happy.
Get to dunk teachers! We're going to request for Kuan Yick, hohoho.

Trying to think of a movie to catch with my sister.

I'm watching so many serials in one period of time. Hehe.

School's new policy on phones suck):


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 11:33 PM
I found out that by spraying herbal mosquito repellant at ants, they don't die but they faint.

I think I have an unseen bond with ants

8:12 PM

Chem test is so SCREWED ): ): ): ):
Stupid stupid me. I think I lost 4 marks already. That's so crappy.

Anees sat in Amanda's seat today and Jerome sat in Anees's seat. Oh my. Sitting in between Yun Chuan and Anees isn't something you would want to do. With Amanda and I inbetween those two, it's already quite bad. If bad refers to listening to two guys argue over math equations half the time.

Anyway, today Deepak did not come to school. If not it would have been way funnier!
Anees says that he wants to join the Pussycat Dolls. And he actually said, 'I am not cute, but I am hot.'
Oh it's very funny to disturb Anees.
Jerome and I decided that he's in love with Gurmit Singh and Shahrukh Khan.

Speaking of Shahrukh Khan, I want to watch KAAL HO NAA HO :D

Mr Wong caught Anees talking to me. And what WAS talking to me about? Oh yeah, he was talking to me about how hot he is.

I somehow tricked Yun Chuan into believing I completed studying the entire Chem textbook last year :D

Anyway, recess with Yew Rong, Rebecca and Yu Jun again. We were talking about girlfriend Wen Jie. We all agreed that his blog is one of the most entertaining blogs around. Which is true. His blog always makes me laugh!

EFL was bad man. Mr Ang got so angry with us all.
Oh wow they're gonna call our phones at random to see if we have our phones on during lesson time.
It's quite a good thing that my phone number on the relay system is wrong and it's someone else's phone number! :D

At 4 plus during Physics, Lene texted to ask if wanna meet :D
So my parents were in Orchard to bring my sister to see doctor so had to wait for them to pick me up.
Went to buy bread and ice cream 8D And like went to sit in 2 places in the area opposite school. Then walked to AMK library. I wonder how I'm ever gonna read if I have so much to do for school.
It's so fun to be around Lene. We saw BJ and he asked if she was my sister. LOL

I realised that we always go out but we never took pictures! ):

I feel like reading series of Georgia Nicholson again.

English paper 1 tomorrow.
And homework to do.

John says...

Monday, August 3, 2009 9:41 PM

that he wants his wedding to be like that.
so, girls who are currently eyeing John Wong of Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia, as your future husband, this is what you're going to face.

Dance is so tiring that I had to make myself a cup of very VERY mild coffee.

Jun Xi is down with H1N1. Entire 3/4 quarantined, not something very good.
But I think he's enjoying staying at home.

Amanda isn't coming to school for a week!

Anees has got an imaginary friend (Well, not exactly imaginary because it's a piece of paper shredded into two, with one paper with two big eyes drawn on it', called Mr Paper, whom he shredded into pieces. I tried to conduct a funeral for it, but sadly Anees couldn't take the misery. 'Today, we are here gathered under the sight of God to witness the burial of Mr Paper, a beloved friend, loved by many of his kind....'
Miss Yep suggests that we monitor his conditions for any psychological instability.

My sister and parents are still at the hospital. Eeks.

I tried to beat my father's high score on a game on his blackberry. I feel very pathetic, losing to him.

I'm craving popsicles.

I feel like sleeping.

In school.
Deepak said, 'I can't stand Miss Yep's voice! Can't do my mole worksheet, so noisy.'
And some mishaps occured which caused Deepak to do a lot of shouting.
And Miss Yep came along, 'What's the problem here?'
I said, 'Oh Miss Yep! It's just because Deepak has a problem with SOMEBODY's voice over here.'

During English in Inspire Town, it was freaking funny.
Wen Jie, Yew Rong, Audrey, Jaslyn and I.
We started talking about transexuals and Wen Jie was going on about how hot Jessica Alba is and was devasted to find out she's married with a kid.
Wen Jie says that if a woman's womb get's displaced and is placed more towards one side, when she gets pregnant, she'll have one big fat tummy on one side and a very thing slim stomach on the other. Then people see and go, 'Wah SO THIN!' And when she turns to the other side, 'WAT SO FAT AR!'
Then it went on to how les get sex change to get male organs. And Wen Jie said, 'Aiya just go on the streets and pick up any balls and it will do.'
And on gay sex change, Wen Jie was going on about how they're gonna pee.
And he tried juggling Yew Rong's phone throughout the conversation.
Apparently, he got so excited about finally being more manly, judging from his very feminine voice, because his very flawless legs are growing leg hair, and he pointed out the knee area that isn't very populated.
His new row in his drama club has changed from the woman with the long braid and orange hankerchief in a blue qipao to a tree. How interesting.

OKAY back to chem. Eeks


Saturday, August 1, 2009 1:38 PM
Thanks for the Memories is very fun!

Anyway, I've been watching RatreeSamosorn which is a talk show.
Apparently, Mario Maurer and Pae Arrak grew up together! They're neighbours. Wow. Haha and Pae Arrak's girlfriend, Koy, said they first time she saw Mariro in Pae's house, she was like, 'Oh my gosh! This guy is so gorgeous!'
So his mum is Thai Chinese and his dad is German. And he loves his brother a lot.
Haha. Because when he was a kid, he always get bullied and his brother and Pae protects him while he runs for his life.

He's so shy, and his voice is very soft.

Wow, when he got spotted by the modeling agency, he was like so tall and skinny with specs, looking all weak and nerdy.
He said his family used to run a petrol station in Germany.

The hosts are super funny.

Koy Ratchawin is super pretty. That's why Pae Arrak is really protective. Reminds me of his show.

Yesterday, I watched Film Rattapoom's interview. He and his mum.
He's really funny, like in Mon Ruk Kao Tom Mud. They said he modified his script to become even funnier.

Okay. I'm off

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )