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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Coming to an end.

Thursday, May 28, 2009 10:43 PM


I don't know why I'm uploading pictures.

Anyway, today played cards again in class.
Report slips came back.

5A1's, 1 A2, 1 B3, 1 B4 and 1 C5.
The A2 and B3 being humanities, B4 and C5 being languages. Apparently I can only do math and science now. Oh no.
I love the comments Miss Yep wrote about me :D Yes yes, jovial, well-mannered, blah blah blah I can't remember.

Watched Mulan for English. Fun fun!!! I like the songs they sang.
Miss Shamilah just had to stop it at the exciting part.

Watched pocong again for Geog. I went to sit on the floor behind Anees's chair and started grabbing his leg and shift the chair around at the scary moments. He totally jumped in his seat.
Wai Siong was like, 'Janice ah, stop screaming la.' I wasn't exactly screaming, oh well.
So I spent the entire ending part of the movie playing with Jerome's orange jack-o-lantern balloon and mr fadzly was kicking it around haahaha.

Stayed back to clean up class then went to hub with Hui Xiang to help her choose a present for her junior.
Came home, showered and spam bejeweled, so I decided not to eat lunch because it was 2 hours away from dinner.

At 6, left for 980 which I sat on for 45 minutes reading newspaper. I can memorise the whole North Korea nuclear thing now, try me. (:

I think Anderson is as big as their track and field area.
Then met Joceeeeeeelyn 8D

Hmm the concert was nice. I liked it.
Western dance, Hamonica and Ang Klung was goooooood. Though the whole thing was kinda short :/

Tian Ning and Jerome started telling me how they were banged into each other while walking to the canteen area and she freaked out because she thought Jerome was supernatural.

Followed my sister and sat in her friend's dad's car. Yeah like 4 of us squeezed in the back seats of the not-so-big car.
Lol, drove by people they knew and started laughing at us.
Went to eat KFC with my sister at 9.45 pm hahahaha we shared a meal and I started reciding North Korea Pyongyang thingy to my sister on the bus home.

Okay that's it. I'll updare my previous dead post.

Half day school, Sports carnival and Astronomy 8D

Class banner.

Saturday, May 23, 2009 11:12 PM
So yesterday wasn't great.
Results. Almost passed Chinese paper 2. I was one mark away. Pttffff.

So far, 5 A1s and Chinese isn't confirmed yet. Sigh, I think Combined Humans and English no chance get A. Sigh.

Okay, I read Chemistry textbook yesterday, so boring that I fell asleep at 8.30-ish, then woke up an hour later to text and fell asleep 2 mintues later and woke up at 10 plus to brush teeth and went back to sleep. Yeah, woke up at 7 this morning. And found out at 8.30 that they were meeting at 9.30 so I rushed out and ended up being the first person at 502's void deck.

Texted Dimeng to ask where they were and along came Kuan Ting. Then Dimeng and Siew Mun, Wing Sang, Willy who walked one whole big round from 506, Xiang Long then Jerome who was still asleep when we were all there.

Okay edit tmr, sleeping.

Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:20 PM
My neck hurts so much it feels like my head weighs 10kg.

I'm addicted to the song... kiss a girl by Keith Urban (nicole kidman's husband)
yeah he sang it with kris on idol! watched the finale twice in a row :D

have compo to do, I'm still debating if I should have it done.
I'm like slacking on the computer. wasting time, ugh.

I'm sleepy.


4:35 PM

My colour wall.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Mum texted me in class the results. It's unbelievable!
Because we all expected that Adam Lambert would win!

Results back, some. Not happy with History essays at all. Okay I'm not happy with my results. I thought I could have done better, oh well.
Chemistry A2, Biology (I think should be) A1, Emath A1 (it's a debate between 79 or 80 :/ ), Amath A1, Geographt (should be) A1. Ah.
I failed grammar test by one. but to think of those people getting negative scores, I feel better.
Tomorrow will be another day of more results. Physics, chinese.
I need to know my combined humanities marks. Ah.

Today, played cards the whole day. Hehe.
Then I talked to Wai Siong and Justin throughout Chemistry.

My muscles ache bad today. ):
couldn't climb the stairs. ahhh

erm time past so fast.

I don't know what to submit for montage. ptff

Away laughing on a fast camel.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 10:22 PM
Hmm, i'm mad at my sister so I'm not so very happy, but thinking about funny stuff today is happy(:


So erm, yesterday we had inter class games. we lost lost lost.
but was cool man, i bet all of us had fun. cheering, screaming (: tim was so good man, he played every event! push ball was exciting to watch. lionel was executing his amazing power, took the giant ball and ran, yes he was running with the ball over his head (p.s. the ball is taller than human size). jerome dived onto the scoring line so the ball would go up in the air and the goal would not be counted. xian long's hands got stuck to the ball and he was literally, on top of it. tim was so good at soccer! hmm tug-of-war was fun too. captain's ball was good too.
I just really hate some classes that I watched them play. totally no sportsmanship, keep saying other people foul and denies all fouls, they go against the rules of the games, and so on. gosh, there's a reason why people do not like them, it's not coz we discriminate, but the way they present themselves.

i like the documentary on stalin. he's such an evil man, 100% mentally unwell too. he's like so crazy man, paranoia problem. i wouldnt call stalinist russsia a success, no doubt.
he just kills his own people like nobody's business, starve them by taking all their harvest, make them work under harsh winter (aka, russian winter= -11 to -26 degrees) in torn and tattered clothes (there was this gold mining place, and the number of workers working there are always 100% deaths, 3 million people dead because they're forced to mine 100 carts of gold or else they can't return to the campsite).
he killed his own wife, literally killed his own sons.
he killed 90% of his generals on political party members, so when germany attacked, stalin made all the wrong decisions since he knew nothing about war, hence thousands of people died and weapons destroyed just on the first day. and sent russia for a senseless battle.
did not report hitler's death so russia could receive more aid from the allied countries.
every night he signs hundred thousands of names of people who were to be killed for no reason, just because he's paranoid. which straight human being does that?

went to sembawang park. people were staring at me. no fun.
ugly beach.

school today. results.
chem a2, amath a1.
watched iron ladies for geog. all the guys were grossed out hahahaha
pe was like wasting time. just enjoyed pushing and pulling on the chair the captains were standing on to scare them. yeah all of them were shouting, shrieking. hilarious, especially anees ;D

dance was fun. though tiring.
juniors aren't really working hard, they are not serious at all too, just like laughing and giggling at everything. sheesh.

played cards today in school with amanda, jia qin, angela, ong lai. fun fun fun. 2/4!!!!

don eu came in too. i don't know what to say about him.

mr najib showed me his songs. they're good! the lyrics are like omg so nice.

funny things.

1. i was like telling aleithia how her pacs feel like there's two metal rods inside. and she said,'oh my gosh, how did you know i had implants?' and i was like, 'aleithia, don't you know steroids cause impotency? they interviewed these guys who were on steroids and claimed they couldn't ejaculate.' and then aleithia went (!), 'so you mean they get horny and nothing comes out?'
omgomg, yeah we laughed a lot.
2. aleithia apparently kicked the soccer ball in a guy's balls yesterday during inter class games. 'aleithia! how could you? how could you deprive him of his manhood?' then shiuan wen was like, 'i thought you actually kicked him directly there.' and we started saying wrong stuff which involved seeing the ball coming over, kicked hard at it and hit something soft but then looked down and saw the soccer ball on the floor at her feet. okay shutting up now, then yeah passers-by were staring at us.
3. laughing at wen jie in women's costume and wig with an orange hankerchief at his drama class thing. oh and michael jackson <3 cheah wen jie on love calulator gives, 95% hahahahahahah
4. met jun xi and wen jie after school. how jun xi saw 3 girls walking across the road and went, 'isn't that ALEITHIA, janice and shiuan wen?' and dragged wen jie to the bubble tea shop. hahahaha

i think 3/1 is more bonded these days and it's great.

Sunday, May 17, 2009 1:05 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

last night was so funny.
my sister was confusing Sean a whole lot.

I love to sing.

yesterday, the canon powershot seminar was okay, quite cool.
thomas ong was so very very funny 8D
like in bhutan, they paint pictures of male reproductive organs in front of their houses to ward off this evil virgin spirit or something. And he was like 'ladies, please close your mouth. Everyone here is an adult right? So it's okay to show you this pictures.' And everyone around me were looking at me. erm.
anyhoo, he's a very funny guy.
i enjoyed what they said and learnt a little bit, well since I already know like more than half the thing they were talking about so I just wrote down notes.


I love us(:

Friday, May 15, 2009 11:34 PM
Photo spammage.
Jasmin Jocelyn Janice.

I love my sister. A lot.
These are us in the moment.
Unglam 101 :3



5:45 PM

Where'd you go,
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

History was crapola.
totally wtf.

so, after the paper was UNSW Science. It was alrighty until like the last 3 questions I didn't know what the question was asking because it was like on gravitational force in physics which we have not learnt.
Had a lot of bio questions, didn't bother to read a lot because did all of them in SPA before already ;p

After that went for lunch with Tian Ning and Hui Xiang then waited in school for Hui Xiang for her council meeting to end.
Then we went to Bishan library.
On the way back, we saw this mega weird guy with this mega weird voice speaking on the phone loudly. Everyone standing there had this uncontrollable mad laughing attack but you could see that they were controlling their laughter.
Hui Xiang was like, okay let's pretend we just made this very funny joke. XD

I am addicted to Wang Lee Hom's songs again.
I can't find his CDs. I only see his concert DVD which my dad bought --
I think I'm losing all my CDs now ): pttttf
because I've not listen to them for a long long time.

The part around the lens which can be removed to add on the lens got dented): D: DD:
I am very very upset.
DENTED. Underline bold bold.
First time I actually dropped it int 4 years.
Heart pain. I had been very careful with it and stuff.

Jerome and I are lame people.
We actually created this story that evolved from daredevil into this super funny one.
Aerobic respiration gives out energy, carbohydrates used up, tired, muscle spasm, then mouth spasm, only tongue can move, parkinson's disease.


I don't likey the rain):


Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:08 PM

Style and a Bear.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I keep sleeping):
Still at TOV? ad;jkdafhjgad;odf
Because I didn't know what was going on in Chapter 3 on Russia, so I kept falling asleep):

Ooo I have 21 Explored pictures now(:
And I'm starting a new set since Life with Hamm seems a little dead now ;p

Cheers <3

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 7:27 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand



6:37 PM
13 May 2009.

Hello World,
I'm currently very really because my mum allowed me to go to the Canon Powershot Seminar.
Yay, now my A710IS has a playgound <3
Okay, so what really shocked me was that I asked her if I could go and she said yes, you go on your own. Which is basically wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Asked Dan if he wanted to go.
Yeah so I called Mediacorp and registered. :D

I'm gonna join Montage by NUS. Canon EOS 500D kit I :O
And I'm pretty excited to go for a shoot this weekend. Have been penning down photo ideas and title ideas. Hehe. My mini-sketchbook.

And I'm having this problem now. I keep taking pictures that play with light. Argh.
Going around the house, turning off the lights and see how the natural lighting look then can start taking silhouettes and those ghostly pictures. I need to keep my hands off my camera.

Physics was actually good because I practically done almost every question at my tuition before.
Biology was good too just that I screwed up ONE ENTIRE question.
EMath was @#&#@#&^, let's not talk about it, because I spent the whole time study Bio, there wasn't anytime left for Emath, sad face.

Amtah tomorrow.
History Friday.
NSW Science Friday.
Reflections Competition results Friday.
Shoots Saturday and Sunday.

Bye, World.

I'm sorry, I did not mean.

Monday, May 11, 2009 8:48 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

NUS has a photo competition going on.

good thing. I think I'm going for a shoot this coming weekend <3
I need happier photos because the rainy weather has given me a lot of chances to take gloomy ones that play with the light.
oh well.


Flown away.

11:12 AM

Help me.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Yesteday Christian Carocca actually COMMENTED (i think it's the third time he commented on my photos :D) and FAVOURITED it, saying it's 'full of beauty'. ahhh i can't believe it, totally made my day yesterday because this guy's my inspiraton(: well he was the person who inspired me and actually made me fall in love with photography before I met other great people on Flickr.

Anyways, I've been slacking a lot): sigh. today I must study, i must, i must.

Today feels like the weeeeeeeeeekend.,

I want to live like this forever.

Saturday, May 9, 2009 7:52 PM

Shadows of strangers.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I havent been studying.

It is what happens when I get lethargic with freedom for 2 days.

Ah I love that quatych.
Reminds me of an x-ray thingy... then it reminds me of those olden day films...projectors... hmm.

Oh yeah, and I love love love Savage Garden.
Their songs are like...1990s asdjkakljdsasjklfd amazing. The lyrics especially the lyrics. It's like he's writing a love letter or something, super nice and poetic.

Truly, madly, deeply

Take me away.

11:59 AM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Away from here

I can't wait to go to Sembawang Park to take pictures. I realise now I like to work with fog and buildings in the outside.
It gives a damn nice effect. Yeah.
So if I do it in Sembawang Park in the beach, then it would be water fog and Johor buildings and the blue 6.50 to 7am sky!!

I don't give a damn if there's like 4578457129812376230 people watching.
It's the things we do to appreciate art.

at question 123 more indices. Almost done! <3


Sigh, no temple today coz no one to bring me there):
The thai buddhist temples is all the way at Bukit Merah, I don't know how go. So far.

Vegetarian day~
Then sushi suddenly becomes so tempting D:

Been reading the wedding survivor last night.


Friday, May 8, 2009 9:27 PM
I didn't know she was so good
Lol, you suck
D: you say I suck
): you are evil
No I'm not. I'm a cupid from heaven with a halo over my head.
Heaven = hell
Not. I have good karma
From hell
): you make me sad
My moves are copyrighted
I neglate all copyrights, I have the aura of copyright
You suck(:
You too(:

then everything became chemistry.


4:40 PM
Well tests has been good bad good whatever.
Chemistry was asdffghjklkjhgfdsa, lost a lot of marks already?
SS was pretty easy but probably screwed the SBQ because I didn't read British healthcare. So every answer I just wrote crap about people being too dependent on government and so have lack of doctors and stuff.
Geography was ASDFGHJKLKLJHGFDSA because it was a SECONDARY 4 paper too so it was difficult like shit. Sad face sad face.
Chinese was like a paper from heaven. I thank Eric Tay for such a good paper. Maybe if I'm lucky I can pass it! YES! First time!

Hmm, so nothing much now really.
Just like mugging half the day when I'm awake. Sucks, kinda, okay I don't know. I'm just like really worried, stress, ugh.

Jerome thought 'cao mei zu' (young vulnerable teens of younger generations) was a song. I'm suaning him.

Oh this damn taxi driver almost ran me down this afternoon. I was like minding my own business, waiting for like 5 minutes till I was so positive no car would run me down because I suddenly had a feeling there will. When I finally crossed the road this taxi appeared next to me. Wth.

Ren Jie helped me with Chemistry yesterday. Grateful, but it wasn't tested D:
Lene helped me with SS SBQ skills too so I'm double grateful.

Freedom for 3 days <3
Can like sleep so late with no limit... well not really. Going for like intensive tuition, 4 days straight haha.

I can't wait for 15 may. Yes I can't. I want that G1. Yes I do.
Then if I get the voucher I plan to use it with some savings to buy an olympus underwater compact camera and some lighting and backdrops. (:

Oh happy day.
I feel happy.

We mug.

Monday, May 4, 2009 9:47 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Like asdfghjkl

Been studying geography but I just had to come onto the computer because I'm sleeping at every interval of one hour of memorising geography!
At least I have some stuff in my head now... I hope... wait wait, no... I think my facts are right now.

Might delete this photo off Flickr.

Yeah. I've nothing much to say about today.

One year old me.

I'm going to find you.

Sunday, May 3, 2009 8:36 PM
Last night I studied till 1 plus am! Yay. And yeah slept at about 2am.
Snuggling under my blanket listening to the faint sound of thunder and the rain pouring outside my window.

Sean said the roads were empty.

This morning I had a dream. An amazing one.
Which is kinda lame actually.

I talked to Caroline this morning(:

I want to go to Sembawang park.
After exam. At like before 7 in the morning.
I want the empty beach and empty roads and carparks.

I have kickface ideas in my head.

Watching Xmen! (:
Should be studying actually.

Sister: I want to watch this show.
Me: So we can laugh at ugly Singaporean girls who think they're so damn pretty and sexy.
Sister: Exactly.

I love my sister.


Saturday, May 2, 2009 10:11 PM
Oh yeah, so my msn has got that stupid effing virus thingy. What the hell?
I don't even click on those links that are sent.
I'm so damn upset now.

Bloody mood spoiler.
Wait I'm like freaking beyond upset.
Totally spoiled my mood to write a little paragraph of the previous story I wrote last Saturday.


And Sean laughs at me.


I'm so beyond the valley of very unhappy. You can use every single word that means upset on me now.

I completed 86 math questions?
And got stuck. Yeah.
I have 17 more to go for the day.

When the last bell rang, he say her walk by his Physics class. And he couldn't wait to jump off his seat to go to the bus stop to take the same bus as her home. Leah was so beautiful, the way her face was beautifully shaped, to the way she walks. She walked in endless beauty. When the teacher finally let them off, he rushed down the stairs, trying to catch up with her. Amidst the after-school crowd, he finally spotted her and stared longingly as she walked another direction. Not the one that linked to the bus stop. He couldn't follow her, he couldn't tell his friends the reason why he wouldn't go back with them. He dropped his head and turned towards the direction his friends were walking.

Tomorrow, I'll have another chance.

Horridly written because I am still damn upset.

When I was eighteen, everthing was alive.

12:05 AM
Happy Birthday to Kuan Ting. 5 minutes belated.
But I texted him, and the text message included a lot of the word 'old'.


That's what I say to people on birthdays.

I have eighteen explored photos.
New record of four in a row.

I can't wait for the results on 15 may.
Yes yes, I'm excited.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )