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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:10 PM
I am willing to cross the seven seas,
Walk barefooted over the deserts,
Battle blizzards in knee-deep snow,
Climb over moutains with my bare hands,
Plunge into the water with the currents of the waterfall,
Navigate my way through the Amazon with no compass.
All in search for one thing.
That one thing I do all these for.

My love for you.

Something overdramatic and crazy for my 400th post.

I've been living with the clouds above my head.

7:39 PM

I've been living with the clouds above my head.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Today! English!
I think it totally sucked. Because I have some vocab wrong and I think I wrote out of point.


I gave Deepak a new name. It's called fatdotdeepak aka fat.deepak, because he calls me small.janice
Yesterday, I went 'fat.deepak@hotmail.com! You ate all the extra worksheets is it?!'
Oh and fat.deepak said to kuan ting,' You're chio.kuanting@hotmail.com'

My email address is so popular.

Stayed after school to have some lesson with Miss Yep(:
She's great to teach me.
Though I scored sucky marks for the test. Damn sad, but she wrote words of encouragement on my paper(:
At least.

Sigh. Study study.

Did I mention, Anees, Amanda, Yun Chuan and I found Pi and e on the calculator? Like 10 to the power of something = 3.141592654 yes yes, i can remember the whole string of numbers of pi because I pressing on the calculator too much(:

If only you cared.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 7:29 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

English tomorrow. I'm nervous.
What the hell, I keep sleeping like nobody's freaking business.


I can't breathe.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:27 PM
I have no where to hide. No where to turn.
I just want to... run.

That two lines mean nothing. It just sound nice with the title.

Now, here's the reason behind the title.
I had all these coughing attacks today I coudn't breathe. I was tearing madly and my face was all red. It was bad. I just couldn't stop coughing.
They were like, 'Nanthini! Justin! St John's! Someone can't breathe!'
Justin said,'No no no not me.'
Oh then JEROME was all volunteery. Sick, mental wise. 'If you can't breathe on the way home call me.' Ew? 'Your volunteery act of kindness is not needed.' Ha.

SPA today was great. Except that I wrote the table ALL in pencil. Crapola.

Yun Chuan didn't come to school today! My bad, I totally infected everyone.

During SS not-so-useful remedial, sat with Xian Long. Talked to him while playing with my can of richola 'tuna' herbal candy.
And basically started playing word puzzles with Amanda(:

Dance committee interviews on week 9!

Today I was so totally sleepy. Sucks. Could barely stay awake during english when Miss Shamilah was teaching Thursday's exam stuff!
All your fault, Sean!
Last night I was reading Crazy for you by Jenniffer Cruisie and was already sleeping when Sean texted me and woke me up. Apparently he was up till 12.30am playing Facebook (yes and I need to go reactivate my account after deactivating it 3 days ago). And he started talking to me about looking like George Clooney when he turns 60. I slept unconsciously at 1.02 am.

I have a truckload on homework. Freak.

One of the pictures we took on SYF day.

Credits to Aleithia and her blog for this picture.
I love my BIG BIG eyes.

That's what we all say.

Monday, April 27, 2009 7:58 PM

Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

What is love to you?
What is joy to you?

To me, love lasts for a million years, true love never dies. It lasts through every single time you rebron.
To me, joy is not money. You boast about all the money you have and people hate you, that is not joy. You buy expensive cars and things, that is not joy. Joy to me is going home. Yes. Back to that house you live in, back into that bed you sleep in, under that blanket you love so much, snuggling with your pillow.
That is endless joy.

I was thinking about those questions today.

Yun Chuan and Tian Ning are sick!
Had photo taking today, it was not marvy.

Sometimes I wonder why people portray themselves in a way that no one likes and insists that they are something they are obviously not. It's like self deception.

I've been thinkin a lot today, that's all.

76 items / 7,676 views awesomely pretty(:

My feelings.

Sunday, April 26, 2009 4:44 PM

Janice was not ready for the camera because Janice was distracted.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I feel sick, tired and unproductive.
I keep sleeping and slacking off of work.
SA1 starts on Thursday.
I'm still pretty lost with school work.

This is shit.

A love story.

Saturday, April 25, 2009 10:20 PM
The teacher threw a book, hitting her right smack in her head, snapping her out of her endless reverie. She bent down to pick the book up, and that's when her eyes met his. Those black eyes, so intense, looking right straight into hers, not even a blink broke the eye contact. It was only a matter of seconds that took her to realise that he was actually looking at her. She quickly retrieved the book, spun around, her cheeks flushing uncontrollably, while a little smile played on her lips and her heart melted like wax of a lighted candle.

Her name was Leah, his was still unknown.

Okay, was so inspired today so I wrote that. More to come!!!

Sean's refusing to upload his cute puffer fish picture.

JANICE says:
you should post that picture :D
SEAN ;so uninspired, so sick and tired. says:
JANICE says:
SEAN ;so uninspired, so sick and tired. says:
JANICE says:
coz it's cute(:

it's time i go post something in his blog.
*Evil laughters*

So last night, my fever was gone! Whoops.
Sean claims that it was because that he was too cool. Anees claims that his supermanly hotness caused my fever.
Yeah I'm around these people everyday(:

Feeling better today. Yay.
(: Just that the sneezing won't stop.

I'm completely lost with school work. Help?

Lol, this sucky picture i didn't really like actually got onto Explore.
How did it happen?!

I'm happy today.

Get well soon.

Friday, April 24, 2009 7:52 PM
To Casmelin and Abdu especially!

And all those with fever. Apparently everyone's falling ill now!
Maybe it's the stress?

I suspect it's the mosquitoes from the mini forest.

I'm lagging behind in so many subjects.
Super stress.

I still can't believe it.

5:51 PM
A Gold with Hoonours!!!

My fever is worth.
Yes I had a very bad flu yesterday and fever today. Total crapola.
Hui Xiang's such a darling to help me bring over(:
Tian Ning was amazing too coz she gave me a Panadol.
Si Ting for going home with me.
Kuan Ting tried to show some 'concern'.
Amanda for being concern.
Okay, everyone for being great.

I feel so grateful these days.

Yay, Hui Xiang is coming soon.

I just finished reading An Eligible Bachelor. Not bad :D

They're yet to release the Chinese Dance SYF results online. I wanna see!!

I still can't believe we won a GWH.

Day off for O levels on 20th MAY!!! Lene + Sean's bday :D :D
I hope they give another day off. Apparently every performing arts CCA won gold and above, sports did well too, so did the sciences and UG! (erherm, only NCC no gold, tsk tsk, it's all up to CSM Kuan Ting now XD )

Okay off to the bus stop!

I'm still damn happy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:15 PM
Yes yes!


Yesterday, so many schools rolled eyes and gave us attitude.
In your face, man.

So happy.
Happinesss breakdown!


7:37 PM

'Cause it's you and me
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand


During Chem test, everyone was screaming and I was like... ahhh i want to know! Then Miss Yep totally started suan-ing me. 'It's okay Janice, it's just the Chinese Dancers celebrating.'
Couldn't concentrate on the paper at all!

I saw the results. How it went:

Oh my god oh my god oh my god, *smile like mad*
*starts to cry*
*uncontrollably sobbing*
*yun chuan freaks out* He was wondering why I was crying like mad.
Everyone asked me for results
Miss yep: Janice! I know you very happy, but can you staple your periodic table back?
Hui Xiang gave me a tissue haha. thanks!
Everyone came to shake my hand and comfort and congratulate me. Thanks guys(: Everyone, really. <3 Jun Xi did a hi-five, Wen Jie acutally could tell I was crying, haha, everyone looked happy.

It was such an emotional moment. Too happy for me to take.
We trained so hard. So nervous. So stress. So much time. We really improved so much in a month. We really made it!
I can't believe it.

Hu Lao Shi and Mdm Hee gave me a hug too :D
Got to write relfections for Liang Lao Shi, can't wait.

Last night, I was so tired I slept halfway when studying chem! Came to school super stress.
During chem, my crakced test tube broke. It cracked right? Then I was stirring it with the thermometer, looking at the temperature, maybe stir too hard, then the bottom came off and all the jelly-like ppt was all over the table XD Secretly kept the remains in a filter paper, shhhhhh ;x
During Bio, Yun Chuan cut his palm on a broken test tube. He was brave! Blood was everywhere! Super scary. He was all pale and dizzy. Blood was on his uniform and stuff He could still write with the pain. Wow.
So nervous coz it was almost 4! Everyone especially Jinhu and Jerome were like.. Janice 10 more minutes! Less than 10! 5!
I was all jittery.
I did weights for PE XD

Her ang klong got bronze, i think she's sad. But it's her birthday!

I celebrated by drinking Pepsi.

Loves! I'm so freaking happy.

It's over.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:21 PM

All is silent.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

They said we did great. Very great. Compared to those before us.

Bedok South was really nice. FJ's school! He was waving at me and it took me some time to see who he was. Have new hairstyle! He gave me a thumbs up haha.
The guys carried the girls. Super mega amazing!

So tired. I went to bed at 9.30, slept at 11.30? Woke at 2. Slept at 3 plus, woke at 4.20. So sleepily tired now. Tmr chem test. wth la. I don't even know what's metallic bonding.

Sister so pms. Cannot stand it.

I'm so stressed up now.
The picture is SOOC by the way.

Thank you everyone.

Monday, April 20, 2009 8:27 PM
For your words of encouragement.
There's too many of you, I'm afraid I miss your names out if I list them.
All the performing arts CCA members in my class, those sitting around me, the NCC guys, and all(:
And a big fat hug to my baby, Shirlene(:

I went to Chinatown temple to pray for a GWH on Sunday. I hope all goes well. I even lit this candle thingy. Got to pray tonight too.

I love Flickr(:

16 more hours.

6:18 PM

I'm losing myself in this surreal reverie.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand


*hsus Lionel the Crab Lover says:
accuracy is the best gift
*hsus Lionel the Crab Lover says:
its a form of talent


To all my fellow chinese dancers!!! :


Well I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

Today in school was funny! But boring at the same time.

Hightlight of the day: Yun Chuan with STD

Basically in math, I started drawing spots on his arm with correction fluid and called it skin disease. Then he drew orange highlighter and called it skin cancer. Deepak turned around and called it STD. Ngin Yun added permanent marker and I drew more purple ink. He now has 4 STDs.

'Oh my gosh Yun Chuan! I didn't know you have so many sex partners!!! Tsk tsk, premarital sex.'

Then he was all, nonono the girl has got so many then pass all to me. It was a laugh.
Deepak was like, Janice better be careful and i said, i'm not interested. Yun Chuan go home emo.
Omg. It was so funny. Everyone around us was laughing their heads off.

Danced after school. Not bad not bad.

The moment of truth is tomorrow!
Going to eat, study and sleep.

Submitted reflections pictures :D

That's all, mates.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 5:01 PM

I waited. I did.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I gave her little wooden toys for her birthday(: toys ALWAYS make my mummy happy because she loves them. Yay me(:

Happy one day belated birthday to Lian Lao Shi too!
We sang her 2 birthday songs and ate cake(:
Last SYF training yesterday. So nervous about tuesday!!!
Teacher asked my maid to go help tie french braids. Ha.

Yesterday tuitions were all alrighties, though I feel like a stalker now.

So today we went to Chinatown for Dim Sum and prayed at the temple over there.
Then went down to Orchard for some shopping time! *grins*

Spent so long in Mango. Saw the dress on the Summer line magazine. So pretty! But it's expensive. I shall wait.
The tank top colours were SO so so tempting. I decided on purple at last. It was a tough choice.
My mum's helping me get more stuff on other days (:

Went to Espirit, nothing much.

Went to Coach! They didn't have the new line of bags coz totally sold out. I wanted to see!

Then went to see watches at Hour Glass and went home.

Slept for an eternity. Just woke up like 30 minutes ago.

Time to study.
Chem test on Wednesday? NOOOOOO

Have you ever.

Friday, April 17, 2009 10:12 PM
Been in a place swarming with hot, buff and tan guys all gathered together? Like they're only 13 and you can see their biceps without them flexing it. Or when they move their arm you can see their back muscles flex.

Well we had :D

Today, Aleithia, Wen Jie, Chee Ian and I went to MacRitchie at 12.30 after 2 hours of lessons for the Inter-School Canoeing Championships prize cerenmony. The place is BEAUTIFUL! They water is so so so nice. Very inviting.
Aleithia and I were going to catch the bus, and we dashed, i actually dashed across the road in front of a honking car for the first time, across the road. Wow.
We arranged the medals and trophies under the blazing hot hot hot sun. The 12 plus to 2 plus kinda hot sun. The medals were burning hot. My hand hurt now D:
Wen Jie apparently forgotten to bring his pants, and had to go get them. Okay that sounds wrong.
Saw his sister. It's like Wen Jie with a wig and green hairband. He saw his sister hugging her teammate and he went all super jealous! 'HEY HEY WHY YOU HUGGING HER. UNFAIR! I ALSO WANNA HUG HER!'
Aleithia and Chee Ian did the name reading while Wen Jie and I with Mr Authur Lim and some other teacher, whose name I do not know, did the prize giving. Really, the Guest of Honour kept moving towards the prize table and moving backwards, she was self-servicing and i was like going to drop into the water if she moves any further. Yeah, the prize giving was on this harbour thingy.
My fingers hurt now coz the trays of medals were HEAVY.
Chee Ian was so stressed up reading the names D: there were many names that were difficult to pronounce.

A guy became Alicia.

Wen Jie wanted to hug some girls but got scared because they had bigger muscles than him and was afraid that they'll throw him into the water. Awwww. He didn't have the guts to pull on his singlet and paddle gig to show off his -erherm- 'buff' body to the crowd. These guys were laughing when we were suan-ing him about it. Hah.
Okay, and there was a lot of picture taking going on. I turned away, geez, they just kept snapping, I'm probably in everyone of them. Wen Jie was worse, he posed for one of the pictures. Girls were taking pictures and he smiled at the camera too, he started experimenting with different expressions. No Wen Jie, they won't go 'WHOSE THAT HOT GUY!', they'll go 'WHOSE THAT GUY! MY MUSCLES ARE BIGGER THAN HIS!'

Him: Did you bring a towel today?
Me: No
Him: Good
10 seconds later...

I'm just slow.

I'm tan D: reddy tan. Oh no.
But it was worth. 4 hours plus under the sun = 4 hours plus of looking at hot guys.
There was this gorgey C division guy from SJI! But he's younger. Meh. All tan with biceps.
Aleithia and I saw this super gorgey guy at the portable toilets too :D
Anees, you're still not hotter than ACSI guys.

NJC probably dominated the whole championships. 47 events. They won many. Many many.

RJC apparently only won top 3 for one event. They were all sulking at the back. There's always next time!

There was a team that capsized towards the end D:
Sheesh. So wasted.
But at least someone did what Wen Jie wanted to do.

It was great. Amazing day.
You see people screaming with happiness, crying their eyes out, emo-ing, black faces, happy faces. And lots of cheering going on. NJC cheered non-stop!

Went back to school and watched a little Speech Day with Aleithia! Saw Hui Xiang(:

We saw this guy on the bus. He was like talking to a person who was not there. And that old woman opposite school kept bugging us for money, to buy cigerattes, duh. Even if she lies and say she 'needs to see a doctor'. Ew.

On the bus, I saw this yishun sec basketballer I always see. Too bad he's already taken. He looks like one of the canoe-ing guys :D

That's all for now. I hope. I think.

Hot Guys Withdrawal Symptoms.
(It's like, you realise why guys you see suddenly look so pale and no buff)

Hello, love.

Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:10 PM
First of all, CONGRATS to choir for the Gold with Honour!
All the performing arts have done very well. It's pressurising for us in a sense.

Today, in the morning, I did not know how but apparently, a tiny chunk of skin got peeled off from maybe a paper cut or something. I have a plaster for a ring on my fourth left finger from Linda :D She's the best!

I actually find Math fun.

I have 1 comprehension, 1 math worksheet, 2 geography worksheets, 1 physics worksheet, 1 chemistry worksheet and workbook, 1 history worksheet. Did I miss any out?
Meh meh.

I'm quite nervy about tomorrow. Oh bleh bleh.
I'm afraid that there's names I can't pronounce. You know, like ones with very few vowels. It's tough.

My feet hurt from walking 6 minutes and 47 seconds worth of yuanchang yesterday.

Oh and mummy just helped me to pluck eyebrows :D It's nice!

Yay, I'm gonna get the green tanktop from Mango's summer's line. It's not that expensive anyway. Mango tanktops are of super reasonable prices. $10 - $12.50. Yeah, so my mum buys them for me because the quality is good too.

I can't wait for my Coach shoes from NYC from my grandmother! Yay! June quickly come, so I can go to Thailand and finally see them.
Kate Spade's new line isn't so nice.
I feel like going to Thailand.
I miss the house there.
And the pretty flowers in parks I took pictures of.
And all those fun days with my cousins and relatives.
And definitely the drama serials, food and shopping.

The world has to shine.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 9:23 PM
Dance dance dance!
SYF next week! Can you all believe it? We're the third school!!!
Yesterday, Liang Lao Shi gave us a very motivating speech. Well I felt it was motivating. Everyone is the lead dancer, everyone is the prettiest on stage. Never say sorry after the dance, there's only a thank you. And so on. I don't know, I just felt very motivated to dance after what she said.
Today was great too. Mrs Poh and Mrs Koh came to see us and they said we were very impressive and pretty. Wow, I mean really... just wow! Such complements really are motivating and really just drive us on to do our best.
It's cool. Gold with honour here we come(: but a gold is very good too(: but a gold with honour would be much better(: We have to try our best. Yes, we must!
If you really sit down and think, you'll feel the urgency and realise how little time we have left. I realised that 2 weeks back. When I couldn't sleep.

I felt bad today.
First, I accidentally ate a little beef
Secondly, someone felt bad today and I feel... guilty. Well not exactly I did anything wrong but I just feel bad for that person.

So internation friendship day was today.
Tim's Vietnamese food was oh-my-goddy-god AH-mazing! No wonder he's got a girlfriend. He's a bloody good cook for teens in our century.
Tian Ning and I tried all the vietnamese food they sold, it was cheap(: and it was for charity too.

I listened to class today! Well not that I never did.
It feels easier to concentrate with lesser students in class.

I realise Kuan Ting has got a hour-glass waist!
Haha, Wing Sang's so cute today! Deepak go home emo, got 'rejected'. Kuan Ting just want to be best friends. It was a laugh, really(: hehe.

PE was cool. Captain's ball. I unleashed my captain's ball skills. I blocked many balls and apparently hit them it out of the Angela's hand! Yay Janice, I can jump!
I apparently blocked all balls and hit all away from...erherm...someone. I feel so great! Yay me. Achievement. I can actually be a very good goal defender.
Angela hit the ball right in Tian Ning's face and my head. Tsk tsk, goalie revenge XD

Anyway it rained dawg biscuits and sex kittens during PE so it wasn't warm or anything.
It's been like so-mega-ly warm these days.

Did I mention I have an Explore #9? Amazing yeah(:

I feel flexible today.

Secondary 3 is sinking in and I don't get anymore nervy b. s(: oh great! yay.

Which sounds better...
Rained dawg biscuits and sex kittens / Rained horn dawgs and sex kittens
Sorry, I'm being random. Horn dogs and sex kittens is a common phrase... but dawg biscuit was my own creation... well actually not, I heard it on Bug's Bunny 2 years back. Yeah, I was watching Bug's Bunny. So what? I have an inner child :D

Bye kids!
(Quotes Miss Shamilah)

I have a truckload of mountain high homework.

The world is a canvas, our job is to paint it using our cameras.

Monday, April 13, 2009 8:28 PM
- Mike-Bailey Gates. http://comingupstrong.blogspot.com/2009_03_22_archive.html

He's like the male version of Olivia Bee.
It's bloody awesome. He's one of the first few people on Flickr that inspired me.

What is the thing you like the least about photography? The most?

There aren’t many things I don’t like about photography. I would have to say I don’t like how some people think they are professional photographers because they buy a heavy expensive camera. Photography isn’t about that. I know a girl (Tara) who created beautiful images using a simple web camera. That is talent and I think people confuse these things sometimes, which is really sad. The one thing I love the most about photography is that I can imagine a picture of something in my mind, and create it into something that is concrete, something that world can see. I like to draw, paint, and sketch but, Photography is the only thing that I have ever been able to express that picture in my mind with properly.

Do you believe that with the rise of digital photography the phrase “everyone can be a photographer” is true?

Technology only allows people to take better photos easily. It’s the way you use the camera that counts. People today think the camera is supposed to give you a good photo just by pressing a button. That’s terribly wrong. So, no I don’t believe it’s true.

What advice would you give to your fellow up-and-coming photographers?

Don’t let anyone ever tell you that they are better than you, because they aren’t. Also don’t be afraid to go out and take chances, if someone sees you walking down the street with a clown outfit on for a photo, don’t worry about it. The world in a canvas, it’s your job to paint it using a camera.

I just agree with all these he said. It's true and inspiring.
You never know till you try it. I mean now, I don't give a damn if there's cars slowing down to watch me, you know why? we do this, for art.

and Vivian Dawson is in Cleo this month. GO GRAB A COPY GIRLS. Because he looks so hot on the tiny picture on the cover.

A breakdown of today.
Winitsuksa students came today. Boss's friend, Golf, is here.
SSE was alrighties.
Geog no teacher.
Chinese compo. Chionged. The second half didn't make sense.
Recess full of hunger.
English was well.. english.
Math, Mr Wong was telling me and yun chuan we should listen to class. oops.
Physics test was okay. I didn't study much for it though.

Dance was cool-ish.
There's another person who loves my hair now. Heh.

'I think we're alone now' and 'you spin me right round' ARE SO ADDICTIVE.

I gave Jun Xi his giant box of gifts. It's all red and full of apple products. :D He loved it at least. Yay.

My Flickr views grew by a hundred plus overnight. Rare.
My stats been sucky. I had 5,000 plus in 4 months last year. It's 4 months in this year and it barely grew, 2,000 plus only. Okay, well I haven't been uploading anyway. There's only 16 pictures from this year.
I'm gonna flood it after May 15th. Or something.

I have LOTS of math corrections. Deepak kept suan-ing me. Hmph, try make people emo. Tsk tsk.

I don't know what else to say.

I'm looking forward to Friday. My sister says NJC will be there. National players from her school. They're gonna go support or something. School Nationals probably will just film the competition, phew.

Okay, THAT'S IT.

And then we stumbled to the ground and you said... I think we're alone now.

I'm happy.

Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:18 AM

Two days worth of photoshooting pretty much went freaking awesome man.
I'm not releasing any of them until the competition ends.
Here's just one that I'm pretty positive isn't going to be submitted. Taken on Friday morning. The shoot was from 9.35am to 10.30am I think.

I used very very minimal editting for all. Colours, exposure, crop, rotate. To the minimal. Just slight adjustments. Really, natural lighting is the bomb.

So basically, I woke up at 6am today and started the shoot at 6.45am to 7.45am. Let me tell you this. The sky, the lamp post lighting, the tones are drop dead gorgeous. The parking lots were all empty too yay! The good thing about waking up early to take pictures is that there's no cars driving by and slow down to look at you.

All those stares and mosquito bites were worth it.

There's nothing much to study for Physics. Hmm...

I love my teddy :D
My teddy was my co-model in the shoot today :D
On Friday, my co-model was a Canon Prima film camera.

I have problems chosing pictures now. Ugh.

I think we're alone now.

Thursday, April 9, 2009 8:44 PM

He's my best friend, best of all best friends.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

- The Click Five.

I'm addicted to that song now.

These few days has been sucky man.

On Tuesday I got shouted at by a super-rude-and-unbelievingly-bitchy popular cashier.
She pissed the eff out of me.
Let me tell you people, boycott the popular at northpoint. Such horrendous service man.

That night, I red A Heart So Wild till 1.30am so I woke up the next day 20 minutes late.
Rushed to school. Almost got hit by this car. What the hell.

In SS, Miss Ranjini scolded us. Oh wells. Then we read these sources and one said, 'girls these days are too arrogant, too loud, and cannot sit properly!' LOL. So untrue man.

PE was fun but tiring. Rounders!
Teamed up with Tian Ning, Jesslyn, Sharmini, Willy, Abdu, Kuan Ting, Anees, Chin and Jerome. I think.
Super fun. They were making fun of Willy being too arrogant, too loud and cannot sit properly. Ha! 'You're a girl! How you know!' XD
Then they started talking about his undeveloped boobs and cup sized. It was a laugh.

Dance was super tiring! Sigh.

Today, Miss Shamilah asked Wen Jie, Aleithia, Chee Ian and I to emcee the National Canoeing Championships.
No script, so basically it's spontaneous! Gosh. I've never done any spontaneous emceeing before! I just twist things if I say something wrong.

Brought my tripod to school. After History extra lesson, went to take pictures with Aleithia and Jun Xi :D

So much weekend homework + physics test.

Photoshoot tomorrow morning. PLEASE don't rain.


Monday, April 6, 2009 9:01 PM

Ghost of my past.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

OKAY. Why is a potential picture title now because I love the suspense it brings.
I can't wait for Friday! I wonder how photoshoots days can be sooooo exciting! Yes!

So basically, Social Studies test sucked big time and it was really major demoralising.
I couldn't finish the paper and my mental block was so bad, I couldnt answer the SEQ properly.

Compositions are temptin. Just not expositions.
I'm writing a super hardcore chick flick. Wheee!

Lots of homework to do, but I'm throwing my time down the drain on the computer.

I have a 13th explore.

Guten Tag!

Sunday, April 5, 2009 12:31 AM

On the streets of Thailand.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I feel bad man, I have been watching a lot of thai drama instead of studying SS.

It's called Mon Ruk Kao Tom Mud.
About these 2 enemies who were betrothed since birth, so now they're basically doing everything to break the marriage.
And the two lead characters are soooooo freaking funny! Really! They just go all out with their comical acts(:
The serial's still airing in Thailand sadly, so it only went to episode 8. AND at episode 8, they've not even fallen in love with each other yet, unlike most Thai dramas. This is going to be a helluva fun show!

Omg, I love it. I watched the lead actor act many many MANY times before. He's so gorgey progey. Film Rattapoom :D He's Thai but has korean/chinese blood or something. He soooo has the Wu Zun aura but just a ton and a million funnier.
The other lead actor is very porgey gorgey too! I watched one of his dramas when I was in Thailand last december. And i was like, whoa, this guy looks so mixed blood, but he's not!

The thing about Thai actors/actresses are that they're all mostly mixed blooded eurasian-thai so they're so drop-dead gorgeous for both males and females. But personally, my favourite Thai celebs are all pure Thais (: I have a list! And how do I know? Lol, I don't miss a damn episode when I'm in Thailand and watch a hell lot in Singapore with my mother. My Thai at least improves.

Okay, shutting up about Film Rattapoom.

Oh, by the way, this picture was explored. Whoa. Caught me offguard.

I'm digging up my Thai CDs to listen.

Or maybe just obsess over the actors(:

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )