i'm such a bad flickr contact></div>
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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Spread the joy, baby.

Saturday, February 28, 2009 11:01 AM
Yeah, I finally hit 10 explores and 3 explores in a row!

Steffi hit 10 explores in a row though.
And like 20,000 hits.
In 3 months. But she has way more pictures than me. Like more than double of mine.
She's a goddess.

Biology. So much to study.
I can draw a whole animanl cell with organelles now. Okay, that was what I was doing last night.

I'm hungry.

I was thinking about my childhood.

Yay to the fringe!

Friday, February 27, 2009 8:42 PM

8 x 2 Facts.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Aleithia, Shiuan Wen and Zoey. And Mummy.
Here you go.

I did the dare.

Jun Xi gave me that racoon(:

And we say.. hello world!

7:10 PM
Physics test was no goodie):

Dance orientation was okay. The waterbomb parts were entertaining because you're like crouching on the floor waiting for them to count to 3. That anticipation! And then there go.. three! And BAM! all the water hit you.
I knew I hit Aleithia in the first round of forfeits :D And Pei Shi too :D And Vivian because she wanted to get wet :D

I feel so demoralised to study Bio now):
Partly because Emath and Physics and History and English Grammar were shit tests.
3 tests to go, so I hope all is good!

I want to take pictures.
But it's dark out. No fair):

I accidentally cleared out my memory card. Yeah, so my cool b&w Hamm pictures are.. GONE!
Well, they weren't difficult to take, thank goodness. If not I would have thrown a fit.

We finally spoke to Miss Yep today so I feel good and better to get it off my chest. I think all of us did.

I don't know what to say, but yeah, I'm getting the picture done. Maybe for another 16 facts pictures? Because I was TAGGED 2 more times and I didn't take another picture for it. But I'm planning to. For Dzana because she's great great friend on Flickr from Germany who isn't German. The irony, haha.

I want a DSLR. Still do.
But I doubt I might get one, says my mummy. She says we have to see how the IT Fair turns out to be.

On the way home today, we were teasing Zenn about getting pregnant XD

Quote of the day: ALEITHIA MY BABY!

Sorry, but it was a memorably thing I said today :D


Thursday, February 26, 2009 8:41 PM
On Tuesday, it was funny for a moment because we went on this 'butt comparing campaign'.
Oh my gawd, I laughed really really hard for very long. Tian Ning went to walk beside people and then ask us whose butt was bigger. Goodness, it's so perverse XD

On Wednesday, tried to study math and physics.
Went mad.

Today, we had the STI talk.
I'm so traumatised by the pictures shown.
There was even a 'How To Use A Condom' portion. Goodness! All the girls were looking away. Well, the guys were glued to it. The video.
It's quite stunning how the statistics for people aged 10-19 has grown in 4 years!

Emath was horrible.
Sitting next to Yun Chuan makes it demoralising.

Mr Fadzly didn't come for lesson today so I spent the lesson chatting with everyone.

Physics got postponed to tomorrow!
So was newspaper collection. Because there was a lot of rain and lightning.

Watching AI now.
The song rocked. Even Simon likes him <3
Kris Allen yeah :D
I love the song.. but I don't know what's the title):

I want to see the Joe Jonas replica sing.

Okay, on to Physics!

I can remember:

Giga, mega, kilo, deci, centi, milli, micro, nano :D

Fucking pissed off.

Monday, February 23, 2009 7:36 PM
I'm a helluva pissed at school.

I whole fucking lot.

I don't really understand how they say that 'studies is ALWAYS the first priorities for our students'. But yeah, it just turn out they're so hypoticritcal. Because now, they're simply implying thst CCA is TONS more important that studies. And I damn well disagree with it.

Considering many factors now. We're having tests every single week, and on top of that, we still have other papers. It just totals up to minunm 2 to maximum 5 to 6 tests per week. And you ask yourself, I already don't have enough time to study. Where does all these time have to come from to? OH yeah! My STUDYING TIME that I have to sacrifice. But hey, didn't they just say that they understand that studying is our first priority? To most of us anyway.
And condsidering the whole lot of stress we're subjected.
And a hell lot of times and a ton of adjustments I had to make just to coordinate with the ever-changing schedules.

Okay, but that did not really pissed me off. What pissed me off was the damn selfish answer that I got. It's not really rational do you think, that you already have 3 tutions, about 7.5 hours already. Leaving you with only 6 hours of the day left and you must give that 3 hours away just like that. Yeah, they think we're superhumans.

And it's not our fault at all. But what can we do, yeah? We're the students. We're the ones that have to follow them. We don't have our say.

Feels better to get that off my chest.


Speaking of feeling cheated.

League of Nations happened to not be tested today! Screams!
And yeah, our class were the only ones who studied it and knew it was not tested only in the morning. Oh great.
But it's okay. It's always better to be a step ahead. (: So, next time when it's tested, we more or less understand LON already.

History test was good! But the SBQ weren't all super diggity cool.
It was kinda hard. The cartoon and the text was like... O_O!

Physics and Emath on Thursday. We can do this. Oh yes, we can.

Last night. I felt that my neighbours were very inconsiderate.
Playing majong loudly till 1 plus am, leaving all the lights in the back of the house turned on, wasting electricity. My room got so illuminated I couldn't sleep at all. Till 2 plus am when they finally finished sweeping and washing the floor, they turned all the lights off.
And I woke up at 4am.
I survived on 3 to 4 hours of sleep.
Way to go!

A whole lot of homework and Physics and Emath to study.
May the world be in peace.

It's what the society is today, people.
Accept it.


Thursday, February 19, 2009 8:52 PM
Well today sure was a sad day!
Why? Because I LOST MY ERASER. Second time in 2 months.

I have this issue about losing erasers and rulers.
It make me very very sad.
I don't know. I just don't like losing things.
I mean, he lost my G2 pen and I was like, 'okay.'

So the 1st case was that the poor eraser disappeared!
2nd case today, was that the eraser dropped from the bench and dropped under the cupboards in Physics lab! And it got so deep in it was impossible to take out): ): ): MAJOR ): because I watched it dropped and roll under.

New seating arrangement.
I am actually VERY unhappy about Miss Yep. Namely, I told her last week that I request to retain my original position because of some issues and she said, okay, I'll keep that in mind. And then, yeah my seat was given away and I'm somewhere in the middle.
And I took time off to explain to her.

So now, I'm sitting next to Yun Chuan. Siew Mun and Deepak in front, Abdul and Hui Xiang behind. Yeah!
Haha, Abdul and Hui Xiang is very very fun to talk to :D
Yun Chuan is actually a very nice guy! Well, not that he wasn't previously nice, but he's just very quiet before I knew him well. I didn't know his name till last week when I asked someone. Abdul didn't know his name till today. So, I'm not the only one at least ;p
Justin kept turning back and waving at him. Hahaha, and Abdul, Hui Xiang and I were talking about his pink dustbin on his desk. Ha.

A breakdown of today, 19th February 2009.

CME was yeah, change seats, Mr Kamal being the one who decided the seats. Then Miss Yep talked to us about being very late for assembly yesterday.
Math we did more functions. It sucks. Got 30/40 for A Math :D It's not really good, but it's good in my opinion. I owned Joel!
Geography just went though some worksheets because Mr Fadzly was a few lessons ahead of other classes so we couldn't start on Weathers and Climate.
Recess, went to eat and sneaked Vitasoy up :D
History went through essay. I got to say, it was boring compared to the usual 'Mr Kamal Lessons' but I managed to survive.
Chemistry was oh freak, boring like usual. Tian Ning had fun eating candy and throwing stuff at BiaoJin to keep him awake.
Physics was in the lab. Mirror SPA. Which caused me to lose my eraser. Meh):
During lunch break, went down to buy new eraser. It cost me 40 cents): And saw Wen Jie putting on a 'rock show'. Came up then saw Shing Yi and Ong Lai playing Pokemon on their phones together. Haha.
Chinese as usual. Ended 15 minutes early, early like always. The person at my sit THREW MY BAD FACE DOWN ON THE FLOOR. F you. I'm not mentioning names here because I don't know how to spell his name, but I pretty damn well know who the hell he is.
Jerome was suan-ing me. He was like, ' Janice, where are you, I cannot see you leh.' Hmph, like to say people short.
Chemistry again. Miss Yep said she'll do something about the damn Chinese class people using our classroom dumping our things on the floor. Ei, my bag, Shing Yi's bag ended up 2 tables away, Wing Sang bag being kicked away, etc. I actually survived Chemistry for another hour. GO JANICE!

Came home with Hui Xiang, Darrick and Wing Sang :D Had fun talking to them on the train!

Lene just showed me an article. Wow. You can lose 1,650 calories!

That's all for now.
Just memorised some History.

Gotta do a helluva homework.

So long and farewell.

Back then, when it was only black and white.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:18 PM

Back then, when it was only black and white.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

And now, it's all just coloured.

Yeah, new picture.
I'm going back to basics.


I hope this makes Explore so it'll make 3 pictures in a row on Explore.

Freak, dammit, I forgot about Chinese.

For entertainment.

6:47 PM
Which Harry Potter guy would you lose your virginity to (both young and old characters)

Your Result
Who? Fred or George Weasley
Where? The storage room of Weasleys Wizard Wheezes after closing time
Afterwards? You spend the night with him in the apartment of their shop
Who do you confess this to? Hermione, who you trust above all others to keep your secret
Who finds out? Ginny, whos utterly repulsed since it was her brother, but kind of finds it funny

Which Marauder Era Harry Potter character would fall for you
Your Result
Your guy is...
Your House: Gryffindor
Your Best Friend(s): Remus Lupin and Lily Evans
How you met James: He beat you at tryouts for Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and felt bad about it after seeing how cute you looked when you were upset. He asked you to go to Hogsmeade with him for a butterbeer to cheer you up.
How you started dating: James felt too shy to ask you out because he wasnt sure if you felt the same way about him as he felt about you. After some encouragement from Sirius he invited you to go to Hogsmeade with him again, where he asked you out right on the spot.
How it ended: Fate decided that James would be better off with your friend Lily Evans, and blah blah blah we all know that story!

LOL, I got the links off Caroline's blog(:

There's tons of cool online quiz sites. hehe

School was so tiring today. Very very boring!

I learnt how to do pen spinning from Vicom in Chemistry. And learnt it in an hour.


Monday, February 16, 2009 8:43 PM
School sucked today.
F school.
F chem test.

Actually I went round the whole day singing, ' I want my money back' from The Show and kept saying mememememememememe

I'm being very negative about life but let's face it, my negativity is perfectly relevant taking into consideration everything now.

Talking to Caroline now because she's nice, responsive and such an amazing friend.
Unlike people.

I've got so much work to do.

Timothy's actually a very nice guy. Spoke to him today because Lu Qin didn't come today. AS USUAL.
He's very smart too.
I feel bad for laughing so hard till I almost cried. Zi Gui was trying not to laugh, looked at his expression.. and Tau Pok just kept imitating him and saying things from his class. Yeah I laughed for like 5 minutes, then I looked at how he laughed and laughed for 10 minutes then I heard what he said and laugh for like 10 minutes. And on it went. I practically almost cried.
I feel bad but he's a nice guy. Point taken.
So people, you should stop being mean to him.

Starring my name in it.

Freak, dammit.
I bloody love the story.

F. it ended.
or I'll never forgive you(:
meme (:

Although the guy's named Spencer and the image in my head is still the 45 year old guy from the Girl at Times Square by Paulina Simons.
I'm trying to think of him as a hot hot guy, with the look of Kevin Tucker from This Heart of Mine. All blonde, buff with green eyes. Hot muscles. That's more like it.

Here it it!
All Rights Reserved by Caroline Wong!

“I hate you! I hate…you…!” Her fists, so tiny, beat feebly against his chest. He stared down at her, his eyes expressionless voids and his fists like stones by his sides. He did not touch her.
It was never his place to say anything, not to her, not to anyone. So many things he’d wanted to say, to whisper, to tell her, but he left still unspoken, in his balled up fists, in his gut and in his heart.
Spencer took a step back from her accusing hands. He could not take this anymore, all this tears and anger without bursting, himself. Yes, he could hold her when she got tired, he could love her still, and he could pretend nothing had happened.
But to take this with his stoic expressions, to see her like this without touching her. He could not do it.
Janice pitched forward when he moved, as if she had been leaning on him for strength. Her fists stopped pounding and instead, she sank to the ground at his feet, sobbing into herself, oblivious to his concerned eyes, oblivious to the whole world.
Spencer turned his eyes from her, trying not to blink or he knew; now he would fall asleep. His arms folded around himself, scared that if they did not, he would fall apart, Spencer closed his eyes. The adrenaline was still rushing in his veins, its movement like a swift river.
He felt it when she fell, caught her when she barely slumped against his legs. He lifted her up, her weight and warmth so familiar. Spencer felt his breathing slowing now that he was touching her and knowing she was safe in his arms.
Then he pressed her deeper into his arms, as if to protect her from the world. He knew where to bring her, just like one of those times in the past when nothing yet had happened. He knew what and where would bring her comfort when she awoke. He knew so much about her, that he scared himself sometimes.
Spencer bowed his head over her and started his long walk in the cooling night air that seemed to reach right deep into his lungs. The stars twinkling like diamonds above them, it was one of those times again.
The one-too-many-times.

Sunday, February 15, 2009 8:17 PM

Yo freaks

7:42 PM
Been meaning to say that for so long.
It sounds nice.. like catchy-nice.

Hmm, and so Jun Xi said my blog is emo.
Oh please, I'm being very very happy.

I didn't blog on Vday, so here...

Valentines wasn't like good for me.
Even though 'you don't need to be in love to have a good valentine's day.'
Busy the whole whole day! So suck-ish.
Tian Ning gave me a rose! <3
My first flower front someone. A pretty red rose.
I also got 2 hershey mini bars, 3 hershey kisses, 2 sweets, 1 little muffin from Pei Shi!
My sis came home with a pink daisy and gave it to me! Yays.

Vicom gave me a cool pen from Vietnam.
And I don't have my black G2 anymore, so life still suck. Even with a cool Vietnam ball point pen. And that I can do pen spinning now.

Am reading This Heart of Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
I bet the ending is very touching because the start was already so touching. It's a damn good book. Must read, Lene(: Must must must! Super nice.

Done all homework except crap chinese because I don't have the paper. Somehow. I thought I took it, but apparently not.

I wanted to take Vday picts for Flickr but apparentl, I didn't have time. I prepared all the materials already):
Oh sigh.

I'm gonna watch the Tom Cruise movie I think.
I want to watch Marley and me, the Jesse Metcalfe's movie too and He's Just Not That Into You or something.

I don't want school. Suckish.
Everything about school isn't great.
I want the holidays back.
Sec 2 life back.
I am also very real dreams lately. My mind's not right.

He's so cold lately.
It's making me change my mind.

Life's a bitch.


Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:19 PM
Results 1 - 10 of about 5,350,000 for jamwithsand. (0.09 seconds)

I got reserved for the NY trip.
Well all the non-science specialists were.

I'm thinking of a new Valentines Day picture + poem.
I need the time.

Today was funny. Especially the debates.
Let me quote Abdul,' When you sit on the bus or the train, and it's moving it will start shaking. Then you'll remember about the earthquakes again and get very traumatised.'
Lionel's notes were in chinese! He couldn't translate, we can't blame him.
And they kept rebutting my points till it made no sense.

'Practise drills and hide below tables in UNSTABLE builings.'

Tomorrow's a short day. Yay!

I need to do camera and tripod cleaning again soon.
It's a routine now.
I can't stand it when my optical lenses can dirty. Eeks.

Today's tests were great. Math and Geog!
I don't wanna retake A-math alright because I think I did the paper pretty well and I don't wanna redo another one just because someone from some other class leaked the answers and questions big time.
We were the first class to take it):

Ah, how time flies.

I'm still happy about having 5 million links related to jamwithsand. Mostly from Flickr, BigHugeLabs and my blog links on Technorati and blogger.

Getting the better of me.

Monday, February 9, 2009 11:00 PM
I'm pissed.

Now I feel bad.


8:28 PM
I want to be a doctor.


Oncology radiology looks cool.

I went to my mum's friend's house in Bukit Timah on Saturday.
It was awesome man.
I met a surgeon and an oncologist!
Yeah and I've seen the physiotherapy department in Tan Tock Seng before too.

Caroline asked me to volunteer at the zoo too. Cool ;D
Looks fun.

Geog sucks. And I'm going to start swearing now but I'm not.

So, my picture is on Explore again! That's the 9th and 2nd in a row. Awesome!

Life's nice. In a way.

So much homework today):
Mr Ng is a great great helpful teacher!
I was so awake in Bio today, partly because of my new goal in life. Hehe.
I need to try survive Chem next.

I love my mummy :D
She does the nicest japanese impression <3


Friday, February 6, 2009 9:10 PM

I wanted to post this from Flickr but it failed me):

My previous picture got onto Explore!Two of the same pictures with different editing made Explore.

That's wicked :D

This is my experimental picture. I'm gonna do another one soon. Maybe on Valentines. I'm trying to come up with an idea. It's not easy cutting it out like that.
SPA today was good :DBut math and chem sucked. Oh freak.

I've got tons of homework to complete! Noooooooo.

Today I experimented with my camera manual function.And I'm getting good at it! Yay!
I sitll want a DSLR.Now Rebel XS looks SO COOL. And it only cost USD 599.99! After conversion, the maximum price it can get is only $1000! Sh-weeet :DBut they don't sell it in Singapore so my options are down again to 450D alone again.

Yeah, so I'm gonna do homework now!

Cheeeeeeel y'all.

If only they were daffodils.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 10:37 PM

If only they were daffodils.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Yup, re-editted.
It looks pure-er than the other.

Anyway, I'm almost done with math although I think I'm still bad at algebra.
So i'm gong to practise more.

I'm on a very serious money saving scheme now.
I think.


8:25 PM
- By Ashlee Simpson
I'm addicted to it.

This is for entertainment purposes.

I loved Tian Ning's expression when I told her.

Yay. I'm still rejoicing.
But we still need to go through an interviews.

Today wasn't all that great.
About 8 new sec ones in dance?
Lessons were usual.

Tomorrow have Chinese extra lesson.
Like wth, seriously?
We learn nothing in Chinese and learn more about useless stories. Just another time for sleeping.
Today was one of the rare days I went to school on my own. 3rd time in 3 years?
I know, it sounds.. weird.

I wanna buy long sleeved plain white shirts.
I just feel like it. Oh well.
And maybe black too although I don't really wear black now. More of into white now.
Although i still own a lot of black clothes from last last year when I liked it.. more.

Tomorrow have math test and a ton of homework to complete.
I'm considering if I should complete all the homework. It's kinda a lot to do. Considering the time.

I'm thinking about my favourtie singers. They some how are mostly male singers. I don't know.
Maybe because of the genre I like.

- Punk
- Rock
- Dance rock
- Indie
- Pop

And just mix them around like Indie Rock, Punk Rock, Pop Punk blah blah blah.

- Cobra Starship
- Fall Out Boy
- Blink 182
- Yellow Card
- The Maine
- Busted

- Jason Mraz
- Avril Lavinge (before, when she just started)
- Ashlee Simpsons

I don't know anymore.
These are the ones I never get bored of.
The rest are mostly individual songs.

That's all.


I know the list is lame.

That's all folks.

Sigh, I still want a DSLR.
Maybe D450 Kit I. Since well.. it's the cheaper and better.

That's all for real.

The world has its joys

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 8:50 PM


I'm listening to the Veronicas as a form of celebration.

Yay :D

Haha, I can't wait to see Tian Ning's expression when I tell her this tomorrow!!!

Today was kinda fun!

Class reunion.

Sunday, February 1, 2009 8:08 PM

The best.

Really makes me feel how much I miss 2/4, compared to current 3/1, 2/4 is so much more amazing.
Maybe partly because I'm not close to anyone yet or know many of them.
And last year, lessons were a hundred times more entertaining because I could talk to Tau Pok and study with him. I have no one to communicate to during lessons, I just fall asleep in every single one of them. Practically.

Today, we ate a lot of steamboat!
There was me, Hui Yee-duh it's her house, Shiuan Wen, Darrick, Edwin, BiaoJin, Cheng Yee, Jia Min, Natalie, Yew Rong, Ong Lai, Joel, Alvin, Jian Kun, Soo, Pearleen, Zhou Yang, Damian, Amanda, Rebecca.. Did I miss anyone out?
Anyway, it was a hell lot of fun. Darrick and I won Natalie and Edwin in Bridge twice! :D
Then played Dai Ti with Alvin, Joel and Darrick. Joel had beginner's luck, won first 2 games. I won 2, Alvin 3, Darrick 2?
Jian Kun brought over Rebecca's majong set and they started playig Majong.
We talked about gossips and stuff. So fun.
And we talked about Mr Tan. I really really miss having him as a Form Teacher. To think back, he was such a good teacher.

Makes me miss 2/4 more to think about it.

Hui Yee and her family were AMAZING hosts.
Like seriously.
Here's a very very very big THANK YOU!

Can't even eat dinner.
I feel bad.
Because no one's like celebrating my dad's birthday.


Have to study.
Must study.
Will study.

I've done some math and some chem, on ultra slow battery.
Now it's on to SS!

I dread school tomorrow.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )