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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

And so they say.

Thursday, January 29, 2009 10:19 PM
Jasmin went home today.
I am very very sad.
Because I'll miss her.

Daddy said that we might be able to go to New Zeland in the end of this year. I hope!
Because we can tour New Zeland! And hang out with Jas more!

Now, it's back to studying.

Homework and tests.
Oh man.

My mum actually said yes to going to Hui Yee's house for 2/4 `08 reunion steam boat.
Like seriously. Wow!
We're going to play Indian Poker. However you play it.

I think the Veronicas songs are really like.. catchy just that the song lyrics are not really appropriate for the pure minded. Let's put it that way.

Week 4 of school is coming to an end.
So far, Mr Kamal's lessons are my top favourite so far. I prefer History to Social Studies though.
I don't enjoy Chinese as usual because 60% of the time I'm sleeping. I mean seriously, the lessons are just like story-telling sessions.
Geography is seriously like sleeping-pills to me.
Math has that effect too but I'm usually doing the work Mr Wong gives so it's not that bad.
I just fall asleep in every lesson that I can't stay awake in (the irony, I know). I can't control my eyelids):
I need to put toothpicks in between them.. but it would't be such a good idea.. I'll probably pierce my eyelids instead. That would not be wanted.
But really, it's not like last year. I could talk to Tau Pok whenever I couldn't stay awake and he was going to sleep too and study with him. Now it's like. GAWD, what are you saying? So there's like complete silence 90% of the time. It is bad.

I miss 2/4.

I miss Jas):

I'm visiting Bishan tomorrow, maybe. If time allows.
Been so long since I went to that library!
But it won't be complete without Lene because we always went there last year!

It's all there is, there will be, more!

Time waster

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:36 PM
I'm frustrated.

I feel like swearing.

But I'm on clean mouth campaign.

If it's of any use to even start with.

I've wasted a lot of time.
It's horrid.

Chinese New Year Hols suck like.. a lot.
And I don't like school either.

Geography map isn't going into my head because I just fall asleep, EVERY SINGLE TIME I attempt to remember it.

Oh hell.



Want a Mento?

Monday, January 26, 2009 11:24 PM
I just blogged on Sean's blog.

A cockroach landed on my HAIR.
I need to dettol it all.
And my hand.
And leg.
Stupid cockroach.

Drool drool.

Today, I wore all yellow yellow :D

Lunch was okay.
A lot of people came. Not that much anyway.
Yong Ping looks so different now. With the haircut, dyed hair, clothes. He even has a little small tattoo on his hand. I think it's the trademark.

i didn't get a lot of money today.
In my opinion.
Only one person gave $10, but I don't know who, I can't remember.
The rest were $20.

I watched Son of Rambow again today.
Love the movie!

I slept again in the afternoon while attempting to study.

I uploaded many kid pictures today into my comp.
I love me :D

I wonder how tomorrow will turn out.


12:26 AM

It's all love and joy, love and joy, love and joy, and not hatred and sadness, I hope.

Today, had tuition in the morning.
Came home and was on the comp like I said on my previous post.

I took some pictures. But i doubt I'll be uploading them.

Many shops were open for lunch, so yay!
Cousin came over and we made cookies.

I played flags and flowerz (the lamest game on MSN) with Sean.
Then I fell asleep while trying to learn Geog map.
Went to SSC but Popular was close (z, NOW I CAN'T DO HOMEWORK) and went to Giant instead. Cotton On has a nicey nice nice top! ;D

We went to have some pictures taken in the forest-y area and in my room.

Then, we all had reunion dinner. The proper steamboat one.
It was alrighties. I guess.

Came home, did some Geog filing and watched Romeo Must Die at the same time.
Jet Li! Hahahahaha.

I'm drooling over the Live n Loaded advert with Utt all over it.
It's okay, I've not drowned myself yet.

He reminds me of the Sir Stanford Raffles statue at Singapore River.
Don't ask me why.
I'm weird.

Going to temple tomorrow maybe. Or one of the days.
The Toa Payoh one. Is it the one Lene goes to? I think, if I remembered correctly when she told me in P6.
But usually, we go to the Thai one in Bukit Merah.
But there's still a lot of differences between Thai and Chinese Temples. Like in Thai ones, we put 3 joss sticks at a time. In Chinese ones, they put one joss stick at a time. :/

So, back to the going to temple thing.
They said this year will be bad for the year of the dog, so yeah.
Can't wear red.
Oh no):
I'll just have to wear my yellow shirt tomorrow.. Coz I can't wear my black&white skirt with black tanktop because that would be unlucky.

I'm so tired now.
I've still got so much work to do for school.
Oh man.

I'm out.
Well, my eyes are practically closed.

Happy Chinese New Year eve!

Sunday, January 25, 2009 11:14 AM

What happened to British music?
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Bloggin' from Flickr, again!

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is the BEST show in the world after Pride and Prejudice 2005. I swear.

Talking to Alex now on Flickr mail.

Anyhoo, I think we might have a nother photoshoot today in the forest behind my estate.
I'm planning on having a Hamm picture done for the New Year eve.

I'm eating milo cornflakes now.

Random, I know.

I love ABBA now because I love Mama Mia.

Heartbeat by Scouting for girls is a friggin' good song. I'm listening to it now.

Listen to it or regret it.
I'm sorry it's not the official MV since it can't be embeded.

I've got so many new year clothes!!!
Yes, I feel so happy about it.

I have 3 new shirts, 2 new skirts, 1 pair of yellow flats and 1 pair of brown PVC boots and lots of new earrings.
I feel so happy because I have lots of new stuff to wear!!!
Hehe ;D

Today will be another long slackish day.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:13 PM
I want to blog a lot but it's so late now, I'm running out of time.

I actually solved Exponential Equations 1c Q4 on my own. The sense of achievement is so... great. The feeling of glory and joy after one and a half hour of cracking your heart, literally.

I'm listening to Sex and Drugs by Hyper Crush for the... millionth time.
It's very sick.. but the tempo and everything is so CATCHY. It just goes in the chorus, sex and drugs, sex sex and drugs.
It's all Steffi's fault. She posted a video on Flickr with this song in the background.. and yeah, I'm addicted to it now.

I sound wrong. Okay. But seriously, if you heard the song, I assure you it'll be stuck in your head like Best Friend by Toybox.
Just don't read the lyrics.

Tomorrow, we have CIP cleaning people's house. Oh my gawd.
What if the person is like some Chee Ko Pek? Omg.

We're going to have our Chinese New Year reunion dinner tomorrow too. I'm kinda happy about it, you know.
Wait.. I don't know.

I'm so tired now? My eyes are drooping shut by the second but I'm singing Sex and Drugs.
It's so addictive, I repeat.

Damian was so funny in english lesson. He was talking about Gayism (it's homosexualism) and HIV.
I tell you, you'll laugh like so hard it'll make you cry, and you'll laugh whenever it's mentioned again. I'm not going to mention it because it's sick.

Anyway, histroy test tomorrow. Map.
I'm ready since I learnt it on Saturday. Maybe go through again before I sleep.

Peace y'all.

New picture, baby.

Monday, January 19, 2009 10:00 PM

Pouring rain.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I kinda like it.
I've not been posting on Flickr for so long.

I don't have enough time to blog a propper post yet.

I'm in love with the books I'm reading. Recommendations to Lene.

Okay, I'm off.
Peace out, y'all!

Blogging again soon.


Thursday, January 15, 2009 10:18 PM
I don't know what to say just that yeah, I'm like pissed at.. nothing.

Let's move on to the funny parts of the day.

Mr Kamal's history lesson is like.. OMG owns man.
We watched the ending battle in the Last Samurai. Tom Cruise sure is one sexy samurai. BUT, he's not the reason why I'm talking about it. Nonono, Mr Kamal wanted us to watch the different kind of war weapons being used. Oh yes, the HORSES and MACHINE GUNS. Omg, I laughed so much! And the funniest part was that after the show, Mr Kamal started drawing out this battlefield and the strategies they use.
First, the generals would come to the middle, shake hands and exchange their greetings.
Then, after their words, they go back to their sides and fire the canon balls.
BOOM. Not near enough, move the lever, BOOM, and it HITS FRANCE. Germany thought that France was partially already destroyed so the infantries marched in until they got into the machine gun radar zone and FIRE. The German runs back to their side of the field. France thought that most of the Germans were attacked and FIRE the canon balls. BOOOM. France infrantries start marching in. Until they reach the German's machine gun radar zone and FIRE. And on and on it goes. Omg la. So funny.

'It's 2pm now, let's fight till 6pm. You collect your dead, I collect my dead and let's go home.' OMG HAHAHA.

Okay, sorry, mad moment now.

So yes. JASMIN IS HERE! And so is Uncle Michael and Aunty Agnes. :D
I basically spent very long at Ah Mah's house just now, joking around with Jasmin, Lyn and sis. And we were like so SO frustrated by Jared. Even Jasmin attempted writing chinese! And she wrote them well, judging from a person who doesn't know Chinese.
My dad came in and said,' We adults have discussed and found out that you all girls are very smart accept for the boy.' Hahahaha.
I have so many jokes now.

Michael Castro! I quite liked his brother. I like Michael's hair. It's better, since it's red.
Yes, he's in! ALL SAID YES~He looks so much like his brother. In a way.

Oh my gourd.
I just remembered I have eff-ing jian bao.
And I thought i finished all the work I had that's due tomorrow.
Oh hell.

After all that we've been through, I'll make it up to you, I promise to.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:35 PM
- Hard to say sorry by Westlife.

BETTER LISTEN TO THE SONG, or be sorry because it's bloody nice.
And the lyrics are like SOOO nice.
I realise I'm posting 2 quotes from Westlife songs in a row. Okay.

I have so much homework to do now.
I need sis to teach me A math.

Okay, so here's the gist of the day.
Yeah. 161 :D But I might be taller if the machine is spoilt hehe.
But I'm like 45.7kg heavy? That's like so damn unacceptable. Geez.

My family is having a debate behind me right now on which school my sister should apply for.

I've became a loyal consumer of soyabean milk :D
So Zoe and I, the two who happens to drink a lot of soyabean lately came up with a pledge and Aleithia contributed.

We the supporters of the soya bean drink
Pledge ourselves to drink soya bean everyday
Regardless of COLOUR, TASTE and SMELL

Omg, I laughed like mad at the last part which Aleithia said. Well we all did, anyway.

American Idol on tv now. Hahahaha.

Talking to Jun Xi now. Hahahaha, he's so tall now!
I think Sean's already sleeping.

Anyway, I got to know Tim better today. Yeah, he taught me a whole lot of math. Many many thanks!

I need to stop eating and drinking so much. As in drinking sweet drinks and stuff.

So, my sis came to school with me today :D
We're so sisterly. HAHAHA.
She was waiting in front of GO and started talking to this sec 3 N guy and he was like having this weird expression on his face when my sister randomly offered him sweets XD

I can do that hand clapping and snapping thing we learnt at camp. All 3 of them. I'm kinda slow to finally get a hang of it now.

Aleithia kept rubbing it in that her eyes are big and we got small chinese ones. No fair.
Her bambi eyes.
But she really obsesses over her legs. Come on Aleithia, they're so PERFECTLY normally toned.

Homework time, baby.

But the stars we could reach were just the starfish on the beach.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:40 PM
- Seasons in the sun by Westlife
(Not the original single, yeah.)

I just like how lame that line sounds yet it sounds so good in the song.

I'm not going to blog like about my days because I don't think there's anything exciting to blog about or anything.

So, the first common test this week was so HORRIBLE, deffo.
I mean, they give us three so random words and we must write something out of it.
If I can pass or get good grades, I would have already learnt how to fly.

There's been kinda lots of homework now. But I finish most of them in school, yay.

I was reading 8 Days today. The President's Boobs article was so funny! Omg.
I didn't bother reading the Felicia Chin's front cover story considering the fact on how MUCH I very very very dislike her.

I'm trying to be more awake in class. I don't think it's working in Chinese.

I tried taking pictures today but I think I ended up damaging my guitar. Seriously, I need to go on an outing one day and get my *pulls on hair* FRUSTRATING pictures done. I just wish it's still the holidays.

I'm reading Hearts Aflame now.
Viking. Hmm, I still think I quite prefer European princesses instead.
I want to borrow more Susan Elizabeth Phillipes books! I think she and Johanna Lindsey are like the all-time BEST romance authors. Yeah(:

I'm wondering if I should read Anansi Boy. I'm like soooooooo tempted to read Neverwhere and American Gods again!
Maybe I should just borrow Tom Holt. Or something.

Looking for Georgia Nicholson book 4! Can't find): AND waiting for book 10.
Yes and also looking for Gossip Girl: Carlyles book 2 AND A-list book (err) something AND Pretty Little Liars book 4!!! And, erm, It Girl book 7(?), AND a new Barry Lyga's book AND Luxe book 3.... Okay, it just keeps growing.
Stop stop reading, omg, I should be doing homeowork now?


My sister's coming to school with me tomorrow. Hehe.
I wonder if she can get into RJC or HCJC. NJC! My parents said ACJCI is too expensive. Oh well.

I love my camera, my camera doesn't love me.
I need a cure):

Camp lag.

Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:15 PM
I know there's jet lag but no camp lag.
Anyway, I still have SS to do. Eh.
I feel so lag. Tired all the time and all the tuitions I'm going to.

Tomorrow, we have photo taking and my face is sun burnt. I don't know what to say.
My scalp is burnt too, as a result, my fringe look like it's gelled and looks so srewed. Ahhhhh

Today, I bought new school shoes. Yes man, another pair of Adidas's (:
I also scrubbed my sea-water-polluted shoe. I cleaned and scrubbed them till they look so nice now!

I have a blister on my right index finger because I was sweeping the floor. I don't know what to say.

I have a new picture idea but yeah, I'm still working on how it'll look like at the end and I need time to have it done. Maybe one day when I'm home early and I can catch the natural lighting.
I went to see the Canon 1000D and 450D. Omg. Omg. I like totally luuurve them man.
Maybe I'll be taking the 450D. I would actually buy a 50D if it won't for the price.
Now, it's time I read up on which DSLR kit I should get. I'm still considering but yeah. 18-50mm and 18-200mm. The price varies by hundred. Not that bad.
Hmm, Dad says he'll bring me to this place where they sell a lot of cameras. Yes man(:

I jsut watched the Perfect Man. I didn't really like it.
But it was alrights.
I just want to go out today. To like.. sales. But whatev, everyone was AGAIN too lazy to move their butts so I just lagged at home being very tired.

Gawd, I don't wanna eat at home today because we must do the dishes and stuff. Geez.
There's like a shopping centre and like what, 10 restaurants/coffee shops outside my house? Like a 2 minutes walk away. Ehhhhhhh.

I'm just so bloody tired.

Oh yeah, and I'm trying to shed the use of vulgarities even though I don't think it's working.
Test tomorrow. Oh man. Compo isn't that bad, at least. But I'll probably write too much like I always do.

Shit this.

One word: camp.

Friday, January 9, 2009 3:45 PM
At first I thought camp will be horrendous and all but it turned out to be a helluva fun and an unforgetable experience. I swear.
I miss it so much right now.
I'm typing all these according to memory.
This really IS my diary entry for camp so I'm typing it according to heart.

On Wednesday when we got to school, we were introduced to Ahmad, also known as Camp Chief. He was shouting and being really fierce so I was like, 'OH NO!' So we briefed us on what he expects and made us shout a lot.
He introduced us to our instructors, FJ, Serene and Nit.
We were brought outside the hall where we did a headcount and split us into 2 groups. Odd and even register numbers. We wanted to go to the indoor sports hall basketball area but it was already occupied so we went to porch instead.
There, we formed circles and sat down and thought of a group name. Supercalifrangasexy was too long, of which FJ said the girls were sexy and the boys were handsome sexy. We went for Inferno at last and FJ was like,' Why are you called Inferno? Because I'm hot.' From then on, FJ was know as HOT, SEXY and VERY CUTE.
He was telling us about his own suggestion of calling ourselves Abalone. And why? Because we're roung, fat and VERY expensive. HAHAHA
We then introduced ourselves to the others and there was lots of interesting nicknames and we were given our camp booklets which we read.
We ate lunch and got our stuff and had a briefing and did some cheers like the Makan cheer and off we went to Changi Coast.
The first impression I had of the campground was that the sea looked super nice and I want to swim in it. Seriously, the water was so blue! And that we're just next to Changi Airport's runway tracks so the planes are SO SO SO near to us, above our heads.
Since we were by the sea, there's lots of sand everywhere.
We put our stuff down below the dorm and had a briefing where FJ did the aeroplane cheer for us a few times.
Our first thing to do was area cleaning so we had to clean one of the dorms. FJ started telling us about the CCAs he used to have, including Chinese Dance and Rugby. And he asked us all for ours.
Then all talked to FJ and we asked him where he lived but he refused to tell us but told us his girlfriend lives in Sembawang and that we were like, HEY WE LIVE IN SEMBAWANG. And he said he won't see us again unless we see him sending his girlfriend home. hahahahaha
Then, it was the activities.
First stop was Giant Finger. We had to take two tired out of this super tall pole. The girls carried me while the guys carried Holy. We were almost there and Abdul came up. And we succeeded after a very long time because FJ kept telling us that the tire will drop on someone's head down there and his heart's falling out. For the second tire, before we started, FJ told me and the girls carrying me for me to fake fall so that the others will be more alert. When I was up there again with Abdul, FJ kept doing signals for me to drop but I couldn't at all because the hands below me won't really stable. He started giving me disappointed looks. Too bad.
They then carried Shing Yi who put the tires back in. With one hand. Omg luh. And FJ was saying,' He look like he's going to explode. Look at his arm and neck. All the vein popping out. Somebody help him leh.' But Shing Yi still did it.
Next was Zig Zag which we chose against debrief. It wasn't that hard. Just walking on this super thin plank.
After the activities, it was knots and lashing. We were challenged to tie the knots with our eyes closed. It wasn't that hard.
We then assembled at rockwall for a safety briefing by Camp Chief. About the harnesses and helmets. Wen Jie and Hidir were the models. Super funny because Wen Jie was joking around with the Camp Chief.
After that, we assembled for dinner. Our class had duty so we ate first. Some other girls and I guarded the teachers/instructors toilet. Then, Instructor Wayne asked me to take the soap out from the toilet so I went in and he started shouting,' SOMEONE WENT IN THE TOILET!' One instructor actually took it seriously. Seriously. We cleaned the canteen and tables.
Instructor Chek and Camp Chief started talking to us all and they were joking around and stuff. Super funny! Shake even did these Indian accent/ singing/ dancing stuff. SUPER FUNNY. Like the aeroplane cheer, INDIAN STYLE. HA.
Then we had blindman's trail. Wasn't fun because we couldn't see anything and there was no challenge. But then hahaha, they tried to trick us there was ghosts and FJ, Chek (for sure) and some others went round hitting and talking to us. I knew there was Chek coz I heard an Indian song next to my ear.
And then, FJ made us form a circle still being blindfolded, lay down and look at the sky of stars. Was not bad. But the ones in Khoa Yai were better. So I just looked at the moon most of the time and observed how the stars twinkle.
Then we had to have our shower. IN PAIRS. Because of the time limit.
Next was supper. Didn't really wanna eat and FJ said I didn't need to finish it, phew. We wrote in the camp booklet and Jerome and FJ did this 'I'm HOT, SEXY and VERY CUTE' actions. SUPER FUNNY. Yeah, it deffo was.
Then, Camp Chief made us drink SO MUCH water to hydrate ourselves for the next day.
Finally, at 12 plus, we were allowed to sleep. It was kinda cold, in fact since the wind was so strong.
But then, the aeroplanes are SO LOUD and the instructors were riding bikes around, ringing the bell, shouting,' WAKE UP WAKE UP.'
I couldn't sleep till 1 plus? Sara shouted at the guys below to shut up, cool. And I woke up at 2 thinking it was already 5! Went to the toilet and slept again till 4.20am because the instuctors were riding bikes again, shouting WAKE UP WAKE UP and ringing the bells. Waited till 5 and went down to get ready.
At 6, we assembled at the flag pole area and had a morning stretches and A LOT of buddha claps and it was breakfast and area cleaning, keeping tents that the guys slept in and picking up rubbish. And we did a little bit of campfire prep.
Serene and Nit asked us if we slept well and we were like, er okay okay okay.
After eating, we did improvise rafting. We made a raft using 6 poles, 3 barrels and a basket of ropes. FJ made us all sing, if not he'll take away our ropes which he did to a lot of them. We had this singing competition with Spongebob. Shouting like mad. We sang songs like, ABC (spammed it), Doe a deer, twinkle twinkle little star, I like the flowers, the school song, Apologise, Spongbob theme song, Powerpuff team song, Bob the builder, Bingo, 10 Little Indian boys, This love, and on and on, can't remember.
We then had to present our rafts to our 'potential buyers' the instructors and yeah, I got super tan and my face is sun burnt.
Next was Dragon Boating.
We had to put on the vest thing and go down the sea. We locked arms and floated about with out shoes full of sand. Then, we grabbed our oars and off we went. The boat was super rocky and FJ stood there like nobody's business with his amazing balancing skills. He briefed us for really long and we paddled around. Then there was one part, everyone was at 'ready' position but I was thinking of something so I didn't change and omg, so embarrasing, he laughed like bananas. Then we did powershots and almost flew him off the boat! XD
We were called back. Surprisingly, one hour passed and we couldn't do the capsize drill and FJ felt guilty. Oh well.
We went to rinse ourselves and took 25 minutes off the time we were given and FJ got really mad and the instuctors scolded us.
Next was CRC. FJ made us all from Inferno go up Challenge Pole. I was super scared! Like really. Almost crying but not crying.
Finally, I decided to go after encouragement from a lot of people. FJ was like,' Janice, do this for me! I'll cheer for you!' and I was like 'Okay!' Somehow, that touched his heart.
So I went. Climb up the pole. My heart dropped, stopped and tried to stand on the pole, my heart dropped more, people below were cheering a lot with 3 cheers. I stood up there for don't know how long because I was scared mindless and JUMPED. Okay, I was really gonna back out but I don't wanna let him down so I did it. I don't hang on the pole but yeah i grabbed it. My heart fell out. Yeah.
I finally came down alive. omg.
While waiting for the others, Dimeng, Siew Mun and I asked Holy to teach us Viet. It was cool! Ha. FJ started telling us how scared he was of mice and rats. It involves screaming and running onto beds and chairs. Ha!
I watched the people from Spongebob doing the other station. Don't know how to spell it. Wild woozey? Tim and Vicom almost made it!
We went to Wild woozey after everyone was done and I helped the rope managing people. Abdul and Deepak actually finished the thing! Pro!
Then we watched Timothy do Multiple Vines. He was shaking A LOT. FJ was like,'I've never seen anyone vibrate so much before.' and started video-ing it down. HA! Timothy actually finished it!
After that, we helped FJ sabo Serene and Nit at abseiling and rockwall. When FJ walked away, Serene kept asking us what we were going to do to her so that we can sabo FJ back but hahahaha, we didn't give him away!
Anyway, FJ chose all the reluctant people to do Zip Line and some to do rockwall. Yeah, he made me do abseiling. Camp Chief was the safety dude guy. He briefed us and started joking on how Serene will be his 28th wife. HAHAHA.
So up there, I started crying. Please I'm super scared luh. But yeah, I still did it. Didn't wanna let them down.
Camp Chief was like,'Janice, do you trust me.' And I was like nodding and all and I walked to the edge of the building and he was like,'Now, lean back.' Omg please. So scary. Then I heard FJ shouting,' CHEER FOR JANICE!' And blah blah blah but my attention was on Camp Chief. He was like,' Smile. Before I get angry.' And I gave him a smile and he said,'You have a very nice smile.' And he was like,'Now, realise your rope slowly' and down I went.
It wasn't that scary on the way down but I was going too far or near the wall and towards the end I dropped to the wall, oops. But FJ helped me down and he started apologising. Totally gave him the 'look' for making me go up there. And he said,'Eh, stop giving me that look leh. My heart already break into two liao.' And I was like,'I'll make sure it breaks into many many pieces.' Evil me, hahahaha.
Then we all saboed Serene and she went to do abseiling hahahahah! But Nit didn't do rockwall. Oh well. Watched people climb the wall and do abseiling.
When Serene came down, her carabina (sp??) got stuck. Lol! Then Camp Chief was joking a lot. Funny.
After that it was our debrief. FJ said sorry for talking too much on the Dragon Boat so we couldn't play and feeling guilty for making me cry and told everyone how touched he is because I said I'll do Challenge Pole for him. Z.
Jassy got really sick so she went home. Let's hope she's alright now.
Then, we ate our dinner and showered and the instructors talked to us about what they thought of us which really was great to hear that they really think we're fun and enjoyable and all.
We did a impromptu campfire item rehearsel and cheer. It's like this family (Darryl, Wing Sang and Jia Qin) watching TV and they decided to watch Spongebob. So the programme starts and we did our cheer led by Cheryl and Nanthini.

(According to Spongebob theme song tune):
Who's most united at sec 3 camp?
3/1, 3/1!
The best of the best that no one can beat!
3/1, 3/1!
Who's super hot, sexy and very cute?
3/1, 3/1!
Biology, Physics and Chemistry too!
3/1, 3/!
3/1 `09, 3/1 `09, 3/1 `09 STUDY LIKE CRAZY!

Then it was the Spongebob show. Wai Siong was Spongebob, Leon was Patrick and Tian Ning was Sandy. So one day, Spongebob and Patrick decided to go to Sandy's house. Since it was Spongebob's birtday, Sandy decided to pour petrol on him. And Wai Siong was like,'I'm so SEXY!' and did the whole wiggly to the floor thingo. Then, they decided to burn him and Wai Sion went,'Oh! I'm so HOT!' HAHAHA
Then, the show ended and they decided to watch 'So you think you can't dance' But it was the commercial break and the Ba Wang Jackie Chan commercial was on.
So Deepak was acting as Jackie Chan and he did a direct English translation of the commercial. SUPER FUNNY. It starts with all the Jackie Chan supporters running out shouting 'BA WANG BA WANG!' and then Jackie Chan steps out and does his lines and touching his hair. After that, all the supporters ran out and crowded around him asking him for autograph. HA!
Then, it was So You Think You Can't Dance. Nandhini and I were the hosts, 3 judges- Yew Rong as Maggot, Sheryl as French Flies and Xian Long and Burger Ham, the dancers- HaHa and Ha from HaHaHa, Chery and Kuan Ting, and Jerome, and the Chior memers sang. So Cheryl and Kuan Ting does this dance to Dancing Queen but they started quarreling and left stage and it was very real!. Then Jerome showed off his amazing dance moves to this Indian song. The song ended but he was still dancing and Abdul starts shouting Security! and runs out to catch him. Then I say that the results will be out in the next episode and Jerome runs out shouting,'I'M THE WINNER!' LOL!
So yeah, campfire was fun. The instructors joke around and stuff. Camp Chief did this fire disply! Super cool. I think Joyce, Wai Siong and me screamed till FJ went deaf XD
We did a lot of aeroplane cheers because a lot of aeroplane flew by. Oh well.
So Chek, Wayne and Camp Chief hosted the thing. Teachers came up to dance and stuff. Mr Yu got some wacky moves! Lol and Mr Fadzly was omg amazing.
Chek joked around in his Indian accent again.
Then, the classes started to perform and all. I can't remember the sequence of classes but 3/6 did a DAMN good impersonation of Camp Chief! FUNNY!
A lot of groups did Indian dances, like almost every class.
3/3 was funny! Wen Jie. Omg. Dacning around the tree (Jarren). HAHA.
Then there was LIMBO! We sent Jerome and Vania up since it was all couples. Cindy won.
Then we did this cheer thingy in different styles and Camp Chief asked Miss Wang out for the romantic style one and said,' She's my 28th wife.' LOL
3/5's was too draggy. Boring. And they had the same idea as us.
3/4's was racist.
So it was our turn, the last and at the end, Abdul and Jerome saboed the 3 instructors, pretending that they were news agents interviewing them. Serene told us we were fun and Nit too. And they love us. FJ gave this speech. 'You are the best class I've thought in...' (starts laughing). Anyway, he started talking about my Challenge Pole incident AGAIN. And the whole class pushed me next to him and Camp Chief gave me a Hi Five. I felt so paiseh sia.
'I made my whole team do Challenge Pole. So there is this girl in my class and she's very afraid of heights and so reluctant to do the challenge. But she told me one thing that touched my heart. She told me she'll do it for me.' And the whole place went OH. 'And she really went up and jumped off the pole and not walked down it.' And I stepped backwards and he was like, '3/1! WHAT AM I?' 'HOT' 'AND?' 'SEXY' 'AND?' 'VERY CUTE!' 'I only have 3 words for you, I LOVE Y'ALL!' And we screamed like bananas.
Then, we cheered and stuff and they had this trainee instructors induction or something. So Chek was like speaking on how he's buying furnitures and different instructors did different things like FJ being the sofa (and Chek sat on him and we all went EHHHHHH) and stuff. All the trainees were fire logs and then Camp Chief ran out of no where and poured water on them. The water we used to wash our plates!
Camp Chief spoke to us all. He told us that Anderson was the first school he was Camp Chief of last year and Anderson is going to be his last school he's Camp Chief for because he's leaving. Then all the instructors sang a song and all. Camp Chief looked so sad!
After the teachers left, we had supper but I didn't take any and we watched this slideshows of pictures Mr Singh took during our stay. Camp Chief was nice to us and let us wake up at 7!
Then it was shower. I didn't realise I was tired until FJ told me I looked very tired. Yeah! I planned to count the planes that fly by while the lights were off but I laid down, counted 3 planes and fell asleep. And felt cold in the middle of the night and just went deeper into the sleeping bag and just fell asleep and woke up at 7 because the guys below the dorm were talking really loudly.
Got ready and had breakfast. FJ took pictures and PURPOSELY took pictures of us when we're putting the food into our mouths. Then, we all asked him if he's got facebook/friendster/blog so that we can see the picutres of the camp but he refused to tell us. So we probably won't get the pictures.
And then he told us we were washing the toilets. Yes, TOILETS.
So we all assembled in the car park area and 3/2 got to wash the guy's toilet and we wash the girl's one. And FJ told us he's making sure we get SO wet, we can't board the bus and we have to stay for one more day XD And he was rejoicing about it, maybe he misses us already. HAHAHA
Then we went to wash the toilets. Picked up clothes, rubbish and someone's undies (ew), socks (the guys freaked, they thought it was someone's undies. HAHAHA and when I took it off the tap -yes tap- they were like OMG OMG OMG) and blah blah blah. We flooded the toilet with water running non stop from all the taps and we cleared all the sand out the floor and sink.
We found soap, shampoo and toothpaste that people left behind and we used them to wash the floor, sink and toilet bowls. And we also used a toothbrush we found to scrub the sink.
Then, Abdul splashed water at FJ and then it all started. Then FJ wanted to pour water on me but I grabbed the bucket and we were struggling and it landed on someone else and we Hi Fived. Hahahaha.
Then they attacked Shing Yi. FJ walked out so we had our master plan. Deepak with the toothpaste in hand and Abdul with the showergel in hand and they smear it on FJ's face and I pour the water but I didn't do the water part in the end since he was holding a camera. Hahaha.
Wai Siong poured water on Sheryl. Lol! Then some guys went over to the other toilet and attack the people there. Some people were drenched from head to toe!
Then we went to the rockwall to do our camp evaluation and debrief. FJ, Serene and Nit were all so great. The stuff they said. We're the first class Serene and Nit took and FJ said that we're the best class he's ever taken in 2 years and he was too nervous to say that last night. They told us on how this must stay unforgetable which I think is VERY unforgetable. We shifted to in front of the canteen and FJ continued talking to us and stuff then behind us, 3/2 grabbed Waybe, poured water and tau poked him and Wayne went up the dorm, took the hose and started spraying water down on them all. LOL!
Then, Wayne came over with a bucket of water and then... Abdul and Deepak walked up and grabbed FJ and some other guys came a lot and carried him up and he was in this weird crouching position and down went the bucket of water! Then they put him on the floor and all the guys taupoked him. Hahahahaha.
We got his last set of clothes wet, oh well XD
We took pictures after that and quickly took our stuff and assembled.
And back to school we went.
FJ told us his secret that he's scared of rats and mice and his age.
Lol, but he refused to say it at first and ask us to tell him something to please him so he'll say it and Jerome shouted,'You're SEXIER than me!' HAHAHA.
He finally told us that he's 20. I thought he was older like mid 20s. And he was like, I'm going home to sleep sleep sleep after the Sec 1 campfire because tomorrow I have hot date. lol.
He asked us who was going to the sec 1 campire and congratulated them because he would be there and made all of us nap.
At school, we assembled at the porch and he told us to scream/cheer like mad until the whole school can hear us. For the first time, we all heard him shout so loud. We did 3 cheers and saying thank yous. Then, he asked us if we missed him and we all went,' MAYBE.' XD We did Anderson Cheers too.
After all of it, he told us not to forget the camp and love camping and we said our goodbyes. It's sad. He kept asking me why I looked so sad and I give him dorky smiles. LOL.
Then yeah, waited with Aleithia in school till my mum came and talked to FJ a little asking we why I was still there and if I've called my mum blah blah blah and talked to Aleithia a whole lot and it was funny. A lot of waving goodbyes here and there, on the coach and walking around.

So yeah.

This is the first proper camp I've been to and the one I'll NEVER forget because I jumped off a pole, came down a building and I used a whole lot of courage.
He's honourable, because if he didn't make me do it, I think I'll never experience such experiences again because I always back out when I'm scared but this time, I never backed out of any activity.
I feel proud of myself.

I miss camp a lot.
It felt like it was still December holidays!
I loved it there a lot. A helluva lot.

My History.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 6:26 PM

Christian Carocca.
This is the guy.
He's from Chile if I'm getting it right.
I don't know his age but judging from his pictures, he should be what, 19 going on 20 this year?
This 2 picture have been on my blog before.
Here's how my history with photography went.
I don't exactly know why I really like cameras.
When I was young like 7 years old? My mum bought me a camera. Like those film ones you have to develop. It was cool to start with.
As I got older, that camera died out too and I started using phones and my parent's Canon Ixus here and there. But it was more of the phone.
I think I got the whole angles/contrast/editting/eye for everything through my phone.
One fine day last year. Around the first quarter of the year, I came across Flickr. I was going through Explore everyday and everyday, I even made an account but didn't use it at all.
So on Explore, I came across one of Christian's picture, the left one. And I really really loved it (and still do).
He totally inspired me!
So I went on looking on his stream and Explore and through that, I self-taught myself A LOT of things and I attempt them everything I'm given the chance to.
Finally after many months of being inspired, I started uploading on Flickr. 18 September 2008.
I joined groups and really came across teens that are photography geniuses. And I'm serious about that. If you've seen their work, you'd think so too because they're only 14, 15 or 16.
Then, I came back to study Christian's stuff again and got even more inspired. Even though his pictures are all very portrait-based I still really really really love them a lot.
Then it all started. I started making sets, study which study lamps to use, think about ideas and met a lot of new friends.
Another reason why I like to take pictures a lot is because I love to draw. I like to draw a lot but I can't draw people.
This is what people say. A picture can lie, but a true photo never lies.
And what I mean by true is not like photoshopped faces and body. I have a thing against it. To me, it's like the most unacceptable lie, unless that picture is used for commercial uses and it can't be helped.
My parents like finally saw what I can do. That's a go because now I have a green light for a Canon EOS and Canon photography lessons. Not cheap, so I'm lucky I don't need to save up so much.
I would want a G10 if my parents refused to a DSLR.
Powershot G10. The first time I saw it in the display case, I was like,' Oh man, that camera is one baby.'
Seriously, even it's functions are wicked.
But really, it takes a lot of encouragement.
It all came from Strussler(: His name's Steve but I like calling him Strussler more.
Then came along Alex who wrote me my first testimonial and through Alex, I knew everyone else (the Flickr Asians) and it just kept growing and growing and there you are(:
Christian commented on some of my pictures before. I went bananas(:

Tomorrow's the day

6:15 PM
of CAMP.
Oh man.

Today was again boring, normal whatever.
I best thing I said was, 'I think gay kissing is hot.'
Well, I mean it IS true.

Drop that subject.
Okay, so I've done math in school and was doing this Brad-Angelina-Jen crossword. Hahahaha.
It's interesting.
I want to watch the new Jolie flick! I have a thing for movies about olden days.
I mean, my favourite movie is Pride and Prejudice and I really like the Duchess and Pirates of the Carribean. Second thing in common, Keira Knightley's in all of them. Yeah, she's my only and favourite actress, you bet(:

I'm going to do a blog post to Christian Carroca after I post this or something. And yeah, I'll again talk about my only love, photography.
The picture won't be so soon since there's CAMP till FRIDAY. 3 days to be inspired and think.

Okay. Moving on to the other post.
Stay tuned.
Wait, don't bother. I mean, if you're reading this you would have seen the other post already.

The start.

Monday, January 5, 2009 9:46 PM

I carry your heart with me.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Blogging from Flickr right now, y'all.
Okay, I always blog from Flickr.

Today was well.. okay-ish. Nothing great just that, yeah, I've got homework.
I have great and not so exciting teachers, but I'm going to live with it.

I spoke to the vietnamese dude next to me named Tim. Should be how it's spelt.
Maybe I can pick up some vietnamese and speak to Natalaie -N- some day!

Dance was norm and interesting to a certain weird extent.

Watching Little Nonya now.
So fun!!! But it's gonna end soon.. Last episode. NOOOO.

So my dad said Flickr was featured on CNN? Or some news.
Will ask him later.

Sean's freaking about a lizard right now. Typing a lot in caps.
But lizards are soooo cute! Don't you guys think so too?

My other flower picture made Explore too! That's my 7th on Explore. And still growing. Working on it!!!

Now, back to watch tv and then do homework.

Aunty Agnes, Uncle Michael and Jasmin are coming from New Zeland for CNY!
Miss my cousiiiiiin.

Here's a toast to school.

Sunday, January 4, 2009 9:00 PM

Here's a toast to all those who hear me all too well.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Blogging from Flickr!

Yeah, lessons start tomorrow!
It's fast.

So yeah, I was watching Underworld yesterday. Love it! Though there's blood and gore which I'm not a fan of, but it was a very fun movie!
Watched How I Met Your Mother after that. Super FUNNY!

Today, went to pay our respects to my grandfather.
Aunty Anna and Lyn joined us for lunch after that and we went by Sembawang Shopping Centre and fooled around in Daiso with my sis and Lyn. It was fun.
Came home and watched some Thai drama and helped to scrape paint off the gate. Aha. Everyone was staring at us. Even the traffic police.

I'm going to have an entry and picture dedicated to Christian Carocca done.
It's my next mission. Hope it turns out well.
That guy's the reason why I picked up a camera. I mentioned him and posted his pictures in my posts last year too.
He kinda looks like Milo Ventimiglia. Hmm.
He's commented on my pictures a couple of time. It makes my day.

This is such a simple picture I don't know how I like it and why I don't like it.
Going to start packing for school and prepare for camp!

I've decided to take photography lessons. And I think I will take it too in University if everything works out.
Hell, yeah.
My parents are getting supportive, so I guess they'll pay for the CAMERA and lesson.

My life's loving me now.

Live your dreams.

Saturday, January 3, 2009 2:29 PM

A dream within a dream.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I think that's my moto now.


It has nothing to do with the Channel 5 show and Utt hosting it.
I just like the meaning of it.

Speaking of Channel 5, I can't wait for Utt's and Max Loong's new shows to hit the screens! 2 different programmes to watch.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna catch Bluelist tomorrow night! It's a 30 minutes programmes so..yeah. It's not that late anyway since I sleep after 11.30 on school nights.

I want to get some snuggly sleep right now.

I hope this picture makes explore!


I keep thinking it's Monday.

Friday, January 2, 2009 11:08 PM
Even if it's like 11.08pm or something and the day is ending.

Then.. Oh, it's Friday today.

Lene said she can't go on Sunday.
NOOOO. No one to go round with me now, so I probably won't go. Well it feels weird.
You're young, you're not carrying a pro cam, you're alone, you go round taking pictures. It feels weird. I've only pulled that off a few times.
I'll just wait for my DSLR. And work on my arm muscles while waiting. YES, the DSLR is HEAVY!

Train my biceps , man :D
I'll probably go doodle around and maybe read and draw some ideas out.
Mostly the ones I draw don't work out but it's worth a shot or recording my ideas so I can have them done when I'm inspiration-less.

Catching up with my cousin LYN! Whooooo.
I mistook her for Trissy. MY BAD.

Sean's like drawing again. He's pretty good!
Lene's oogling and drooling over Tokio Hotel's Bill or Tom or someone or something. HAHAHA.

I'm out.

Back to school.

8:41 PM
The first day of school, week zero.
It's not like that bad or anything.

But yeah, I'm having fun suan-ing Sean. Hehe ;x

So, I asked Lene if she wanna go out on Sunday.
Probably Marina Bay for some pictures. If they're good, I'll enter them for the competition.
Yes, I'm sticking to my dreams and new year resolutions! Yeah.
I'm looking for competitions here and there.
Came across Viacom. They're wicked desginers! http://www.viacomasia.com/ Look at the web graphics! They're totally good!

So here's like the day.
So it was all normal.
46 or 47 in our class. It's a lot. My new register number is 15. First time went so far down the list of numbers!
Okay. So we had talks the whole day and learnt how to operate that fingerprint thing.
We had this self esteem course. Very psychology related and all.
I sat quite far from the stage so I can't really see the instructor very well, from far, she looked totally like Linda Liao minus the Bambi eyes.

(I really agree that Linda Liao is hot, like what everyone says.)

Back to school business.
I didn't eat breakfast and recess, lunch was so late! Like 4. Couldn't even eat dinner much.

I'm still using the computer a lot. It's sad. Need to stop using so much.

Okay, Sec 3 camp next Wednesday to Friday.
I don't know I mean, you must bring your own toilet paper and utensils. Yeah!
And yes, I cannot stand ANY of my shoes getting dirty. It really paranoids me a lot even if that pair of shoes are worn out and super old.
But, I'm trying to look at the bright side of things, you know.
Bonding, skills, helluva fun and inspirations.
I really want to bring my camera and tripod but it's at my risk and all. So I'll proabably not bring it.

Little nonya is here.

One six, six one.

Thursday, January 1, 2009 10:31 PM

One six things.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

School's starting tomorrow.
I need to wake up at 6.15am or something.

My dear chums,
Good luck with school!
*Sings I am a Survivor*

Okay okay, I know I sing horridly so I'm totally stopping now.

Check out my sixteen things! Just clickity click click on that picture.

Today, I went to learn some photography stuff with Uncle Benny! :D
He took this really nice photo of me with his DSLR at the aperture set to F2.8. Really nice!

The first of Jan 2009 wasn't so eventful, it doesn't even feel like 2009! The vibe hasn't got into me yet.

I told my mum this,
Send me to America so I can come back with a sexy American accent.

Peace, y'all ;D

It's the First of Jan.

2:17 PM
The last day of the holidays.
The first day of 2009.

I'm so bored at home.
I'll just say it again.


Okay, here's my new year resolution!

1. Be a better person.
2. Have a better attitude.
3. Stop sprouting and typing too many vulgarities.
4. Shed my very bad habits.
5. Make my pictures big.
6. Save more money and spend less.
7. Do more and learn how to do more house chores.
8. Concentrate on studying more.
9. Stop spending so much time on the computer and reading.
10. Be more daring and open to new things and dreams.

That's the 10 that I can think of and really want to do.
I want to be a better person, really.
I need to be better to others.
I think I speak too much bad words.
I have many bad habits.
I can earn myself some money if I win competitions.
I like the save money but I spend a lot on food.
I need to learn how to cook better and hand wash a ton of clothes.
I need to study and study, not like divide my attention doing useless things.
I'm really serious about this one, even I like to read and all.
I'm quoting this line,'LIVE THE DREAM'. Yeah.

How I'm spending today.
Well, watch some tv, pack my bag for tomorrow, finish up the last bit of homework I have left and well, do a picture for my sixteen random facts as I've been tagged by Steffi.

Happy Holidays, people!


12:46 AM
Okay people...

IT'S 2009!

Oh my gosh!

My New Year resolution should be up later today.
Felt weird typing that. It's 2009. Oh man... sigh

Anyway, just watched the 2008 countdown to 2009 on Channel 5! Watched a little on Channel 8 after the Channel 5 one ended.

I think the best performance was like erm..


Yeah, seriously. But I think all those celebrities really put in their all to make it wonderful for us viewers, so we should appreciate it. All the money and time. The fireworks were good! Wished I were there! Maybe in the near future, yeah?

I can smell a new camera in my hands by next year, I MEAN, this year.
See, I can't adapt to the 2009 yet!

I want to watch Chase and After Hours, but school's starting and I can't it online anywhere):
Caugh MTV this afternoon and some Thai drama!


Peace out, yo!

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )