i'm such a bad flickr contact></div>
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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

I have cool imaginations lately :D

Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:05 AM

Shedding crocodile tears
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

This is my latest work. There's nice ones up so anyone can feel free to view(:

Gym. I only went for one day. Today I didn't go because I, again, am too lazy XD
I don't know what to blog about now..

GIMP is cool(:
But I would prefer photoshop, I must say.
Was lost on how to use it yesterday. I used 2 hours to learn.
Alex is at a lost too. I'm trying to help him figure it out. But it doesn't really work if the other party is on the other half of the world.
He told me about his ideas, and man, that guy's like a bottle full of creativity, filled to the brim!

I'm going to do a Halloween shoot today!
I'm thinking about my next picture. The weather is so nice and the natural lighting is so nice!! Hmm, I should start preparing for the shoot...
But it feels too cold to bathe!! Hmm.. maybe later.
Yay, I want to start cutting and pasting things.

My new favourite place to take pictures is outside the house :D The walls are white at least! No more green walls!

I'm so freaking bored right now

Monday, October 27, 2008 8:16 PM

Actually, I'm right-handed.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I hate the holidays, you know?
So boring! I sit and think and dream and read and ahhhh.

I really want to do something interesting.
Gym tomorrow!
Tangs got converse sales.
I'm so there, man! :D

Don't know if mum will buy but dad will!
Good thing my dad works in Orchard now! :D

I want to take more pictures but I uploaded 2 today already.
I'm trying to control myself

That's all, now.

Inspired by a flickr friend

Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:06 PM

I'm coming to get you!
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Today had been slow and boring.
Yesterday night, I watched Son of Rambo. Freaking fun show! :D
Almost cried at the end when the two boys kept crying. It's a darn good movie!
This morning, I watched Pizza my Heart on Hallmark! Damn damn nice show. Even though it's cliche and stuff, it's still nice!
Romeo and Juliet kinda movie about families who sells pizza and live next door to each other. The guy's hot too.

Watched a bit of Dark Knight just now. Was lost, because I didn't watch from the start.

So, I made this new friend called Alex. Also the guy who inspired this picture. He's from the States and he's 14 too! He's half Phillipino, super cool. Anyway, Iove his pictures so so so much! Wrote him this super long testimonial and he wrote me one(:
Do check him out!
He's probably still sleeping right now because West Virginia is 12 hours behind us.
Speaking of Flickr friends, it's been a while since I spoke to Elisa and Jon.

That's all now.
I shall read!

I don't like being straight forward.

Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:25 PM
Today, I woke up at 8am. Why can't I sleep?! And Lene woke up at like 1pm.

Mum brought me to California Gym and got me a guest pass. YAY YAY YAY! Whee.
Asked Lene to come with me and she can! Double YAY!
2 weeks free to that 3-story gym in Orchard.
Robinson sale was great! But I must tell myself, I can't spend! Not with the terrible economy now. Money is precious.

Chinese tuition was normal? Debate. Boring. But we talked a lot and that was funny!

Dad went to get the car washed and polished. I swear I almost died inhaling smoke from those people smoking. Had to escape to this fully enclosed room for guests.
Went to buy stuff at market later and hahaha, Dad got mad. Birds poop-ed on the car. Oopsie daisies!

I finished reading another book today. I don't feel like studying. I don't feel like doing anything. Damn boring sia...

So that's it. Going to watch a movie.

I took this an hour ago

Friday, October 24, 2008 11:36 PM

Meet my replicas.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand


It was a slow, cold an uneventful day.

6:37 PM

'Hamm, f- off, there's no coins for you here!'
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

I woke up at 6.45am today and continued sleeping till 7.45am and found out I was too awake to continue sleeping. What's wrong with me?!
It was raining and it was so cold, so I decided to sit outside and let the cold wind freeze me while I read. Met up with Lene at 10.30am!! :D :D Mae came too. We ate brunch at Toast Box and saw my sister!
Anyway, Mae left and we walked around the hub. We bought earrings and then rushed to school since it was almost noon and I had to hand in my report book XD Sat with Lene at the bus stop after that. Saw Mr Tan and many people I knew. Took some pictures with Hamm. This old man sitting on the other bench kept staring at us because we were putting money on the floor to take shots. Shiuan Wen came and Lene left for the library.
Dance was uneventful. Sad things happened): Now I don't know how I can cope with 9 subjects and dance so much and have tuition and after school lessons.

It's still so cold now! ):

I took some great pictures for the Hamm series today but my photostream seems to be flooded with them. I'm gonna make a new series called 'My Replicas' since I have a few pictures about it(:

That's all for now. Ah it's cold.
Now my sister and maid want my earrings and notebook Shirlene gave me. Yeah yeah, back off. THEY'RE MINE. And I bet she just ate all of my sweets just now.

See Jon? Let's swop! It would be so much better if you were my brother(:


Thursday, October 23, 2008 7:33 PM
Be yourself wasn't great.
Jerald sang I'm Yours which was amazing. Mr Yu and Mr Najib weren't bad. I enjoyed the songs. The street magician was freaky and I don't believe what I saw!
Dance was painful. My shoulder is bruised. How to dance tomorrow! Painful, but I'll live with it.
Results weren't bad. I think I'm going to go for it. Triple Science, Pure Geography, History Elective + Social Studies.

Mr Tan told us that we were lively! Ha. Oh and we did this thing. Positive comments for each other. Mr Tan read mine to the class! Hmm, everyone told Tas he crapped a lot! I told him he talks a lot of shit but still makes us all laugh. It's true, yeah?

Today was indescribable.
Firstly it was boring. Secondly it was boring. Thirdly it was boring.
Yes very boring.
Had prize giving, classroom cleaning then went home and tution.
Dumb shit.

My Holidays resolution:
1. Study
2. Have my sister tutor me
3. Burn my hours at the tuition centre
4. Advance study chinese and have my neighbour come over to read chinese with me
5. Don't give a shit
6. Finish up all my homework and must do chinese homework even though I dont want to
7. Read
8. Take more pictures before I become too busy

Yes. I've started them today. I'm gonna watch GG, read then do homework.
Talking to John and Ridhuan.

I hope you had your own fucking fun today.

Life with Hamm update!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 5:09 PM

Looking for that fifty-cent coin.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

Woohoo! It's updated. Those who were asking me to take a new one, be happy!

School was BORING!
Only the morning activities were fun. Mr Soon and Miss Leng were our instructors. Only Mr Soon was successful, sadly.
We were playing Bridge and Poker, Ninetendo DS (Jimin's!), PSP and were talking a lot. No one listened to them.
The games were great! My team conisisted of Amanda, Jia Qin, Rebecca, Yew Rong, Darrick, Tasmann, Edwin, Qiao Hui, Angela and of course, me! We won 2 games and lost the skipping one. The guys proved Mr Soon wrong that girls do not skip better than guys. 3 people skipping at once, 55 times! They even did 6 people, piggy back and switching places while jumping!

The rest of the day was so, 'ugh'.
Went to the library and stocked up like madness. People were staring at my pile of books XD
Met mum and came home and took this picture!
Yes, John and Lene, here you go!

I hate time zone differences.

I did this today so I thought that I post it

Monday, October 20, 2008 9:55 PM

My memory of studying 9 subjects.
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

School books!

So I was watching the Secret. I'm gonna use all those things we learnt! It's all about the Laws of Attraction. Feel it and think about it and see it in your hands. Ask first, then believe that you can get it then you shall receive it!

Jun Xi says he's okay! Yay. And he's going to school. Good thing.
Tomorrow will be so boring!

I'm so darn bored. Library tomorrow!
I'm watching Channel 8! So fun!

Tomrrow shall I play cards? Hmm I don't have my books yet anyway.
More to come soon~


5:34 PM
Yeah I said it, results.
They're sad yet happy. The only happy one is History actually. Lost one mark to Justin Ng ( LOL another JN ) from next door. Sigh but wow I didn't expect to get so high.
The rest were disastrous!

Today we played Bridge and Tai Ti for 2 hours!
At first at 11.10 it started with me, Darrick, Song Jun and Zenn. Then came along Edwin so we played Asshole Tai Ti.
Then we received news that Jun Xi got hurt! First told to be dislocated arm then said to be fractured arm then some how broken arm. Which to believe? Darrick looked like he was about to scream! So Jun Xi told me just two hours ago that he might need surgery on Friday! Poor thing! Surgery is so damn scary man! We all might visit him if he's hospitalised. Yet to hear if he is. He just told me that they put this black slab on him so we can't autograph it! Booo.
And then we went on playing. Many people joined then we played Bridge.
Edwin and me, ZiHang and PeiJun, Darrick and Zhou Yang, Timothy and Jia Qin.
Was so funny coz there's 8 of us and we're all trying to see who's the partner and stuff.

I feel like I want to pon school tomorrow! Dumb leadership shit.
Lol John just showed me this Powerpoint slide! Funny. His bro's picture suddenly appeared when I thought it was made up of all his classmates only.

I took a picture just now and posted it. It's up on Flickr!
Shall do another later if I feel like it.

That's all for now. Till I think of more to post~

I touched a snail and it left slime on me

Sunday, October 19, 2008 9:12 PM

my love for...snails?
Originally uploaded by jamwithsand

=D Yeah I found this little guy in a snail infested pot.
For those who uses Picnik, does it look like the lady bug on the home page?
It looks like it's standing too =D
ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM into the picture. There's slime =D oh and I love the picture's texture.

I feel so so so bored.

=Dann I shall call you ann for the day! Hohoho.

I'm blogging from Flickr anyway.
Talking to Sean and John. Lol two guys with the same name, but one's British, another's Irish.
Lene's playing Sims): I WANT TO PLAY!
Oh lene, I have this Suntec Discont thingy! Want go want go?


Hello mr pharmasist. It's my eyes. My eyes got really big.

1:13 PM
Yay I'm back and alive with a new skin.

Jeez this phew days, what can I say. Bad beyond horrible?
Let's forget the fact that we're getting back all our results tomorrow and stuff.

I want to make a new series called the phobia series. As in photographs, but it'll take a while to plan how I want them done and all. Sigh, it's so warm today! Warm warm warm. I just hope that it rains today!

I'm reading The Other Boy by Hailey Abbott. Cliche cliche. But why do we read them still? Who knows. Do you, brain?

Skipping on Tuesday was not great. Yeah, jump jump jump and 'wham!' The darn rope hits your head. But it was kinda funny to watch all of our fruitless attempts to skip(: Then we tried the double dutch thing and Timothy came to jump. He started grabbing the ropes with both hands so that his job of jumping would be easier. Our class won the first event thing. We won water bottles.

Spelling Bee was shit. That's all I can say.

Subject combi talk was okay. But now it's making me worried.
After Tuesday, I decided to pon school next Tuesday of post exams activities.
Dance so far was okay. Same old same old. Just that there's SYF.

I hate my predicted and real scores. Seriously, all the good ones screwed. Big time. Horrible horrible! Atychiphobia is climbing up my poor sleeves! I swear if tomorrow gets bad. I'll probably go into isolation for the rest of my life and quit school and perhaps run away to go kill myself in silence so no one will find me and I'll die a horrendous death. *Melodramatic mode* And then the teachers will regret!

Yesterday tuitions was okay. Chinese we watched some ancient movie which I don't understand their dialogues. English we did poem/song/rap about Van Gogh. Marc was funny! He did this rap and there was one line ' And I went for a walk in the park and felt like I wanted to suck...' And the teacher said 'Suck what?' LOL! Everyone laughed for like a few minutes.

I've been watching the Thai serial. Damn nice show~~ Yeah Thai serials are fun. Like how you wish your boyfriend is the guy lead. The good looking, manshion house that probably has a tennis court inside (yeah they're real houses of those rich people), lots of money, European car (like Mercedes or BMW or Audi) and stuff like that.
I'm actually watching 2 shows but I'm halfway done with one now!

( back after 2 hours)

Let's talk about my blog skin. I love it!
It's yellow and classic! <3
I shall do a composition today. Shall think of what I want in the picture.
It's all getting boring on my Flickr): I haven't been updating loyally either):

According to my earlier prediction, it's pouring like hell. The thunders are really loud and scary. Can like feel the impact of the sound.

I'm bored now):
YAY Starry-eyed surprise (: No I don't do drugs. It's a song.
Finished reading when it was pouring. Too bored.

I shall blog more later.
My sister's O Levels start tomorrow! I'm feeling nervy for her. Wishing her all the very best, my dearest sister(:

Hello mr pharmasist. I want Vitamin C. What does the C in Vitamin C stands for? Does it stand for cookie?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 10:08 AM

ADDICTED TO THIS SONG. The sad thing is you can't really look at Kevin Rudolf's face and it's so difficult to google his face. The singer song writer for Justin Timberlack and Nelly Furtado and many other big shot singers. Now he's got his own album! The song is so damn catchy. ( deleted to video. It doesnt fit the new skin.)

You can like totally let your imagination run wild. (in a good way, not like you, lok) Like in this club, the music is blarring, the lights are flashing. Everyone's minding their own business dancing like there's no tomorrow!!!
I'm not gonna copy paste the lyrics since it's very very vulgar and inappropriate.

Was reading Manhunting last night. Cliche cliche. My mum forced me to sleep at 11pm! But she extended it to 11.30pm. Wtf. And i actually slept till 9.15 this morning. >:(
Pretty little liars is so so so fun! I WANT BOOK 4!!!
I'm thinking if I should do a picture today. Make like a colourful background or not. Gonna watch Ugly Betty at 11am! Whee. So fun. The crazy girlfriend ;D

Geez, I keep repeating the song. I think it's like programmed into my poor brain already):
Ahhhh such addictive songs.
I don't wanna go to school tmr! Post Exam Activities is the suckiest thing ever. Making balisticphobic people like me play ball games and making it compulsory and stuff. It will be so boring.

I shall go read.

Let it rock

Sunday, October 12, 2008 3:26 PM
Took me like forever to finish the movie, but yeah i did. I agree a lot with whatthebuck and many people online. The movie isn't really all that great. The whole cliche thing going on. The dance moves ain't a 'wow' like step up either. But all in all it's pretty all right. I think there was another stand in dancer for Selena Gomez too coz some moves are like super flexi and very difficult. They didn't really show her face in most of the scenes.

I'm so bored now. Warm too. Lene's coming back today!
I shall finish reading Rumours, the Luxe second book.

Geez I realised that the dumb movie wasted hours of my time coz had to wait for it to load. Sian.

See ya.

Saturday, October 11, 2008 10:44 PM

The first is by Dave. His youtube is called musicfromblueskies. I don't know which are the capital letters. Erm he looks so good! The second is by this two Germans. They sing so well! Is like as good as the original! The third is by Tom Milsom. The guy who composed Blurred Boundaries. I also have a lot of amazing songs by him! His songs are so nice. You can check him out on youtube. His channel is called hexachordal. The song Internet Love Story is VERY cute too.

I'm like watching Another Cinderella Story starring Selena Gomez (argh) and Andrew Seeley. Okay people, listen up:

Drew Seeley is best known as the singing voice of Troy for the first High School Musical. While most people believed it was Zac Efron singing the songs, it was later revealed that it was Seeley's voice blended with Zac's.

2006 - High School Musical....Troy Bolton (Uncredited / Voice Singer That fake! We were all deceived.

2006: "Start of Something New" with Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron — from High School Musical
2006: "Get'cha Head in the Game" with Corbin Bleu — from High School Musical
2006: "Breaking Free" with Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron — from High School Musical
2006: "We're All in This Together" with the High School Musical Cast - from High School Musical
2006: "What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)" with Vanessa Hudgens - from High School Musical

From Another Cinderella Story which I am watching now:

There has been controversy over Drew and Selena's kiss in the movie due to the fact that he is 26 and she is 16.

That's like worse than Chace Crawford and Taylor Momsen from gossip girl. He's 22 and she's 14.

Moving on. I watched Moment of Truth and Ugly Betty last night! Good stuff. As in fun/ funny?

AH my mum wants me to sleep. See ya.

Friday, October 10, 2008 8:39 PM
So bloody bored I started watching America's Next Top Model Cycle 11 Episode 7. I got to say the shoot was fun!!! Here's my favourites.

She's acting as a reporter with attitude. Love love it.

This one she's acting as someone who needs to pee but can't come out of her dress. I mean why do they need to shoot it in a real toilet stall. EW.

This is a girl who thought she would win the award but did not. I think the guy is the same dude in the first picture. Ha.

Moving on. Was watching some funny stuff on youtube. Was laughing like madness!So I shall share some ;D

Please remember to keep your head on while laughing so it won't fall off like Elmo XD

And so, I want a FISHEYE NO. 2! I'm still thinking if I should buy. This guy on Flickr from Singapore recommended that I should get a Fisheye since that's the only camera which provides an effect photoshop cannot. He told me to check out the Lomography Embassy in Bugis so I email-ed them and asked. They told me to get a Fisheye no. 2 too since the film (yes it's not digital) is 35mm and it more readily available and easy to find. Shall go there one day with someone. Maybe lene(: But Jaryl wants to go hahaha.
Costs $119? Pretty affordable. That's like 4 weeks of allowance.

Taupok is currently listening to M2M. Cool(: Okay that was a line of random because I'm awfully bored.
Dan let me listen to this Medieval song. Pretty unusual stuff since it's not those kind of modern age kind. Nice in fact. Can like imagine the guy singing it on an olden day wooden stage.
I don't feel like going to tuition tomorrow. Don't know why the fuck there still is. Especially useless Chinese tuition that's so wasting my time. I wonder why MOE even made that those who can't pass Chinese can't get into university! So frustrating and I bet many students think the same way too!

I shall read or not. SO IRRITATING because it's so boring.

11:51 AM
I just finished watching Baby Mama! Fun show!
I'm so bored right now I'm posting a really short post.
I want a fisheye camera. Or maybe a Holga black or a Diana. Or maybe even a Lomo! But no money money money! Considering the fact a Canon EOS costs a few thousand, a lomographic camera is kind cheaper.
I shall stop bragging about cameras. I just don't understand why digital cameras do not come in effects and only film cameras do. Who knows anyway.
Poppin' Champagne by All Time Low is nice! ;D I have lots of nice songs too and those free from myspace(:
I should read. Stayed up till past 1.30am reading and got nagged at. Shall continue reading this book called Him, Her, Him again the end of him'. Whee(:

YUP! This is the Levi Beamish's Blurred Boundaries!

night lights during late nights

Thursday, October 9, 2008 9:00 PM

night lights during late nights, originally uploaded by jamwithsand.

I was reading Simple Gifts about Christmas stories. The first story was damn nice in a way but the second was pretty boring.
I went to the hospital today and this was how I ended up with this pictue. Damn nice. The camera takes some time to capture the picture because of the effect, so I just start moving my hand and the straight lights have pattern! I took some, next time need to take from a better view besides the car window.
I feel so bored. I feel like going to the library tomorrow but no one to go with me.
Sigh shan't go. I'm downloading songs. Myspace has free song downloads now. Cool eh? Yay nice songs to listen to now!

Peace out(:

My replicas want to be a daydreamer too

1:47 PM

My replicas want to be a daydreamer too, originally uploaded by jamwithsand.

There's no school today.
I woke up around 9.15am and had a chat with my mummy till we finished eating lunch at 12pm. Then I started doing the set for the image you see above. It's still there. The newspaper made some part of the wall black! And I was scrubbing with a colth to make sure it comes off.
Having the days off till Tuesday is cool. I am running off with ideas for pictures because I reserved many for days with Lene and I'm in need for models. Self modeling isn't that bad anyway.

So I was talking to my mummy last night. Guess what Lene? She says that you can come over and I can go over when she's free to drive me there. YAY! I'm betting on your reaction when you read this. Hmm.
I'm feeling bored. What should I do? Movie perhaps? Can't watch Factory Girl since I'm watching that with Lene. Maybe House of Bunny or My Best Friend's Girl. Or something.

More later tonight perhaps(:

12:18 AM

I'm so pissed off about lit today I shan't study lit next year.

Okay so Hayden Christensen wasn't seen to be hot or whatever but I started watching a couple of his shows (exlcuding Star Wars) and damn, you want to be the next in line to star in his shows. He doesn't really have the drop dead gorgous look but yes he do have the damn good kissing skills.
Awake is a very fun show! But I suggest that those who cannot stand the sight of blood, pain and surgery do not watch the show. The show's last line is totally cool. Insipred me to do a new composition of pictures.
Life as a house is good too. But it is so sad and touching you'll probably cry along during his emo moments or during the end when he changed when he knew he loved his dad and his dad was going to die. It was such a teary momet.

I went to the library today and stocked up on 7 books for the break till tuesday, but i finished 2 books already! Once a princess by Johanna Lindsey was WOW. I mean yeah the only other book that is so nice to read besides Silver Angel. I like the whole fact the princess didn't realise the king loves her until the last few pages!

I watched a totally dumb movie today. Ew.

Flickr is the thing right now. I made friends like Strussler and Geetoraman and hey, I learnt a couple of French lines. The picture in my previous post was done today(: Tomorrow I have a biggy big plan to do something vinage! As a matter of fact I have more than 500 views in less than 3 weeks. Kinda cool.
I'm deciding if I should print my photos and make a portfolio of my creations.

I've been watching Desperate Housewives lastest season and damn, it's FUN! Okay so Gabby got to divorced to Carlos and they come how started hooking up again! Bree's super mean to Susan. The show is fun. Haha must check out! All the husbands are poor victims of their wives. There's no more John the gardener. Jesse Metcafe): but he's gay but I like him in the movie. But all in all it's so funny.
Gossip Girl Season 2 is good too. Better than Season 1 in my opinion because everything is becoming more scandalous and Blair's becoming bitchy again. GO TEAM SERENA! I would go with Jenny too and BOO DAN! Chuck is getting more interesting! Nate and his dumb affair finally cleared and now he's with Vanessa! NATEY): I like Nate with Serena truthfully. Both blondies totally hit in off in the kiss in the first episode of the season. Serenate vs. Derena.

There's a 'I kissed a boy' by cobra starship now. Great song.
Fred is getting on my nerves now.
Oh and did anyone know that 1st most sub is nigahiga, smosh then fred? Fred has high chances of becoming first. Youtubers are now waiting for it to happen with whatthebuck's predictions.
Nigahiga and smosh are not really fun too.
Kevjumba is busy with college):
Nerimon and charlieissocool is fun.
Levi Beamish's beatbox on Blurred Boundaries - Tom Milsom is so cool. Addicted. Dl-ed the video sinced I couldn't find a download and listened to it over and over again.
I found a couple of cool youtubers too!

Going on.
I don't feel like sleeping and my mummy just commented it was late): NOOO

I'm gonna watch factory girl next with lene online. hope it's something fun and not so nonsense like VT. I can't wait for New York, I Love You! ORLANDO BLOOM HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN SHIA LEBEOUF RACHAEL BILSON NATALIE PORTMAN and on and on.

I don't feel like sleeping. Rawr. So bored. Shall talk to Jaryl and sleep.
More tomorrow!


Mood swing, no such thing.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 7:39 PM

Mood swing, no such thing., originally uploaded by jamwithsand.

WOOHOO exams are over!
Update coming up soon!

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )