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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Saturday, September 20, 2008 9:05 PM
Disappointment disappointment.
Hide and seek?

Watching thai serial now ;D
Today like every other Saturday? Not in the mood to dress anyway.
Chinese was funny. The guys were doing what they do best and the teacher was snickering to herself again. Heh.
At Thompson, I saw Sean. Gasps. Okay, it was funny. Was on the second floor and I saw someone in black with a grey black crumple walk by. Then he reappeared, looked around, disappeared. Then the guy in the black shirt reappeared on the third floor, looked around, stayed there, looked somemore. Mr Black Shirt finally disappeared.
Tuition was boring. Learning how to write speeches.
I made cool discoveries today.

Flickr is dying on me. And so is Picnik.
I have new words on my Wall-Of-Words(:

That's all.
Why is life so unfathomable?

Friday, September 19, 2008 8:21 PM
I've done reading Breaking Dawn.
But I got to agree with some people, the book isn't as good as the others in the series. Even the Midnight Sun unreleased draft is kinda not so fun either because it destroyed my view about Edward. Bella's stubbornness is irritating.

School was fun to day, and to be specific, DnT. The last lesson this month! Poor Mr Huang was so shy and Darrick was throwing him with questions about his engagement and fiance.

I screwed up chinese oral. I CAN'T READ!

Today, I talked to Lene and her mum(: was funfun. Her mum's fun, eh? Yeah, she's a funny person. I can't wait to meet lene!

I can't understand why I just won't study. I need to start, pronto.
I keep procrastinating. Incandessantly.

Mr Najib's account on the lizards were DISGUSTING. No way am I drinking Iced Milo at a certain fast food restaurant EVER AGAIN.

I was uploading pictures and editting them on Flickr/ Picnik. So fun! Whee.

That's all, for now.

Sunday, September 14, 2008 4:00 PM
Obsessive compulsive reading. It's called reading addiction. Yes, it is psychologically proven.

Thanks Jaryl. Greatly appreciated.

I need Breaking Dawn.

Saturday, September 13, 2008 8:06 PM
So my mum took Breaking Dawn away.
Newsflash, that' really pissed me off. Big time.

I can't wait for Twilight movie. Even Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging is waywayway long. It's out only one week before Twilight. Sigh.

I realised that Aleithia's the only soul gossiping about the untrue relationship between WenJie and I. There is totally nothing going on. Ugh.

I want to talk about my reading addiction. Yeah.
Sorry, Lene and Sean. Been reading and I'm totally neglecting EVERYTHING.
I've only been on the computer for not more than 30 minutes per day and my phone is literally untouched. Good thing since I'm hitting 1,000 if I don't control myself.
I'm in no mood to do anything right now because my mum won't freaking like me READ. She's being difficult with me. Ugh.
Shall sneak into my sister's room at night and get it out, provided she's still awake and my mum's asleep.

I'm in love with book-version Edward Cullen(:
Had a great time talking to Trissy today in tuition. The guys were making major fools of themselves! English was a bore.

My dear girls, let's dream of the ever so wonderful EC tonight while we're in dreamland (:

Friday, September 12, 2008 8:42 PM
I don't really have anything to blog because only 2 words feel my mind right now and it's Edward Cullen.

I've been doing A LOT of reading.
Girl v. Boy
Read My Lips
New Moon

Now I know why so many guys and 2 girls told me to read it.
I knew the first person to have said it was Dillion, 1 year and 2 months ago. Then I told my sister and she decided to buy the series. Trissy told me it was to die for too, around late last year/ early this year. Of course, we both fell for Edward. Jaryl told me to read too. Amazingly Jar! Yeah, he told me that Bella reminds him of me. Wow. I don't mind being in love with one, but not the risk of dying.

School's been a daze since I'm in the Twilight Saga daze. Dillon told me it's one of those romance that guys like. Really?

That's all for today. I don't really know what to say.
I asked my sister if she fell in love with Edward Cullen. She says he's okay but he's too draggy for her taste. Haha. Edward...

I shall start on Eclipse tonight after I'm done with English homework!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:47 PM
We're all little kids in love, aren't we?
We've all caught the lovebug again.

Chinese was alrights. Went late.
Science was okay.
English. Mr N told me to put my muesli bars away. Oops.
Let's quote him:

'Edwin. Stop looking down at Rebecca's paper'
'I'm not being evil!'
'I'm not being mean!'
'Sorry for the controversy caused, Edwin but I was just telling you to take out your own worksheet. I was shocked because I thought I gave everyone one and you don't have it.'
'Your customer service sucks. I hate you. Down 20, now!'
'Your essay is VERY good. You made a VERY good attempt.'

Geography was great. I mean FINALLY after 2 years, I KNOW HOW TO READ GRID REFERENCE! I sound like a retard. I never passed any questions that asks about grid reference before! Thanks, Mr Lily!
People keep making fun of Mr N and Mr Lily. Aka Fat Kid, Shorty, Jus and Tim.
Math. Mr Lily came in again since Mr Tan isn't here.
After school, TauPok drooled on JX's shirt, so JX took off his shirt and it got thrown out the door, causing him to be in a great desperation of getting it back, suffering from being topless for 10 to 15 minutes. Maybe he's showing off his pacs and biceps. Lol. Then Adelynn walked it and went, 'Ohmygod!' and backed out. Ha.
Helped with the noticeboard and forgot to meet teacher. Then i went down and no one was left already!
Saw Cheng Tao.

He's so tall now. In a way, I wouldn't mind if he's still got the hots for S like back then. He still looks the same, same hair, same whiskers smile. He used to have that bowl haircut then his dad forced him to layer. Oh and Mrs Long forced him to wash his shoe because he didn't wash them for 3 months and they're like totally rotting. But now, he's no more into running. His god-like running speed isn't like before I guess. His sister has a friggin national record for girls 100m sprint. I guess that's why everyone knew CT too. He's such a flirt too, haha. All the girls swarming over him.

That's all for now. I should study. My eyes are drooping, slept way too late last night.

Our twinkling little stars are tired.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008 8:06 PM
9/9/89, 19 years ago they got married.

My dear sister got pissed at me for asking her too many science question. It can't be helped if the paper asks Sec 4 questions!

1. incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible: ineffable joy.
2. not to be spoken because of its sacredness; unutterable: the ineffable name of the deity.

Wow. People actually come up with such words.

I think vinyl is a really cool word(: If I get hold of a record, I'll try scratching off the vinyl. Erm okay maybe not, a record is too expensive.
That's kinda infathomable. Erm. Yeah?

Oh and Sean, I'm totally staying away. Carboxyhaemoglobin (:

inbriety is a cool word.
drunkenness; intoxication.

I shall go.
Go bland like marquis et marquise.

4:59 PM
Second day of school.
Nothing much.
Chionged homwork.

So basically, I fell asleep from 8.50pm to 10.50pm. Was too tired. So I studied to 1am and was amazing awake! Go me!
Science we had another 2 worksheets.
PE. Slacked. Helped SJ time his 2.4km and watching the guys play soccer. Then I was running away from frisbees. Mr Singh kept telling me to CATCH it. But it's freaky. Watching that flying object moving your way.
RECESS. I'm in love with muesli bars! 540kJ of calories. I can totally live on that thing.
Lit. We watched Animal Farm the movie! Kinda boring since they kept talking though.
Math. Mr Tan was busy so he just dropped by a little.
English. Formal letter. Mr Jason's teaching was way easier to remember!
Dance party was okay. So much bee hoon. And thanks Min Hui and Vanessa for teaching me how carbon monoxide causes brain damage!
After that, went to the new guardian at Northpoint with Aleithia. I want to buy Cleo since Blake Lively is the cover girl but it's already so late. Shall skim through in the library or something. One week to the new issue anyway.

16 days to SA2. Oh.Me.Gee.

STUDY! With the amazingly crazy workload.


P.S. Check out Twillight trailer! It's nice and makes you want to watch the movie, big time!

Monday, September 8, 2008 5:25 PM

Called her for the first time yesterday
Finally found the missin' part of me
I felt so close but you were far away
Left me without anything to say

Now I'm speechless, over the edge
I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this Lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this Lovebug again


I can't get your smile out of my mind
[I can't get you out of my mind]
I think about your eyes all the time
You're beautiful but you don't even try
[You don't even, don't even try]
Modesty is just so hard to find

Now I'm speechless, over the edge
I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this Lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this Lovebug again

Kissed her for the first time yesterday
Everything I wished that it would be
Suddenly I forgot how to speak
Hopeless, breathless
Baby can't you see?

Now I'm...


Now I'm speechless, over the edge
I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this Lovebug again
Now I'm hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this Lovebug again
Lovebug again

Lovebug- Jonas Brothers
The song is getting on my nerves! In a good way like I'm so addicted I keep singing/thinking about it.
I couldn't sleep last night. Sucks! Totally slept at the end of history and was amazingly awake during math.
I forgot to bring money to school. Am I getting amnesia or what.
Overall, we have so much homework! What's wrong with the teachers. Throw us with homework on the first day after one week worth of holiday? Couldn't they just give them all to us for the holidays. I mean this holidays, the homework is surprisingly lesser than I expected!
I'm at Section B Q2 for Science and Q8 or Q9 for Math. I've done the Science worksheet.
Just back from tuition feeling hungry. I'm having this hunger attack the whole day. Gosh): Wait! It's good! Since i'm on project gain weight.
That's all little kids.

Sunday, September 7, 2008 9:33 PM

Woke up at 12. Gawd.
I made like 4 alarms making me up and I bloody didn't.
And I was eating at 1am yesterday. Maybe it's a plan of my weight gaining project.
Dance was same same. Went of with Lynette(: We were talking about male dancers in her school, SOTA. That's like so freaking cool. Latin and hip hop male dancers. And LATIN! I mean there's not many guys in Singapore who actually dance ballroom since a kid and is STRAIGHT.
Haven't studied today. Was reading and helping Mum with the itouch.
Just finished Camp Rock, and needless to say. I'm infatuated by...


What can I say.
I feel like downloading JB's new album. It costs US$9.99 on itunes. Listening to that trails now. Lovebug sounds damn nice(: but it's acoustic. But it's JJ singing, so we fangirls don't really care.
But seriously, I don't get it why girls think that their boyfriend/future husband will be those hotties one day. It's so unrealistic! People in the music/acting biz. All the celebs and celebs.
I mean I wouldn't want my boyfriend to be:

Gabe-Saporta cool
Joe-Jonas funny
Chace-Crawford gay
Alex-Pettyfer good looking
Jake-Gyllenhaal puppy dog eyes

I mean that's too perfect.
Lovebug is a real nice song!!!

Bye all(:

Saturday, September 6, 2008 9:07 PM

Starbucks was nice. Caramel Frappuccino.
Conversation with the guy at the counter.

Starbucks guy: Here to study?
Me: Yeah.
Starbucks guy: O levels?
Me: No. End of years.
Starbucks guy: JC?
Me: No.
Starbucks guy: Then you're...?
Me: Secondary.
Starbucks guy: You look like JC.
Me: Oh.
Starbucks guy: Enjoy your drink. Study hard, good luck.
Me: Okay.
Starbucks guy: Have a great weekend.

Erm hello?! I don't even look old. There wasn't any seats left so i went somewhere else. Finished reading Debbie Harry Sings in French by Megan Brothers. It's and AMAZING book. The guy is like a emo- gothic guy with eyeliner and mascara. I totally imagine him to be tall, pale, jet black hair, eyeliner, red dress tee, black pants, black tie. And has a girl face. At the end of the book he kinda became transvestite.
Bought a white guitar pick. *Squeals* Lobelobe it.
Tuition. Brought the compo home to write since i can't finish. I was inspired by Debbie Harry Sings in French. So it's kinda like the book.

Here it is(:
Real long. 5 sides.


Levi sat in the darkness of his room, his right hand clenched tightly around a hald-emptied bottle of vodka, taking swigs in between his interval of thoughts. His mind was a blank, he felt like crying but he held back, the same few words filling his thoughts, his mother's voice ggoing on and on. 'That's it Levi, you're going to rehab.'

Six years back, Levi was just like any other twelve-year-old boy. He enjoyed reading comic books and playing video games just like every other boy. His father was seldom home as his job required him to travel a lot, but whenever he was home, he spent a lot of time with Levi, teaching him new things. His mother, on the other hand, was an accountant in a small company. Levi loved his father a lot and perhaps like a friend too, since he did not have many friends. It was until one night when his father met with a car accident and just like that, he was gone forever.

The death of his father never really got over Levi. He was scared of what was ahead in life now that the man he always looked up upon was gone. He did not and could not talk to anyone about it, even his mother as she was never really over the death of her husband too. Levi would stay back in school, sitting alone by the stairs, reading his favourite comic books, hoping he could run away from the truth.

'Hey, is that X-men episode twenty?' A voice Levi had never heard before said. Levi looked up and saw a boy standing in front of him. He was tall, thin and pale. his spiky black hair constrasting against his almost-white complexion. Levi just looked up at him and nodded.

'Cool,' the guy answered, nodding. He extended a hand, 'I'm Terry.'

' Levi.' Levi shook his hand, while standing up. Terry started talking to Levi about comic books, fantasy and sci-fi and they realised they were very much alike. That was how they became best friends.

Terry introduced Levi to many new things. Levi started drinking to run away from the stress he felt about his father's death. He started going to Goth clubs with Terry, putting on eyeliner and mascara and made a fake ID. However, besides the whole gothic act, they still shared the same passion for comic books.

Six years down the road, at the age of eighteen, Levi and Terry were still best friends, but Levi was no more the twelve-year-old he used to be. He partied till morning, he drank and died his black black. Levi seldom spent time at home as he always fall out with his mother. His mother did not approve Levi of his actions. One night, after a trip to the Goth club with Terry, he found his mother in the living room, waiting for him to return.

'Levi, where have you been?' His mother inquired firmly. 'It's eleven, one hour after your curfew.'

'I was with Terry.' Levi mumbled in return.

'Or were you at one of those clubs again, drinking.' His mother retorted, her eyes blazing. Levi stayed quiet, not bothering to reply as he rolled his eyes. 'Now, don't you roll your eyes at me, young man. Look at you. Your nails are painted black and you put on more eyeliner than I do and you're drinking. You're not the Levi I used to know anymore after your father died.'

He stayed quiet, too angry to even reply. 'You're grounded for the rest of the week.' She turned and went back to her room. Levi fumed in the background.

The next day, Levi spent the entire day home after school. When night arrived, he put on a black dress shirt, jeans and eyeliner. He made sure he had all the essentials with him and went to check if his mother was asleep. Then, he grabbed his coat and jumped out the window of their one-storied house and headed towards the Goth club. He was supposed to meet Terry tonight and he was definitely showing up. He met up with Terry at the entrance and they showed the bouncer their fake IDs. They headed to the bar and got a drink and started talking about the new Spiderman movie they caught a few days back.

Just then, Terry took out a little ziplock bag with a few little blue pills in it. Levi knew right awy it was Ecstasy which Terry started taking a few months back.

'Want one?' He offered. Levi shrugged and took one, gulping it down with the tequila he was drinking. One would not hurt anyway. After finishing their drinks, they headed out to the dance floor. A headache started to form in his head, every throb thumping in time with the blaring music. Levi felt drunk and sick all of a sudden.

'You okay?' Terry shouted over the music. Levi wanted to shake his head, but before he knew it everything went black and the music stopped playing. Instead, it was his mother calling his name.

Levi opened his eyes, only to see his mother and someone next to her who was probably a doctor from the way he was dressed. Levi tried to keep his eyes open and a throbbing headache pounded in his head. Levi could tell that she was angry and worried at the same time. The doctor started explaining to Levi how he actually got to the emergency room. A guy left Levi on the sidewalk outside the emergency room and drove off, without staying to bother if Levi would survive. Then came a police who asked Levi what happened and what he took. It was only after a long time did the doctor and police left, leaving Levi and his mother alone in the room.

'Levi, do you know how disappointed I am in you? What were you thinking when you took that pill?' His mother spoke and Levi could tell she was about to cry. Levi wanted to say something but his throat felt too parched. 'Do you know you could have died?'

Levi took a sip of water from a glass he found on the nightstand, feeling much better. 'Come one, Mum. It was only one pill!'

'Do you know what's going to happen? They're going to put you in jail but since you do not have any drug on you, they're going to put you in rehab.' His mother continued.

'What?!' Levi practically shouted. 'It was just one pill and I have to go to rehab?! That's so melodramatic. It's not as if I'm going to die or something.'

'I have had enough, Levi! I was going to talk to the doctor and police and see if they could reconsider the sentence of being shorter than three months.' Her voice was getting louder. 'But that's it Levi, you're going to rehab. Three months, flat!'

'Just my luck,' Levi mumbled. That evening, Levi went home. His mother drove him home in silence. Once home, he went to his room and slammed the door shut, a mixture of anger and sadness filling his thoughts. He took out his cellphone and dialed Terry's number, not bothering to turn on the lights.

'Hey.' Levi heard Terry greet from the other side. His voice was tired and Levi knew he was still suffering from a hangover after waking up a few hours ago. He did sound distracted too.

'Hey. I'm going to rehab.' Levi finally spoke. 'Can you believe it? Three months!'

'Oh.' Was Terry's reply and he fell silent for a while. 'I found X-men episode seventeen in mint condition on Ebay.'

'I'm going to rehab and all you can think of is X-men?!' Levi fumed. 'For your information, I did not tell on you when the police asked me who gave me the pill.'

'And for your information, I sent you to the emergency room!' Terry retorted.

'More like you were leaving me to die on the sidewalk!' Terry fell silent. 'Dude, get a life. Gosh.' Levi jabbed on the 'hang-up' button and looked under the bed for the half-emptied bottle of vodka he stashed there a few days back. It was probably the last time he was able to drink. He closed his eyes and took a swig, thoughts and emotions mixed up inside him.

A tear tricked down Levi's cheek. He was going to rehab and he just lost his best friend. Anger rised in him as he thought of Terry and how he thought of him as a friend. Now that he had seen his true colours, he practically hated Terry. Levi needed his father, the only person in this world who understood him. He continued drinking till the very last drop, his mother's words playing in his mind like a tape.

Levi closed his eyes. There was nothing he could do now but sleep and await tomorrow. He was accepting the truth, his needed to change.

That took me like forever to type. 10.02 now.
That's all.

Need to study. No mood.

Friday, September 5, 2008 9:39 PM
I'm studying History. Like whatthehell. Still Chapter 4.
Plan for tomorrow:
Go to tuition in morning.
Go home, and ponder what to wear and do tuition homework.
Go to tuition in afternoon alone, since sister can't go.
Go to bus stop and take a bus.
Go to Thompson.
Go and sit in Starbucks, I hope, and order a drink and study.
Go to tuition.
Go home.

Back to studying.

5:04 PM

I'm addicted to Slow Dance with a Stranger by Danger Radio.
I think the eyeliner from yesterday never really came off.

Dance was cool. Victoria's pose is so seductive. With that hint of Egyptian Queens from Cleopatra days style!
After dance, SW and I went to eat lunch and we got ice cream! It made our lips reddish. I went to the library after that and borrowed a couple of books, two of which are Shakespeare works. I wonder if I'll even understand! His love poems collection is easy though.
Here's one.

To be in love, where scorn is bought with groans;
Coy looks with heart-sore sights; one fading moments mirth
With twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights;
If haply won, perhaps hapless gain;
If lost, whey then a grievous labour won;
However, but a folly bought with wit,
Or else a wit by folly vanquished

The Two Gentlemen of Verona (I.i)

If you understand it, good for you, you'll pass literature.
I'm still in love with yesterday lights.

On Wednesday, after dance at the Hub, we actually saw this cheekopek loitering outside Triumph, touching the red thongs on display. Oh please, he's like 60 years old. We were watching him and his pervetic paedo acts.
It's really displeasing to know that such people exist. Maybe their sex life is just too boring and they have to prey on thongs.

So sleepy today! Another night of 6 hours of sleep AGAIN in roll. Why is my life so freaking sad? I swear I slept for 35 minutes in tuition today.

That's all. I need to study.
So much to do!

Thursday, September 4, 2008 11:36 PM

Yeah, the concert.
I was experiencing a fashion crisis. At the last minute, I still didn't know what to wear! Thank goodness my sister saved me. She dolled me up. Whatever I wore today was hers, except for my golden flats, red Campbell soup design red handbag, red hairband and black leather wrist band thingy.
Singapore River is so freaking nice when the lights go down! Shiuan Wen and I spent time around there a little. Was so pretty! The night life and it's lights.

The concert was kind of boring. I think around 5 ot 6 was the nicest. I LOVE THE PLANT ONE! Super cute, especially the starting.
Ryan said hi to me. Erm but do I even know you? Shall ask him on friendster. In one week, three Sec 3 guys, whom I'm supposedly invisible to, actually acted like they know me. Am I being stalked or did they hire a PI?
Half way in the show, Shiuan Wen told me that my head was leaning against the legs of the guy behind me. Thinking back, I think I felt something. But trust me, it was unconsciously done. Anyway, the guy was, well, good-looking-kinda hot. I don't mind!
The train back was pack! Yeah.
Today is one of my best nights ever being out late with a friend. I was, literally, jumping, skipping, laughing and running along Anderson Bridge/ Singapore River area. Kids will be kids.

Tuition today was okay. Sat in between Yon Jun and Hun Quan. At least there was someone there to prevent me from sleeping. Was drawing all over YJ's foolscap backing! I feel young, those days when we were all in the same class.

Nice eh? Not as nice in photos though. Must go see for yourself! It's damn nice.

That's all, I guess.

Thank you and goodnight.
Bitch breeds, meet the bastard breeds.

12:28 PM
After what seemed like 6 hours of sleep, I don't feel sleepy. Is that good or something.
Yeah, i stayed up till 3am reading California Dreaming. Woke up a little before 9am and started watch Sydney White, again. Matt Long. He's married.
Looks like we're not going out before the concert.
Speaking of which, I don't even know what to wear. It's one of those difficult situations where you can't decide on something.
I should continue studying history. Oh f-, I just realised I woke up so early and wasted away my morning. I feel frustrated.

Au revoir.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 10:11 PM

Let's make things clear
1. There is nothing between me and -er herm-
2. I do not blog like - er herm-. I just want to use proper english.
3. I do not blush at the mention of -er herm-. I DO NOT FEEL HEAT ON MY CHEEKS.

Dad started work today. Whoo(: $20 chicken rice here i come!

Dance. Geez. I can feel the lactic building up now.
We walked around AMK Hub. And went snooping around clothes shops. Mocking at really previous season things.
I can't seem to study. Keep getting distracted. It rained so much and I slept so much.

I do not know what to wear tomorrow!
I'm deciding on a plain black dress, above knee length. My mum don't seem to like it and recommends i wear another. I think i tried on like 6 outfits. Maybe I should just pull off a leather jacket gig, but I don't have leather knee high boots. So probably not.

I'm trying to find out if Chace Crawford is GAY. I mean he's too hot to be gay!!! Especially in make out scenes. You melt in his sight.
So now I'm trying to decide if Serena and Dan looks better together or Serena and Nate. I'm guessing that when Serena and Dan have make out scenes, it'll totally rock to them since Blake Lively and Penn Badgely are really together in real life too. Take the opportunity for every kiss!

My thigh muscles hurt now. I can imagine being all stiff in the morning and can't sit up due to the soaring pain in every muscle in me.

STOP IN THE NAME OF PANTS! Yes, Georgia Nicholson book 9 is OUT! Zomg. Can't wait man. I'll go to the library and stare at the shelves till they put it there and i'll grab it right away.
I don't know what to talk about now.

Chace Crawford doesn't have pacs. It's time he work out more. But I read everywhere saying he's gay. I saw his family picture on Perez Hilton!
Alex Pettyfer will still have to be hotter.

I'm like in those unrealistic dazes. Sigh.
I'm a rock star, I have my rock moves.

12:19 AM
zack. oh. mai. gawd.

Gossip Girl damndamn nice!
So Nate has this relationship with this older woman. And she said (in real life) he's a really good kisser and whoever kisses him will no be disappointed. But, for your information, he's gay. But many people don't seem to think so online. So if he's not gay, then yeah we all girls want a kiss.
Dan and Serena got back together. YAY!
Jenny is back being BFFs with Erik again! But, nah, no flame since he's gay. Supposedly in the show.
Chuck is head over heals for Blair, but she's ran off with Marcus, that hothot lord from England. For those who read Gossip Girl, you should know who Marus is.
Lily van der Woodsen and Bart Bass disappeared! ;o Perhaps on their honeymoon.

Episodes 2 and 3 trailers are up!

Peace out.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 8:42 PM

Hello, my fellow females. Hold your breath, please, don't faint.
Alex Pettyfer. Friggin hothothot.

So after that earlier in the morning, i started watching Wild Child. An Emma Robert's show. Okay, i didn't realise it was Emma Roberts till 1 hour later because her hair was blonde. Yeah, and Alex Pettyfer was in it too. But he wasn't the lead role or anything. Wild Child is kinda cliche but it's fun!
Then I watched Stormbreaker. Kinda fun! And quite funny.
So who in the world is the 18 year old?
Perhaps you'll recognise him if you've been hanging out a whole lot in Orchard Road during June. And then, you realised all the Burberry posters plastered everywhere. Take a closer look.. and you'll see...him.

Talked to Lene too! Ans I completed Geography and Science homework.
I'm trying to get a hold of Anyone Else But You. The whole song only has got 2 chords. More of the strumming that needs practice.
Nothing else happened today besides watching movies.
Speaking of which, GOSSIP GIRL just finished airing in US Central. So probably it should be up around 9pm to 9.30pm. Should i go watch Nim's Island with my mum and sis? Ok i should. After this post. But.. I WANT TO WATCHED GOSSIP GIRL. Sigh.
I'm still in the Alex Pettyfer daze.
Dance tomorrow): The lactic will be killing.
But it won't hurt.
Bye all.

10:29 AM
I just woke up and weighed myself. Okay it sounds like I'm obsessed with gaining back weight. But ew, i'm 42.5kg now. Gawd.

Gossip Girl season two starts today! Woohoo!
I'm currently wondering what to do now.
Deciding between reading, watching a movie, completing geography or call shirlene.
The book is California Dreaming by Zoey Dean, A-list book 10.
Movie? MOVIE? I don't know what movie to watch yet. I feel like watching the 90210/The O.C or maybe just some random show.
Montreal Protocol? Kyoto Protocol? Chlorofluorocarbon?
Lene's lost her voice. No):

Which reminds me, I'm yet to do the survey on classes. Can't decide):

That's all. For now. I guess. Cheers.

1:44 AM
Holiday homework left:
- Geography
- Chinese
- Incomplete overdue work
- Revision

I feel accomplised.

Goodnight, blog.

Monday, September 1, 2008 10:38 PM
A post dedicated to Shirlene Leong, with love <3

I can still remember the first time I saw her.
It was in Primary One. We were queueing up in line on the first day of school. I was right in front, she was right behind.
I remember one day, she made me a card. It had glitter pen blobs everywhere. I asked her what it was for, she said that i could run my fingers over them and get glitter on my fingers.
I remember all the unhappy things too.
I remember when we were joined at the hips, climbing toilet doors everytime we go to the toilet.
I remember about Yon Jun, Cheng Tao and Sherman.
I remember your jolly smile.
I remember all the dumb jokes you tell me.
I remember our meeting place on thrid floor.
I remember about GG.
I rememeber everythig you told me.

What more can I say, besides you're the bestfriend ever.


9:52 PM

Don't ask me why i said that word because i just did. And I do not plan to elope with any male or female individual.

7:07 PM

Nutrition nutrition nutrition. And Sean, I do not need carbo.

I lost weight, but i hardly grew!!! Bad sign bad sign. So when the nurse told me to stand at the measuring thingy, i was praying, 'please please, tell me i grew.' When she told me my height, i realised i only grew 0.x cm, which is sad. My growing has stablised from growing 3.5 cm per year. When the nurse measured my weight, i was praying, ' please please not above 45kg'. Yeah, I think if my weight is 45kg, it is fat. (And Sean thinks i should be 50kg, ew.) When i sit, i'm still 81cm. That's sad. It means my legs are freaking long. Sigh.

Walked around Raffles alone. Saw this collection of Lord Byron's poems and tales. So tempted!!! $12 for 710 plus pages book, and including the fact young teens these days do not have the appreciation for such art of language, it's cheap.
I was tempted about Starbucks too, but I didn't step in.
Kate Spade!!! Was window shopping there, standing outside the glass panel looking it in. Rock rock rock rock. New season. There was this yellow tote. Zomg(:
Ended up buying cranberry juice, meji milk chocolate bar and Twix.

Came home and watched Pride and Prejudice with my sister. Yes, yes, I was in the Pride-and-Prejudice-aftermath daze, yet again.
I can remember some lines now(: Mr Darcy is just so.. so.. what-you-want-a-man-to-be-olden-days-style.
I want to live in those 1700s days too and meet males like Mr Darcy. But that would suck because things are not as advanced yet in that era.

After the movie, i fell asleep for who knows how long and woke up at 5.
Started doing math homework and listened to Boys Like Girls live on 98.7fm. They sang Great Escape, Thunder and Hero/Heroine live!!! Whee. And i've finished all math homework!!!
Shall finish up the 2 last science questions tonight with Sean.

The thought of gaining weight is really difficult to accomplish, judging from the fact that my metabolism rate is high and i'm hungry most of the time. And I'm at that very brim of becoming underweight. Sigh. I need to be 49kg to be normal, geez.
The doctor says that i should jump a lot in order to grow at this age where we grow a lot. Yeah, I should skip everyday. Buy i have zero skipping skills. Maybe it'll improve if i skip everyday(:

They sat on the steps leading to her house, hand clasped tightly around each other's. The night decorated with shiny little stars in the mid autumn sky. Her hand, small in his big one, feeling cold due to the incessantly blowing breeze. She rested her head on his left shoulder, the smell of her shampoo surrounding the air around him.
From the very first moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew right away he was ardently in love with her. He dreamt of her voice in his dreams, that sweet voice was all he wanted to hear all day long. From the moment he held her hand, that incandescent feeling in him got stronger, doubled in fact with the sense of protection. When his lips touched hers, he never wanted it to stop.
All she could smell was his cologne on his jacket around her shoulders, that one familiar smell she was ever so in love with. She never wanted to leave his side ever again, she wanted to be with him forever. Knowing that he's by her side, made her feel protected and she knew that was the place she wanted to be all night long.
He trailed his right fingers down her cheek, slowing brushing away the brown strands in her face, looking deep into her green eyes, practically glowing in that pitch black dark. He lifted her head up with his hand, so that he could look directly at her, whispering those three words that filled his mind.
Those kissable lips coiled into a smile and she inched closer to him, whispering back those exact words. He could feel her breath on his cheek as she spoke. He kissed her forehead, leaving a tingling sensation of where it once was.
Cuddling close in his arms, she closed her eyes and slowly counted the million reasons why she love him and incessantly will.

Never do i know why i keep writing. DO SCIENCE. NOW.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )