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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:32 PM
Just finished watching Princess Diaries for the gazillion time. And i must say, i never get bored of the show, like watching Pride and Prejudice.
I don't know why but every time when Pride and Prejudice (2005 version) ends, a sweet feeling feels my mind and i never wished it ended. Even Lene did, considering the fact she is the kind of modern-breed girls.

Quotes from the movie.

Mr. Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you... I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance. All these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony.
Elizabeth Bennet: I don't understand.
Mr. Darcy: I love you.

Mr. Darcy: You must know... surely, you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I'd scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.

Mr. Darcy: How are you this evening, my dear?
Elizabeth Bennet: Very well. Only, I wish you would not call me "my dear."
Mr. Darcy: Why?
Elizabeth Bennet: Because it's what my father calls my mother whenever he's cross about something.
Mr. Darcy: Well, what endearments am I allowed?
Elizabeth Bennet: Well, let me think...”Lizzie" for everyday, "my pearl" for Sundays, and "Goddess Divine," but only on special occasions.
Mr. Darcy: And what am I to call you when I'm cross? "Mrs. Darcy?"
Elizabeth Bennet: No, you may only call me "Mrs. Darcy" when you are completely, perfectly and incandescently happy.
Mr. Darcy: And how are you this evening... Mrs. Darcy?
[kisses her on the forehead]
Mr. Darcy: Mrs. Darcy...
[kisses her on the right cheek]
Mr. Darcy: Mrs. Darcy...
[kisses her on the nose]
Mr. Darcy: Mrs. Darcy...
[kisses her on the left cheek]
Mr. Darcy: Mrs. Darcy...
[finally kisses her on the mouth]

Love the story. Although it's cliche blahblahblah, it's still nice. Love it. Yet to read the book(:
The other movie i can never get bored of must be Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. The day i went to watch it is deeply memorable. In a way. I've watched the movie more than 20 times i think. Wow. But to reflect on it, i don't seem to remember a lot of lines.

Holiday objective: To watch Pride and Prejudice again XD

And maybe Juno! Juno(: Like the ending. Especially the Moldy Peaches song, Anyone Else But You.

I wonder how life would be if I'm living in the UES. The glamour, the scandal, the rich hot shots.
*UES= Upper East Side, aka. Mahatthan, New York, New York.

Deciding which trip to go next year. Sigh. London for English? New York for Math and Science?

How would life be if I wake up being 10 years older, graduated, living in an apartment down the UES.
Imaginations after imaginations.
She woke up, under her lavender blue duvets, greeted with the ray of light shinning through the opened window and the sound of the alarm clock ringing.

Now i feel like writing something.

He sat on the green fields, in the darkness of the breezy cold night.
It had never came across his mind he would be in this moment, the overwhelming thought of confusion gripping him. The days of being her beau was embedded in his brain, remembering every moment and ever second of it, never a single bit left out. It was until now he realised he wanted to forget everything, but he could not. Her features, the way her hand felt in his, her lips pressed against his, her familiar sweet voice. How could he ever forget them, even if it was the very last day.
Like now.
His knuckles were white as he fastened his hand tightly around the ring. The only thing that was left by her. Tears at the brim, waiting to fall, his thoughts drifting off like a record tape, rewinding everything.
Slowly accepting the fact he had to face.
She could never be his.

Sigh. It's lame.

P.S. Sorry Jaryl): Have fun! 'There's booze!', as quoted.

6:23 PM

The art of science. Waves.

Didn't go for dance today. I managed to almost finish math. Questions 15a now. Yay!
I think Kyrptonite is addictive!
The songs in that list are the new ones i just dl-ed and received from Sean.

SEAN): ;plus two divided by three says:
thanks janice..
JANICE ; times three minus two says:
thanks sean..
That off that sad face!):
I think questions 1b of the worksheet is confusing. The question doesn't even have a constant.
Ok all for now.

1:16 AM
Gosh. It's 1.16am and i'm wide awake. Good thing i drank tea at 9pm.
Homework-ing is a sin, not.
Finally done Kyoto Protocol and I must say, it's interesting!
I plan to finish Geography tonight or this morning. At question C3 for science practice paper.
And poof, i'm getting tired.
But i shan't sleep.

Adios. Hasta la vista~

Saturday, August 30, 2008 9:22 PM

Cross dressing gig, 2 months to go

Today was okay. Bugis Street was not bad but that leather shop is GONE. Sad to have realised that. Looked around. Found lots of clothes from Thailand there which i own too. Look at how sad the Singapore Fashion Industry is.
Went to see this condo at Novena. Freaking NICE! Just that the layout of the houses is kinda weird. The rooms are small. Only the 3 and 4 bedroom ones were big.
Parents are deciding if we should get a new car since the CEO is low and all. But but.. I like the 1919J ):
Ate out for dinner! At Safra. Kinda okay.
Sean's sick. Well.. Do get well):

Sometimes i love my sister, sometimes i hate her. Sometimes i wonder i even love her and sometimes i wonder why i even hate her. It occurred to me that sibling love is a weird breed of love. Ok so if this guy likes a girl he'll go like,'hey i like you.. go out with me... be my girlfriend...' then time flies ' hey i hate you... I wanna break up with you' But in this whole sibling love thing, you don't go to your sister and say,'hey i love you.' That's so weird. Ok putting that lame stuff aside, I wonder why siblings love each other. I mean in the whole BGR thing, he's a guy you're a girl. It's normal for opposite to attract. But seriously, I'm just confused why siblings love each other, ignoring the whole same blood, same family, same parents thing.

Down to issue number 2. Why do people who ain't fat say their fat. THEY ARE NOT FAT. They have muscles and flesh and bones, healthy and not ano thin or cow fat. I do not know why i think i'm fat at times. I want muscles not fat, oh and I want bigger bones too. I wonder why i'm born with such small bones. Seriously. I think i can go work in some haunted house and stick my arms through holes in the wall and scare innocent young souls out there. Those naive kids, believing my arms are skeleton's. Geez. There's no point eating because that will only contribute to the fats and not the bones. I think milk is unhealthy too. Milk contain hormones from cows that is used by farmers to make them grow faster. It's really freaky to know that these hormones get passed on to humans and we mature faster too! Can you imagine babies growing and maturing like never before. Yes, and it is scientifically proven. It's in one of my mum's dietary books.

The whole subject combination thing is seriously confusing. I'm very serious about dropping Geography, though it'll be useful in my life. But, I want to take combined Humanities, so the Geography can go. History and Literature. I like both subjects, I score for both subjects. It's really difficult to decide. In JC, we need to take one Humanity for A Level. So it's important which we choose now. My sister thinks i should do history since Mr Lim won't be around next year anymore and I can have all her useful university level notes given by him. But I like Literature a lot too. It's really sad to know that i have to drop one. WHYWHYWHY. I hate being in one of these phases of life when I need to make a decision that will affect my future.
I spoke to couple of teachers and hear them out. They said they will help me think about it. But, I don't know what to choose. I seriously do.

The Cross Dressing gig. I want a guy cardigan, skinny tie and baggy khakis(: My sister is trying to talk me out of it. She thinks I should buy this Samuel&Kevin hoodie dress instead of buying the cross dressing materials. Sigh.
It's been 1 year 8 months and running after i pulled off the 'no-same-clothes-worn-every-saturday thing, it find it fun. Yes i don't repeat my outfits. Unless i'm at wits end which hasn't really occurred yet. And every Saturday, it's becoming a habit with the whole eyeliner thing. Now i can put them on freaking fast compared to last time.

I wonder why kids like to ask them how babies are made. As a child, i never really bothered if those babies come from those flying cranes like we see in cartoons. It had come to my attention ,after yesterday's conversations with Wen Jie, that i have a very schizophrenic childhood. I never really revealed my schizophrenic mind to anyone except to him yesterday. I think some parts of my schizophrenic childhood is still in harboured in me. In retrospect, I kinda like being schizophrenic in the non-mentally-ill way. A lot of things had to go a certain way then. That had caused great memories in my life worth remembering. I'm starting to wonder if the flux of growing up ever worked on my inner child. Perhaps, it virtually did.

I like writing essays. Mrs L says that it was a good attempt because it is a reflective essay which is not easy. But with a plot and storyline is would be good. Here it is(:

' The moment of Truth'

After four years of training and competing, it comes down to one moment, the Olympics. It is perhaps the dream of every athlete to compete in this competition of two hundred and four countries, consisting of almost every sport.
This event is the moment when an athlete goes through rounds and rounds of qualifying heats to compete for one moment of his or her lifetime. It can be over in less than a minute for any sport such as running and swimming, or perhaps hours for cycling or a marathon. It is the moment of truth when an athlete finds out where he or she stands in the world record.
Many athletes treat this competition differently. Fourteen-year-old diving prodigy from Great Britain, Thomas Daley, mentioned in an interview that he is competing in this year's Olympics for experience during the next Olympics. On the other hand, swimmer Michael Phelps aims to break world records and win a total of eight gold medals, something no Olympian has ever done. However, all athletes seem to share one simple thought and that is to compete and do their country proud.
For this one moment, the athletes train hard every single day for four years. Those who are still schooling train before and after school. Those who have graduated train day and night like it is their occupation as they get paid for representing their country. All the hard work and effort out in almost every single day all come to an end on that one single event. They are willing to put in so much time and effort, going through the pain and pressure, because they know that it would eventually pay off.
When the starter goes off, that is the start of the moment of truth. The athletes race towards the finishing line, and at that point when they cross the finishing line, the timer stops and that is the moment of truth for those in the race.
In sports like gymnastic and diving, the moment of truth starts during their step onto the platform and ends when they pose at the end of their routine. Every single moment and precise timing is taken into consideration. One small mistake and their chance of winning is shattered.
That one moment is all that matters, the moment they all had been working and training for the last four years, the moment they had anticipated; the moment of truth.

Yes i mentioned Tom Daley and Michael Phelps(:

It seems to me my life is full of questions and indecisive thoughts. Maybe that's what life is all about.

12:17 AM
Where, oh where, is the subject combinaions! The link doesn't link.
Hmm. That makes sense.
I really don't know what to take next year. Geography gives me general knowledge for my future, History i can have all my sis amazing Mr Andrew Lim's notes, Literature is my interest. I scored A for all 3 subjects twice. So it kinda means i'm good in all, in a sense. Sigh. Only my math and language need help.
Science too. I think. Scoring a 34.5/40 is not a satisfatory. 78/100 too. When others can score 80+ and 90+, means i can score that too!
I want my History to hit above a 90. 89/100!!! Just one mark!
I feel disappointed with my marks this time.
For the millionth time, i feel dumb.

Maybe i'm clever. But i don't really like the whole studying part. I understand fast and forget fast, that's my problem.
Perhaps if i solve it i might be acing. But i'm not.

I feel i'm posting a lot. Well, that's right. I mean i blog so much now, it takes up the time of my hand written diary. Sorry diary): I should start writing. It'll slowly become a habit, crawling it's way into my daily needs.


- Angus, thongs and perfect snogging!!! ZOMG IN SINGAPORE!!!!!!!
- Twillight
- Harry Potter 6
(these movies remind me of the fact i need to reread all the books)

And The Rocker!!! Teddy Geiger's acting in that show. DOUBLE ZOMG. Was telling WenJie about that hot anonymous in the Rocker's poster. And it's Teddy Geiger! Love his eyes. I realise guys with really nice eyes ain't the hottest.

It's 12.24am on the dot. I should turn in.
Sleepy. So much happened today. It was all fun. 9am to 5pm.

Two retards walking around like idiots trying to find a way home, commenting on trees and the pronounciation of Dieppe.

Friday, August 29, 2008 10:03 PM
Here's a random post.

Kids these days don't like to read.
Virtual world. Sigh.

Here's a list of books i feel worth reading(:

Boy Toy- Barry Lyga
So it's about sexual abuse blah blah blah, but the story line is real good! 600 plus pages. It's about this teacher who totally used this 13 year old guy, until 5 years later, she was released from jail. He thought she loved him and never thought that she would abuse him. So yeah. Good book(:

The Luxe- Anna Godbersen
Another one of those Gossip Girls/ A-list/ It Girl scandalous books. But it happened in 1899. Pretty fun. How she faked death and actually ran away with some lover. The book has super good phrases! But really olden day kinda thing.

The Girl In Times Square- Paula Simons
Bare the fact it's 600 pages long. It's one of those sad stories where everything is so sad, like she's gonna die, she's alone. Super cliche. But i hate the fact the guy she falls in love with is some 40 year old man, who sounds like a cheekopek. Geez.

The Love Academy- Belinda Jones
Well, the guy's hot. Hmm. It's just basically about this reporter going to this place that counsels about romance and stuff, how to make you a better partner, where to go for dates and all the romance. The book is strictly decent.

The Atonement- Ian McEwan
HATE THE ENDING. Because both of them have to die. Basically, these two young teens were in love. Until her sister accused the guy for molesting his sister because her sister was too young and naive. So he goes off to prison, had to go for war, and all they love birds could do was write letters and praying hard each day that none of them would die in the war before meeting each other. Many many many years later, they met. But they only had one day together before he had to leave for war again. It was sooner or later the woman died in a bomb explosion in a train and the guy died because of a disease. Sucky book. No happy ending. But before the ending is fun!

What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know- Sonya Sones
The 2nd book of the series. The entire book is poetry. Well, the poems don't really mean anything because it's just written like a book but in a poem form. This guy named Robin, a total social reject but has a girl who loves him and a talent for art. You wouldn't have wished it ended. Too nice to end. It's one of those books that you get so absorbed into it you keep reading and find out it's the last page. Sigh.

The Dating Game Series- Natalie Standiford
It's fun! These 3 girls setting up a blog, doing weird surveys that is fun.

Pretty Little Liars Series- Sara Shepard
Forget the thickness, read the content! The suspense is thrilling!

Blah. Okay that's lame. Well i read too much, oh wells.
I think i collect Meg Cabot books not really because i want to read it. I mean they're getting so cliche. But she sure have some books that is full of suspense you can't resist the wait for the next book to come out, aka Airhead and Queen Of Babble.

That's all. Yes, homework. Ugh. So much):

5:03 PM
School started at 9. My maid practically forgot to wake me and my sis up. I suddenly opened my eyes, jumped out of bed. WTF. 8.05am. Chiong like siao. Phew, not late.
Aces? The dance was lame. The apples won't nice either.
The performance was fun, to a certain extent =D Mr N sings good. Sounds so different from his voice! HONG YU CAME BACK! =D But he sang real softly. The superhero cards were funny! Sec 4 O Level drama's performance was super funny!
After all those, it ended around 11.50am. So late! Didn't want lene to wait for me. Sorry): because we still had the party.
The party!
It started with...

LIMBO! Ok they trying to test sucram's rabbit abiities. Ha
Mr Fadzly and Najib were good! Mr Yong and Tan (!) were good too. Mr Karm. Ha.

The cakes. A lot was left over.

FOOD! Look at the amount. So much was left over too. But everyone finished up the good stuff aka nuggets, chikin wing, warm dogs, sushi and drinks.

So here were some of the teachers who came early. Mr Najib, Mr Fadzly, Mr Tan, Mr Ng, Mr Karm, Mr Yong and Mr Foo. Miss Lau and Mr Nathan came later. It dawned on me that we have so many male teachers ;o
The party was fun. There was food throwing and lots of eating. SO FULL.
I took Mr Nathan's superhero tag. WOOO. We all also sang I like the flowers XD
Wen Jie asked me to go watch Wall-E with them! Went. I wanted to watch the show.
I helped to clean up a little while waiting for them. Then we left.
Waited SO long for the tix. Sigh. Lucky we didn't miss anything. We were just in time to watch the funny rabbit and magician thing. Super funny.
So, Wall-E was funny!!! And fun. Found out lene watched it too! But she was at J8.
It was freaking cold. My arms didn't freeze but was nose/ face was colder than my hands. I thought it was meant to be the other way.
Only Rebecca and Ong Lai were the warm ones. Wen Jie, Yewrong and me were freezing. Sigh. I didn't know it would be THAT cold. When i watched Made Of Honour, it was not that bad.
Wen Jie went to the toilet and we bet on him screaming after he washed his hands since it'll be freaking cold.
We went outside Macs area and tried to settle the whole money problem. Then we dispersed. Walked to bus stop and realised no money in card. So we walked back to amk hub. And walked out again in search for an POSB atm.
Then, queued like for forever to top up. Went to 169, saw Gladys' sister in front of me. But found out she doesn't acutally really knew me so i didn't care.
We took the bus and found out it was out of the route, wrong way. But we sat till Kathib Camp area. Walked to the other bus stop (okay kinda dumb) then catched 980. Finally reached home! At around 5. Let's hope he found his way home.
Parents won't home when i reached. Read, yeah. Finished the book.

That's all for today!
And trees are GREEN!

P.S. Thank you, Wen Jie(:
Cheekopeks won't get me today. Whee.

Thursday, August 28, 2008 9:49 PM
Here's a little quick update.

I'm doing geography right now. Kyoto Protocol owns =D SAVE PLANET EARTH!

SO today in class, JunXi said this during english XD :

When urinating, aim carefully. Do no drip or we will confiscate your wang.
(and the picture was a *too* handcuffed)

Told my sis, and she was laughing a bit hysterically. The whole class was laughing. Mr Najib too.
I feel pissed at Tasmann for not handing in science file and WE GOOD KIDS HAVE TO SUFFER because of his fucking moronic attitude. Gawd...

Ok, back to why USA DO NO want to ratify Kyoto Protocol.

Monday- English Project ( kinda fun i think, but waste a lot of time..)

5:29 PM
222 POST!

So, i shouldn't be here. But i am here. I couldn't turn down those sad faces, could I? I'm not that evil ;D
Let me recap a bit of what happened.

Mr Yong rock =D He's like the best teacher, ever! The election was kinda fun. I had the slackiest job, the official! In charged of counting the votes and announcing it. So here's the results for those who don't know.

PAP- 9
Barisan Socialis- 9
Labour Front- 6
SPP- 4
Winner: PAP + Barisan Socialis

I hate Tasmann. Hate him so much.

It was really cold today.
Woke up with a killing stomach. Like there's no reason why it's hurting but it's hurting!
Timothy and I almost finished music =D yeah. The story ended lame-ly XD

On the way home today, i saw Daniel! Really reminds me of the old days when we all kids were playing together every morning and evening. Before Felicia and Clearance, my opposite neighbours, there was me, my sis, Daniel, Wei De, Tanisha, Gloria, Sabrina and Ting Ting. I guess after we all grew up, there's no kids around in the neighbourhood that comes out to play anymore.
Those were the days when we tried to burn tree logs, those were the days we ran around inside giant drains, those were the days we played in the puddles and mud in the fields, those were the days we walked on narrow planks, risking falling into the drains, those were the days we learnt how to ride out bikes and all the various easy stunts, those were the days we brought our neighbour's dogs to walk, those were the days we played with marbles, those were the days we played hopscotch with the whole thing drawn by our box of chalk, those were the days we helped each other's mothers garden, those were the days we played around with latern and fire, those were the days we played badminton day and night, those were the days we ran around chasing each other. And on and on. I love my childhood <3

So tomorrow is teacher's day celebration. I miss people, oh yes i do. Can't wait to go back!!!

Today, ate and went to bubble tea shop to buy one of my usuals =D
Went to AMK library and borrowed a book. I NEED TO STUDY.


Bye =D

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:59 PM
Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)
Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why
I tried

I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation
For what I'm feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe there's a way out

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder

Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know
Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)
Today I'm on my own
I can't move a muscle and I can't pick up the phone
I don't know (I don't know, I don't know, I don't know)

And now I'm itching for the tall grass
And longing for the breeze
I need to step outside
Just to see if I can breathe
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain

Yeah I'm walking on a tightrope
I'm wrapped up in vines
I think we'll make it out
But you just gotta give me time
Strike me down with lightning
Let me feel you in my veins
I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain

Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder

And I said
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Oh baby bring on the pain
And listen to the thunder
REAL NICE! Mr N played it in class today. Rocks.
Timothy and I just agreed that he'll sing it to Tessa, perhaps. Flatter her, dude!
(Song in playlist)
Today was kinda normal. Hate my literature marks. WHY WHY! Just give me that damn one more mark.
Sets sucksucksuck. I can sense TauPok giving up on teacher me. I feel dumb. Well, at least i understood something! Including Sean for teaching me last night while screaming into the phone and laughing at his poor poor junior.
Ok so just now i told my sis to teach we after her O's prelims then my mum said,' HUH! What sex.' Geez.
Sean's in camp now. Eating his second round of macs. Fatfatfatfat =D So he has to petrol tonight. Awww, lucky tomorrow school starts late so i can instill phasmophobia in him and myself. I sound evil.
I feel guilty for not studying because i'm reading Captive of My Desires. Ok the damn library was too tempting. GAH.
I feel badbadbad):
So we found out Friday is still casual Friday.
Lok can't go): sobsob. I found out he sits next to Eleanor! =D I feel like everything these days is so coincidental.
AHHH I'm so addicted to the song. Your voice is the soundtrack of my summer <3
Your voice is indeed
I wonder why i don't have obvious stomach muscles): WHY CAN'T I HAVE SOME ABS AND NOT JUST ONE MIDDLE LINE): Maybe I'm just fat and the fats cover the muscles. NOOOOO. I've been training a lot since p5 or 6. But i kinda got lazy but i still get some from dance i'm sure not i won't be so fit because i never exercise. My source of exercise is dancing i feel it's just fine. 7.5 hours/or more a week is enough i guess.

Monday, August 25, 2008 5:39 PM


Spot the ghost.

Jun Xi running away with Zihang's bag. Ha

lol, zihang and onglai is behind us.

art results!gasps

Basically, today we did videos. Well was lame and a teeny bit successful. The computer refuses to read IFO files. GAH
History marks. 89/100 can't mr yong just give me 90/100! ):
Art marks 81/100. Ugh.
Math we did sets. I DON'T REALLY UNDERSTAND. Maybe a bit? I managed to do homework with a lot of help from the answer key =D
Science we did mindmap. The whole paper was filled.
Chinese was boring.
CME sucked. No teacher so we were playing and doing whatever.
Went to eat with the rest and then left because it was too late. Too little time to go buy the cake with them.
After tuition, came home, there was this 2 guys sitting behind me. And yes, now i finally believe that someone can say fuck in practically every sentence, because that was what they did! Wow. Like fuck is just some random comment and they were saying it real loud on a public bus. Well, after the complaint, i started saying less fuck. Good thing.

So now i'm eating m&m's and trying to wake Sean up. He sleeps like a pig =D
My message counter says 420. Oh gosh. 10 days into my plan and so many! Well my limit is 1,000. But if i were to send 700 plus to 800 plus messages like how i did during the june holidays (half of it basically, because the other half was spent in thailand), my dad would start nagging. And besides, only the next 500 messages is free.

I feel bad. It seems like i'm lagging in studying. NOOOOO. I must start. But i started. Just that i'm not satisfied with the pace i'm going at.
MUST START NOW. I'm praying hard i get an A1 for literature and an A2 for Dnt. My total percentage (estimated) is pretty ok. Around the range i scored for CA1 and SA1. I feel sad.
Gotta bathe, eat and start studying!!!

I love my camcorder.
I love my camera.
I love me.

P.S. I forgot to mention. IPASSEDCHINESE. ohmaigourd

Sunday, August 24, 2008 7:41 PM
I'm just randomly posting.
The olympics closing is now!
Thinking of watching it makes me sick because i got to study.

Does this guy ring a bell? Max Thieriot from The Pacifier! Also the little brother. He's from Jumper too. The young David Rice.

Remember this guy? It's...JAMIE BELL! aka. Billy Elliot (does he ring a bell now?) and also Griffin from Jumper. He changed a lot since i last saw him being Billy Elliot in Billy Elliot years and years back. I remembered i thought the show was kinda boring and sad. Why sad, i do not know why. Little kids think differently.

Ah hah! Hayden Christensen from Jumper. So i was looking through his filmography, and guess what i saw? He starred in Virgin Territory and Virgin Suicides. I'm 100% sure they're porno. Virgin Territory is R21. I saw the advert in the newspaper before. Ewww. But he's an actor in Star Wars ( which i never watched my whole life but i joined a Jedi Council clan on KOL) and 'Are You Afraid of the Dark?' and 'Goosebumps'. Decent stuff at least.

FRED FRED FRED. Got the picture from his facebook fan page!

That's all from my random post. Gah.

5:36 PM

couples island.
a lonely one back there):

3:43 PM

Andreas Thorkildsen! Javelin Gold + World Record. Norway. Hothot!

Tom Daley finished 7th last night! GUESS WHAT Australia came in first! China second.

Today, i woke up at 11.30am after a night of watching 10m high board diving finals + gymnastics rhythemics individual finals.
I woke up at 4.10am i remebered, because i crawled, literally, to my study desk and looked at the bose radio time.
Then i woke up at 10 plus and fell asleep again till 11.19am. I feel pig like.
Woke up feeling real hungry and kept eating while watching gymnastics rhythemics team finals.
Russia won gold for both team and individual, Belarus came in top 3 too! WHOOO. There was this girl form Ukraine too. She was amazing! I think the judges didn't give her the correct scores she deserved. PROTEST PROTEST

Dance was kinda funny. We were joking and laughing the shit out of us!

I want to study, but everytime i atempt, i get distracted, like how my mum is watching the other bolyen girl right now and i am SO tempted. Gawd.

Yesterday i was so bored and went facebook spreeing. Blah blah.

I wonder what i want to be when i grow up at times.


Dietitian? Skin specialist?

Good pay?


I can't do math

Will the chemicals explode?

How rich will i get?

I'll pull the kids' hair before they pull mine

How many books will i write?

Which newspaper?

See, i have a problem. Which is partially sad because i don't know what i want to be when i grow up! There's many jobs out there, which will i choose.

I want to change my 'about me' part on the side panel!

Sometimes i wonder who reads my blog. Seriously. So whoever you are reading this line right now, please leave a name. It will be greatly appreciated! I should add a counter and see how many people visits this page. Or maybe not.

I wonder who's going back to chongfu. Lene is. And so is mae and hong yee. Melvin is. Jeremy is. And then who else? Lok perhaps. Esmond? Jaryl? Jiamin? Zhi Ying? Mu Qing? Cheng Tao? Yao Xiong? Yon Jun? Yan Qian? Pauline? Rakesh? (man, i do miss rakesh! Those days when he sat next to me) on and on and on. Oh wells.

Bored. I typed this.

JANICE ; times three minus two says:
JANICE ; times three minus two says:
JANICE ; times three minus two says:
SEAN ;plus two divided by three says:
JANICE ; times three minus two says:
bees will come after you
SEAN ;plus two divided by three says:
eat them
SEAN ;plus two divided by three says:
JANICE ; times three minus two says:
no you eat them
SEAN ;plus two divided by three says:
i thought you were hungry
JANICE ; times three minus two says:
i ate my m&m minis
SEAN ;plus two divided by three says:
bees taste nicer
SEAN ;plus two divided by three says:
JANICE ; times three minus two says:
sweet sweet sweet!
SEAN ;plus two divided by three says:
SEAN ;plus two divided by three says:
JANICE ; times three minus two says:
honeyJANICE ; times three minus two says:
stop using inequalities math geek!

ohmaigourd, we sure are lame. Sorry Sean, but this has to go up. Cry somemore(:

Saturday, August 23, 2008 8:03 PM

I have finally decided to blog in proper english, what more can i say?
I woke up at 7.15am from a very very bad dream. I can't remember what i dreamt though, but it certainly made me feel fresh! I'm always so drowsy on Saturdays.

Tom Daley came in 8th during the semi finals. Could have been better but his last dive was kinda sucky. The rest rocked, out of which two kicked ass! Finals is now but TV is only showing it at 10.30pm.

Went really early, like 40 minutes early. Sat there and did work. This guy was like checking me out. At least he's not some 50 plus year old cheekopek.
Tuition was boring. Reminded Melvin i was going to kidnap his dogs.

Went to Golden Miles. So basically, we went to eat. My mum left me there alone and the shop people thought i couldn't speak thai, tried attempting english on me. Sure was funny!

Then went to Thompson. Saw Wai Kit! Ha. Went up to him and went, ' BOO!' I should have said, ' MEEEEEP!' Then he'll think it was Jimin or something and totally shout/ scream/ do something embarrassing in public!
Tuition was kinda fun. We did drawings and Mark created numerous giant holes in their groups papers! Eleanor, Regina, Zoey and I did this flag things. Shall take picture and upload later on or so.

The bus kinda had a lot of people. Sucks.
20 to 30 minutes worth of bus ride. Double sucks.

I am actually taller today because I was wearing heels! Though it wasn't like stilettos kinda freaky high. Maybe one or two inch heel. But it was cool, tall for a day, however walking in it is kinda difficult.

I like my shoulder off long sleeve shirt!

Ok, so here is the randomness part!

I want to talk about phenylethylamine.

Phenylethylamine is known as the "love drug" and is thought be be the reason why chocolate is said to be an aphrodisiac. It is a chemical that mimics the brain chemistry of a person in love, so when levels of phenylethylamine are high in the body it relieves depression from unrequited love. This is one of the reasons so many women love chocolate - it really is a mood elevator!

Wow. Chemicals in our brain sure are profile. So love ain't love after all, literally. But whatever, love is one of a kind! Erm..in a way i guess.

Ok enough about phenylethylamine.

So i created a facebook yesterday! And i dont know how, some anonymous male sent me a rose gift. What the heck? Ok, he didn't even leave a name and expect me to know who he is? How would i know out of all the people i added who he is. That's the problem with anonymous people.

I'm bored. I'm starting to study. I need my A's!!! I guess this time i only can get 5 A's, which is a disappointment. From 6 to 7 then 5. Oh man):

I better go. Doing weird quiz. Sean's dead):


Friday, August 22, 2008 9:47 PM
he came in 12th place, out of 30.WHOOO!go tom!
watch him tomorrow live on channel 601 starhub tv at 9.55am!

i should study been on the comp too long.sigh

8:49 PM
here i am =D

so nat came to school with about 20 donuts.LOL
english was okay.the guys ghost presentation was funny.especially the chinese vampires XD
chinese was okay too.joked with wen jie then he started lagging in copying down too many corrections and gave up.ha so told him about the huang shang thing.he laughed like siao =D
recess erm..debated with wen jie about metabolism rate and fatness.he was trying to convince me to eat.and ok i gave in, ate one of nat's free donuts.
dnt was whatever.edwin dont dare to say me.whooo and he was so damn quiet about shiuan wen.biased cow
ce was sian.started playing round with photoshop.gave me and shiuan wen bambi eyes and sharper noses and high cheek bones =D then added effects.yet to send into my email
ci was like free period
we met all criterias:

1) must be really really really need to buy
- remedial's gonna end too late and cca gonna start soon and so was malay.no time eat
2)must be form or co form of the class
-was co form during national day and he liked our class during ipp =D
3)we improved =D
- our msg improved by more than half =D

me and shiuan wen ate _ pizzas.darrick ate 6 or more.everyone was eating like siao =D
malay was whatever.talked to tas about clothes.that guy is such a clothing freak.all the brands, all the things
dance.syf!i shan't say anything about it.coz this is world wide web and all..so i shall leave it to aleithia to rant about it on her blog(:
went home.chionged in fact.
hot hot american dirty blonde guy sat in in front of me on bus with a girl.he's wearing black hoodie v neck tee and khakis.even had a piercing.alighted one stop before mine.
some cheekopek on the bus gave me this pervertic black teeth grin and a nod.i flipped.so ewewewewew!
gymnastic was fun!found out they're not airing diving so i watched live results
still on now
kinda good, tom daley.his first round sucked, second was ok, third rocked, fourth okok, fifth rocked.whoo GO TOM DALEY!

that's all for now!need to go hunt for my pict on frienster =D

see ya peeps


Thursday, August 21, 2008 2:24 PM
art we did the yog designs!wooo
math we did sets.
recess was the condom incident.ok so edwin brought a condom to school today and tau pok thought it was a sweet.HA!then shiuan wen and i wanted to take it but zenn took it.then when edwin came back he accused me of taking it!so whatever.then they went to open it and they brought it back.then shiuan wen and i touched it.hahaha zenn was like smelling and blowing it.ew a few others touched it too.then they put it on their english notice board XD along with two table tennis balls on their male sexual organ diagram.
then me and shiuan wen had tom daley on our wallpaper and screen saver.hothot!he's diving today!7pm people!!!
chinese was sucky,went to L1.tasmann killed a bug and wiped his hand on wen jie lol!then benjamin wiped his hand on wen jie too.poor thing XD during chinese everyone practically slept.i did not even though i felt like.controlled my eyes =D first time!
science was ok.sound kinda sucks.i dont really like physics, same to light.i asked mr leow if there was an age limit to buy condoms and he said no!wow only sex shops have limitations.then i got pissed at edwin coz he was being such a bastard or maybe bitch
english the presentations kinda boring.aneroxic/bulemia and love. i scored a 19/20 =D for the project
after school me and shiuan wen were asking weilin to take picts of our same dp and screen saver of tom daley.then i asked wen jie about his phasmophobic problem.haha
parents came, went home.
rested on the floor then ate.

mandarin hotel!!omgomg the one with all the ferraris and porsches and lambourghinis parked outside!omgomg if my _'s gonna work there it would so OMFG hacking cool.it's in the middle of orchard!!!

tom daley =D i better study now so i can watch the diving at 7pm tonight.
sean's going on camp next tuesday to thursday, sigh.
he's still banned off comp.

i'm in love with marks and spencer cookies + candies + chocolate!!!

toodles, maybe more tonight!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 8:40 PM
chinese was okok.
science me and shing yi were eating corntos.he liked it so much he bought it from me for 35 cents XD
recess we chionged english
english presentation!!!mr najib liked it.phew.the skit was freaking funny though
geography was ok.85/100.pretty ok i guess.anyway shiuan wen, grats =D
math was normal.finished homework
lunch gah.
dance was tiring and dirty.my knee joint really killing me, sadcase.joked a lot with shiuan wen.was funny!hmm...then talked about syf.the song rock!but the starting kinda boring.but love it!a really green-y dance =D
went home.on the train, no inappropriate talks!
i must start studying!!!i read chapter 9 a bit yesterday..about half.need memorise the whole book.omfg.
oh science theory work book.and i'm heck care-ing my english essay,it's freaking me out.
yesterday was dying from fear):


Tuesday, August 19, 2008 7:57 PM
today today today.what more can i say?
english notice board!
busy.so much homework):
i wanna start studying history since we're already told the things being tested.
havent finish essay.gah

by the way


today after school, chionged notice board and wen jie once again wanna beat my high score then alvin joined in XD started scaring wen jie.he's phasmophobic too!high fived him.
then we talked about all the ghostly incidents and movies.he was like,'tonight i dont need to sleep already.' LOL owned =D
i didnt go for cyberwellness coz it'll end too late and i had guitar and cant go home too late.
so i came home and started sleeping like a pig then did math.

where the freak is tau pok.have to do the essay --
anyway, i should start doing some work while waiting.

Monday, August 18, 2008 6:41 PM
here's a proper post.

i want to shake his hand.please please please pretty please?
table tennis kinda sucked, but a silver is good i guess =D first time in 48 years singapore has a MEDAL! *gasps*
oh and the 80s rock!!!heard Joan Jett and the Black Hearts Hate myself for loving you! on MTV VH1 80s & 90s weekend.they originally sang britney spear's i love rock and roll too!

inspiring monday was about michael phelps, ian thorpe and mark spitz. was funny! =D something about MP's arm span being 2m long XD
history!i love my history marks!maximum i'll get for total is 89.4/100 perhaps.at least it's something good.math is like shitty shit shit and so is chinese):
math was ok?
recess i was chionging math and ate cotton candy!i feel fat
science was ok?


a way to remember


chinese.walter didn't come so we went to library.ate ice cream and did math.I FEEL FAT.
CME sucked.the quiz was whatever.ask questions like 'what was the name of the first polar bear in singapore in 1990?' like PLEASE who knows.so i made a wild guess and got it correct! INUKA!i mean that's the most polar bear-y name out of ah meng, nanook and sheeba.and they even asked dumber ones like 'where was the merlion first located in 1972?' goodness we won't even born.and what was the answer?singapore river --
lunch.the only store that i cant buy chinese food from was wanton mee because of PSG food fair.queued for more than 10 mins! gah.and yeah i do FEEL FAT D:
did math and went for tuition.saw shiuan wen then we started laughing the shit out of us about teletubbie!
i can totally quote

'One day, tinky winky decided to hold hands with po. then came along dipsy and lala and they decided to hold hands. dipsy decided to hold hands with po and tinky winky decided to hold hands with lala.'

ok kids, what shape do they make?

after tuition went to eat dinner with sis.omg i feel even fatter.
came home and on the bus i heard a cute little interacial toddler girl(and i started singing it as we walked home and my sis identified me as embarrassing! )

Number one is oh-en-ee
Number one is o-n-e

Number two is tee-double u-oh

ok i dont really get what she sings coz she cant pronounce properly.

at the coffee shop outside my house and ge tai.geez
tmr getting back lit marks.oh damn.shit.don't think i'll score coz i wrote stupid wrong **mature baby.GAH! and i think i counted my lines wrongly.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Note to self:
-finish up horror story
-send tau pok poem

i need to start studying for SA2!

Sunday, August 17, 2008 9:53 PM
i've missed you.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:45 PM
I'm bored, yes i am. Guess what? My inner child is life and active.
I watch muppets and muppets is seasame street!Dr Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker rocks =D
so i searched barney.so freaking lame coz they keep singing.watched with dan.dan called him a pedo ;o
then i searched teletubbies.ok it was omg lame.please...'tinkie winkie decided to hold hands with po' what do i say.whheeeeee?ha dan was telling me how he was scared of the baby sun last time!XD
was watching all these barbie girl parody and saw one damn funny by UK guys.super hothothot!they're one of the most famous on UK youtube.cool.
i wrote my story till half way.freaked the shit out of me so i stopped since it's late.i realise i still have all those projects lined up.WHY WHY WHY!
my exams this term really suck.i'm just praying that i get a b3 for total percentage then i have to do super well for SA2...considering 10% of 70.3 and 30% of 72.4 i think i need to get a high a2 to get a total A for percentage.mr leow says triple science need A1.dont believe him man.how many people can even get a total of a1?so i calculated.

10% x 70.3 = 7.03
30% x 72.4 = 21.72
10% x 65 (let's say) = 6.5
7.03 + 21.72+ 6.5 = 35.25
70 - 32.35 = 34.75
34.75 x 2 = 69.5


75 - 32.25 = 42.75
42.75 x 285.5

ok so maybe only 69.5 is possible.85.5 is WAY too high.
praying hard my other results are good.so far only science is high.AHHHHH sadsad
must start studying.
really pissed off with people about project.dont give a damn.but MY MARKS.damn ass.my english gonna get a stupid fucking B.since math and chinese is down the drain.oh and i think lit wont be so good and eng will be shit coz HE doesn't like it.what can i do.geog should be A.history no idea but i think it'll be pretty ok.art dunno.dnt dunno.

but firstly because mr najib ask us to write the horror story. i dont dare to be in my room alone because it's reflection filled.and secondly it'll be so creepy coz i keep thinking of it.AHHHHHH told him i cant do all these kinda writing coz i'll freak myself out and he's so ignorant about it -- dont think i can even sleep well like for forever...i mean i never wrote any horror story my whole life coz i refuse too.neither do i read.the historian freaked me out so much i stopped after 1/4 the book.movies are overrated.probably shut my eyes and ears the whole show.dont know why anyone even likes horror stuff.

damndamndamndamndamn...i need study.but i'm scared.shit...

that's all for now.

Thursday, August 14, 2008 6:23 PM
ZOOM INTO TAG BOARD!!! ZOOMZOOMZOOM!!!tom daley's lene's friend cousin?!OMFG!!!ok i threatened lene that if we're not introduced to him during 2010, i'll not talk to her for years xDD ok freaking out here.how freaking cool!!!!i texted shiuan wen already, maybe she's omg freaking out too.
yesterday i was watching... MUPPETS
damn funny!check them out in youtube!
ok self alert, SCIENCE FILE.yes, i need my science file!keep forgetting about it):
i ran out of cash today coz i brought so lil to school.zenn offered me ice cream and jun xi offered me lunch.wow.but i dont accept other people's money like that.paiseh XD
came home and ate a sandwich while watching recorded tape of michael phelps swimming finals for his 5th and 6th gold ytd.so hacking cool!

7 more days to new fred video!!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 9:32 PM
finally done dnt but it's slip short and ugly.but whatev.
dance was tiring.L1 is so damn dirty!shiuan wen's shirt turned black.
i can hold my ankles when i do a bridge now!!zomgxsxsxsxsx.then i cant kick high coz i bend too much backwards.why back?why can't you refrain from going back so much!
zhou lao shi got pissed at me coz my da tiao suck D:
i need to do art gahs.
shiuan wen and i decided to get free tix to YOG...need to do that logo thingo.but will be kinda fun!i have an idea =D
anyhoos, i better get going.
lene is finally online!

oh yeah and i LOVE COLOUR PENCILS now =D

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:04 PM
well today...
science was kinda sian...
PE was fun!shiuan wen got high coz both of us kept talking about tom daley and making random comments and singing tarzan/barbie girl.then we kept dodging all the balls.damn scary.have like 3!!coz mdm lim force us have to play.
zhou yang was so sweaty his shirt was soaked.dry under the fan till after school around almost 3?still wet.
lit was whatever.
math test what the fuck.my number was shit xD 4x10^7 =D the pool is smaller than a full stop =D
english.omg hate my essay.it's not THAT bad but mr najib says my content is still not really good although the emphasis on luxury was good.
after school did geogaphry project.
went to aunty cynthia's house for sis to see her prom dresses.can't wait to go to aunty ann's house during hols!!!her house is like omfg big!
came home and slept like a pig.
watch the video dad recorded of michael phelps swimming.park taehwan got second after michael phelps' third gold.park taehwan is good!like the only korean who's owning the swimming thing.
did math, played guitar, went for lesson.
cold like hell coz rainning.my hands became numb.how to press the strings with my fingers are freezing? T_T now my fingertips hurt but it's normal.
ate dinner and watched olympics.go america!!!
there's actually many good looking swimmers.both male and female.wow.
omg tomorrow gonna be SO exciting!!!all the finals.see if michael phelps can get his 4th gold medal for 200m butterfly and 5th gold for 4x200m freestyle.the american team ownned like siao.tmr the swimmers are all the top, their timing will be better then the one today which is a WR, 4minutes 3 seconds.break record for sure.the swimmers were the reserves!imagine michael phelps and peter vandakaay there.the rest are goners.
eamon sullivan is actually owning all the 100m freestyle records.he's good.
ok shutting up about olympics.

homework left:

-science theory workbook (by today)
-geography workbook (by next wednesday)
-dnt (one more day to complete...by tomorrow night)

projects left

-music story thing (by term 4 week 1?)
-geography project (by tmr school time must finish.gosh.)

damn.i'm such a goner.
need to start studying for SA2.my marks all like fucking shit...damn it):
well during september hols besides tuition i have HPB.dont intend on really going out.maybe lene and jaryl will ask me to go out.we'll see.


Monday, August 11, 2008 5:52 PM

Well Britain didn't come in anywhere top, but at least their 8th best in the world!it's good for all i know!
besides tom daley doesnt have any olympic experiences.2012 is his chance.he said so too!this olympics shall work as a stepping stone to help him.
china got first.whatever!who cares
germany came in 2nd =D go germans!
russia came in 3rd. could see the guy's butt crack!
america came in 4th
australia came in 5th
there was one diver touching his (down there).ewwwww. tom daley kept cleaning his hands on his butt.well not as obscene as that other diver.
tom daley started diving at 8.wow.
it really disgusts me on how much f-ing homework we have!gosh.i have so much left to do and guess what i finally gave in to buy stupid drawing block.like what the heck.such a waste of money and this is probably the last time i'll ever need it.but you know what?i dont care.shall use them for my random drawings.
have the damn 12 sketches to do too.first things first, why the heck do we need to draw 12 ugly ones because we're pressed for time.why not 1 amazingly stunning one.who knows.dumb assignment and use bonus marks to bribe us.that's like...threat!
english yet to do.left like three quaters.
math is total shit.gave up.
dnt i left the pastings.i did the board.
so it's 6.02 now.by 7 MUST finish english.
shit and lit for tmr is so damn screwed.shit.
i think alvin and justin didnt even do the comic.
whatev.no one bothers.why must i.
*clicks the little x*

12:29 PM
I haven't missed a single olympic swimming heat/semifian/final so far except a few this morning because i waited for like 15 minutes for the stupid bus.

I realised that China people have no sportsman ship at all!!!damn ass man.like after someone wins, the americans or some other angmo that came in second/third or didnt win top three would go over and congratulate each other and still grinning.then those china competitors totally pulling their faces --

The list =D

Easmon Sullivan. Australia.hot.

Luca Marin!Italy

Tom Daley!!!1 hour to his game now =D

Michale phelps =D his first gold medal for 2008 olympics.the other was when he found out his 4x100m freestyle team just won another gold.gold 2/8!he's aiming 8 this time.sick.all his muscles flexed.freaky

He looks different swimming o_o

Hot hot body.

Park Taehwan!! =DDD he's cute for a fact.he won a gold for korea!well so far only park taehwan and kosuke kitajima of japan won golds.

zhang lin, park taehwan and larsen jensen.at least larsen jensen is smiling widely!happy with his bronze.look at that china dude with the long face.

hmm i better continue doing crap dnt then watch diving!!!1.40pm now.50 minutes left to chiong!given up 8.1 waste my time thinking in vain.

toodles =D

Sunday, August 10, 2008 6:18 PM
It's freaking stunning that tom daley is only 156cm.i expected him to be 165cm at least.wow.he's amazing.
anyhoos, he's competing tmr with his synchronised 10m platform partner Blake aldbridge.The preminalry is at 7.30 i think and finals 2.30. WTF 2.30 T_T got dumb tuition.super sianz. i wanna watch him T_T if not have to record/watch on youtube.gahs.maybe ask sis to go later.
But, he's gonna dive again solo on 22nd august, thursday.good at least =D can watch coz it's at 7pm.yay yay~
i should do homework.quick write the english project stuff and get on with homework!
have been here since 3.30pm.damn, 3 hours.i better stop.but i wanna watch olympics.whatev.
michael phelps totally rocked today.he has A.D.D. wow not expected huh.he became an olympian at the age of 15.and all those world records/olympic records were made by him.amazing!that hungarian guy came in second and another american third.
some korean guy called park taekwan won gold for 400m freestyle.his mother totally started crying in the podiums.that china man came in second and have to pull that long face.no sportsman ship sia.at least larsen jensen came in third and wasnt such an ass.
wow singapore has chances of getting top 3 for swimming 100m freestyle.whoooooo =D
gymnastics guys are freakish.they're biceps are bulging like omg scary.
i should go see what games are on now then do the english thing :D

bye then~

Saturday, August 9, 2008 7:44 PM

she fell and hit the floor. the 200th post.

=D i'm a SG DAY supporter! *points to socks*

i'm watching olympics men/women heats.can't be bothered with NDP.i just checked out the marching to support shing yi.
went to tuition and melvin pon.tsktsk ah melvin.still say you so guai.ran off to see your girl, yeah?...i bet he's like totally drinking champange with his dogs because i admitted i am short.just you wait, melvin!i'll go over to your house and dognap your dogs!i know which house it is!and besides your house is so freaking near to mine.muahahahahahaha.
after tuition went to OG then golden miles.golden miles is totally filled with people!
as i promised my dear shiuan wen.here's the LIST!
(wait, zhou yang super patriotic! go see his screen name + dp!! )


-LUXEMBOURG. the flag carrier was a total jaws-dropping-stoned-eyes cute!even my mummy says so!she was like, ' JANICE LOOK, that guy so handsome.' LOL
-GREAT BRITAIN. the one, the only, TOM DALEY!
-USA!!!!!MICHAEL PHELPS!his body knocks any girl out
-Spain spain spain!
- South Africa. oh yes they're hot.as in..the whites.
- Russia. LENIN STALIN TROTKSY!ok not related.
-Sweden.the flag carrier guy.
-New Zeland
-Cook Island.
-Czech Replubic

I think that's all. =D
i need to bathe.
gonna watch nanny's diary.spiderwick was FUN!
=D i'm gonna post the picts of the hot swimmer bods later/tomorrow.


10:02 AM

olympics rock rock rock! <3
i'm gonna update on olympics later during late afternoon/ evening/ night.
the post will be dedicated to shiuan wen! =D
the hot hot hotties indeed.

Friday, August 8, 2008 5:13 PM
ok i have been on the comp for hours and had NO idea i didn't log into msn.wow.

i'm gonna support singapore tomorrow <3 i'm patriotic =D wearing all red.i'll try...just don't exactly have red top and shoes if not it'll be a perfect red set of clothes.
so today was ok.wore my emily the strange tee and jeans.
jimin came in white SKINNIES!super ROFLMAOLOL!
zenn said, 'look at her ass man, she's damn fat.'
jun xi said, 'later her pants turn red'
ok they're mean.
the march past was pretty alright.
colours award prize ceremony was ok.adam and this other guy wanted to hug mrs poh XD
IPP sucked because it was warm.besides that was pretty fun.took many pictures.shall upload when i'm the other computer because i'm on the vaio now.
the performances was not as good as last year, sadly.NO BREAKDANCE!?!?!
got my present from lene!omg love love love the colours <3
walked home from mrt station.i feel fat now): because of my severely unhealthy lunch D:
came home and started watching levi beamish's videos.he's fun! :D since ryan higa is working on his movie with sean fugiyoshi, kevin is busy with his college stuff, luke cruikshank aka fred is working on his FRED season 2. I'm bored.and so i started watching coporalcadet aka levi.he's a new zelander!something different for a change, real good at lyp syncing too.check him out on youtube! coporalcadet he's videos are good.not the vlog ones.
he's shocked to know 80% of his viewers are teenage female.and he's scared.LOL.
*points at guy on right*
cant wait to watch olympics!!!TOM DALEY!he's a prodigy.wow.he's freaking good for a fact.
i should start doing work tonight.
my neck is so stiff.
been on the comp for like 3 hours already.
oh man):
i better go.
toodles!that's all for today =D
i'm sleepy.

Thursday, August 7, 2008 9:15 PM
zomg.silver angel is so damn nice!the story line is pretty out of the normal since it's historical romance and happened somewhere in turkey.but whatever, the ending was at least good.they were gonna get married.not like all those books that end abruptly.
anyways, tmr is national day celebration!!!jeans gonna so super sucks.please.IPP will be so warm and sweaty and disgusting and we're wearing JEANS!ugh.
went to the library today.borrowed 2 johanna lindsey books and i want more now~~ crap you lene.shouldnt have told me to read =D
anyhoos, i wanna go read the other johanna lindsey book now.the title kinda wrong in a way.

toodles! =D

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:48 PM
i'm back and alive.
: D
haven't been blogging coz of exams.
so nothing much happened..i think.

dan rocks : D randomness!

nanyang girls' dance concert.damn omg.they're like contorting themselves or something!they're good.the dances were good too.eugenie wear till damn nice!liked what jing yi wore too.we sat on the third floor.super good view but was scary!look down and feel like dropping.but was funfun!

dance today was alright.super tiring.my hips are failing me!the joints keep rubbing against each other ): trying to tempt shiuan wen into googling for bondage.

today lit was ok.screwed but nevermind.think can score.the poem was simple.i saw it before too.what's so unseen about it?
recess was ok.ate then came up.talked to zenn.zenn is super fun to talk to, when he's not in any horny thoughts of his.seriously after talking to him these days, i conclude that he is way more horny than jx.edwin was talking about bondage ytd.no idea what it is.so me and taupok asked zenn and we found out.super gross.zenn truely is horny!don't let his looks deceive people.zenn and tau pok says that many guys who have other brothers or is the oldest brother in the family tends to watch porn.
first we asked joel he claims not.
second we asked shing yi.hmm not really reliable.
then we went on asking people and counting how many people in class watched porn before.

RA Dann~ says:
i think almost every boy watched porn before
RA Dann~ says:
well maybe all
RA Dann~ says:
some just don't want to admit it

after school the one with the pacs changed in class today.

hmm dunno what else.

XDXD omg yay.i read the carlyles already.borrowed from eva.rocks!i guess =D owen carlyle is hot hot.the next nate.
i'm watching the secret life of the american teenager now.fun!!it's a soap opera for teens.it won kids' choice or something okay.ricky in the show is hothot!called daren kagasoff.this show is his first anyway.new found talent.but the characters in the show is super interesting.

tmr have cheng yu su yu test.lazy study.have grammar too.what to study.
i'm so bored now.
i should go to the library tmr.


maybe i should go.

dan the jan tan!
jan the man ng!
something random we came up with i guess.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )