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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

Monday, June 30, 2008 7:56 PM
we kept singing, laughing and drinking.

today coz of the you-know-what, there was no inspiring monday or attire check or dc announcements.also there wont be any efl.mr yong and the sajb members wasnt around for history.so i slept.
math, tau pok was teaching me chinese, which reminds me that i have to do finish.
recess was doing math.
science, finished up chapter 5.mr leow wrote chapter 6 tomorrow on board and timi shouted,'woohoo!' sicko horny timi!then he told us to write 10 things we know and 5 things we want to know about chapter 6.i think a lot of horny thoughts and knowledge were aroused.i didnt hand up anything.it would reflect badly on my innocence and decentness.
chinese i didn't sleep!like wow!mr chin talked to us about you-know-what as expected.
cme.edwin came to sit with tau pok.i think i did math and laughed the shit out of me the whole one hour.
after school went to meet mum and got some waffle!finished gsp on my own.
dance me and shiuan wen kept singing.went home with zi hang and peijun.they're so cute together.met ryan on the train.we hogged the middle part.we sat and occupied the entire space.we were kinda laughing a lot...because of this weirdo..
came home.finished exercise 11.1

work left:
-study for math test tomorrow
-practise oral
-complete chinese homework
-do chinese online quiz on story book

dillon asked me to go to the catholic high carnival and music awards.couldnt because the carnival is sadly on this SATURDAY!!! ): ): ): !!! maybe shall ask jaryl about it.super sucks.
maybe can go out with lene on youth day! :D

bye all!
i need to study.

Sunday, June 29, 2008 9:29 PM

today!is the day eh?
bored in the morning so i pretty much slept till 12.
went to orchard.
i wore black lil dress with black stockings, silver belt and gold flats.whooooo~
bought 2 books.

airhead- meg cabot
the daydreamer- ian mcewan

hmm ok let's skip the crying part.
just cut cake!!!damn nice(: 15.50 bucks 300g cake.white chocolate with rasberry!!!

- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;You'reMyBenediction. says:
- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;You'reMyBenediction. says:
older D:

EEEE.dude you're older than me hor :D
see ya peeps.
tomorrow have school.
need practise math and draw art!!!

12:00 AM

True ghost story>There was a spider on the wall. When a man hit the wall, the spider dropped and died! says:
Yo! Happy 14th birthday eh? lol

SEAN ; ithoughtyouweredifferent . says:
Happy Birthday .

baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
happy birthday to you
baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
happy birthday to you
baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
hey it's your birthday, you can wish more than one wish:D
baby Tessa! ; I can't see me loving nobody but you says:
that's what i always do, just incase the previous wishes don't come true

Trissy says:
Trissy says:
Trissy says:
Trissy says:
Trissy says:
Trissy says:

---{>KeViN<}--- i don't have the courage to face you no more.... says:
---{>KeViN<}--- i don't have the courage to face you no more.... says:
opps im 1 minute late >< ---{>KeViN<}--- i don't have the courage to face you no more.... says:
o well, ENJOY UR BDAY =D

JANICE ; your light is ultraviolet says:
JANICE ; your light is ultraviolet says:
it;s 12!!
- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;TheBestThingAboutMeIsYou. says:
- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;TheBestThingAboutMeIsYou. says:
not yet.
- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;TheBestThingAboutMeIsYou. says:
- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;TheBestThingAboutMeIsYou. says:
- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;TheBestThingAboutMeIsYou. says:
3am i'll msg you :x
- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;TheBestThingAboutMeIsYou. says:
- DEFINESCENE ❤²¹ ;TheBestThingAboutMeIsYou. says:

(how different)

Dann~ says:
haha happy birthday ! xD you're finally 14

.shingyi. says:
Happy birthday


Saturday, June 28, 2008 10:37 PM

What the House Test Says About You

You are happy with who you are, and you don't have an inflated sense of self importance. You do your own thing quietly. You don't take up a lot of space.

You are very community oriented. You like to buy local, know your neighbors, and live in a neighborhood that matches your personality.

You are a calm, contemplative, and smart person. You take ideas very seriously.

You look good in a low maintenance sort of way. You do the minimum required to be attractive.

You are moved by romance and love. You are optimistic about people, and you love hearing about happy endings.

The House Test

You Should Drive a Ferrari

Sleek and sexy, style has a lot of importance in your life. And you'll pay a lot to look good!

What Sports Car Should You Drive?

You Are Upper Class

Class isn't always about money, and you've at least got the brains, manners, and interests of an upper class person.

You don't have a trashy bone in your body, and you don't pretend to be someone you're not.

You're comfortable with your station in life, and class issues don't really bother you.

The finest things in life are within your reach, and you're comfortable enjoying them.

You may end up: A business leader, corporate lawyer, or philanthropist

Other people who share your class: Bill Gates, Oprah, former world leaders like Bill Clinton, and those reclusive billionaires no one ever talks about.

What Class Are You?

Your 2006 Summer Anthem Is

Dani California by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

"She's a lover, baby, and a fighter

Shoulda seen it comin' when it got a little brighter

With a name like "Dani California"

Day was gonna come when I was gonna mourn ya

A little loaded she was stealin' another breath

I love my baby to death"

What's Your 2006 Summer Anthem?

(ewww the picture so gay)

Your Envy Quotient: 49%

You are an envious person, but only at times.

Perhaps certain situations trigger your envy. Or maybe you're especially jealous when you're feeling insecure.

Instead of letting that green monster out, work on making your own life better.

And then maybe people will be envious of you.

How Much Envy Do You Have?

You Are Right Brained In Love

Bit of a drama queen

Peacemaker, first to end a fight

Good at thinking up creative dates

Tend to fall in love and get hurt easily

Going with your gut instead of your head

Empathetic and caring, sometimes to a fault

Good at recognizing patterns in relationships

Been in love many times, perhaps too many to count

Wildly passionate and intense when falling in love

Spontaneous with relationships, going with the flow

Overly visual - can play back past dates like movies in your mind

Roses, love poems, and stuffed animals are a good start to winning your heart

Are You a Right Brained or Left Brained Woman in Love?

Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino

Smooth and sweet, you fit in to almost any crowd. No one would suspect you of being a coffee tweaker!

What Flavor Frappuccino Are You?

You Are An Intro-Extrovert!

Sometimes you're social - sometimes you're shy

You've got a bit of an Introvert / Extrovert split going on

You enjoy all sorts of situations. Parties, small groups, and alone time.

Too much of one, and you'll long for the other. You need variety!

Chances are, you've got both serious and fun friends - and they don't get along.

Are You An Extroverted or Introverted Girl?

Your Depression Level: 12%

You aren't depressed, and you probably already knew that.

Like everyone else, you have ups and downs.

But unlike most people, you've mastered keeping your mood stable.

Are You Depressed?

9:59 PM
ONE MORE DAY!!!at 3am on 29th june i was born.
okok so today..
tuition 8am to 10am..
came home.bathe.changed.did hair.braid!!
i wore black abercrombie tee, red mini flare skirt, black leggings.braids were cool(: 3 half braids each ending with red/black clips(:
omg trissy!!she rocks..she actually gave me this yellow beijing olympic mascott handphone thingy.yellow coincidentally!!!LOVE HER!lesson today was boring though and melvin was letting his horny mind get the better of him ;o
english did oral.well pretty ok.
went to novena pasta de waraku!!!<3 i ate prawn spicy cabonara.damn nice(:
then we walked around.i tried on this turqoise jacket.SUPER NICE!!!it looks like leather bomber jacket just that it's not leather.
came home and bathed.not willing to untie my braids!!!too nice.i need to remove eyeliner though XD
called lene for a while.she's gonna bathe first.
talked to jaryl.the red and black outfits!3am! :D
bored now...should find something to do while lene is away...oh yeah..eyeliner =l
see ya!soon maybe(:

Friday, June 27, 2008 9:40 PM

You Are a Red Crayon

Your world is colored with bright, vivid, wild colors.

You have a deep, complex personality - and you are always expressing something about yourself.

Bold and dominant, you are a natural leader. You have an energy that is intense... and sometimes overwhelming.

Your reaction to everything tends to be strong. You are the master of love-hate relationships.

Your color wheel opposite is green. Green people are way too mellow to understand what drives your energy.

What Color Crayon Are You?

You Are 36% Phobic

Scared? You? Not really. Everyone has a few normal phobias, and you're no exception.

It's okay to be afraid of a few things. You wouldn't be human if you weren't.

You Are Cereal

Playful and lighthearted, breakfast is likely your favorite meal of the day.

(In fact, you're probably the type who sneaks cereal as a midnight snack.)

Your culinary skills are probably a bit lacking... and you are a sucker for junk food.

Some people accuse you of eating like a kid, but you prefer to think of yourself as low maintenance.

You Are 84% Creative

You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity.

Your next creation could be something very great... Or at least very cool!

8:40 PM
a quick recap of today.
we had to meet mr lim in the morning.ewww means now cannot pon ict anymore.grrrrrr waste my time!!!it's lame and doesnt even help me in anyway except animation skills which i do not find it benefiting me in any possible way.
english mr cumming sat and watch mr najib teach.biz-niz!
chinese.i tried my best to stay up but i still fell asleep for the last 10 mins or so.
recess, timi kept blocking my way!from the canteen till the stairs.grrrrr...we were like rushing see who can block who.lol.
dnt i was bragging to nathan how i'm scared to cut my acrylic): well i managed to have a little covered with peijun watching over me.then went to file a little.made edwin teach we and all...i have a fear for dnt equitments...sewing machines too.
computer eduction everyone was playing this game called 'the house'.there was a lot of screaming.some fake some perhaps real.so i tried it out.i was covering my eyes.then when the basketball dropped, i shrieked.when the photoframe broke, i shrieked. when the head dropped, i shrieked the loudest one.timi was laughing at me!): jun xi was too happy playing..twice!he even linked his psp to the comp and tried to play maple.but the school comp didnt let him open the software.sadly.
CI we sabo-ed weilin and damian to sit together!then mr tan showed the class the library fine thingy..sucram fined $40.80!serve him right.
after school wai kit took my phone.zzzz.got pissed off at him and jun xi.was reading and texted ridhuan a little.then the fun started coz zhou yang and jun xi made bixia's table topple xp amanda, yewrong and i were scribbling all over the board!
malay lesson was spent talking to zhou yang coz i was bored.we talked about music and dance and primary school stuff and performances.i think the only thing we can actually talk about is music.since he plays tuba and the band thing and wanna take exams and learn bass guitar blah and blah.people kept giving us that stare.zzzz.
dance teacher got mad!then had to work extra hard.i bet tomorrow legs muscles will damn pain.split and hug front leg for like 5 minutes.plus the fact that my hips today super pain..when i turn out my hips keep have that clicking sound.
went home with shiuan wen and aleithia.but aleithia left to take bus home from amk hub.

i wanna talk to lene on the phone): i need her!!! :D so many funny stuff to say and advices to take about what to wear tomorrow.i can't decide between black shoudler off, mini red flare skirt,black stockings or black and red dress or maybe just something else.think she having tuition now.wanna hear about her swimming lesson!!!
talked a little to trissy just now.seeing her tomorrow :D!!!woots gonna get back the english essay tomorrow too.hope i did well.


i wanna write something now.have the writing/photography mood going on!today i regreted not taking my camera out.the sky when i was going home on the bus, against the shadow of the palm tree was AMAZING!flickr is too much an inspiration.

'people eyed them, people stared at them, people thought about many things about them, people envied them and most of all, people wanted to be them.'

they sat by the corner booth again, the one by the large glass window, the one which was always reserved for them at the restaurant.
everyone was watching them, the faces which everyone knew. they had everything anyone could ever ask for.porcelain skin, pearl white set of straight teeth, 1,000 watts smile, super long legs or in other words, everyone of them was almost perfect, from their features to their physique. all in all, they were the most elite- the a-list-, every young boy and girl wanting to be them one day.
they're rich, they're famous, they're the faces of new posters along broadwalks and on magazines, they're the talk of the town, they're everything. The oscar-winning kisses and the spell everyone gets charmed by.

lol lazy continue.byes(:
i'm bored.should continue reading my book on this male model and his every too perfect life of free flowing luxury and dollar signs.


Thursday, June 26, 2008 8:45 PM

hmm today..
art was first lesson.shading...fell asleep coz i need to draw another one and was awfully too tired.tau pok's first scolding!
math.as usual i think.
recess got jun xi to buy me lemon tea again.non cold as usual.i got this thing now..cannot be in too cold a place or consume stuff too cold.i'll have like flue attack!!!
chinese was telling cheng yee to wake me up if i were to fall asleep..too tired):
science we went through theory workbook.then mr leow told us on how people who have HIV will have low white blood cell counts and he also added that HIV was actually from apes.ok then someone who was awfully horny asked, 'how did human get it from apes?' well i think after that, everyone started shouting, ' HE HAD SEX WITH THE APE!!!' yeah and the guys around me started calling the monkey keychain on my pencil case the ape.LOL.
english was oral again.ORAL TWO WEEKS LATER!!!and have math test practically every week.judging from msn pm of the guys in class..i guess all are getting stressed out.
went for tuition.told teacher,'this ape was the ape that brought you AIDS!' then he said, 'i don't know how this room can get colder anymore.' xp
waited for yon jun then walked to bus interchange together to wait for bus..his bracers is like dark blue =/
jaryl called me around 5.30pm.omg he got his pearl!!!i think this was how it went:

jan:you called me just now?
jar:i pierce already
jan: omg pain anot
jar: damn pain
jar:i cannot talk properly.talk to you later.
jar: bye

guitar today.ew teacher accidentally drew on my finger):

hmm that's all(:
tmr changing seat!!!JUN XI!!!!!!!i lent him the love academy.wonder if he'll like it.
i shall go talk to ridhuan!hmm and kevin looks like he's having a hard time looking for my pressie!;p

bye alls(:

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 7:57 PM
today school started at 8.20..and everyone totally arrived when the bell rang for assembly!all running in with their bags.
chinese..as always?
science we did circulatory system again.
recess as always too.
english we did oral.then the picture was totally black-y.and tau pok described the picture in a very straight forward way.super funny.
literature went to inspire town.sat with timi,jus and wai kit..and timi stole my wallet to see my ez link!eee and he saw my birth date ;) 4 more days eh? we had to choose group got projects then they kept asking me to join them.they want the smartasses in their group so can score.and ong lai wanted me to join them because they don't want sucram ;o but i decided to be in ong lai and tau pok's group.so we let them have jun xi and picked song jun.sorry timi):
math was like always.mr tan didnt let us go for our NSW =l
NSW english was fun!!a narrative beginning.i myself was so tempted to write finish the whole compo!!!full of suspense):
went to eat lunch then dance..went home with shiuan wen and aleithia
i ate quite a lot today!!!eeeks i'm determined to stop spending so much money.
changing seats on friday during CI.sitting next to jun xi at second row...joel will be in front of me again.
homeowork for today:

- 10.3 and try it 10
-theory workbook ( done yesterday )
-english oral


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:03 PM
a time line of today!

7.05 am - sister got caught for low belt and short pinafore :O went to class, saw tas and said, 'eh where's your gay buddy' and he went 'fffffff' and did that hand gesture of eff u.
7.40 am - science.did circulatory system in animals!as usual a lot of funny obscene comments were made by jun xi.
8.40am - PE!1.6km...i ran halfway got stitches.sucks): so my timing was 11 mins):!!! could have been 9 or 10.3rd gril though.lol miss ho was nodding at me.talked to tasmann's gay buddy xp ok he not really gay actually
9.40am - recess.i drank that can coffee again.then we couldnt stop singing the puppet thing :D then i supplied yewrong with the ever so magnificent GUM
10.10 am - mr fadzly ask us go basketball court and we played the stand on newspaper game thing!we the chio bu neh mind team joined with bj's.then out of the 3 papers given, guessed what?9 squeezed onto 2 sheets and left bj and jimin on the last :D so 2 had to sit, 2 had to stand, 1 lie down, 1 do jumping jack.so i was the lying down one.the guys group were funny.like they made damian lie down then sit on him!then the second challenge was to stand on 2 sheets of paper and we 11 people COULD!:D but my painted nails were exposed ;x we went to humanities room after that.nat got caught!omg i saw mr ang then i quickly pull my belt like siao xp
11.10 am - math..as usual i guess =l
12.10 pm - english with mr najib.everyone had to clear and pick rubbish -- then lesson we played the blind man and friend game!damn funny.first was damian and mr najib.and the new word was invented. ZOOOOOOOOMBIE.they use pe shirt cover the face like blind fold.lol next was kenneth soo and rebecca.haha!was funny!!!then mr najib purposely stick out his arm and all and they keep throwing things in front of him.he just took up zihang's chair and put it aside!LOL then was darrick and alvin.lol they took short cut walk outside!then was me and amanda, nat and tau pok, damian and weilin!hahaha but didnt complete the race.hmmm then watched mr bean at the dentist.
1.10pm - went to find mr najib and mr tan with shiuan wen.
2 plus pm - went home!
came home and do science.
slept till 7?
talked to jaryl.wow he getting pearl piercing!whoa..freaky and scary.he's even scared himself...and he's getting me pressie :D
so gonna do some math and filing.then lene's call to do chinese and maybe some geog.

5 more days.
tomorrow cheng tao's birthday

Monday, June 23, 2008 8:35 PM

hope lene's getting better(: she couldn't go to school!sucks):

so the starting of the first day.was like this.a girl named janice walked up the stairs at the front porch with her dearest sister and suddenly smacked her head.'OH i forgot my tie!i totally spaced!' she groans.
oh yes.i forgot my TIE!ok so yeah frantic.was like asking around.NO ONE HAD.i asked qiao hui...no...asked ridhuan...no...ridhuan asked me ask mr nathan...i called mr nathan...

me: hello mr nathan?this is janice...er 2/4?
nathan: OH JANICE.
me: yeah.you know today i forgot my tie.was thinking if you can spare me one?
nathan: you man the tie tie?
me: yeah
nathan: ok meet me at the staff room door.i'll find for you.
(so i happily traveled down the stairs..saw mr nathan)
nathan:i'm so sorry janice.but i looked everywhere and can't find one
me thinking: what the shit.omg die.
me:nevermind.it's ok

so i went down to assembly.no tie.was thinking die all the way.and guesss what?!mr tan DID NOT REALISE I HAVE NO TIE AFTER WALKING PASS ME SO MANY TIMES :D but today they just make people wear tie the whole week.no booking..phew!lesson learnt: leave tie in school.
the thai students thing came.poor tas): partner is HOMO!!!i pity him.
came back to class and had my usual breakfast-in-class-before-first-lesson.
history. MR YONG!!!omg he rocks(: then he told us all these marks things for exam and specifically what to study.so much better than that old retired mr low siew thian.
math. did the worksheets.pretty boring..being sleepy and all.i think i slept for a weeee bit.
recess.ate wanton mee with shiuan wen.lolol.then ate a nutrition bar.
science. we did diffusion and osmosis.then i told tau pok my birthday coming.it's rather lame.

me: 6 more days to my brithday!
tp: so you want me to get you something.what you want
me: dunno.coz if you buy me something i'll get you maple cash
tp: hmm what cost 10.70?
me:how about you buy me the maple cash then your bday i buy you back one? :D
tp: good idea!but seriously what you want?
me: ask your sis what a girl will like?
tp: how would i know if she's a girl.she's in a girl school.it doesnt make her a girl
me: really?you never know if your sis is a tom or les
tp: no la.she's straight
me: oh really?then what me believe you're not gay
tp: ask joel
me: eh joel is tau pok gay
joel: huh?!
(recaps the gay thing)
joel: i don't think so

well it's a THINK!hahaha!then i fell asleep then wake up finish the notes and did workbook.
chinese.well i just sleep =l then mr chin ask cheng yee wake me up.then he went ' your sister never slept in class before' ok?whatever?then towards the end benjamin was bored i guess and started acting retarded.like he rested his chin on the table and went 'ha.ha.ha.ha.' LOL?then i said.' eh benjamin.you sound retarded.' and he went 'yeah i'm retarded.ha.ha.ha.'
cme.was doing math and science.haha.didnt even know what's going on.only know was some budget thing.
lunch.ate that roll thing and non cold lemon tea.then went up to class to finish math.data analysis and draw the pythagoras' theorem triangles.listened to itouch with shiuan wen.cobra!
then went to change.then we saw yewrong and amanda when shiuan wen and i going down.

y&a: i think i saw you before somewhere.you look familiar
me: oh well.i think i saw you at the..erm..mental asylum?
( they burst out laughing real loud)
y: you've been there?
me: i've been everywhere before

dance so slack.oh wells.then going home with shiuan wen saw yewrong at the porch.

y:i think i saw you somewhere before.but i'm not sure where.you look familiar.
me: oh well.i was thinking the drain?you know in those sewages?
(and they burst out laughing.again.i mean what's so funny o_o)
y: you've been there?
me: well i've been everywhere

then we walked to amk hub together.we all talking about trans, homo, hetro, metro. and then yewrong said hetrosexual sounds weird and i said, 'it makes me think of troy.like a name..HETRO.' and i'm serious!the first thing in my head is the troy scenes.and the face was brad pitt :o we started singing hilo puppets(: we're planning to do one in the near future.damn funny.we were like ' sean sean fujiyoshi.sean sean fugiyoshi' yewrong left soon after
then went to see the korean shop.nothing nice.then faceshop.bought nail stuff.
went home.saw dad at interchange =l
shiuan wen met that cat high guy again!on the train this morning.the one she stalked ;o

my plans for today:

finish zuo ye
finish chinese online quiz without reading the book
finish math last question of 7.3

maybe that's all for now.
tmr it's a new day(:

my current calender for the week

2 days to english NSW :D
5 days to meeting trissy :3
6 days to my birthday <3

Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:54 PM
7 more days to my birthday!

haven't blogged for few days.my apologies..
so here's an update.trying to remember haha

19th june

grandma and aunt came.
thursday...morning i did nothing i think.then afternoon went to tuition.2 to 6.30.quite fun(:
these two ACSI guys sat opposite me.and they kept joking and laughing then later ask teacher the same questions.she repeated herself so many times lol.i know then she was pulling on the visualiser screen and the whole thing came off the board!!!LOL!but my class sucks in the sense that i hate the girls and they keep eating sweets.like wtf is so nice about fruit plus.i didnt take a single one and they kept asking me to eat!ew.

20th june

no dance!yay?YES YAY.woke up real late.haha nothing to do.then went tuition.sat with lok!then we kept talking about kol.then i wanted to kol at night...but i ended up habbo-ing.sadly.

21st june

morning went to tuition.then went to kampong glam to eat and went to shop at orchard.i looked so unlike me that day.lacking the colour striking-ness.then at taka i saw sean ;o but he didnt see me...my sis bought me yellow nail polish which i'm gonna put on my nails soon(: we went shopping around.was cool(: had these pair of real nice shoes my mum wont buy coz she's not willing to pay so much for a pair of shoes for me...sadly.but then it was damn nice!then off to tuition again.finished my essay.cousin and ahmah came.helped grandma make salad.so that was the only thing i ate for dinner.at night as usual habbo. xp then wanted to do chinese...but keep getting distracted


went to sun plaza's ntuc with mum, grandma and aunt.we made pasta for lunch! :D damn nice..went to dance late since we were eating.LOL.dance was fun!eugenie and the story xD then we video-ed a version of our own down.we all drank tea and got high.hahaha...we tied bun!like teacher said last week..only 3 of us anyway xD we spent the last 30 mins watching the video the dance academy dance our grade...the guys were so funny xD and we're gonna celebrate my birthday next week..
then i came home and realised i lost 1.5kg since thailand.2 weeks ago ;o

i'm like habbo-ing now..but nah.i wanna do my face, dry my hair, pack my bag, do chinese, paint my toenails...

I DONT WANT GO BACK SCHOOL!!!!back to the homework and all.it just sucks to think on how i need to have an A for percentage again..to get into triple science..i guess everyone's doing what it takes.

cant wait to meet trissy next week :D wonder what present she giving me ;o
and i'm wondering if i can go out with lene tomorrow.

the way jaryl says.


maybe i update more.when i get the stuff from today from dance friends(:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 9:48 PM

or maybe Gabriel Eduardo Saporta

8:41 PM
i don't feel like blogging.so many here's a quick one.
hmm this morning.i was zombie-like.yay me!less than 5 hours sleep due to the 1:57:55 call.LOL.i have not idea how it got so long =
so went to school.was practically sleeping in math.don't know what's going on.but i actually learnt something somehow.wow.
then got dance.don't wanna talk about it.
went for lunch opposite school with aleithia then mum came to pick me and sis up to tuition.
and i came home after that.i can't stop singing cobra starship songs the whole day, sadly.too addicted xp then got so tired i fell asleep on the floor.
ok whatever.dinner was ok...
then came back.finished math from today..gonna do hols one when sean started playing minesweeper flags with me.
i won 2 lost 1.and it's still continuing later i think.
dunno what to do ._. math...
and cobra starship of course

more later maybe.
and by the way, Jaryl thanks about yesterday(:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:57 PM
omgomg i'm laughing so hard.watching these funny commercials on youtue XD
dan just got back from hospital.poor him):
cobra starship so nice T_T
sean ask me to blog.nothing to blog =l

ok so today got guitar.then i can finally play the waltz of fly me to the moon!!
ok the crap aircon spoilt.damn what..i'm dying in heat.that means i'm sleeping alone tonight...
i have nothing to blog!

i wanna read!!!
bookends by jane green.
tmr i need finish chinese homework ._.
and i just remembered i have math.
gahs do later.
so fucking warm..

1:56 PM

today sat with tau pok and shiuan wen for math remedial.the first thing timi did when he saw me was touch my fringe.grrr then after that went to orchard with shiuan wen..

went to change then i bought rasberry cream frappaucinno...she bought green tea.LOL coppy ryan higa on the 5 things i like.hahaha!then went to taka...bought tori Q.went around seeing things...bought myuk pouch for handphone.now i have a complete myuk purple set!


Monday, June 16, 2008 7:52 PM
lol so in the afternoon was talking to jaryl and it seems like he's became his lil bro!tsktsk and started shooting me and he said it's not matrix so i cannot dodge the shots.oh man.lolol.then he had training.it was so warm!haha the whole garden looked yellow, then.and he was like 'i want to buy strawberry sundae later.' eeeyer!!!eh eh just if there's macdonalds outside your estate don't need rub it in my face okay, my house is like 5 to 10 minutes bus ride away from that macdonalds, close enough!!!after that it started raining.lucky him no need go under the sun.
i tried on the eye liner i bought today with the mascara.kinda nice(: the eye liner really easy to apply.lol tmr go find more!!!maybe i buy dark brown liquid eye liner.i wanna buy halter top!tmr i go see with shiuan wen at takashimaya!she's gonna sms me the plan for tmr..I NEED BRING MORE $$$ OUT TOMORROW!!!i think i only want halter top...maybe if got more appealing things then i buy :3 GO NUM!!! :D yeahyeah!!!oh yeah and my mum just said that i could go tomorrow.whee
so i started downloading songs,got kinda sian so went to sleep.and woke up one hour later.
then i started watching UK youtube.oh my mama THE GUYS ARE SO SO SO CUTE :3
then went to eat dinner and i was talking to my cousin using the mic just now.lol.i wanna play box head with him NOW!but but his mum talking to my mum now..
alrighties just do math ):
crap math so much luh...

i thought that we could celebrate my birthday a different way this year...well it looks like it's not going to happen...

2:13 PM
remedial today
lol i was 5 minutes late.crap traffic.
so i walked into computer lab and they were like janice got new haircut.lol mr tan cannot recognise me.lol timi was like 'janice i think your hair is sexy' then i gave him that o_O look then he said ' well actually i think it's cute.' lolol
after remedial went to bishan with shiuan wen.went to library first then j8 then we went to novena.maybe we're going to orchard tomorrow :D
there's these band i discovered called the starting line.they're nice!i put the playlist there on autoplay.gonna take it out soon.haha maybe next week
didn't quite sleep well last night but i had some kind of a nice dream but there was murder ._. like the scenes kept changing

13 days to my birthday!~~

Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:54 PM

me and eugenie!

lol i split down there like some idiot xD

don't feel like uploading the rest =/

9:16 PM

his real name is lucas(: he's 16.he has two accounts.the ever so famous JKL productions and CantThinkOfaName95 or something..all his random stuff there.



so today had dance.lol joking and joking and so much break..i later post all the picts from today at one shot...
got school tmr T_T
lazy blog..blogged just now and all gone it got screwed up.zz
cant be bothered to do the quiz again.

Saturday, June 14, 2008 9:06 PM
Super Song SHUFFLE
Open your itunes or MP3 player. Put it on random/shuffle.
Don't skip anything, otherwise you're taking the fun away.
Answer the question with the song title that comes up.
You are also known as::circle circle dot dot. LOL
Your parents REAL wedding song::california by phantom planet
Your funeral song::don't preach by drake bell <3>
What you think of the world::don't matter by akon. nothing matters!
How you're feeling today::we won't get fooled again ( CSI Miami theme). oh yeah i'm never going to be a fool again
The song that will be stuck in your head for weeks on end::it ends tonight by all american rejects.sure it'll end tonight
Your significant other sings this to you::when day turns into night by busted
Your theme song at your funeral::how far we've come by matchbox twenty.sure you have came a loooong way to my funeral(:
You should create this song title as a screen name::like whoa by aly and aj.oh yeah!then people see me and go whoa.
You would get on your knees and sing this to your best friend::if you leave by good charlotte.please don't leave me!
The result of your breakup::you walked away by franz ferdinand.yeah we broke up and you walked away
How to resolve a fight::do you want to by franz ferdinand.you want to fight?LOL
On your first date, this would be playing in the background::ever fallen in love by stiff dylans.oh man.it's gonna rock.
Get down to::better that we break by maroon 5.yeah first we fall in love then we break up.
Headbang to this tune::1985 by bowling for soup.oh yeah.i'm banging my head...OUCH!i think i broke something.
Song of escape::lip gloss by lil mama.err my lip gloss is popping when i escaped?
Uh oh, you failed an assignment. This song pops into your head::the gift by angels and airways.IT WAS A GIFT TO FAIL!
Picture this song as an opera::march of the dogs by sum 41.goodness gracious O_O
Or rather, this one as a hardcore metal screamo song::he said she said by ashley tisdale.oh wow.it would be one hell of a mad time
What happens when you find true love::don't look back in ager by oasis.don't look back that you're actually in love with your ex!
You might say this sums up how lame celebrities are::don't say you love me by M2M.
Look! It's Spiderman! Play that dramatic music!::i don't wanna be in love ( dance floor anthem ) by good charlotte.LOL!
This morning when you looked in the mirror this is what happened::M+M's by blink-182.you and i should get a way for a while, i just want to be alone with your smile~
The song that REALLY gets your adrenaline rushin' is::mood rings by relient k.erm why would i be so happy ._.
You truly, madly hate this song::i don't wanna be by gavin degraw.SO FAKE!
But when you're depressed, this one makes it all better::i know by drake bell.it really does!<3<3<3>
What about that one time where you felt really super hyper?::beautiful girls by sean kingston. OK I AM NOT LES..
The definition of reality television::lost a lover by drake bell.LOL!!!
You can sing this to the top of your lungs without missing a note!::you sexy thing by hot chocolate.yeah sure you sexy thing~
Sometimes, you hate the world. Your teenage angst theme::get low by flow rida ft. t-pain.i'm getting low.
Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it with this tune::built to last by melee.yeah built to last lolololol sure.
Wouldn't this sound cool instrumentally?::that girl by frankie J ft slim thug.COOL VERY COOL
Ugh, boyfriend issues again. What helps you get through?::lollipop by chordettes.oh course they do :3
Your marriage theme::signal fire by snow patrol.OMG A FIRE!!!
Oh noes, then the divorce::another girl another planet by blink-182.damn it, my guy ran off with some alien.
Aaw, prom is here! Dance to this::radiation vibe by fountains of wayne.ok can dance i think
Then there's summer vacation, here's a little summer jam to go with it::the reason why by click five.you're the reason why i'm here!
Drama, drama, drama. This sums it up::the river by good charlotte.yeah they got brought away by the river(:
In all reality, you know this is how you feel about life::geek in the pink by jason mraz.oh yeah i'm a geek in pink!!!><
You're off to college, what happens the first day?::where would you be now by good charlotte.thinking about my boyfriend? o_O
You're in a fairy tale, better bust out that wacky musical song::the anthem by good charlotte.LOLOLOLOLOL can't imagine
Your overall life theme song is::read my mind by the killers.HEY EVERYONE OUT THERE READ MY BRAINS!
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*** Your Top 8 Friends ***
Who they are:
#5:Shiuan Wen
#7:Jun Xi
Number 1:
How old are they?:14(:
Where did you meet them?:p1A(: chongfu primary
When was the last time you saw them?:27 may 2008
Who's their favorite band?:i know you like way too many(:
Are you related to them?:not blood..sadly
Are they single or taken?:she's single!!
How long have you known them?:since 7 years old and we're 14 now(:
Have you ever gone out with this person?:on our DATES
Have you ever spent the night with this person?:nope):
Do they drink?:nah she doesnt
Can they drive?:no..underage sadly
Ever danced with this person?:lene go learn dancing!gogo
Number 2
How old are they?:14
What are they to you?:super duper nice guy to be friends with(:
When is the last time you saw them?:erm 31st august..chongfu's teachers' day celebration.at the void deck!
How long have you known them?:since p6.so that makes p6, sec 1, sec 2!3 years
What color is their hair?:jaryl can you answer this?i have no idea if it's dyedor not now.lolol
What kind of music do they listen to?:metal i'm sure(:
Ever broke the law with this person?:i do not think so
Single or taken?:taken!
Do you know their parents?:nopes
Do they have any siblings?:yeah!2 sisters and 1 lil bro i'm so interested to make friends with so we can play toy guns.LOLOL
Ever gone to a concert with them?:nopes
Number 3
How old are they?:14
Are you friends?:yeah
Describe them in one word::seany
Are you in their top friends?:?_?
Ever hung out with this person?:nope
Have you ever rode in a car with this person?:nope
Do they smoke?:nope
Are they always in trouble?:are you sean?
What type of music do they listen to?:everything?
When's the last time you saw them?:erm p6 that time in amk sec.
Number 4
How old are they?:13 still right?(:
Ever spent the night with this person?:nopes
What stereotype would you put this person in?:i don't judge her(:
Are they smart?:she is!
Are they going out with anyone?:she's looking for that hot hot guy xD
If not, do you know who they like?:that hot guy with the red crumpler bag and spiky hair and silver specs
Who's their favorite band?:don't know ._.
Do they have any pets?:nopes, right?
Can they drive?:nah
Do they go to your school?:nope):
Do you have a crush on this person?:lol me no les(:
Number 5
How old are they?:13!
Have they ever been in your house?:nopes
Are you in their top friends?:i dunno.
Do they play sports?:haha no(: like me! :3
Are they on drugs?:nopes.
Do they live in the same town as you?:nopes.
Do they have a car?:nah can't drive
What color is their hair?:black(:
Number 6
How old are they?:14
How long have you known them?:since sec 1.
Single or taken?:single
Do they have a car?:no he can't drive yet
Have you ever seen them dance?:nopes.but i would wanna!
Do they smoke?:no
Ever been shopping with this person?:i want to!!!this guy do like shopping(:
Do they have a cell phone?:yeah
When did you last see this person?:never seen before
Do you have a crush on this person?:nah
Number 7
How old are they?:14
Where did you meet them?:school.last year.
Are you best friends?:well we're good enough(:
What color car do they have?:he doesn't drive
Do they listen to Avril Lavigne?:he does(:
Do think this person is hot?:erm no?
Does this person wear pink?:do you jun xi?
Are you in their top friends?:i don't know
What kind of music do they listen to?:like me!
Number 8
How old are they?:15
Are you friends?:yeah we are
Ever been in a car with them?:nope.obviously not.
What color hair do they have?:black
Have they ever done community service?:have you john?
Is this person more serious or more goofy?:goofy doovy!
Are they in a band?:no
Do you have a crush on them?:no
How long have you known this person?:since somewhere in the end of last year
Do they have their eyebrow peirced?:no
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i'm so so so bored =/

caroline called me around 8 plus or was it 7 ._. she's coming to my school for choir workshop!wheee~ caroline!

bye for now.

5:47 PM
talking to my cousin on msn.i can amazingly read a little thai.hoho and start copy-ing and pasting what's he's telling me. เงียบ!lolol ชอบฟังเพลงไหม...ชอบเล่น กีฟาไหม
meh so bored today.
i wanted to go out then damn wtf, everyone all sleeping.zzz
so i just slept and told my dad that if i sleep i don't wanna go out anymore
so i slept 3 hours straight
what the fuck z..stupid hols.can't go anywhere...monday/tuesday i don't give a damn.go out myself also don't care anymore.z.
so i watched forbidden kingdom.fun but a little too ang mo-y and so short.
this holidays suck

the thai song i like..hmm the lyrics.although i can't even read every word i can sing it.hoho
the lines are agreeable to an extent

เกลียดละคร แต่ก็ดูมันทุกตอน
เกลียดคนใจร้อน แต่ก็ชอบมวย
เกลียดคนรวยนัก ชอบดูถูกฉัน
เกลียดคนผิดนัด แต่ฉันก็เคย
ถึงฉันเกลียดแต่ฉันก็ต้องการ ไม่ว่าใครๆ
แต่ยังค้น ยังคอยจะหามันเรื่อยไป
เจ็บไม่จำ ทั้งๆที่รู้ สุดท้ายที่รออยู่คืออะไร โอโอ้โอว...
ต้องขอใครสักคน เข้ามาทำให้ใจเจ็บช้ำ ไม่เข้าใจ
รำคาญมือถือ แต่ฉันก็มี
เกลียดจังความอ้วน ใครๆก็รู้ แต่ยังสั่งขาหมูกินอยู่ดี
เกลียดการมองคนที่หน้าตา แต่พอเจอดาราขอลายเซ็น
เกลียดคนยั้วเยี้ย อึดอัดทุกครั้ง แต่ถ้าอยู่ในผับฉันก็ต้องเต้น
ถึงฉันเกลียดแต่ฉันก็ต้องการ ไม่ว่าใครๆ
แต่ยังค้น ยังคอยจะหามันเรื่อยไป
เจ็บไม่จำ ทั้งๆที่รู้ สุดท้ายที่รออยู่คืออะไร โอโอ้โอว...
ต้องขอใครสักคน เข้ามาทำให้ใจเจ็บช้ำ ไม่เข้าใจ
แต่ยังค้น ยังคอยจะหามันเรื่อยไป
เจ็บไม่จำ ทั้งๆที่รู้ สุดท้ายที่รออยู่คืออะไร โอโอ้โอว...
ต้องขอใครสักคน เข้ามาทำให้ใจเจ็บช้ำ ไม่เข้าใจ

if only the past were to be the present and the future were to be planned out by fate, we wouldn't be crying over nothing.
life is ever so confusing.

10:41 AM
let the first line be I LOVE MY SISTER and i wanna kick her ass.SHE BOUGHT ME ANNA SUI LIMITED EDITION MASCARA!!!and it's actually SCENTED!!!the box is like golden and the tube has got original designs.i want to kiss her right now.
ok so last night.jaryl told me all these sick ass stories which were actually damn funny and brightened up my day a little and made me a little afraid of public toilets.LOL my sis came into my room and looked at jar's screen name and said,'who's this bimbo?' LOL!bimbo!jaryl,you're a blonde girl(: are you? =/
he's soooooo sweet to his girlfriend(:
just came back from tuition ._. last night talked to jar till way too late to wake up at 7.30am.lol last night i think he spent eating for 2 hours plus hahahaha.must be like nibbling in super teeeeeny amounts coz he's too busy singing to his metal songs on his headphones.lolol
damn...stupid stupid diputs me.i'm sick and tired.
i wanna watch drake and josh
at least it's something funny.no more dull me.i'm like so freaking moving on.

1. Do you wish to get married?
#- yes.in my late twenties(: with the man of my life

2. What do you want to do now?
#- Watch drake and josh

3. What will you be doing at 6pm?
#- dunno...comp?or mayber outside

4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
#- nah..

5. Where do you wish to die?
#- on my bed in my sleeps.

6. Will you go for plastic surgery?
#- never.i love my looks okaaaaaaaaay

7. What are the impossible things you wish to do?
#- i don't know ?_?

8. Your darkest secret?
#- jaryl's secret.

9.Are you happy with your life now?
#- no

10. What if your crush asked you out?
#- duh i'll go.or even if it's any other guy friend.i only won't go if i don't like the guy or i'm lazy to move or have something on

11. What will you do when you feel bored?
#- blog and get paranoid.ok or maybe read.

12. What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
#- i don't know...i can't answer this..not in the right mood.maybe regretful will be one

13. Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
#- yeah i do.

14. What do I hate most about my life?
#- now.

Instructions: Remove one question from above and replace it with your own.Tag 11 people, list them down at the end of the post.Notify them in their chatbox that they've been tagged.


12:28 AM
here's my many many thanks to jaryl.you totally talked the sense into me..
if only i can do what you're telling me to do...
i hate myself.
crap friday the 13.
it really was one.

Friday, June 13, 2008 8:54 PM
my undecisive mind

meh): jaryl no mood talk and i'm like so bored doing nothing.
okies so i'm like stoning ._. my eyes are going to close and i feel sick.
i feel uneasy...
like i don't know what i'm even thinking of.my mind don't have a specific concentration.
i don't feel like talking to anyone now.
see this what happens when no one talks to me.
i feel like fainting.
i'm turning on some rock thai song now and blast it.
this is shit.i can't believe i'm having nothing to do except blog crap.
peace out...i don't know what to do.
don't feel like doing anything else.

4:46 PM

hahaha more picts later when shiuan wen gets online (: aleithia, shiuan wen and me!

7 random facts about me
#1- My name is Janice
#2- I am 13 plus plus plus(: 14 in 16 more days!!!;D
#3- I like yellow
#4- I love literature
#5- I like to read and write
#6- I dance
#7- I own a bose radio

7 things that scare me
#1- heights ( VERY )
#2- theme park rides ( VERY )
#3- chinese i can't do
#4- too much stress):
#5- crying, angry, scary and crazy pervertic people
#6- Horror movies ( VERY )
#7- the dark

7 favourite friends
#1- Shirlene
#2- Sean
#3- Jaryl
#4- Shiuan Wen
#5- John
#6- Dan
#7- Jun Xi
#8- Tau Pok

7 things i like most
#1- Reading
#2- Literature
#3- Writing
#5- Camera
#6- Computer
#7- Songs

7 ppl to do this
#1- Shirlene
#2- John
#3- Yong Liang
#4- Damian
#5- Wei Lin
#6- Hui Yee
#7- Cheng yee

today dance.omg.the bruises all hurt so bad...talked about some funny stuff xp
went home with aleithia and shiuan wen and cs.chiong to tuition as usual.5 minutes late again.
came home.
talked to yoot(: as in my cousin from thailand...that amazing singer.he just came home from camp.no wonder he wasn't online the whole week.
i love you trissy!!!biggy biggy time, mummy(: i'll so help you hunt down that hot guy.we go to tuition and sit there and observe ;D
so today i was at the bus interchange and this guy looked at me.zomg.he's eyes were freaky.turquoise colour O_O and he's all tanned and all clad in black.freaky.at least kevin's green contacts ain't that scary.they're pretty cool.
i can't wait for lene's 6 caring class reunion barbeque!gonna rock!i miss everyone so much!especially the yellow group peeps!
yon jun has braces now.wowow.if only those were during the p5 and 6 days when he and HER had braces when there was still chemistry(: they would be such a perfect couple(:
prank calling with shirlene years back were kinda fun(: i know like that was how i got to know jaryl and...
crap those bruises on my knees.cannot wear skirt.so shit.i don't care...wear tmr(:
andddd i'm not suffering from schizophrenia!woot pronounced as skit-zo-frae-nia lolol
blog more later

You Are 28% Paranoid Schizophrenic

You're pretty grounded, though you have your occasional paranoid moments.

Just make sure to ignore those voices in your head!

Are You A Paranoid Schizophrenic?

Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:09 PM
before roses were red and violets were blue
i wondered about my future ahead till i met you
you were different from everyone else
it's true

before the sky got dark and sun stopped shining
we stood side by side by the road hand in hand
i felt that we were standing out from everyone else
it's true

before the sky got dark and sun stopped shinning
you brought me to places i never knew
we watched the sunset together unlike everyone else
it's ture

before the rain started pouring and clouds look deceiving
we danced to the music swaying side to side
we danced better than everyone else
it's true

before i met you and you met me
i never thought that things would turn out to be
i thought that i would be with him like everyone else
it's true

i wrote another one just now and lost it.lucky i can remember.lazy to write more need think.

12:18 PM

General Randomness
Tell Us About Your Day
What time did you get up today?:8.59 am
Why did you get up at that time?:sean texted me
What did you eat for breakfast?:nothing
What did you do first today?:text sean
List all the places you\'ve been today.:home
What\'s the weirdest thing you did all day?:nothing i think
How\'s the weather?:nice
Who called you first today?:no one
What\'s for supper?:how do i know
So . . . how about tomorrow?
What are you doing tomorrow?:dance and tuition
Why are you doing that?:cca and study.ughhhhhh
Who will you talk to most tomorrow?:shirlene and sean i guess
What will you wear tomorrow?:my dance leotard, dance pants, dance tee and undergarments(:
The last time . . .
you wore a hospital gown?:never
you ate a hamburger?:around last month
danced in public?:yes.in the national museum of singapore's dance showcase with hot fillipino guys doing amazing stunts and have the nicest abs
threw up?:somewhere last year or two years ago
bought something?:yesterday.milk tea and cup noodles
took a shower?:yesterday
fixed something?:i have no idea
broke something?:either do i have a clue
said a bad word?:type yes, say i can't remember.before i went to thailand...
What was . . .
the last thing you put in your mouth?:the spoon
the last car you were in?:SDZ1919J and my mum was driving.
the reason you last got flowers?:i never received flowers from anyone):
your last vacation?:28th may to 9th june.thailand~
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The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
What is your favorite..
gum:mentos orange
restaurant:waraku pasta
season:spring or summer
type of weather:cloudy
thing to do on a half day:read.
late-night activity:texting and reading
store:kinokunya, borders, the starbucks in orchard road.
When was the last time you..
cried:that day when i broke down in school.i know it's a monday.
played a sport:erm...last pe lesson?
hugged someone:9th june.my grandparents and great grandma
kissed someone:none
felt depressed:27th may
felt elated:11th june
felt overworked:exam period
faked sick:i don't feign illness...
lied:can't remember...
What was the last..
word you said:yay!i want!
thing you ate:bird's nest
song you listened to:i kissed a girl by kate perry
thing you drank:plain water
place you went to:tuition class
movie you saw:step up 2
movie you rented:some doraemon show when i'm 9?
concert you attended:performing for speach day.the last one i went to i think i my piano one when i'm 8.i'm usually the one perfroming in the concert,sadly.
Who was the last person you..
cried over:i'm so not saying
kissed:don't know.somewhere when i'm a kid i kissed my mum on the cheek?
danced with:i don't really do dancing in pairs unless it's for exam or performance.can't remember
shared a secret with:shirlene duh
had a sleepover with:my cousin at my aunt's house in thailand
called:my dad
went to a movie with:my uncle and sis
saw:my mum
were angry with:my dad
couldn't take your eyes off of:that guy ;D
obsessed over:this guy.
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:yeah.like jumping around like a three year old
kissed someone:on the lips?no
done drugs:never.
drank alcohol:yeah.
slept around:no.that's so slutty
partied 'til the sun came up:never had.
had a movie marathon:november/december holidays 2007?i think
gone too far on a dare:never had..
spun until you were immensely dizzy:yeah!!!then you feel like throwing up and can't stand and fall here and there.i like doing that when i'm bored.not as much these days.more of when i'm a kid(:
taken a survey quite like this before:yeah the one just now
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Tell me something about YOU and...
Tell Me Something About YOU and...
...your sleeping habits.:i hug my legs when i get cold
...your eating habits.:save what i like on my plate last!
...your pyjamas.:i have one yellow one which has small pink cat faces on them, one blue one with bees ant trees on them and one white one with parrots on them! : D
...your best friend.:shirlene will be shirlene(: there's too many to state
...your handwriting.:small and neat however fast i write and tau pok gets jealous.
...a celebrity.:never been with one...sadly.but my aunt has.and that guy was once the most famous actor in thailand ^^
...the beach.:i make sand balls and throw them in the sea.and run around in the water like madness and bury my legs in the sad
...death.:i don't wanna think about it
...spiders.:they're cute(: just that i don't like poisonous ones
...George W. Bush.:oh man that guy allowed gay marriages
...getting drunk.:well only tipsy
...the man/woman of your dreams.:there's no dream, it's been found.
...your parents.:erm we're good
...someone you admire.:there's too many!!!
...Spice Girls.:they're old and fat.
...mexican food.:love it!!!~~
...Dan Brown.:he's too into stuff about the stuff he writes
...go partying.:never had...
...sports.:a total nono.dislike...
...kissing.:never kissed anyone.
...darkness.:i'm scared.
...God.:god..hmm.he answered my prayers.he sure is one good man(:
...your best feature.:i don't know...someone!lene!answer this.
...Disney movies:i like the old hand drawn ones.the new ones are total shit.
...being famous.:the hotties i'll get to date and the chance to wear all the nicest clothes
...your driving skills.:the bumper car?well i'm not that rought i guess
...Myspace.:download free songs
...this survey.:it's lame
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NAME::Janice Ng
AGE::13 but very soon 14
BIRTH PLACE::Singapore
EYE COLOR::Real dark brown
PEIRCINGS::2 sadly.i want a third.
WHAT COLOGNE/PERFUME DO YOU WEAR::ha that's for me to know~
COLOR::yellow yellow dirty fellow
MUSIC::from slow to rock to indie to oldies
SPORT::f1 and soccer?but i don't play.
HOLIDAY::june and december holidays
FOOD::none in particular.
LISTEN TO SOMEONE TALK OR TALKING::talking and listening and talking and listening
PERSONALITY OR LOOKS::personality and some looks
EYE COLOR::hmm nah..any will do
HAIR COLOR::anything
SHORT OR LONG HAIR::not shoulder long.just normal..
HEIGHT::170cm and up.
STYLE::not too boring.
PIERCINGS OR TATTOOS::piercings.tattoo is not my thing
HOT OR CUTE::both.
WHOS THE SHYEST::don't know...
PRETTIEST FRIEND::can't recall the name xp
WEIRDEST FRIEND::me and myself
ARE U IN LOVE::indeed!
LONGEST RELATIONSHIP::neve been in one.
DO U GO ON::er
KISS ON THE FIRST DATE::never kissed anyone
SEX ON THE FIRST DATE::that's jun xi's theory not mine
TOLD U THEY LOVED U::my great grandma
TOLD THEM U LOVED THEM::my great grandma
YELLED AT::i don't know...
BROKE UR HEART::that bastard
SAID THEY HATED U::those bitch
U TOLD U HATED::don't know...
DO U DO DRUGS::never
DO U DRINK::nope.
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE U SAW IN THE THEATER? WAS IT GOOD::chronicles of narnia prince caspian.it's good because prince caspian and edmund is so so so hot~
BIGGEST FEAR::heights and death
FIRST THOUGHT WAKING UP::what time is it
DO U GET ALONG WITH UR PARENTS::most of the time
DO U SWEAR::which swear?
WHAT TIME IS IT::12.54pm
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*Not So Typical*
Middle name backwards::Gnij new
Last name dislexic style::Ng only have to letters.if not gn?
Half Birthday::er december 29
Age backwards::31
Hair::black to the brown side.or is it just brown..
Eyes::dark brown
Toes::some white some black some not painted
Finger Nails::not painted
*Least Favorite*
Color::don't know
Song::rihanna songs
Movie::the ones i can never understand
Sport::ball games.
Thing to do::going to the doctor
Brand o cloths::none
Article of jewelry::none
*How Many ______ Do You Have*
Parents::mum and dad duh
Peronalities::3 i think
Close friends::some
Shoes::errr *starts counting*
Pillows::2 my mum took my 3rd one sadly
Doctors::erm 2 currently one western one chinese.the cliopatric i'm going to can be the third
*Ammount Of*
Tall-ness::160 is it tall?
Fat-ness::44kg is it too fat?
Hair-long-ness::a little below shoulder
Gay-ness::very happy
Serious-ness::when exam and performances are near
Stubborn-ness::very at times(:
Blond-ness::not a blonde):
Smarticle-ness::lesser than tau pok
*Last Time You*
Fell up the stairs::erm don't know...
Publicly embarassed yourself::either do i remember
Cried::april.end of it?around there..
Laughed::just now when my dad saw my bruises
Made a big deal over nothing::erm can't remember
Felt stupid::when i saw my exam results
Had your breath taken away::oh man...march?
Paid for something with all change::ha!hmm when i was clearing out my piggy bank to save the notes
Paid for something with $100 bill or higher::100 baht yeah.1000 baht yeah.bill i have never
Bought a strange assortment of items::errrr don't know...
Had a very odd dream::last night
Had a scary dream::when i'm a kid?i wake up crying :3
Lost your voice::i can remember this one!1 september 2006.jaryl hardly knew it was me on the phone xp
Found your escape::errr
Got a tan::march 7?the sports carnival day.
Went to the hospital::last year i think.
*Who Makes You*
Laugh no matter what::i laugh at nothing all the time
Angry::don't know
Feel smarticle::bimbos
Feel stupid::tau pok
Laugh at yourself::myself
Dare to be different::weirdos
Feel everything is right with the world::no one
*Do You Want To*
Ever have kids::yes
Get married::yes
Travel the world::yes
Do something no one else has done::not really... xp
*Can You*
Build a card house::yes.but i don't know if it can be done again.i built it in p6 with yao xiong.
Swim::yes.i can do life saving too.
Stay underwater for more then 1 min. holding your breath::yeah!
Drive::the bumper car.
Touch your nose with your tongue::no.
Cross your eyes::i think so
Lick your elbow::no one can
Do a cartwheel::no
Do the Splits::yes indeed!hohoho
Sing::i like to sing
Act::with people i know when i'm joking around
Touch the ceiling without cheating::depends where
Climb a tree without getting stuck::i can't climb one
Say Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickles Pepers 3x fast::yeah.
Find something else better to do::no.shirlene where are you?sean's playing soccer.dan's being dan.
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those who wanna read, read.so many questions are repeated...

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )