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w h e r e t h e s t o r y b e g a n

a few facts

Wednesday, April 30, 2008 5:12 PM
There are 4.2 million pornographic websites (12% of all sites)
The longest recorded kiss lasted 30 hours, 59 minutes, 27 seconds
When boys fancy someone, they play with their earlobes
In the Beatles classic 'All You Need is Love', the word 'love' features 38 times
Babies as young as 5-6 months old can experience jealousy
A teacher that sleeps with a pupil can face up to 14 years in jail
London has the most single people in Britain - 51%

ok that's it.hahaha.wow.bbc is interesting!

crazy superman?

omg funny!

in this perfect world

4:23 PM


so during ce.we did picture adjustment things.i did jun xi's pict.haha!in green pink and red.haha then we all started doing flixter's never ending quiz.

lit we did self study.talked pretty much to miss shamilah.yu jun cried again): i feel so so so so so bad for her...i know the feeling.

reading was studying.timi was eating and mr khairul asked him why he had to eat.so he 'stopped' and when mr khairul left to get his mac laptop everyone starting bugging him for food.lol

english.mr jason and trixie goh are going to teach us together.whee jason!he let us self study after he talked to us about explanation essays.we studied after that.talked to him about lit.i'm so so so so so scared about lit!i wanna cry.

chinese did compo.i wrote 2 pages.wowow

after school music test.fuck her man.the whole damn class was talking and exchanging people.purposely must choose justin and i...damn damn damn what the fucking hell?it's just music anyway.wai kit finished in 5 min,wei line 3,me 8?marcus noob man.take 1 hour?

went home after eating and finishing compo.talking to dan on how the world's gonna end in 2012.omg.

ok leaving.i need to study!!!damn i keep getting distracted.story!

she sat on the chair,looking blankly at the reflection of herself.who is the other person in her now?she wanted her old self back,the one she loved,the one he loved.if she was herself again would he fall in love with her all over again?she wanted to forget the world,go round chasing cars and pavements,forgetting whatever she is being told.he thought about her life,her history,her feelings,she wondered if she was the reason why he left.but she though, so what if he's gone?she can live without him, but she is no where near positive.being away and distant from him was absolute torture.she wanted to turn back time,she wanted a time machine,she want everything to change forever.change the time when she met,change all the good times they shared.if he hadn't came into her life,she wouldn't be here,thinking of her past,wasting time chasing cars in her head.she wanted him back,she knew it was impossible.she closed her eyes and let the time rewind.forgetting all she is told,forgetting it all...

if it's that bad, it's ok to cry

Tuesday, April 29, 2008 6:41 PM

john said that line.i love it.

math was ok.nothing special?

pe guys played soccer.we played touch rugby+soccer.then the ball hit my face.then it's natural for the eye to tear since it hit the nose.and i lost it from there.just started sobbing till recess was over.i hate myself for that.break downs suck.those who thought i was crying because of the ball hit my face,please not it's not because of the game i cried.

cheng yee,bi xia,hui yee,pei jun and biaojin tried comforting me.ok it didn't work anyway.

art was alright.shading.

science we went through practice paper.i'm gonna work extra hard.i'm not gonna do badly again.

english.trixie wasn't here AGAIN.so mr jason came to give us our test.grammar was so easy.but the editting was a killer.i didn't know we could look for extra points!i found like 18 out of the 15 needed.i have errors already.oh no..

jun xi was so cute.take deodorant and spray on people.he sneaked up on wen jie and sprayed him.then wen jie was sniffing himself.haha

read some interesting stuff with lene!hahaha i feel like writing a story.let me think.

he sat on the wooden bench in lexington park, tapping his foot to the beat of the music playing from his ipod.'Rich Girls' by the Virgins were audible through the headphones.he was wearing a black everlast hoodie and faded blue levis red tab jeans.it was already dark but he did not leave,he needed to be alone,away from everything,running away from everything.he couldn't face her again,nor could he face his life again.he self conciously touched the metal ring around his finger,looking down at the engraved 'a+l'. he took it out and stuffed it into his pocket,he couldn't face the ring again.he buried his face in his hands, thinking about everything that happened.he flicked away a tear and closed his eyes,listening to the music,enjoying the breeze blowing around him, forgetting everything as he nodded asleep, slowly running away as the night got later.he never wanted to wake up again.

what's wrong with me?can't i write happy stuff?!


being alone

Monday, April 28, 2008 5:52 PM

well today...
chinese test was alright i think.shing yi was shouting at joel,'go egest your brains man.'the two of them were quarreling on who started talking about bile.er?
yu jun started crying real bad.i feel bad for her too.been there felt that.be strong girl.
zhou yang told me that computer is the best way out of break downs.perhaps?
science went through theory workbook.nothing much.but he realised the hole in the ceiling.while going through, jun xi went to put the maxim advertisement he found in the newspaper on the visualiser!hahaha!then after math he was busy cutting the picture out.the woman got giant basoomas!pretty hot body.
recess was reading mr darcy's diary.
math.was talking to jun xi.yaking away, he claimed that his sick brain is a gift from heaven.mr tan got angry and started shouting for people to go out.joel was throwing this crushed up ball of paper at the clock.looking at how many times he can hit it.shing yi suddenly shouted,'joel!down syndrome is it?'
dnt was ok.was drawing on acrylic and talking to jun xi.pissed off with mr nathan!damn.he purposely say those stuff to rub it in my face.
cme.damn him.he made us stand from 12.10 to 1.with the fans turned off.fyi,today is so so so warm and our class do not have ventilation coming in from either sides with windows because they're all blocked.then he made us write some essay commitment.then cme only lasted 30 minutes after that.i realised that cme this year is like shit.it's all fans-off-standing lesson.imagine being asked what i learnt during cme. 'i've learnt to endure the heat of no fans being turned on and standing up.' jun xi started saying my bunned up hair was weird and timothy said it was cute.then the two started firing at each other.timi made me tie it back up to show him 'the art of tying hair'.too bad that one didn't stay as well.
pretty much it.
i don't get it why Le Disko by Shiny Toy Guns keep playing in my head.the motorola commercial song.
waiting for lene or john to come online.someone to talk to besides UFO damian.
maybe i should write something.i'm in a writing mood!
they lay in the field of daffodils, hand in hand, looking up at the baby blue clear sky. they watched the clouds in silence. words were not necessary when they were alone. she had not broke the news to him that she was leaving. a tear rolled down her temple as she thought off leaving town, leaving her friends, leaving him.
he watched as the tear fell and he kissed it away.he knew something was not right.he placed a hand on her right cheek, pushing the hair in her face back with his thumb.
'what's wrong?'he whispered into her air.
she just sobbed harder.he hugged her and buried her head in his shoulder as she cried,letting her feel that she's not alone and that she cares.
in his embrace,she felt protected, strong and not alone.at the same time, she felt horrible.she'll never be in his arms again when she's gone.she inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of his cologne-one of the many things she would miss about him, besides his hazel brown hair, emerald green eyes,his kissible thin lips,long slender fingers and the amazing sweet nothings he had told her.
she rolled back looking at the sky, clasping his hand tigher in hers.his hand was bigger than hers, just holding it made her feel better.
she turned her head to her right and gave him a smile, tears still in her eyes.he smiled back at her, the oscar winning smile she loved.he leaned in and gave her a little kiss on those perfect lips of hers.she never wanted it to end as they kissed the night away.
ok lene's here!hope the story is ok.i love writting random stuff!
hasta pronto amigo y amiga ~

i hate the silence

Sunday, April 27, 2008 7:14 PM

Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you've named the 20 people. At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
#1. Christian Carocca
#2. Chad Michael Murray
#3. Shirlene
#4. John
#5. Sean
#6. Danial
#7. Damian
#8. Audrey Hepburn
#9. Marilyn Monroe
#10. Eva
#11. Joel
#12. Liang Min
#13. Jun Xi
#14. Justin
#15. Obama
#16. Cheng Yee
#17. Renice
#18. Chace Crawford
#19. Ed Westwick
#20. Eric Dill
How did you meet #14?
He’s in my class.duh
What would you do if you didn't meet #1?
one word: DIE.get a heart attack xp
What if #9 and #20 dated?
awww too bad she’s dead and he’s hot.
Would #6 and #17 date?
erm.haha?i’m speechless
Describe #3.
she’s the best best best friend ever.amazing person.
Is #8 attractive?
yes she is.but she’s dead.i’m not a necrophilia or anything.get that straight.
Describe #7.
go home drink milk.hahahahaha!and it's your problem to know!
Know any of #12 family members?
His mum.nice person!seriosuly nice.like mother like son.haha
What would you do if #18 confesses to you that he likes you?
OMG.i would have fainted on the spot and my soul went to heaven temporary.
What language does #15 speak?
Duh English.he’s congressman.
Who is #9 going out with?
she’s dead!gosh..don’t you get it?
How old is #16?
13 going on 14.same same.hahaha
When is the last time you spoke to #13?
two days ago in school and on text message.
Who is #2's favourite band/singer?
how would I know?all I know he’s an actor and he’s hot
Would you ever date #4?
goodness gracious.john?!he’s too good a guy.
Would you ever date #1?
like DUH!drop dead gorgeous.
Is #19 single?
well,I don’t know..but who cares?he’s not that good looking anyway.
What is #10's last name?
Toh.i’m sure.
Would you ever be in a relationship with #11?
erm no?that's so out of the picture
School of #3?
Where does #6 live?
Tao Payoh.
What's your favourite thing about #5?
er…*starts looking distant*
Have you seen #2 naked?
I woudn’t want to and never will want to
.Okay, here are FIVE unlucky people I've chosen to do this survey:
1. why 5?
2. I want 100!
3. and why unlucky?
4. they should be lucky!
5. Pamela Anderson.erm ew?
and yes.homework...eeks

hot hot hottie

6:10 PM

his name is Christian Carocca. some french college guy who loves to take photos.well he looks hot in certain angles. tres hot from side views
so damian was a life saver!could finish dnt.
no one seemed to know.
now i left literature and history to do.chinese test need to revise.
i've no studying spirit today.oh well...at least there's 2 days to do lit!poems left 2 and objective test maybe 10 out of the 65 questions that i don't know how to do.
my goals is to get an A1 or 2 for total percentage.yup.

hasta la vista, baby.

math A1 (one grade up)
science A1 (one grade up)
art A1 (the same)
geography A1 (the same)
history A1 (the same)
home economics (the same)
english B3 (one grade up)
chinese B3 (two grades up)
literature B3 (one grade up)

1:58 PM

please mind if you think the scenes are disturbing.

anyway it's a good episode!season 2 episode 14.

chace crawford still looks hot.even that vintage look looks drop dead gorgeous!teehee

i just found out ed westwick has a band!woo

i wanna find funny stuff to do...but i need to do hw.

i'm reading pass it on, insiders book 2.

it's fun!some guy who likes to gossip.the book says that he's hot.he better be!

lene's here.sweet.

just forget the world

1:26 PM
i finally changed the skin after like 1 hour.

1.Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
1.) Are you a male or female?
Hey, don't stop by Cartel
what?!stop being male or female.i'm not homo.
2.) Describe yourself:
Soft to me by Relient K
er soft to you?who are you?
3.) How do you feel about yourself?
Collide by Howie Day
what do you want me to hit?!
4.) Describe your ex boyfriend / girlfriend:
Honest Mistake by The Bravery
yes you were a mistake.
5.) Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:
Chelsea by Stefy
hey hey hey.why is it a girl's name?!i'm not homo.i repeat.
6.) Describe your current location:
Take the lead (wanna ride) by Bone Tugs N Harmony
oh yeah,i'm riding away on the chair
7.) Describe what you want to be:
Goodnight Goodnight by Maroon 5
i'm not sleepy.hello?
8) Describe your best friend?
March On by Good Charlotte
lene.why are you marching?
9.) Your favourite colour is:
Underclass Hero by Sum 41
hmm i didn't know it was a colour!but i wouldn't like it anyway xp
10.) You know that:
If you leave by Good Charlotte
i know i can't live without you
11.) What is the weather like?
I don't wanna be by Gavin Degraw
the weather doesn't want to be the weather?
12.) If your life was a television show, what would it be called
Stolen by Dashboard Confessional
ohmygosh get away from me whoever you are!
13) What is life to you?
The truth by Relient K
like duh.not the fake?
14.) What is the best advice you have to give
Break apart her heart by Good Charlotte
ok note: i do not have any love rivals now.no breaking hearts.
15.) If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Cat and Mouse by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
can i be the mous?
16.) How do you feel about the opposite sex?
Me love by Sean Kingston
see i told you i'm not homo
17.) Why are you doing this survey?
Love song by Sarah Baraeilles
wait.it's a love song?
18.) You hate:
Year 3000 by Busted
like i would live till then.
19.) Describe your worst enemy:
Contagious by Avril Lavinge
don't spread your germs to me!
20.) What's in your back pocket?
Man eater by Nelly Furtado
HAHAHA come near me and you're so dead
21.) What's your first thought when you wake up?
Everything back but you by Avril Lavinge
i need you!er...
22.) What’s your point of view on immigrants coming into the country?
Weeping willow by Jamie Scott and The Town
they start crying???
23.) What was the last thing you told someone?
Love is gone by David Guetta
Love is indeed gone

omg that was so funny xD
ok i need to do homework.too much left
good thing there was no break downs since 1pm yesterday
*tackles homework*

i'm sorry

Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:23 PM
i know she needs some space at times.
i'm overreacting.
i want this period of time over and done with.
i want old me back.

9:39 PM

i'm disappointed in you

9:39 PM
i feel like killing myself.
so damn fucking much homework.
i don't why i even exist to do them.
what i get in return is good grades.
but what if it's bad grades?
i'm not gonna be me anymore.
death's not the way out that's what i know

4:08 PM
i'm so pissed off with life.
damn those mental break downs.

i finished reading manny!hate the ending.so no fun?isn't she like supposed to get back with her husband instead of have a 6 months distant relationship with her manny?ew hate the book.not a really good book truthfully.
i'm bored
looking around for blog quiz to do...

Your Birthdate: June 29
You have the mind of an artist, even if you haven't developed the talent yet.
Expressive and aware, you enjoy finding new ways to share your feelings.
You often feel like you don't fit in - especially in traditional environments.
You have big dreams. The problem is putting those dreams into action.

Your strength: Your vivid imagination

Your weakness: Fear of failure

Your power color: Coral

Your power symbol: Oval

Your power month: November

wow impressive.i agree with the imagination part ^^

Your Italian Name Is...
Fiorenza Costa

ok i don't believe this thing

Your Birth Month is June
Peaceful and harmonious, you seek the gentle side of life.
Your warmth and consideration touches many.

Your soul reflects: Friendship, love, and beauty

Your gemstone: Pearl

Your flower: Rose

Your colors: Light blue, white, and cream

hey hey hey i want a daisy!

Your German Name is:
Eike Michaela


Your Celebrity Baby Name Is...
Honeyblossom Clementine

what kind of name is honeyblosson!?

Your Inner Child Is Scared
Like a kid, you tend to shy away from new experiences.
You prefer what's tried and true - novelty is scary!
New foods, new places, and new friends are difficult for you to deal with.
Some say you're predictable, but you enjoy being comfortable.

er hello?!

Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Lil' Dolly Houston


ok i give up looking.homeowork!
dammit got so much.
didn't go tuition today to finish them...

Friday, April 25, 2008 5:26 PM
bored so i'm blogging.
ytd papers went ok.
math we were doing practice paper.
chinese spelling got one sure wrong!!wrote wrongly ):
recess was solving cube
english.trixie goh didn't come again.what the fuck?i think i won't even be surprised if i fail english and don't get promoted.mr jason came in for a while.which was good.he talked to ask about summary for 25 minutes or so.then there's always jun xi and his sick thoughts.
then after mr jason left, jun xi started solving my cube and played music on my phone.lol he couldn't find a chair and shared my seat.good thing he's small.
then the guys started flocking over and they all started competing around my table.
science jun xi and his sick mind,using the internal organs and the figurine for disgusting things i would not say.mr leow was laughing so hard.
ce was all about stress.i show signs of one or two of the symptoms.oh man...
geog remedial after that.jun xi went to sit at wai kit's seat and started kicking my chair.then i asked him if i could draw on his shoes and i started drawing.i wonder if he can even wash it off.
that's pretty much today.so much homework!i'm like drowning in the pool of practice papers and notes.so many things to memorise and learn and revise.
ok i'm inspired by mary jane.so i wrote something.

was she still the girl she used to be?

the one she was when she was when she first knew him

or was he the one who changed gradually?

she convinces herself her past was all a dream

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:25 PM
(read on for more details)
we all got into exam position.
math was erm normal...
lit!we did mock exam.sucks man...
recess nothing to say.i was watching jun xi play psp.some violent and porno m18 game.
reading.tried to finish some like it hot.80 pages to go.
mr jason went through summary.i'm so rewriting summary and report.like shit...
mr jason finished the passage, jun xi suddenly shouted that we wanted to go to the toilet and tasmann through a bottle across class to him to help refil.mr jason was shaking his head hahaha and...
*drum rolls*
joel and wai kit started throwing little rolled up balls of paper at people.
through at justin, justin hit back.wai kit told me to move to the side of the table.
after a while
me: wai kit, can i move back now?
wai kit: if you want to risk your life
justin: yeah
ok so i stayed there.
then suddenly (no offence ok?i know it's not true)
yu jun: NOOOO
me:eh joel did you hear?
joel: what?
me: tas shouted yu jun like joel
joel: *blink blink* *continue throwing paper*
then the area around register 1 to 4, 11 to 13 started laughing at throwing things at people.only the guys were throwing.
wai kit: world war three has started
joel: i thought it was last year
wai kit: it was last year.we're having it again
wai kit: PAUSE! * takes art folio and lit resource book and put on table as protection* START
justin: * bends down*
me: can't you use your art folio?
justin: yeah hor, PAUSE!*takes art folio* janice,lend me your bottle
me: *gives bottle*
justin: START
then the two started shooting each other with paper bullets.it's the rubber band kind some more.so i got scared that i would be hit and squat under table.joel saw me at started pointing at me,laughing.HAHAHA
mr jason started shouting for us to sit went the situation got out of control.jun xi, tau pok and some other guys joined in.
so mr jason was summing it all up and jun xi was squating by his feet picking up the bullets.mr jason saw and was staring at him.hahaha whole class laugh
efl we had a talk by the police.got the actor look so much like jian kun.hair,eyes,attitude,character,fringe and so on.hahaha!wai kit kept laughing, i do not know why so i just laughed.the road safety part were all songs and 2 clips.the songs super funny coz it's all the songs from our parents/grandparents days.one of the clip super funny:
these guys walking under flats.bras dropped on their face.then they were like throwing them onto one another.when they got rid of them,this bag of things drop down.
mark lee(in chinese): you dare throw that down.throw a fridge la
*a fridge drops*
everyone laughed
after school nothing.just went home after eating.left my art folio under the table although the cleaners will throw it away.supposed to clear.heck,just praying hard.
tmr english paper!nervous nervous nervous.papers end at 10am so i'm going to bishan library perhaps(: but i shouldn't be reading teehee
eating sis bday cake from ytd.so damn nice!
byes then!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:03 PM
btw i got 10/10 for math!
tau pok and i got this v. gd. on the paper.some others didn't.
he says that maybe coz mr tan see that too many people got 10 then lazy write.lol
ok off again.study!GG!or i will gg.do the math

2:52 PM
rain rain rain ~
woke up.no rain.then sean texted and told me that it was raining.amk side omg rain so so so heavy.at school not so heavy.
math was all about graphs.wihtout shing yi in class so quiet!no one to make nonsensical comments.hahaha get well soon!
pe rained still so we played captains ball!whole class in one court.our team were loosing coz half the team was like standing outside the court like nobody's business.was fun though.i only touched the ball 3 times.hahahaha
there were some funny scences.like nat got the ball but it rolled away through her legs.hahah!then zi hang through the ball from one end of the court to the other and scored o_o zhou yang didn't do his tyco throw): hahaha
art...i was doodling all over my sketch book coz there was nothing to do!drew 2 good stuff
science was all about digestion.hmm nothing much.
english!lol we went through report
then there was a point 'blow by blow'
how to do a blow by blow?
jun xi: open your mouth
he's sick!
can't rmb other things that were said by people.just don't seem to rmb...
i finished science hw.left math graphs...
i wanna rewrite my report too.think i wrote some unrelevant shit!
i wanna watch GG!!!bye alls
another bday celebration today~

Monday, April 21, 2008 8:32 PM
i'm inspired to write something emo!xD

when you say you don't love me
were those just words
you can't say you don't need me
i know that hurts

hmm...that's a head start!

she stared at the blank pages.
was love gone?
she told him she doesn't love him anymore.
both of them knew it's not true.
she felt it was just not right for it to caryy on.

ok no more to say.omg art folio tmr?!oh dammit...i dunno where it is.

5:57 PM
i think i'll blog less now.wanna concentrate studying.
so today...
chinese test!mr chin kept hinting hahahaha then shing yi,joel and jian kun were playing with the correction pen.see who can flip it over with the ruler the most consecutive times.joel did 6 or 7.
science me and pok kept talking and marking theory workbook.
recess er...dnt?
dnt!mr nathan...gosh i'm irritated!!!not talking about it
cme nothing...class tee name.some one put chicken under mine.hmm well i don't mind but it sounds wrong.tau pok was like ask jun xi to put chicken rapist and i put chicken.hhaahah!
after school.ridhuan came with a pink pen knife and threatened to have me murdered.then we had a tickling match.then edwin was like,'medic!!help me look at my leg' horrible cut.ridhuan said i can cut it out for you.i said amputate it.heh
lene!whee whee
i wanna go study with her!!!but exam periods all half days so is a bit too out of the time frame...
i'm reading some like it hot.tau pok went,'can't it be some like it cold?'hahahahaha
english paper starts on thursday.oh gosh...
i need to start studying seriously.go janice!
meep meep ^^

frisson.young love.exuberant.ebullient.
emo.puppy love.confession.extrodinary.

random words.

Sunday, April 20, 2008 1:00 PM
for you lene!!!
damn nice show(: thai(:
got subtitle.

11:44 AM
still sick
i watched kid central!!!
after 5 years i seriously sat down and watch for an hour
the only reason why i was watching that kiddy cheesy ending show is because click five was in it.
eric dill's voice make the band more unique coz his voice is different.the current click five just don't click like it used to):
if the old click five was still together, i would give up everything just to go to their concert.not so excited about the current one anyway.i feel like their songs aren't so click five-y anymore with the different normal voice.no more uniqueness.
the show's trailer

hmm total kid show with those expected endings but it's nice with click five(: eric dill dyed his hair black.heh
doing geog.begging people to teach me.damian's not answering.
*sings*kidnap my heart take me with you
okok sorry i'm a horrid singer but...I LOVE TO SING
tomorrow GG SEASON 2 STARTS!!!omg omg omg i'm so watching.

Saturday, April 19, 2008 8:53 PM
today got flu!damn...
in tuition just kept sleeping coz i sneezed too much
then i was walking like a zombie in and out shops in city hall.
went to see coach.not my type
KATE SPADE!!!love love love(: i like the zebra print one.there's this tote that's super cute too!like a box but it's too heavy.if it's not i would have gotten it already.
nothing much just celebrated mum's bday.
shing yi showed me this way way way good web!super funny quotes made by americans!hee we were reading ytd night.laughed so hard in silence since it was pretty late.
homework list:
-geog revision and worksheets
-quadratic graphs
-art portrait
-chinese spelling (2)
-science nutrient cycle worksheet
aaah.gonna finish geog,science and dnt by tonight although i feel like sleeping every single second ever since 11am today.slept around 5 plus to 6.
saw dad's new office in newton.way cool!love the buildings design then my dad shared some food they stashed in the office so that the staff can eat when they're hungry.there was so so so many buildings.lik south east asia, south asia, west europe that's the only 3 i saw.nice~ dad's under south asia or is it south east.
nothing to say.
i'm bored.
no one to talk to.
let me disturb damian.

Friday, April 18, 2008 8:27 PM
i find the hand game extremely addictive!
played with cheng yee, hui yee, darrick, timothy, shing yi.
timothy knuckles hurt!
darrick hits a little too hard.
hahaha it's addictive
i influenced shing yi yesterday coz i was bugging him to learn and play with me.
oops hahahaha

8:16 PM

when mr yong gave us oreos.some gays are just so selfish assholes.
whhooo today so slack!
math i have no idea.quadratic graphs sucks.
chinese did compre marking.discussed about class tee then the guys started talking about relationships.
english!mr jason won't be around till june ): i don't want him to go!he's such a nice teacher!
we played hot seat.heh
tas:are you a virgin?
tas:who did you first had sex with?
jason:i choose not to answer
jun xi: when was the last time you had sex?
jason:i choose not to answer
then they asked about his wife and all(: hope he has a happy marriage.2 months 5 days so far.
after that went for lunch.wanted to go with damian and zhou yang but they went to hub side so we stayed opposite.hahaha
read finish the a-z of us.not bad.but i read whole book so confusing!i didn't really read word for word anyway.300 pages in 1 plus hour.LOL!
performance went great!wheee we had macs burger for dinner
saw the ncc do their routine.was good i guess.people were snapping picts.they snapped picts when we posed too heee
doing dnt.i'm stuck!!!sigh...
tmr is a special and long day.teehee
btw damian, i'm very act cute.please note that line only applies to damian's theory, i'm not where near the act cute thing.
i'll get more picts on today from dance blog perhaps.
wheee cheerios

Thursday, April 17, 2008 4:42 PM
got 9/10 for hist!not expected at all.
mr yong came in with this extra cute ties.love all his ties.then he wanted to take pic with the most courteos class.they were shouting for me to go but i didn't.then justin came in!haha so he kana
geog was super slack!hahaha timothy, you broke my heart! *sob sob sob* don't like you anymore): jet star!
math test was easy.then curved graphs.after that started sleeping through recess.
science lol.the guys were talking to mr leow about sex when we were doing worksheet.was sick.
chinese i started sleeping again.
history!hahah mr low went, ' secret societies are...secret' LOL!
mr yong came in after that wheee.he let us write on white boards then all of us started playing.TP wrote all the hokkien vulgarities and drew a 'tadpole' hahah
then he wrote : the reason when we need men's charter (point at me and rebecca)
the guys did ' edwin = cow= moooo' then 'mr low sucks' then 'tan tee wee sux' and loads more.hahahahahaha
jun xi put justin's phone in my sock and alvin's calculator in my shoe.horrid childish k2 kid.
lunch went to eat with justin,jun xi,shiuan wen and wei lin.but sw and wl wanted to eat at bubble tea shop so i ate with the guys.
aruther, i do not have a boyfriend so shut your mouth.
reading the a-z of us.
tmr speech day.nervous!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:08 PM
hmm today(:
morning nothing to say.
performance fun!make up and all.but first time didn't come out as nice...
full dress rehearsal nicer(: drew all myself hahahaha.the mascara and eye liner won't come off!!!blue eye lashes tmr.then the mascara make the eye lashes hard and poke my glasses lense, uncomfortable.
mind you jun xi, i look no where near retarded.
tmr justin and wei lin bday!so many this month.i have a hole in my pocket.
library tmr ><>
homwork for now.
report how to write?!
and my eye lashes are still irritating.

i'm the one with the left leg up.wheee but the pants make it hard to go higher.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 8:05 PM

math slacked.mr tan never give us worksheet so pok and i just talked and talked about our compos.

pe i didn't do.everyone shoes all mud nia.so hengggg

art paint!painted my nails with acrylic.

science nothing.
english!jun xi was spraying water at mr jason then mr jason put his head under his arm. people went ' jun xi!how mr jason's armpit hair smell like?' HAHAHA
after school, shing yi had to do napfa duty so he had stretcher.omg damn fun.
first was song jun (the one on the right) then justin ( the one on the stetcher) then tau pok (everyone said heavy) then the guys started pleading me to get up coz it's fun so i tried. omg like levitating!shing yi, wai kit, damian and one more guy can't rmb (sorry if you're song jun, tau pok or justin). then they raised me overhead, could have swore i was so scared but felt fun.few inches from ceiling.could look into the ceiling, the place without the board.
then jun xi came back with FOOD!guards allowed.wow. so i begged him to leave me some and he did!haha thanks!!!heee
the small k2 kid is sick, super.mind of an r21.so true, zhou yang.
how to rape a chicken in 30 seconds.sick man.whoever it was who threw me on the damn wall is so gonna pay for it.
dance aaaah.tmr efl and full dress, friday real thing.
i'm so so so gonna make things clear with mr nathan on monday. he keeps giving me that cheeky look.even he says so.he just likes to think the wrong way.it's all your fault, whoever started saying rubbish.
byes then.
math to do.
and speaking of math i rmb i have a test on thurs

Monday, April 14, 2008 9:42 PM
a girl sat on the beach looking at the moon, listening to the waves crash on the shore
it was already midnight
she was alone in her yellow pyjamas, a tear rolls down her cheek
she did not speak a word or showed an expression, she just kept looking at the moon
she wanted to start a new life, start over, get out of her town, find herself. the new her no one ever knew, even her
not even him, not even them
emotions all mixed up in her
she wanted to be free, free of sadness, free of anger, free of everything unpleasant in her life
drive out of town, leave old her behind, she's tired of her life.
she just wished that she could sleep and live in her dreams, dreams about him, dreams within dreams
just escape
the whole night, she set looking at the moon till sunrise.she's tired of sunset

that's emo.

8:44 PM
today today and today
guess what?
i slept 3 times without knowing it.i just sit and in a snap i'm in dreamland sleeping.1 in chinese, 1 in CME and 1 just now.just too damn freaking tired
dance like 5 times a weak.one phrase to say: what the fuck?
i'm not some kind of damn robot that can work 24/7, i need rest and sufficient sleep.my brain cells are all dying.damn...
today science, mr leow):
he got so angry coz so many people didn't do theory workbook. he banged the table, and shouted so so so so so so loud into the mic, even 2/6 could hear and he got his things and stomped right out )':
sniff sniff, i feel bad even though i did do my homework
during CME, we were awarded most courteos class.is this like late april's fool joke or something?i'm still rubbing my eyes to wake myself up
i just wanna sleep sleep and never wake up.my life sucks so much right now.i don't even have time to like go out with lene anymore.
i wanna sleep my troubles away
dream and never wake up from them
sleep and never have to think too much
disgusting life of mine.

Sunday, April 13, 2008 8:52 PM
so today.nth much.
just did art for the entire half day after dance
my juniors having SYF tmr!woots.good luck!bring chongfu back the medal!try your best(: today wanted to see them dance but parents came already): they dressed in some indian like costume. note: chinese dance with indian costume. everyone went wth? 2004 was 100% chinese about our youth, 2006 was 100% chinese they even wore the feather and it was about chinese opera, 2008 about some chinese history and they wear indian costume.errrrr whatev
i'm in super shopping mood these days

Saturday, April 12, 2008 7:49 PM
tuition was so funny!
ok so we were watching this show and teacher stopped the video here and there and asked us questions.
(everything is in chinese, just some translated)
teacher: what do you think she would have said?
hua yao: gen wo yi qi shang chuang
teacher: now i know what's on your mind
then they couldn't stop talking about the thing.
video went on.there was a line that said the woman who is a ghost, threw a bar of gold on his bed.
we went: teacher you see?!BED!trying to lure him
teahcer: you think he took it?he chose the girl or the gold?
the guy next to hua yao, zong yi or something: GIRL!GIRL!
hua yao: both also want
video went on. the girl asked the guy to accompany and talk to her.
hua yao: talk until on the bed
zy: they want to accompany each other in bed
video went on.showed a pict of the girl.
zy: teacher!see?she stripping?pulling the side of her shirt down
teacher: we all know what you're thinking about
me: she's so gonna rape him
video went on. girl talked about her life.
teacher: how you think she died?
hua yao: she was murdered
me: she was raped, murdered and thrown into the river
(hua yao translated to teacher)
teacher: hua yao, why are you so cruel?
hua yao: is the girls say one!
video went on.we couldn't see that part but teacher described to us what was supposed to be there. it was the guy holding the girl in his arms coz she fell.
everyone: OMGOMGOMG!
hua yao:ta men yao shang chuang le, suo yi mei you shen ying.
video went on, they got married.
zy: ta men zhe me you hai zi?yi ge ren yi ge gui.zhe me shang chuang?
hmm nothing more on the video i guess.
after that did compre like thing.
teacher: why is she filial?
me: she find the mother every morning
teacher: go find for what?drink milk?
zy: she me nai?
teacher: ren nai ah. ni men dou you he guo ah
hua yao: na ge ren de ma ma na me lao le hai you nai meh?
then zy and hua yao asked about her and some milk thing.didn't hear.everyone was laughing too loudly.
too funny.hahahah
even teacher damn sick.hahaha tsk tsk
hmm off now
i wanna do some work
btw my red pimpernel is done(: 2000 over words.will post after i handed it up(:
byes all!
btw john and lene, i'm gonna send you a copy!no worries babes

Friday, April 11, 2008 7:57 PM

everyone came early and locked the bday peeps out.then we did all this things.drew on the board,their tables and put bday pres on them.
then we all started singing happy bday.
there was

at the start of the day:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to JUN XI
Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to YU JUN
Happy birthday to you

during english:

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to PORN STAR
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to EUGENE
Happy birthday to you

HAHAH!they flaged pole him to the table, threw him in the air seven times, and kept carrying him everywhere!they even carried him down to 1/4 and flag pole him to the door.so so so funny

Some picts(: can't post video got proble.

on the way to the door to 1/4

flag pole to shiuan wen's table

the 1/4 flag pole. shing yi why you hit the door?!haha jun xi was struggling like mad.

er hahaha!

the highest throw

When Mr Jason saw the Porn Star medal.he said,' i must take a picture!i feel so proud, i have a student who's a porn star.' mr jason said something funny but i forgot.then when mr jason said differences and similarities must come in sets, jun xi went 'SEX!' HAHAHAHAHA

then he saw my presents and went 'nipple cups!' sick man kevin bought him dick enlarging pills.then when jun xi open all the guys rush to eat and he asked us if we wanted

pearleen: we also don't have

jun xi: take la

we all: no

jx: sekali grow one

hahaha he's sick.

then they were all like the pills work anot?and during recess,walking up, damian was carrying jun xi on his back and went 'it grew!i can feel it.'double sick

sw cried like siao today.damian got it from her mum.ridhuan says damian's getting it from him on wednesday.pumping?

shing yi did one hand clap pump today.he did 10 on right then 3 on left and got distracted.he's pro!!!he does the best pumping in class i think.zhou lao shi actually praised me with one line.i jump at the correct tempo.nice to hear(: first time sia.then during CI,damian said something on biased and mr tan made him apologise and cancel his second booking.then we all sang: 'it's too late to apologise.it's too late!' apologise by one republic.hahahah!chinese mr chin actually talked about singaporeans loosing their traditional backgrounds.i so agree.kinda sad today about science test though.not talking about it anymore.i'm bored.will blog if i remember anything about today.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008 8:09 PM
got to study for history tmr.so this is a short one perhaps.
math was just go through paper.
literature was poem.nice(:
reading i read girl in times square.
english we talked about compo and mr jason gave us free time!
EFL was spelling bee.hahaha we were all trying to guess the words' spelling.some were too difficult.a few in fact.
finished book after that.AMAZING BOOK!
then we were all talking.me, jun xi, qiao hui, zhou yang, edwin, darrick and practically everyone in class then.talked about school, and if there's junxi there's sick stuff, so there was sex,bras and boobs.but jun xi is fun to talk to when he's not sick in the head or irritating.
library no nice books one!
nothing to say):
byes then.

Monday, April 7, 2008 8:47 PM
love this(:

haha today during cme.
edwin went to tau pok.
edwin: i join your group can?
pok: no
edwin: why?
pok: i'm a soloist
me: nevermind edwin!i adopt you
edwin: you think i'm a dog or cat is it?
me: no you're a cow
pok: duh
me: you can't be my son. i already have one.
edwin: whose the father
me: i'm a single mum
pok: omg asexual reproduction
haha!then they two keep poking each other with their nails.
i'm so bored.dance tmr.

6:28 PM
FERRARI PWNED THE TRACKS YESTERDAY! even without michael, they still made it! hamilton so got owned.

in the morning, zi hang to school with fake specs!hahahaha then rebecca and yew rong went around to ask people to wear and took picts.i guess everyone acted nerd or twit in it xD even i did

damian came with his extra cute cube.i tried playing it(:

during chinese, no teacher. read girl in times square.
during science, no teacher. read girl in times square.
recess, nothing to do. read girl in times square.
home econs.i forgot to bring my breadcrumbs.turn out ok!

dunno what's my score anyway.
ok so when we were making the food.damn funny stuff happened!
like how i was so dumb and accidentally touched the pan.eek!
then i was frying and frying then suddenly
edwin: huh?
sw: NO!NO!NO!
sw: NO!NO!NO!
(then the whole class started laughing) no offence here(:
then justin's pan was real hot and they poured water in, so the water became hot and angela poured it into the sink with the plastic sieve in there.
then when we were washing the dishes, justin kept laughing at it.
me: eh,later mrs kumar see how ar?
jus: walao!die sia.
me: just say you come then like that!
jus: good idea good idea
me: why we washing and scrubbing like slaves?!
jus: yeah lor.so many things some more.
and btw, mrs kumar does not entertain a single drop of water!
she went to wai kit and joel and found their bowls and plates filled with water.HAHAHAHA xD
mrs kumar actually got real angry today.oh well last lesson.she shouted at me to not interrupt her.hee oops xp
she haven't return me my file!!!!gosh!wai kit's and alvin's stuff are all in mine!zzzz
for cme.mr tan went mad.whatever.didn't even bother listening.
me and tau pok were doing the lamest thing ever:

we were actually testing if it could go in xD
gonna do superhero story tomorrow perhaps!woot
for math remedial, heard mr tan said math test, 17 passes, highest 33!my goodness!!!!
ok was writing a poem today.
the guy in her dreams
she wondered when she will see him again
the guy in her dreams
the one standing in the rain
she sees him standing across the street
his emerald green eyes filled with life
they just look so sweet
he spots her looking his way
he smiles
she looks away
he's walking in her direction
running a hand through his dirty blonde hair
she tries to convince herself it's an imagination
he says hi
she tried not to faint
cloud nine sure was high
he gazed into her ocean blue eyes
it felt like he was looking right through her soul
she felt like she could fly
she finally says a hello
beaming and blushing hard
but she told him she had to go
he scribbled something on a piece of paper
looking at once disappointed
his name and his number
he handed it to her
they held each others gaze long
indeed, this was queer
he watched his brisk through the empty street
questioning herself if whatever happened was true
all she could hear was her heart beat
was it just infatuation?
she could not think
or was it attraction?
was it all just a dream?
hahaha ok xD i liked it(: i imagine them in manhatthan like when serena met dan in GG!
now i wanna write super hero!
It was spring, finally spring.
Once again she went to sit under the apple tree, a green field in front of her, little daffodils found swaying with the breeze. She tried to recall what happened last night.
He was there. She did remember those eyes, they were as black as night. He was in her dreams. It seemed like he could read her thoughts.
A chill ran down her spine.
haha!maybe that can do for the starting.i'm bored now.but i spot seany!sweet~

Sunday, April 6, 2008 6:12 PM
i'm pissed.mum took girl in times square away.like ew!
the book was like so damn fun!
the guy is older than her by like so many years but there's a love story.i can see it.she found out she had acute leukemia.the guy was so sweet!takes time off to see her and takes care of her.awww
i wanna get out of this house
my week is so gonna suck!!!
monday-tuition end at 5
tuesday-dance end at 6, guitar end at 7.30
wednesday-dance end at 6.15
thursday-dance end at 6
friday-dance end at 6.15
i hate the fact that my week is all planned out for me!no time to study for history test at all.so i'm studying it now since my book was taken away.
tomorrow got some econs test!argh
i hate this week.all will be over by may 9.
1 month and 3 days
18 days to go till it starts

Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:57 PM
i'm bored
no one is talking to me
sean's playing some game
john's no where to be found.not sure if is his bro or him on the comp.john have social evening thingy today!so cool(: was helping him choose an outfit on thurday.i suggested black shirt silver tie, black shirt red tie but in the end we decided on black shirt,black tie,black belt,black slacks and black leather shoes.i wonder how he did his hair.a total emo reject look!hahahah
i asked him what would happen if a girl checks him out and he was like,'i'll go up to her and say, what's your name?i saw you looking my way.' hahahah!awww i wonder how many girls he would scare away XD ok i'm bad sorry xp
still bored
i feel like writing a story or compo.who knows why.just have the urge to!
let me write a bit on superhero stuff:

It seemed like all hopes were gone. The world was falling right there in her hands. She could have defeated him, she did not, but all hopes were not lost.
She laid weakly on the cold, eerie floor, watching and noting his every step. Although she was bleeding and bruised, she felt nothing. The only feeling she had was the determination to win. How could she ever let him win the battle?
' Well well well, i told you i was going to win and i am gonna. Face it! You're just too weak!' He said in a voice so soft, almost a mere whisper, but with every ounce of venom.
She watched him pace around the room, a wicked grin plastered across his face, pure evil visible through those wicked, night black eyes. She had to act fast. There was only ten more minutes till midnight. She thought fast.
He now stood by the office window, looking at the full moon. He seemed spaced and occupied. This was her chance. She moved her hand slowly into her pocket and yes, it was exactly where she left it. Her little red pimpernel. It's colour had turned from bright red to wrinkled brown, but that obviously would not stop her.
Closing her eyes, holding the dead flower tight, she tried as hard as she could to summon her powers. The flower started to look bright, it's petals slowly turning razor sharp.
Yes, it was working.
She opened her eyes, a grin slowly appearing on her face. She tucked the flower back into the pocket it came from and crawled behind a table, working fast but yet so silent.
'I find that you must have found a hiding spot, but you know you can't beat me. You know how i can be when it's dark.' He must have realised her absense from the middle of the room. Her heart pounded, hard.
She peered a little out from her hiding spot. Not a single person to be found, but definitely a soul. Invisibility was what she knew he had, but not any longer. He must have overlooked the moon light shinning through the window, so she waited.
Oh yes she did. He would not stay hidden for long.
A telephone rang, she jumped. Then it stopped, another rang, it stopped, then another and silence. He was not going to give up so soon, neither was she.
'GOSH! Stop being a whimp and show yourself!' He shouted, anger shaking the objects on every table in the office room. She peered out of the her hiding and she found him, just as she expected. Her plan was working.
She waited and waited, testing his patience, patience he never had. Flames seemed visible from his eyes, he was indeed fuming, she smiled. Minutes ticked by, he stood there, looking out of the window. 'I'm waiting!' She reached into her pocket, closed her eyes summoning her powers, and dozens more pimpernels appeared in her hand. She crept out, slow and steady.
'Isn't this pimpernel a little hard to waste?' She whispered. He spunned around. There she stood playing with a red flower, across the room, dozens of pimernels scathered all over.
He was not giving up that easily. He raised a hand, trying to summon something, his hand was pierced.
'Now i see, you wanna play a little game with me.' Evil written all over his face.
He raised both his hands slowly, things of technology raised. She raised both her hands, pimpernels raised.
' You think flowers can defeat me? Not that easy.'
'Then this will be the day flowers will defeat you.'
And with that, she shut her eyes, every bit of her power that ran in her veins were brought alive. She motioned her hand. She heard a bang. She opened her eyes. Things were scattered all over the floor, blood was everywhere, but where was he? But before she knew it, everything went black.
She fell, hitting the ground hard.
A little bright red flower appearing by her foot.

OMG.i actually wrote that.hahaha!took ages xD didn't quite know how to end though.

5:01 PM
Grats seany!slaughtered acs!hahaha sweet(:
during tuition, we were watching MVs.trissy and i and the other girls laughed over heads off xp coz the teacher was like listening and swaying then started smiling at jay chou and the other guy singers!we were like teacher got new boyfriend.melvin started talking about the tuo diao song hahahahah!then all the other guys were like talking about it.and hua yao started asking teacher to sing it and melvin started asking if he could sing and she dance.hahahahah
was waiting for parents at bus stop then melvin and zi hao walked by and melvin went,' bye shorty' next to my ear.haha i was thinking,'er who's that?voice so low'.hahahaa and by the way melvin, i'm so not short.just coz you're like 17 plus or so and you're a basketballer, it doesn't make you tall!hmph xD
i'm bored now.
i love the poem quadratic equation! here it goes:

Quadratic Equation

When it becomes no longer possible to divide
your problems, you must decide to solve them.
You stop, turn, brace yourself to collide.

But clenched, expectant, you are surprised
how the impact falls short by such a wide margin.
The remainder is just an error of pride.

Today I saw an old man and woman, hand in hand
slowly crossing the street. My light was green
yet all I could do was screech to a stop.

Too shocked to spoil the neatness of those
who have done nothing less than to survive. They
cross. This equals the sum of both their lives.

By Terry Teo

LOVE IT!i mean if you get the meaning of course.i did!figured in around 30 minutes during lit.hahahaha
hmm my work!i love writing poems when i'm in a poemy mood.here goes nothing!(some of my favourite previous work)
Note: all rights reserved

Friends for life

silent lies, hurtful tears
flowing down her cheeks hot with fear

times have past and changed
twisted and no longer the same

her voice once like dancing petals
now fallen into tired battles

to be her best friend
it just hurts to explain

how strong she looks outside
but silently weeping on the other side

i can picture her intimidated by bullies
her confidence blown away like a zephyr

all those mean words so harsh and rude
it just hits me that people can be so crude

i just looked into those tear-filled eyes
emotions all mixed and overwhelmed without denies

she felt angry, sad and depressed
all violently and closely compressed

if i were to be her right now
i would have already blown up, no doubt

here i stand comforting her everyday
and tomorrow was always worse than yesterday

it feels great to always be there
and let her know someone cares

she is frail, she is weak
but in a snap, she is strong, she is sleek

she fools them all with her acts
how good they might be, i saw through every act

this poem is dedicated her
with the words,' thanks you my girl.'

i will always be there for you
the way you have been for me

fate had made us friends
form the start till the very end

(whee i wondered how much lene scored for it though)

(my v day poem)

in the ball when mr darcy met
amazing elizabeth bennett

it was sworn hatred that turned into
the everlasting love of two

mr darcy and elizabeth are said to be the most popular couples of literary
if only pride and prejudice was reality

romeo and juliet were young fools
so in love that there was nothing they can't do

they were willing to give up everything
for forbidden love that would be thus promising

death met them but i don't think that the story would be so bland
for i believe heaven would not let their love come to an end

i would not deny the fact
many couples long for a relationship similar to that

everyday would be full of sweet nothings and bliss
bouquets of blood red roses and a little kiss

valentines day seems to be everyday
like fourteen february was always here to stay

but love is so mysterious and divine
as it can make any soul blind

i must say that love is what no words can describe
an enigmatically bizzare vibe

being in love means no regrets or pressure
alike the feeling when a pirate finds hidden treasure

the way romeo thought of juliet
mr darcy's feelings for elizabether

it is a language only lovers speak and knew
every oaur's unique and new

if only this language can be learnt and taught
i bet no one would miss it for the world

because the feeling of being the only two in this world is pricess
it can easily leave anyone speechless

(mr khairul is yet to return me the one i handed in)

and btw lene, i know you love little kids!what happened to dexter and darrick?!hahah xD
going now i guess

quotation of the day from pride and prejudice omg this scene rocks:
'In vain i havei have struggled.it will not do.my feelings will not be repressed.you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you.'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyMYkiefnwg 2005 version.can't embed any i could find of this scene.mr darcy so so so rocks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su53521f0Uo 1995 and 2005 comparison of that line.sad case can't be embedded too):
if only keira knightley and colin firth and come together.it would so kick ass(:


10:17 AM
i was all over graphs last night xD i wanna read the girl in times square now!so damn nice but got so much homework and tests): sad case
so lene wrote this thing about me and i shall too!
a timeline perhaps

1994 the year we were born
1994 to 2001 we were still strangers to each other
2001 the year we met
2003 to 2004 the years we weren't in the same class
2005 the year the magic of friendsip happened
2006 the year we had to part *brawls*
2007 the year we adapted to new schools
2008 the year we becamelovers (errr ok ignore this)

there's so many things i love about my rose(: aka dumbass xD
1. She's like the greatest person ever
2. Kind, nice, cute, funny!
3. One of the greatest prank callers i every know ( rmb the tinkle friend?)
4. Loves the same books i love
5. She loves PnP.that's so rare for someone to love PnP in this centruy
6. Her sick mind
7. Her writing skills in a sense(:
8. She loves kids.can't help it coz i love kids too
9. Shares dreams like mine! our 'trip' to hawaii and europe and new york and on and on!
10. She loves pranking me whenever she calls!!!!!hahaha

can't wait till the next time i'll see her!coz it'll be so fun(: i guess.i remembered how fun library trips can be.heee!
there's exactly 19 days till exam starts, months and 15 days till lene's sand sean's birthday, 2 months and 24 days till mine.
was angry last night.pissed off at people.who in fuck's world do they think they are to say stuff about me.especially those with fucking childish minds and don't know when to stop thinking the everyone loves everyone in this world.they just don't know when to grow up.they just think that every girl that talks to a guy means chemistry.how kiddy is that!we're not in primary 2.hello?!we're in sec 2.wake up!gosh!
boss tried to talk sense into me with life being my row and dreams i told him i wanna accomplish.hahaha
let me talk about happy stuff.ytd things
during english, our superheroes!tas's was like STD thingy when he doesn't even know about STD,that's like -- hmm shing yi's one was so funny!DIM SUM!mr jason read his in hong kong accent!damn funny.joel's sounded real interesting!blood sucking vampire!damian's a math prodigy or something, man vs self.haha!
then i can't remember but someone said something sick and we were all laughing.then mr jason went,' are all of you done with your pornographic laughter?i like teacher secondary school kids but the one thing i don't like is that all of you the mind all think very wrong like this.' hahahah!true true, aka jun xi and his defective condoms geog answer and the april's fool thing.we wanted to prank mr tan and mr ng(jason) so we switched class with 2/5.but that day mr ng didn't come.while waiting, jun xi went in front of the class.
class: good morning mr lim
jun xi: today, we're learning about sex
jun xi: do you all have any questions?(then he talked about condom or something)
jun xi: but if you all got any questions about blow job ask BlowJob (er BJ haahahahah baojing)
ok he's super sick!exactly like what zhou yang says!a 14 year old, body like a k2 boy and mind of R21.haha!damian, zi hang, zhou yang, wai kit and the other guys can all carry him!haha but he can't help it if he's small size right?but he's got song jun and sucram hahahah!
when we were walking to hall from L1 during dance, saw mr nathan.ruiting was like, ' mr nathan!' and he went, 'do i know you?' and i went ,' hi mr nathan!don't say you don't know mw.' hahaha!and when we were walking from hall to L1, saw mr nathan again and he had that cheecky smile of his then i went, ' do i know you?' hahahahah!ok xD
maybe will blog tonight.i wanna go read the girl in times square.so damn fun!

Friday, April 4, 2008 8:21 PM
today, omg!tired!pain everywhere): next week have 4 dance sessions plus CF.omg 5!!!eek
today hmm...during math i was talking to tau pok and doing the worksheet.chinese wrote letter.anyhow do xD
english so fun!love mr jason!!!haha my superhero(:
science i didn't even listen.only a bit.copying notes and babbling to damian and edwin.damn funny!they kept talking about their NCC seniors.today NCC sec 4 last day.lol!sec 3 take over.they're all at grand hayatts eating 12 bucks buffet.wanna go too!lol grats to ridhuan and barathan and whoever in sec 3 NCC.
Home econs we meade grilled chicken and shepherd's pie.tas and sw burnt their shepherd's pie's chicken thingy.mrs kumar was like,'why so much smoke?' and opened the pan's cover.the entire content was black.got to say the food was quite nice!eat during malay.haha the teacher allowed.then after that got dance rehearsal.
could have died!!!zhou lao shi eyed me like a hawk coz my thigh muscle strained.the pain is stinging,till now.next week tuesday and thursday must still go.WTH.exam in 20 more days and i must go!fyi i care for my studies more than dancing.dancing don't benefit me that much in my future,that i'm sure.
hmm my superhero!got the entire story mapped out in my mind.
sorry caroline): can't go!tuition although i wanna see lene so badly and if lok's going.even more sad.haven't seen lok in like 2 years!!!noooooo
ok damian just told me the dinner sucked.lucky i didn't go xD

All men with natural curly hair since 1994 are expected to be up to no good says:
there was only
All men with natural curly hair since 1994 are expected to be up to no good says:
1 plate or rice+1 chicken
All men with natural curly hair since 1994 are expected to be up to no good says:
game over
All men with natural curly hair since 1994 are expected to be up to no good says:

goodness gracious!and that cost 12 bucks.
i'm bored):
hmm dunno what to do.
GRATS TO JOHN!you killed NS!ok truthfully ns damn easy just takes a lot of time!i'm slacking.heck my acc xD
perhaps i'm leaving

Thursday, April 3, 2008 5:31 PM

today is so so so so so ARGH.

tests did like shit in my opinion.after doing math i think i totally lost interest to even do the science!for math the max i can get is 35/40.i'm aiming 30,if it's possible...science i don't know how many marks each question is worth and it sucked in a way.i couldn't decide between two answers and after i handed up,talked to mr leow about it.dang,wrong.AHHHHH!

i can like so give up on everything!no mood at all.haven't smiled in a very wide and happy way for hours): sucks,very.

all in my head now is study.maybe there's something wrong with me.i plan to finish chinese compo,chinese workbook and assessment,mr jason's superhero thingy,science workbook,lit own notes,study for history test next week,do home econs coursework.

i'm so pissed at everything...it's bad.

mr ho claims that i'm depressed.maybe i am.coz i'm not my usual jolly-lame-thinking-and-crazy self anymore.

i'm just gonna read the times magazine tonight or so.reading the girl in times square now.although the fonts are super small and the book is 599 pages,fully worded.i don't mind.the book is nice and all.

adult books are kinda fun now that i've realised.
gonna go do the potato thing.
p.s. grats john(: finally NS!i'm so betting on if lene or john will ascend first
p.p.s sean!quickly get sore throat!ok touchwood.

once there was me
I'm Janice, sixteen, but really, I'm three. I live in my own fantasy of endless imagination. I like the smell of new books and the wonders a camera can do. I laugh way too much.
And this, is my life.


the hills are alive with the sound of pants

i thought it was my birthday
drum rolls, please
Layout by ( Noreen )
Picture by ( me )